Study on “Proposals to minimize the gender negative impact of teleworking on the city council of Barcelona”

The health emergency caused by Covid19 and the necessary confinement of the population to combat the pandemic has meant, from the point of view of work organization in the Barcelona City Council, a very important shift towards forced digitisation and the promotion of forms of working at distance.
Before the crisis, teleworking was seen as an organisational form that improves the effectiveness of organisations and people’s quality of life. Numerous research has highlighted the advantages of teleworking in terms of productivity, quality of work, cost reduction, reduction of absenteeism, improvement of motivation, respect for the environment, among others. However, the current impetus for remote work has been an emergency response, logical in thess circumstances, and, as such, it has not been able to be planned with the necessary time and means.

The aim of this study is therefore to provide with a proposal for actions to ensure the incorporation of the gender perspective into the city council’s teleworking system so that its implementation does not have a negative gender impact on women’s working conditions and opportunities.

Start date: 10/08/2020
En date: 31/12/2020
Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona
Reference: 20002682
Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
Team: Vicent Borràs

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