The petition for this study on the situation of women and labour in the city of Barcelona is formulated under the framework of the Strategy against the Feminisation of Poverty and Precariousness (2016-2020) (SFPP) of Barcelona’s City Council, in its first line of action “Data and Information Systems”, inside the specific goal “Providing the City Council with an information system that allows to understand the phenomenon of the feminisation of poverty in a comprehensive and exhaustive manner”, together with the Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona (Barcelona’s Economic and Social Council), responsible for the elaboration of a report on the situation of the situation of women in Barcelona’s labour market.
The main goal of the study is to show, by means of statistical data, the situation of women in relation to labour in Barcelona, from which to draw possible policy recommendations.
Start date: 30/12/2016
Finish date: 30/12/2017
Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona
Financing reference: Conveni 15420
Responsable researcher: Sara Moreno
Team: Vicent Borrà s, Núria Sánchez Mira