The study poses an approximation to the phenomenon of sexual harassment in Catalonia, initially keeping in mind the great difficulties of conceptualization and mesurement involved. For this reason the study has been conducted from the perspective of a qualitative vision, departing from the social imaginaire at the root of this question.
First the general frame of reference of the phenomenon is approached, which includes the compilation of documentary and informative data on the legal and institutional approaches which define it.
The goal of the second part of the study is to try to delimit the real possibilities of the existence of sexual harassment, separating what has already surfaced from what is only potencial, approaching the data corresponding to the highest risk groups (young, single and separated women, widows with family responsabilies…)
The third part tries to offer an alternative to the impossibility of gathering data on its real incidence in the workplace, by means of a study of the imaginaire which propitiates its emerged and/or hidden existence; that is to say, the social, cultural and economic background which makes sexual harassment possible.
Project type: Agreements
Research line: Work and gender
Start date: 01/12/1994
Finish date: 01/11/1995
Project status:Â Finished
Financing: Dept. Treball- Institut Català de la Dona
Financing amount:Â 18541
Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns
Team: Vicent Borrà s, Alfons Romero, Albert Recio
i la col·laboració de Laia PellejÃ