Training and employment

The objective of this investigation is to analyze the relationship between training and employment, questioning the affirmation that more training is equivalent to more and better employment.
The social representation of training as a strong factor in obtaining a job is today very much extended among workers, employers and among people in general and is also assumed by the Administration and the Unions. This research intends to examine critically this social representation.

Start date: 01/06/1994

Finish date: 01/06/1997

Financing: DGICYT- Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (PB93-0832)

Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)

Team: Carlos Lozares, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio Martín, Óscar Rebollo, Clara Llorens, Joel martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Enric Sanchis (Universitat de València)

Documents and publications: 

Lope, A., López P., Lozares, C., Martín, A.,Miguélez, F., Llorens, C., Martí, J., Verd, J.M., (2000), ¿Sirve la formación para el empleo?. Madrid, Consejo Económico y Social

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