The incorporation of men into paid care. Challenges, opportunities and strategies of action from the public administration

Study on the incorporation of men into paid care, analysis of the opportunities that the promotion of the presence of men has in occupations related to care for gender equality in Catalonia. We also take into consideration the analysis of the risks involved, bearing in mind that it relates to a niche of employment for women, with a structural disadvantage in accessing the labour market.

Start date: 02/11/2022
Finish date: 31/12/2022
Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Direcció General de Cures, Organització del Temps i Equitat en els Treballs
Reference: IF-2022-179
Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler


Borràs Català, Vicent; Rodríguez Soler, Joan & Corsetti, Tania. (2024). La incorporació dels homes en els treballs de cura remunerada: oportunitats i riscos. Generalitat de Catalunya

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