The role of active employment policies in the development and mobilization of the social capital of young people with vulnerable work paths

The project analyses the impact of youth employment policies, and in particular the active employment policies (AEPs), in the labour trajectories of the most disadvantaged young people, from the point of view of the improvement of its social capital.

The main goal of the research is to deepen the relational dimension of the group of young people with vulnerable work trajectories, especially with regard to the social capital that can favour greater success in the job search. In this sense, it also aims to study the role that AEPs, through public employment services, have in the development and mobilization of this social capital. From this point of view, in addition to deepen the knowledge of the issue, the project aims to generate innovative intervention guidelines that take into account the relational dimension of people so as to improve their labour situation.

Start date: 01/04/2019
Finish date: 31/05/2020
Financing: Agència Catalana de Joventut , Generalitat de Catalunya
Reference: 2018AJOVE00006
Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd
Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler, Víctor Arroyo


Rodríguez-Soler, Joan & Verd, Joan Miquel (2023). Informal social capital building in local employment services: Its role in the labour market integration of disadvantaged young people. Social Policy & Administration, 1–21.

Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez, Joan; Arroyo, Víctor; [et al.]. El paper de les polítiques actives d’ocupació en el desenvolupament i mobilització del capital social de joves amb trajectòries laborals vulnerables. 2020

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