Women and work in Catalonia: myths and certainties

This report intends to draw up a balance of the situation of women in relation to work in Catalonia at the beginning of the 21st century. The time seems to be favourable because it is quite necessary to show, in the first place, the certainties achieved since the first studies on the work of women in Catalonia 25 years ago. And, in the second place, because of the achieved results, there is no doubt that it is essential to go on with the analysis of such a reality that persists to maintain some gender inequalities despite of some policies in favour of women.

Start date: 01/07/2006

Finish date: 01/11/2006

Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Sònia Parella, Carolina Recio


Torns, Teresa; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Parella Rubio, Sònia; [et al.]. Les dones i el treball a Catalunya: mites i certeses. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Català de les Dones, 2007. (Estudis (Institut Català de les Dones)

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