The female unemployment is one of the trends that characterise the labour market in Spain in the last few years. The main reasons that explain this phenomenon have its roots in the interaction between female productive adn reproductive labour processes.
This study intends to analyse female unemployment and to determine their types in accordance with the women’s participation to this kind of processes. The major interest of this research is to contrinute to the policies in the field of female employment.
Start date: 01/07/1993
Finish date: 30/09/1994
Project status:Â Finished
Financing: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales – Instituto de la Mujer
Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns
Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Alfonso Romero
Documents and publications:
Carrasquer P., Romero A., Torns T., “Perfil sociolaboral del paro femenino en España“, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de la Mujer, Madrid, 1995