Study analysis on unpaid work in Catalonia

Over the past 40 years there has been a slow trend toward gender equality regarding time use in paid and unpaid work. However, the gendered division of housework remains. This article examines the gender segregation in domestic work in order to contrast the influence of welfare regimes and employment status on the organization of everyday life. The analysis proposes the construction of new variables according to the type and daily frequency of household tasks. First, a cross-national study of European countries is presented to analyse how institutional factors are involved in patterns of time use. Second, a specific case in Spain is studied to assess how employment status influences the distribution of housework. The results show that daily maintenance tasks represent a limit for the equal distribution of housework by gender. It is concluded that women’s employment is a necessary but not sufficient condition for gender equality.

Start date: 01/06/2012

Finish date: 01/12/2012

Financing: Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya

Responsable researcher: Sara Moreno

Team: Vicent Borràs

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