YOUnion – Union for Youth

The project aims at analysing the dilemma of youth participation in trade unions in eight countries – Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Hungary, Spain, Italy and UK – starting from two research questions:
– how can trade union action improve youth labour market
– and how trade unions can strengthen their youth membership?
These will be answered through an analysis, for each of the countries, of: the specific interests of young; successful and unsuccessful examples of trade unions’ efforts to organise young workers; trade unions communication strategy towards young people, with a specific attention to social media; initiatives undertaken to provide voice for young people in unions’ organisations and in collective bargaining. The research will provide an analysis of trade union activities that have been specifically aimed at (1) increasing youth membership and youth participation in unions; (2) increasing the representation of the young in social dialogue and collective bargaining at the national and sectoral/local level; and (3) improving youth position in the labour market through: (i) job creation for young people; (ii) promoting VET, life-long learning and certification of skills; and (iii) adapting regulations to improve the quality of employment for young people (decent wages, reduced casualisation and precarity, and improved career chances).

Start date: 04/11/2013
Finish date: 04/11/2014
Financing: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number – VS/2013/0401)
Financing reference: Agreement number – VS/2013/0403
Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina
Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner

Documents and publications

MOLINA, Óscar; ALÓS, Ramon (2014):Youth and trade unions in Spain : re-building links in turbulent times. Country report from the YouNION project.


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