The central idea of this project consists in examining the factors that shape job seeking and the access to the labor market among young people. More specifically, in the context of the labor market, economical and social crisis, those factors would be the following:
(1) The youth social status, character attributes, including high potential homophilic relationships such as acquired educational level, gender, social class and home ownership;
(2) The access to social networks and other virtual, extensible, virtual media (strictly professional or not) as a relational mechanism and as an expression of social capital.
(3) Their personal experience and life trajectories.
Start date: 01/02/2013
Finish date: 31/12/2016
Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2012-36055 – REDEMAS)
Responsable researcher: Carlos Lozares / Joan Miquel Verd
Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Pedro López-Roldán, Oriol Barranco, Dafne Muntanyola
Ainhoa de Federico, Michel Grossetti (Université de Toulouse 2)
Barranco, O., Lozares, C., & Muntanyola-Saura, D. (2019). “Heterophily in social groups formation: a social network Analysis”. Quality and Quantity, 53(2), 599–619.
Bolíbar, M., Verd, J. M., & Barranco, O. (2019). “The downward spiral of youth unemployment: An approach considering social networks and family background”. Work, Employment and Society, 33(3), 401-421.
Lozares, C.; Verd, J.M. & Muntanyola-Saura, Dafne (2020). Análisis e interpretación de entornos situacionales mediante el Análisis Reticular del Discurso. Athenea Digital, 20(2), e2239.
Muntanyola-Saura, D., Barranco, O., & Vacchiano, M. (2019). “Inequality beyond networking: Personal networks and mobilization of contacts by young job seekers in Barcelona”. Revista Española de Sociología, 28(2), 207–226.
Vacchiano, M. (2021). Nine Mechanisms of Job-Searching and Job-Finding Through Contacts Among Young Adults. Sociological Research Online.
Vacchiano, M.; Yepes-Cayuela, L. & Martí, J. (2019). The family as (one- or two-step) social capital: mechanisms of support during labor market transitions, Community, Work & Family,
Vacchiano, M., Martí, J., Yepes-Cayuela, L., & Miquel Verd, J. (2018). “Personal networks in job insertion among young adults in times of crisis: An analysis in Barcelona” | Las redes personales en la inserción laboral juvenil en tiempos de crisis. Un análisis en Barcelona. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 161, 121–140.
Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., & Bolíbar, M. (2019). “Youth unemployment and employment trajectories in Spain during the great recession: What are the determinants?” Journal for Labour Market Research, 53(1).