Training for “Emplois de proximité”

According to the Livre Blanc sur la politique Sociale Européenne (1994), the service industry is that which presents the greater possibility of creating employment. Also, given the combination os social and demographic tendencies, services will create new markets, such as domestic and social sectors.
The aim of the study is to delimit the importance of jobs of proximity, jobs related to services to people and families, in order to be able to elaborate recommendations to assure the assesment and qualifications of women who occupy them.
The question deals with very “feminized” jobs and, in spsite of the fact that they are very important to the welfare of people and families, they are undervalued. The necessity of training is not recognized and women do these jobs as an extention of their competency and abilities as mothers and wives.
In order to carry aout the study, a work seminar has been organised with the participation of people from different countries (Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy) that have conducted studies on this question and training organizations for women who work in this sector, with the goal of elaborating theoretical frameworks in the mentioned countries.

Start date: 01/12/1994

Finish date: 01/10/1995

Financing: UE-TASK FORCE -DG V nº 94-20-EGA-0145-00

Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns Martí (QUIT), Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

Team: Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

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