Llibres publicats en 2017

Molina Romo, Óscar & Guardiancich, Igor. (2017). Organising and representing hard-to-organise workers : Implications for Turkey. Geneve: International Labour Organization

Guardiancich, Igor & Molina Romo, Óscar (eds) (2017): Talking through the crisis: Social dialogue and industrial relations trends in selected EU countries. Geneva: International Labour Office. Governance and Tripartism Dept.

Capítols publicats en 2017

Banyuls, J., Recio, A. (2017). Labour segmentation and precariousness in Spain: theories and evidence. A:  D. Grimshaw, C. Fagan, G. Hebson & I.Tavora, Making work more equal : A new labour market segmentation approach. (Pp. 129-149). Manchester: Manchesert University Press

Dumont, G. (2017). Relational labor, collaboration and professional rock climbing. A Hjorth, L., Horst, H., Bell, G., & Galloway, A: (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. (Pp. 121-131). London: Routledge

Martín Artiles, A., Lope, A., Carrasquer, P., Molina, O., (2017). Società della conoscenza: innovazione, cluster e importanza della formazione nelle micro emprese catalane. A: V.Fortunado (coord), Imprese, sviluppo, territori. Luoghi e percorsi imprenditoriali in Calabria. (Pp. 85-120). Soberia Manelli: Rubbettino Editore

Aquesta entrada ha esta publicada en General, Llibres, Llibres publicats entre 2015-2019, Publicacions. Afegeix a les adreces d'interès l'enllaç permanent.