The social capital of Spanish youth: Traits and effects on the material and emotional well-being

The study describes the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, analyses its effects on their material and emotional well-being, and identifies the social inequalities involved.

The project has two objectives: (1) to quantitatively describe the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, identifying the differences in its composition and volume through the use of ego-centred network analysis; and (2) to identify the effects of these social capital characteristics on the material and emotional well-being of youth.

The project will focus on the individual dimension of social capital. This dimension is defined as the network of personal connections that is sustained by social interaction and provides instrumental and expressive support. Paradoxically, there has been empirical evidence of the deterioration of the emotional well-being of young people in Spain in recent years, even before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, no evidence has been provided of one of the main determinants identified by the literature: the reduction of social interaction and the rise of ‘objective’ social isolation (i.e., loss of personal connections, which is different from the ‘subjective’ perception of isolation). Personal connections also constitute an essential source of material and instrumental support for youth. This happens both directly, through the financial support that many young people receive from their families; and indirectly, through the use of their personal network for job searching. Yet, no survey-based research in Spain has examined social capital inequalities among young people and the outcomes of these inequalities. Hence the relevant need for this topic to be addressed.

Start date: 11/10/2022
Finish date: 11/06/2023
Financing: Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”
Grant agreement reference:
Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd
Team: Mireia Bolíbar Planas,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Albert Navarro Giné

Reports and Publications

EFE. (2024, Junio 18). El 78% de jóvenes con formación superior trabaja, pero con una temporalidad superior al 30%. EFE

 López, C. (2024, Junio 18). Estudiar vale la pena: la tasa de empleo de los universitarios supera en 8 puntos a la de los jóvenes con solo ESO. La Vanguardia

Noriega, D. (2024, Junio 18). La reforma laboral reduce la temporalidad entre los jóvenes el doble que en la población general. El

Pastor, A. (2024, Junio 18). Dime qué estudias y te diré si tendrás trabajo: así es la brecha de ocupación laboral entre los jóvenes. infoLibre

Pereda, O. (2024, Junio 18). La brecha de ocupación entre jóvenes con formación superior y básica aumenta 8 puntos en dos décadas. El Periódico

Torres, A. (2024, Junio 18). Los jóvenes españoles de hasta 35 años son los que se sienten afectivamente más cerca de sus padres de toda la UE. El País

Vaquero, C. (2024, Junio 18). Un universitario tiene un 10% más de opciones de encontrar trabajo que un joven con la FP. ABC

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