Youth employment and unofficial economy in Southern Europe

Since the seventies until the nineties, because of the economic and labour changes, the advance of the level of unemployment has been substantial in all Europe. Among the different European countries there is a big difference in the social characteristics of people who have lost their job or who are still looking for it, relating to age, gender, level of education, skills, social and territorial stratification…
This research includes the cases of Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain. The Spanish report deals the incidence of unemployment and the underground economy in relation to young people and indirectly, with women as components of this group.
The report is based on quantitative and qualitative data of previous studies, on both, the national and autonomous comunity level.

Start date: 01/11/1995

Finish date: 01/05/1996

Financing: European Commission (Directorate Employment and Labour Market- Contract SOC-95.102.702-05)

Responsable researcher: Coordinator: Carlo Buzzi, Enzo Mingione (Istituto IARD, Milano); Fausto Miguélez (QUIT-UAB)

Team: Antonio Martín, Marta Noguera

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