The objective of this study is to analyse some of the most relevant changes that are taking place in our country with regard to work.
Start date: 01/12/1990
Finish date: 01/03/1994
Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia-Dirección General de Investigación CientÃfica y Técnica (PB89-0317)
Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)
Team: Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio MartÃn, Óscar Rebollo, Xavier Coller, Mà rius DomÃnguez, Alfonso Romero, Vicent Borrà s, Immaculada Pastor, Elisabet Tejero
Documents and publications:Â
Monogrà fic Revista PAPERS, nº 55 (1998):