


Research themes

The Sociological Research Centre QUIT has become a reference centre within the area of sociology of work.

The research projects conducted by QUIT can be classified in six major areas of interest. Click on Current or Finished projects to go the corresponding summary.

  • Time, work and everyday life

    The main topics investigated within this research stream refer to the study of time and more specifically, to the relationship between working or productive time and family or reproductive time. Research also covers the analysis of time strategies both individual and corporate and the distribution of time in everyday life. This topic also includes artwork

    Current projects Finished projects
    • Gender Equality in the Uses of Time: changes, resistance and continuities – GENERA

      GENERA is a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge.

      The project aims at analysing the changes, resistance, and continuities in the use of time devoted to domestic and care work, paying attention to the heterogeneity of trends and the character of transformations.

      The two-fold objective of the proposal is articulated through two theoretical debates: the process of gender convergence in the uses of time, and the impact of contextual factors on gender relations.

      The study formulates four starting research questions: What structural and contextual factors ease gender convergence in the uses of time? Which is the character, temporal or substantial, of the trends of change? What structural and contextual factors explain the continuities and resistance to change? What is the consequence of resistance: stagnation or setback.

      The studies carried out by the applicant team point to a trend of upward convergence with sociocultural limits that suggest a certain stalled revolution and some setbacks. On the one hand, the differences between the time that women and men devote to domestic and care work decrease. On the other hand, inequality persists both for time devoted to these tasks and in their segregation as well. In parallel, the analysis on the social impact of the context crisis, such as COVID-19, points to the intensification of unpaid work by women, thus reinforcing traditional gender roles.

      Taking as starting point previous results, the central goal of the proposal is to expand and deepen the knowledge in the heterogeneity of trends of change and continuity, the nature of changes as well as the contradictions or resistance behind the uses of time.

      Start date: 01/09/2022
      End date: 31/08/2025
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigators: Sara Moreno Colom & Vicent Borràs
      Team: Alvaro Briales (UCM), Irene Cruz Gómez (IERMB)
      Lidia Arroyo (UOC), Núria Sánchez Mira (Université de Neuchâtel)
      Joan Rodríguez Soler (UAB), Sandra Sánchez Sinisterra (UAB)

      Project website:


      Moreno-Colom, Sara, Borràs Català, Vicent, & Rodriguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Imaginarios en conflicto sobre el trabajo doméstico: responsabilidad, privilegio, supervisión y aprendizaje. Revista Española De Sociología33(3), a240.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Capítulo 1. Cuando lo doméstico se difumina en los cuidados: entre lo material y lo simbólico. In: Sofía Pérez de Guzman Padrón & Marcela Iglesias Onofrio (coord.). Sociedades del cuidado en transición: una perspectiva iberoamericana. Dykinson. (colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo, núm. 171) (pp.16-35). 

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2023). Igualdad de género en los usos del tiempo: cambios, resistencias y continuidades. Perspectiva teórica y modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 29. /286587


      Media presence:

      Rius, M. (7/03/2024). El conflicte de les tasques domèstiques: ell s’acomoden en el paper d’aprenent. La Vanguardia. 2.

      Sanz, M. (07/03/2024). El conflicto en las tareas del hogar: las mujeres organizan y ordenan; los hombres aprenden y ejecutan. La Sexta Noticias.

      Virgili M. (Anfitrión). (11/03/2024). Les dones i els dies. La feina invisible de les cures [Podcast de audio]. 3cat.

    • Changes in domestic and care work: from gender specialization to dragging tasks?

      The objective of the research is to deepen the analysis of the trends of change in the distribution of domestic and care work from a gender perspective. Specifically, the following research question is formulated: What factors facilitate the egalitarian distribution of time dedicated to domestic tasks?

      We start from the theoretical discussion on the transformations in the uses of time between women and men; from research that evidences gender convergence as a slow and unequal process (Sullivan and Gershuny 2018); as well as from analyses that address specialization, complementarity and substitution in the sharing of tasks (Treas 2006; Lippe & Treas 2017).

      Taking these debates as a reference, the existence of a trend of change where the performance of certain tasks drags down the responsibility of others is hypothesized as a line of hypothesis. From this perspective, it is argued that task dragging decreases gender specialization in the performance of tasks and, therefore, favors complementarity between women and men with a more egalitarian pattern.

      In order to answer the questions formulated, it is proposed to carry out a factor analysis with the EET data (INE 2009-2010) to capture the chains of task shuffling and define the sociological profiles that carry them out.

      Start date: 01/06/2022
      End date: 30/05/2023
      Funding: Own resources
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigator: Sara Moreno Colom
      Team: Vicent Borràs Català; María Cascales Mira

    • Dynamisation of the Working Group on Time Uses and Measures in the Work Field of the Advisory Board for Care.

      The object of this contract is the dynamisation of the working group on ‘Time Uses and Measures in the Work Field of the Advisory Board for Care, whose Technical Secretariat falls to the Institute of Women, with the support of the technical assistance of Tragsatec, as well as the drafting of the chapter that will be part of the future White Paper on the Care.

      Start date: 10/10/2022
      End date: 31/01/2023
      Funding: Tecnologías y Servicios Agrarios – TRAGSATEC
      Reference: Exp 0000084031
      Principal Investigator:
       Sara Moreno Colom

    • Changes in the uses of time and the transformation of everyday habits

      The objective is to identify, describe and explain the main trends of change in the use and distribution of time in order to analyse the possible implications on everyday habits from a gender perspective. From a mixed methodological strategy, the aim is to detect the trends of change in the time dedicated to domestic and care work, as well as their impact on health, food and consumption. The results obtained should allow to point out lines for future action against an increase of discomfort daily life and social inequalities.

      Start date: 10/07/2019
      Finish date: 31/10/2020
      Fundin: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa
      Reference: 17583
      Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
      Team: Sara Moreno


      Moreno, Sara; Borràs, Vicent (2020): Els canvis en els usos del temps i la transformació dels hàbits quotidians. Resum executiu. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Menos tiempo de cocina, más tiempo de consumo: ¿más igualdad de género?. Revista de economía crítica, 31, 121-138.

      In the Media

    • Working time in the collective bargaining and its social effects

      The aim of this project is to study through collective agreements the reorganization of working time and its effects on everyday life.
      Our hypothesis is that reorganization of working time endures and reinforces a greatest centrality and structuration of power on the working time compared to the social times. This new and higher centrality on the working time difficults the implementation of policies aimed at making compatible the everyday with the working life.

      Start date: 01/12/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia- Secretaría de Estado de Política Científica y Tecnológica (SEC2001-2543)

      Financing reference: SEC2001-2543

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Lobo

      Team: Antonio Martín, Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Andreu Lope, Ramon de Alòs-Moner, Pilar Carrasquer, Pedro López, Vicent Borràs, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí

      Documents and publications:

      Borràs, Vicent; Torns, Teresa; Moreno, Sara (2007): “Las políticas de conciliación: políticas laborales versus políticas de tiempo”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 83-96.

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Massó, Matilde; Martín, Antonio (2008): “Discursos y estrategias en torno a la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar en la negociación colectiva”. Revista Universitaria de Ciencias del Trabajo – Relaciones Laborales, Formación y Fiscalidad, 6/2008 , pp. 266-286.

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Massó, Matilde; Martín Artiles, Antonio (2007): “Discursos y estrategias en torno a la conciliación laboral y familiar en la negociación colectiva”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 13-36.

      Gibert, Francesc; Lope, Andreu; Alós, Ramon de (2007): “Las organizaciones empresariales y las empresas ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 57-82.

      López, Pedro; Lozares, Carlos (2007): “La conciliación entre las exigencias del ámbito productivo y las condiciones sociofamiliares: estudio de caso de una empresa”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 123-144.

      Lozares, Carlos (2007): “La unidad de análisis, sus agentes y contextos y los modos de interacción en los procesos de trabajo: un estudio de caso”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 97-122.

      Lozares, C., Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., Massó, M. y Moreno S. (2013): “La complejidad y opacidad de las tareas auxiliares en los procesos de trabajo: un análisis etnográfico comparado en dos servicios hospitalarios”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales. Vol. 31, núm. 1, p. 221-242.

      Massó, Matilde ; Lozares, Carlos (2012): “Un analisis de gestión de las competencias en el trabajo: el caso de los mandos intermedios de una factoría de carrocería y montaje de automóviles”. Cuadernos de relaciones laborales., Vol. 30 Núm. 1 , pp. 211-233.

      Miguélez, Fausto; Antentas, Josep Maria; Barranco, Oriol; Muntanyola, Dafne (2007): “Los sindicatos ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 37-56.

      Verd, Joan Miquel; Barranco, Oriol; Moreno, Sara (2007): “El análisis de los procesos de trabajo mediante métodos etnográficos: el caso del trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 145-168.

      Verd, Joan Miquel; Massó, Matilde (2007): “Las competencias y el trabajo invisible en el trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 169-189.

      Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., & Lozares, C. (2021). Blending the Focused Ethnographic Method and Case Study Research: Implications Regarding Case Selection and Generalization of Results. Field Methods, 33(1), 25–41.

    • The involvement of work sharing on employment and everyday life

      This research focus on work sharing. This core idea divides in three goals. The first one is to study proposals on job sharing. The second one raises the redistribution of “total work charge” (employment and housework) and more generally the distribution of “life times”. Finally the third one poses the question of symbolic representations.
      The originality of the project is to undertake work sharing from the everyday life approach.

      Start date: 01/09/1998

      Finish date: 01/09/2001

      Financing: DGICYT-Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SEC98-0570)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez Lobo (coord.), Teresa Torns (coord)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Andreu Lope, Antonio Martín, Vicent Borràs, Pilar Carrasquer, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Josep Maria Antentas, Mònica Nadal, Lluís Sáez, Albert Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Rsearch report (resumen): El tiempo y las actividades del trabajo productivo.

    • Analysis and use of the Survey on Catalonian youth for 2012

      The study refers to the situation of young people in relation to their work sphere.
      From the data provided by the Survey of Youth in Catalonia in 2012, it is analyzed, in addition to the situation of youth in the labor market, those situations of inactivity and training and in which manner it is connected with having a job or not.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Time, work and everyday life

      Start date: 01/11/2012

      Finish date: 01/09/2013

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Agència Catalana de la Joventut

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Laia Castelló, Mireia Bolíbar, Oriol Barranco

      Documents and publications:

      CASTELLÓ, Laia; BOLÍBAR, Mireia; BARRANCO, Oriol; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “Treball. Condicions en el mercat de treball i trajectòries laborals de la joventut catalana”, en P. Serracant (coord.) Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2012, Volum 1. Col·lecció: Estudis, núm. 34. Editorial: Direcció General de Joventut, Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 117-224 .

      MORENO, Sara (2013): “Un anàlisi de les transicions juvenils des de la perspectiva de gènere”, en en P. Serracant (coord.) Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2012, Volum 2:Les diferents vivències de la joventut. Col·lecció: Estudis, núm. 34. Barcelona: Direcció General de Joventut, Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 187-218 .

    • Study analysis on unpaid work in Catalonia

      Over the past 40 years there has been a slow trend toward gender equality regarding time use in paid and unpaid work. However, the gendered division of housework remains. This article examines the gender segregation in domestic work in order to contrast the influence of welfare regimes and employment status on the organization of everyday life. The analysis proposes the construction of new variables according to the type and daily frequency of household tasks. First, a cross-national study of European countries is presented to analyse how institutional factors are involved in patterns of time use. Second, a specific case in Spain is studied to assess how employment status influences the distribution of housework. The results show that daily maintenance tasks represent a limit for the equal distribution of housework by gender. It is concluded that women’s employment is a necessary but not sufficient condition for gender equality.

      Start date: 01/06/2012

      Finish date: 01/12/2012

      Financing: Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Sara Moreno

      Team: Vicent Borràs

    • Study using discussion groups to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia

      This project aims to identify research topics focused on safety and occupational health in Catalonia.
      This project has commissioned by the General Division of Occupational Safety and Health (SGSSL) of the Department for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia.
      Main data come from focus groups composed of main agents involved in system of occupational safety and health in Catalonia. Data have been analyzed with ATLAS.ti software.

      Start date: 01/01/2012

      Finish date: 01/11/2012

      Financing: Subdirecció General de Seguretat i Salut Laboral. Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd Pericàs

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler

      Documents and publications:

      Verd J, Rodríguez- Soler J, (2012). “Detecció de temes i eixos centrals en la investigació vinculada a la Seguretat i Salut Laboral a Catalunya.”. Informe de recerca.

    • Dossier on time policy

      This dossier provides us a with a conceptual and geographical overview of public time policies in Europe, differentiating between work time policies focused on increasing productivity and time and city policies developed to improve the time planning of cities. The authors, however, defend a more integrated view linked to the welfare model, as a step towards improving the quality of life from an everyday perspective. But they do not forget why these policies have been more successful in certain European geographical areas than in others, related to the development of the welfare state and the role of families in this everyday wellbeing.

      Start date: 01/03/2006

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona – Programa NOUS USOS SOCIALS DEL TEMPS

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

    • Construction of the sample of a survey on living conditions and habits of the population of Catalonia 2005.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Time, work and everyday life

      Start date: 08/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/10/2006

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB)

      Responsable researcher: Pedro López Roldán, Carlos Lozares

      Related webpage:

    • New organizacion of the time: the working time

      This research aims to know the evolution of the time of work in the last decades.
      These changes on working time have among others triggering factors: the crisis of occupation that put an end to “a golden period” of the industrial work; the loss of weight of the occupation in the industrial sector and the corresponding increase of the service sector as well as an increase of the female presence in the labor market.
      This description of situation should allow us to draw the lines of a pilot experience to carry out at the city of Barcelona.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2006


      Responsable researchers: Miguélez, Fausto; Torns, Teresa

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      TORNS, T.; MIGUÉLEZ, F. (coords); BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2006): Noves Organitzacions del Temps de Treball.El temps de treball: balanç d’actuacions a la Unió Europea./ Tiempo de trabajo: balance de acciones en la UE. Barcelona: Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona – Ajuntament de Barcelona.

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; TORNS, T.; BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2008): “El tiempo de trabajo: ¿la última frontera?”. Revista Universitaria de Ciencias del Trabajo – Relaciones laborales, Formación y Fiscalidad, 6/2008 , pp. 84-104

      Related webpage:

    • Study of the Catalonian youth region to region

      The research aims, by the use of qualitative methods, a comprehensive approach to Catalan youth, taking a perspective very focussed on the territorial base.
      The concrete objectives of the research can be summarised in the following ones:
      a) Offering, specially, to technical and political responsibles of district councils (consells comarcals) the necessary knowledge to design realistic and integrated youth policies based on a non-fragmented point of view of the youth reality.
      b) Detecting the peculiarities of youth lives from a territorial (district) perspective, whiles at the same time placing their realities en a more global context.

      Start date: 01/02/2005

      Finish date: 01/11/2005

      Financing: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Presidència. Secretaria General del Conseller en Cap

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd, Pedro López Roldán

      Team: Jonatan Castaño, Clèlia Colombo, Sergio Porcel, Núria Quintana, Gerard Quiñones, Daniel Tarragó

      Documents and publications:

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel (2010): “La Variabilitat geogràfica en l’emancipació del jovent català : alguns elements d’anàlisi”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, Núm. 25, pp. 43-54.

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro (2008): “La eficiencia teórica y metodológica de los diseños mulimétodo“. EMPIRIA: Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, Nº 16 , pp. 13-42.

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel (2008): “La fuerza explicativa de los métodos mixtos. Una ejemplificación a partir de las diferencias territoriales en la emancipación familiar en Catalunya”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, Nº 90, pp. 11-31.

    • A new organization of time throughout working life

      Changes to traditional gender roles and the labour market are forcing a rethink of conventional work-life patterns. Individuals are calling for a better quality of life, while employers require greater flexibility in the workplace.
      The idea of reorganising time over the whole course of working is one possible response. This report offers a conceptual framework to consider time arrangements and working life, linking this to measures to improve quality of life. It reviews changing patterns and preferences for time use as well as a range of measures, such as the accessibility of more paid leave during the ‘stress’ phases of life in order to compensate for raising the retirement age, and the introduction of social security structures to fit new time arrangements.

      Start date: 01/05/2002

      Finish date: 01/06/2002

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions-Institut für Gerontologie an der Universität Dortmund

      Responsable researcher: Vicent Borràs

      Team: Teresa Torns, Pilar Carrasquer

      Documents and publications:

      Naegele, Gerhard (2006): A new organization of time over working life (report)

    • Research on time, beyond its hourly dimension, and of its impact on the city

      Start date: 01/02/1999

      Finish date: 01/07/1999

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona i Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez / Teresa Torns

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Ramon de Alos, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Joel Martí, Lluís Sáez, Josep Maria Anrtentas, Mònica Nadal

  • Employment and labour market transformations

    This research stream focuses on the analysis of labour markets, employment and working conditions. Important aspects of the research are labour market segmentation, migration, gender inequalities, absenteeism etc. Moreover, the analysis of developments in the Spanish labour market is compared with other EU countries and interpreted in the context of EU employment strategies.

    Current projects Finished projects
    • Reducing the temporary employment of young workers in Spain and Portugal

      In the labour market in Southern Europe, since the 1990s, the effect that the abusive use of temporary employment has had on the insecurity of the young population has been paradigmatic, generating an employment model that is particularly sensitive to economic cycles (as occurred during the Great Recession and the pandemic crisis). This issue has recently been addressed both in Spain (Urgent measures for labour reform, guaranteeing job stability and transforming the labour market, 2021) and in Portugal (Agenda for decent work, 2021).
      The effects of these reforms on the reduction of temporariness of the youth population over 2022 are diverse in both countries, with a more limiting and effective effect on the use of temporary contracts in Spain and more of a disincentive character in Portugal. However, this should not be enough to affirm that the unstable employment trap is over for young people in Spain as a whole. Thus, this study addresses how both labour reforms may have had differential effects within the young working population itself, taking into account the greater exposure to situations of temporary employment based on aspects such as occupational profile, tendency to unemployment, educational level, gender and origin. For this purpose, comparative data for both countries from 2017 to 2023 from Eurostat’s Labour Force Survey are explored.

      Start date: 01/05/2023
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Observatorio Social – Fundación “la Caixa”
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Mireia Bolíbar y Joan Rodríguez Soler – Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Rita Gouveia – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidad de Lisboa


      Godino, A., Molina, O. & Suleman, F. (2024). ¿Las reformas laborales han reducido la temporalidad de los trabajadores jóvenes?. España y Portugal. Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro, Dossier 12, Observatorio Social de la Fundación la Caixa

      Dossier: Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro


      Media presence


      Presence at conference

      • Godino Pons, Alejandro; Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; González-Heras, Alejandro & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024, 26, 27, 28 y 29 de junio). Escapando de la trampa de la temporalidad: Precariedad en los trabajadores jóvenes antes y después de la Reforma Laboral de 2021. [Comunicación en GT07-SES01: Tiempo Trabajo e Interseccionalidad]. XVI Congreso Español de Sociología. Sociología para la sociedad digital (FES), Sevilla.


    • Personal relationships and social support in the young population in Spain and Portugal. A social capital approach

      The young population in southern European countries, including Spain and Portugal, has traditionally had a strong network of personal relationships, based on a high level of sociability and a very important role for the family network. This article uses data from the tenth wave of the European Social Survey (2020-2022) to test the extent to which the sociability of young people (18-34 years old) in these two countries resembles or does not resemble that of the rest of the European Union. Specifically, this sociability is compared with that of young people in the EU countries except Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta and Romania.

      The data analysed allow us to identify the level of social isolation and the factors that influence it. The results show that levels of sociability are higher than the European average, and that affective proximity to parents is at the top of the European Union. The inequality factors affecting social isolation among young people are similar to those in the other countries, although their negative effect is always more muted in Spain and Portugal, resulting in a lower level of social isolation.

      Start date: 01/05/2023
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Observatorio Social – Fundación “la Caixa”
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Mireia Bolíbar y Joan Rodríguez Soler – Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Rita Gouveia – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidad de Lisboa


      Verd, Joan M., Bolíbar, M., Rodríguez-Soler, J. & Gouveia, R. (2024). Las relaciones personales de la población joven en España y Portugal: sociabilidad, aislamiento y desigualdad social. España y Portugal. Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro, Dossier 12, Observatorio Social de la Fundación la Caixa

      Dossier: Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro


      Media presence


      Congress presence

      • Godino Pons, Alejandro; Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; González-Heras, Alejandro & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024, 26, 27, 28 y 29 de junio). Escapando de la trampa de la temporalidad: Precariedad en los trabajadores jóvenes antes y después de la Reforma Laboral de 2021. [Comunicación en GT07-SES01: Tiempo Trabajo e Interseccionalidad]. XVI Congreso Español de Sociología. Sociología para la sociedad digital (FES), Sevilla.
    • Good practices in social responsibility for young people’s first work experience

      The study, consisting of the compilation of different good practices (benchlearning) at European, national and regional level based on the comparison of evidence through quantitative and qualitative indicators, aims to facilitate the design of future labour integration policies aimed at those groups that have difficulties in consolidating their labour market integration, especially young people in their first professional experience.

      Start date: 03/07/2023
      End date: 30/06/2024
      Funding: Servei Públic d’Ocupació de Catalunya
      Official reference: SOC-2023-361
      Principal InvestigatorsOscar Molina
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Sander Junte and Álvaro Fernández Junquera


      The digital turn in artistic disciplines has resulted in the progressive professional and academic substitution of analogue instruments for digital ones. And the ways of working in the artistic professions have been transformed. The digital turn constitutes a process of institutionalization of new social practices: training curricula change, as well as the computer programs, and new digital products appear, in the form of diagrams, models, and renderings.

      The research question is: How does the digital turn in artistic training change the way of projecting, building and imagining of professional and expert artists?

      The general objective of the project is to identify the changes caused by the digital turn in artistic practice of consolidated professionals We will compare the discourse and practices of photographers, architects, film editors, designers, choreographers, musical composers, recognized in their field and linked to schools or centers of higher artistic education, of two different generations, the older one educated in analogue, the other in digital.

      Start date: 01/09/2023
      End date: 31/08/2026
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Reference:  PID2022-140814NB-I00
      Principal Investigator: Dafne Muntanyola Saura
      Team: Miquel Fernández González, Fernan del Val Ripolles


    • Social capital and residential setting among youth at risk of labour market exclusion. A case study – CAPENRISG

      The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a huge job destruction that has most severely affected the young Spanish population. Although the latest data from the EPA show a return to pre-pandemic levels of unemployment rates, it is still a long way from the rates prior to 2008 Great Recession. Therefore, the young people are facing a particularly difficult context to access employment over the last 15 years, being those people with the lowest level of education who have been hit the hardest by unemployment.

      The theory of social exclusion caused by unemployment (Gallie and Paugam) argues that prolonged periods of unemployment reduce sociability, which in turn causes a loss of relevant contacts for the return to employment, thus reinforcing the risk of labour market
      exclusion. The last years marked by the difficulties of labour market insertion among the young population and, especially, the recent destruction of employment caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, offer a very adequate context for the retrospective study of the
      aforementioned relationship. On the other hand, the concept of social capital and the methodological approach of social network analysis allow the development of a good operationalization of the Gallie and Paugam model, although these authors have not conceived it in these
      In this context, the main objective of the research is to verify whether, for young unemployed people, there has been a negative feedback effect (vicious circle) between the fact of suffering prolonged unemployment and the loss of social capital useful for labour market insertion.
      The mechanism that would be at the basis of this possible relationship would be that the loss of employment leads to a fracturing of people’s social ties with people with more distinct social characteristics (heterophilic contacts) and of higher status, which would be precisely the people who could transmit to unemployed people information on a greater number of job opportunities.

      Start date: 01/09/2022
      Finish date: 31/08/2025
      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Reference: PID2021-125218NB-I00
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd & Oriol Barranco
      Team: Pilar Carrsquer Oto, Mireia Bolíbar Planas,  Segundo Moyano (UOC),  Sergi Fàbregues (UOC)
      Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro González Heras

      Project website:


      Eixarch, Adriana; Verd, Joan Miquel & Barranco, Oriol (2024). El proceso de muestreo en el proyecto “Capital social y entorno residencial en la población joven con riesgo de exclusión laboral. Un estudio de casos.” QUIT Working paper series, n. 30.

      Media presence:

    • Contribution to the general report of the 2022 youth survey in Catalonia
      This report focuses, on the one hand, on showing the current situation of Catalan youth aged 15 to 34 based on a series of indicators on most areas of life. On the other hand, it offers a joint analysis of the educational, work and emancipation path followed by young people aged 28 to 34, and how the type of path followed is related to the current well-being or vulnerability of the young person The report is based on data from the 2022 Catalan Youth Survey.Start date: 17/10/2022 Finish date: 30/06/2023 Funding: Agència Catalana de la Joventut Reference: ACJ-2022-20004 Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd Team: Sara Moreno Colom, Oriol Barranco,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Daniel Barrientos, Alejandro González HerasThis three-volume publication presents the overall results of the Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022 (EJC22) (Catalonia Youth Survey). It is an official statistic of the Generalitat de Catalunya, of five-year realization, aimed at knowing the situation and needs of young people between 15 and 34 years old living in Catalonia.Volume 1 of the general report (Trajectòries i transicions) is coordinated by Joan Miquel Verd and presents the technical characteristics of the survey and offers the results in the fields of education, work, emancipation and housing.Volume 2 (Hàbits i estils de vida), coordinated by Albert Julià, offers the results of the full-time training in the fields of culture and leisure, health, political and social participation and language.Volume 3 (Desigualtats socials), coordinated by Francesc Valls, offers the results of the full-time tax record in the areas of gender, social class, the relationship with immigration, territory and economic situation.View here the videos of the Reports’s presentationEnquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 1. Trajectòries i transicions Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 2. Hàbits i estils de vida Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 3. Desigualtats socials 
    • The social capital of Spanish youth: Traits and effects on the material and emotional well-being

      The study describes the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, analyses its effects on their material and emotional well-being, and identifies the social inequalities involved.

      The project has two objectives: (1) to quantitatively describe the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, identifying the differences in its composition and volume through the use of ego-centred network analysis; and (2) to identify the effects of these social capital characteristics on the material and emotional well-being of youth.

      The project will focus on the individual dimension of social capital. This dimension is defined as the network of personal connections that is sustained by social interaction and provides instrumental and expressive support. Paradoxically, there has been empirical evidence of the deterioration of the emotional well-being of young people in Spain in recent years, even before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, no evidence has been provided of one of the main determinants identified by the literature: the reduction of social interaction and the rise of ‘objective’ social isolation (i.e., loss of personal connections, which is different from the ‘subjective’ perception of isolation). Personal connections also constitute an essential source of material and instrumental support for youth. This happens both directly, through the financial support that many young people receive from their families; and indirectly, through the use of their personal network for job searching. Yet, no survey-based research in Spain has examined social capital inequalities among young people and the outcomes of these inequalities. Hence the relevant need for this topic to be addressed.

      Start date: 11/10/2022
      Finish date: 11/06/2023
      Financing: Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”
      Grant agreement reference:
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Mireia Bolíbar Planas,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Albert Navarro Giné

      Reports and Publications

      EFE. (2024, Junio 18). El 78% de jóvenes con formación superior trabaja, pero con una temporalidad superior al 30%. EFE

       López, C. (2024, Junio 18). Estudiar vale la pena: la tasa de empleo de los universitarios supera en 8 puntos a la de los jóvenes con solo ESO. La Vanguardia

      Noriega, D. (2024, Junio 18). La reforma laboral reduce la temporalidad entre los jóvenes el doble que en la población general. El

      Pastor, A. (2024, Junio 18). Dime qué estudias y te diré si tendrás trabajo: así es la brecha de ocupación laboral entre los jóvenes. infoLibre

      Pereda, O. (2024, Junio 18). La brecha de ocupación entre jóvenes con formación superior y básica aumenta 8 puntos en dos décadas. El Periódico

      Torres, A. (2024, Junio 18). Los jóvenes españoles de hasta 35 años son los que se sienten afectivamente más cerca de sus padres de toda la UE. El País

      Vaquero, C. (2024, Junio 18). Un universitario tiene un 10% más de opciones de encontrar trabajo que un joven con la FP. ABC

    • Impact of training at workplace level on youth’s pathway career. Proposals for improvement – IMFORTRA

      The aim is to study the formation “at” work place, its articulation with the National Qualifications Catalogue (NCC) and its influence on the career paths of young people. Training “at” employment is now a major in active employment policies aimed at the employment of young people driven by the policies of the European Union (European Commission, 2011) element. The Integrated Training for Employment (SIFE) distinguishes between training “at” the business and training “for” employment provided by the education system and vocational training. Both concepts are today trying to articulate to facilitate the recognition of skills and labour mobility in Europe, based on the importance of training as a key factor to obtain and maintain employment in the knowledge society (2020) .What are the differences in the career paths of young people who are trained in business and gain recognition of acquired skills and those who do not receive? What training contents are proposed and recognized? What can bring the experience of German dual training to Spanish case? To it he wants to answer this inquiry.

      Start date: 01/01/2016
      Finish date: 31/12/2018
      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2015-68134-R)
      Reference: CSO2015-68134-R
      Principal investigator: Antonio Martín Artiles, Andreu Lope Peña
      Research team: Pilar Carrasquer ,Oscar Molina, Daniel Barrientos, Benjamí Moles

      Reports and Publications:

      Barrientos, Daniel; Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar (2019). La FP dual y la transición de los jóvenes al mercado de trabajo: la visión de los agentes sociales. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 6, 75-94.

      Barrientos, Daniel; Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). Propuestas para mejorar y expandir la FP dual. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB

      Barrientos , Daniel (2021). La FP dual y el fomento del empleo juvenil. Gaceta sindical. Reflexión y debate,36, 153-176

      Lope, Andreu (2019). Formación ante los cambios tecnológicos y hacia un nuevo modelo económico y social. Gaceta Sindical, 32, 303-324

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar; Moles, Benjamí; Barrientos, Daniel (2017):  Impacto de la formación en la empresa sobre las trayectorias laborales de los jóvenes.  Definición del marco conceptual. Reflexiones en torno al reto de la formación en la empresaQUIT Working paper series, 21.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí (2017): Adecuación y demanda de formación en la empresa. La inencontrable adecuación entre formación y ocupaciónAnuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales, vol. 4.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí (2018): Aprendiendo a trabajar: trayectorias y discursos. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 164, 115-134.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar (2018): Transición, trayectorias y discursos. Análisis de grupos de discusión. QUIT Working paper series, 23.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí, LOPE, Andreu (2019). Política de formación dual: discursos con Alemania en el imaginarioPolítica y Sociedad, 56 (1), 145-167.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Óscar (2019). Aprendizaje basado en el trabajo: trayectorias laborales discontinuasCuadernos de Relaciones Laborales37(1), 203-229.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). The rhetoric of Europeanisation of dual vocational education and training in Spain. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26 (1), 73-90.

    • Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue capacity in the new world of work

      Building on earlier collaboration between the ILO and the EC in the field of Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, this project takes a longer term view and will look at challenges and opportunities facing social partners as a result of major trends affecting the world of work across the EU.

      It aims to strengthen social partners knowledge on the issues related to the changing world of work and facilitate mutual learning between social partners. This project will also take into account social partners’ involvement and priorities as part of the European economic governance processes and in the context of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

      Start date: 30/05/2019
      Finish date: 30/05/2020
      Financing: European Commission – International Labour Organisation
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina

    • Labour market integration of asylum seekers and refugees in main EU destination countries

      Migration is one of the focus topics of European policies and a crucial issue for trade unions, as well. The refugee flow that reached Europe unprepared in 2015/2016 needs further supporting policies. Individual member states are affected by the different flows and types of migration. This project coordinated by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) focus on the main receiving countries of asylum seekers in the EU15 (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Spain and the Netherlands), analyzing major policies regarding the access to welfare services and access to employment. The aim of the project will be an ETUI book publication on the labour market integration of refugees.

      Start date: 01/02/2019
      Finish date: 01/02/2020
      Principal investigator: Alejandro Godino
      Research team: Daniel Barrientos


      Godino, Alejandro & Barrientos, Daniel (2024). Gobernanza y obstáculos en la acogida e integración sociolaboral de solicitantes de asilo en España. Oñati Socio-Legal Series , 14 (4), 1177-1205.

      Godino, Alejandro; Barrientos Sánchez, Daniel (2021): Permitted to work but lacking opportunities to integrate – asylum seekers and refugees on the mezzanine in Spain. In: Betwixt and between: Integrating refugees into the EU labour market. p. 219-245. Brussels: ETUI.

    • The Social Dimension of Entrepreneurship

      Startups have emerged as a promising avenue for the creation of jobs and economic growth, empowered by various kinds of support available to entrepreneurs to help them develop their businesses. Nevertheless, success remains confined to a few, and building a successful startup requires access to a wide array of resources, among them financial capital, information, knowledge and extended social networks with key people. It is challenging for most entrepreneurs to simultaneously secure these resources and develop the skills required to build reputation and networks, work as a team, with investors, partners and clients, and to push their ideas forward to create successful startups.

      Launched in May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain, this project looks at the production and evaluation of value during the early stage of startup creation. With this aim, we examine how people cooperate in creating businesses and how the latter are evaluated in relation to the market at the micro-sociological level of everyday interactions. This project is, therefore, an invitation to look beyond the common view of the entrepreneur as a lone runner to investigate the role of multiple stakeholders at different stages of the creation process, the evolution of their cooperation networks, what kinds of problems and challenges they face, and how their practices contribute to shaping the culture of entrepreneurship.

      The project is led by Guillaume Dumont and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Juan de la Cierva program, a highly competitive funding program for talented early career researchers. The project is hosted by the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) of the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

      Start date: 01/06/2017

      Finish date: 01/06/2019

      Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

      Responsable researcher: Guillaume Dumont

    • Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs – WALQING

      In order to explore the linkages between ‘new jobs’, conditions of work and employment in these jobs and more or less favourable outcomes for employees’ quality of work and life, WALQING combines data analysis on the chief European data sources, in-depth comparative investigation of stakeholder policies, organisational arrangements and strategies, and the perspectives and agency of individuals in ‘new jobs’. WALQING involves interest organisations and other stakeholders from an early point in time by focusing on existing policies and arenas and gaps in these policies and taking an action-research perspective.
      Its aims are:

      1. to identify expanding economic activities in Europe with problematic configurations in terms of low wages, precarious employment and lack of social integration;
      2. to investigate existing social partner and other stakeholder policies seeking to improve conditions in these industries and involve stakeholders in the assessment of both problematic and favourable practices;
      3. to analyse possible relations between various ways of organising new types of work in terms of contractual arrangements, working hours, etc., and the impact on the quality of work and life, as well as the conditions of configurations that are favourable and sustainable on both the organisational and the individual level;
      4. to bring together institutionalist, organisational and action-research perspectives in order to transfer examples of good practice beyond their national context and to explore the limitations of such transfers;
      5. from these analyses, to identify gaps in stakeholder, national and European policy that may contribute to locking organisations and individuals in patterns of low-wage and poor job quality and investigate the possibilities to transfer examples of organisational strategies that support higher-quality paths.

      Start date: 01/12/2009

      Finish date: 01/11/2012

      Financing: European Commission (7 PM – Agreement SSH-CT-2009-244597)

      Responsable researcher: Albert Recio

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Sara Moreno, Josep Maria Antentas, Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

      Documents and publications:

      Recio, Albert/GodinoAlejandro (2011): Trabajadores invisibles: la calidad del empleo en el sector de limpieza de edificios y locales en España walqing social partnership series 2011.17, A report for WP5 of the WALQING project, SSH-CT-2009-244597, Barcelona, November 2011

      MORENO, Sara; GODINO, Alejandro; RECIO, Albert (2014): “Servicios externalizados y condiciones laborales: De la competencia de precios a la presión de los tiempos de trabajo”. Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 81, pp. 50-67.

      RECIO, Albert; MORENO, Sara; GODINO, Alejandro (2015): “Out Of Sight: dimensions of working time in gendered occupations”, en U. Holtgrewe, V. Kirov, M. Ramioul (eds.) Hard Work in New Jobs. The quality of work and life in European growth sectors. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-207

    • Training and employment

      The objective of this investigation is to analyze the relationship between training and employment, questioning the affirmation that more training is equivalent to more and better employment.
      The social representation of training as a strong factor in obtaining a job is today very much extended among workers, employers and among people in general and is also assumed by the Administration and the Unions. This research intends to examine critically this social representation.

      Start date: 01/06/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1997

      Financing: DGICYT- Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (PB93-0832)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio Martín, Óscar Rebollo, Clara Llorens, Joel martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Enric Sanchis (Universitat de València)

      Documents and publications: 

      Lope, A., López P., Lozares, C., Martín, A.,Miguélez, F., Llorens, C., Martí, J., Verd, J.M., (2000), ¿Sirve la formación para el empleo?. Madrid, Consejo Económico y Social

    • Transformations into work and social welfare

      The objective of this study is to analyse some of the most relevant changes that are taking place in our country with regard to work.

      Start date: 01/12/1990

      Finish date: 01/03/1994

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia-Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (PB89-0317)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio Martín, Óscar Rebollo, Xavier Coller, Màrius Domínguez, Alfonso Romero, Vicent Borràs, Immaculada Pastor, Elisabet Tejero

      Documents and publications: 

      Monogràfic Revista PAPERS, nº 55 (1998):

    • Techonological innovation and changes in labour management

      In order to cary out the project we have decided to do an exhaustive compilation of the bibliographical material, documents and statistics published to date. After choosing those aspects which we considered most interesting, we have made a further selection -after debate- of the ones that allow us to create a theoretical framework around the themes of our area of interest: relationship between technological innovation and changes in the labour management.

      Start date: 01/10/1990

      Finish date: 01/10/1991

      Financing: CIRIT (Comissió Interdepartamental de Recerca i Innovació Tecnològica)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Adela Ros Hijar


      Lope Peña, Andreu; Martin, Antonio; Torns, Teresa; Coller, Xavier (1994): Innovació tecnològica : ocupació, gestió de la mà d’obra i canvis organitzatius a les empreses. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill

    • Resources, rights and capabilities; in search of social foundations -CAPRIGHT

      The promotion of individual and collective capabilities underpins CAPRIGHT’s research on the relations between labour markets, employment and welfare regimes. The important priority is to allow every person, wherever she lives and works, to develop her own future with the resources that are available to her.
      CAPRIGHT integrates two approaches into one process: one addresses resource regimes, the other inequalities in capabilities.
      CAPRIGHT mobilises 24 of partners from 13 European countries and involves disciplines such as anthropology, economics, history, law, political science and philosophy, sociology.
      CAPRIGHT will create a critical mass of empirical research in three key areas: gender equality, professional development and work restructuring. Each area is analysed from three entry points: the actual trajectories of people’s working live; situated public action; social dialogue and European policy development.
      To ensure a unified approach, from the hypotheses to the conclusions, the work is framed on the one hand by theoretical work and on the other by the elucidation of the political agenda.

      Start date: 01/01/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: European Commission – Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (VI FP)

      Responsable researcher: Project coordinator: Robert SALAIS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); equip espanyol: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Martí López

      Documents and publications:

      LÓPEZ-ANDREU, MartÍ; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “Employer strategies, capabilities and career development: two case studies of Spanish service firms”. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 34, Num. 4, pp. 327-345 .

      SUBRAMANIAN, Dilip; VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane; ZIMMERMANN, Bénédicte (2013): “Introduction to the Special Issue on Bringing Sen’s capability approach to work and human resource practices”. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 34 Num. 4, pp. 292-304.

      ABBATECOLA, Emanuela ; LEFRESNE, Florence ; VERD, Joan Miquel ; VERO, Josiane (2012): “Individual working lives through the lens of the capability approach: evaluation of policies and items for debate”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research February 2012 18 (1) , pp. 83-89 (doi:10.1177/1024258911431197) .

      BARTELHEIMER, Peter ; VERD, Joan Miquel ; LEHWEß-LITZMANN, René ; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí ; SCHMIDT, Tanja (2012): “Unemployment, intervention and capabilities. A comparative study of Germany and Spain”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research February 2012 18(1) , pp. 31-44 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí (2012): “La inestabilidad del empleo en las trayectorias laborales. Un análisis cuantitativo”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Núm. 138, pp. 135-148.

      VERD, Joan Miquel; PORCEL, Sergio (2012): “An Application of Qualitative Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the Field of Urban Sociology Using ATLAS.ti: Uses and Reflections”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, Volume 13, No. 2, pp. Art 14 .

      LÓPEZ ANDREU, Martí; VERD, Joan Miquel (2011): “Usos y efectos de la protección al desempleo en España. Resultados en base a la perspectiva de las capacidades”. Cuadernos del Mercado de Trabajo, Núm. 7, pp. 14-21.

      LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí; VERD, Joan Miquel (2011): ““Les effets de la formation diffèrent selon les parcours sur le marché du travail : l’exemple catalan”. Formation Emploi, Num. 113, pp. 63-79.

      VERD, Joan Miquel ; VERO, Josiane (2011): “La flexicurité à l’aune de l’approche par les capacités”. Formation-Emploi, Núm 113. Enero-Marzo 2011 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí (2011): “The Rewards of a Qualitative Approach to Life-Course Research. The Example of the Effects of Social Protection Policies on Career Paths”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 12(3), Art. 15 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane (2011): “Introduction : Pourquoi la flexicurité mérite-elle qu’on en débatte à partir de l’approche par les capacités ?”. Formation emploi, Num. 113 , pp. 5-14.

      VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane; LÓPEZ, Martí (2009): “Trayectorias laborales y enfoque de las capacidades. Elementos para una evaluación longitudinal de las políticas de protección social”. Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 67, pp. 127-150 .

      BARTELHEIMER, Peter; MONCEL, Natalie; VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane (2009): “Towards analysing individual working lives in a resources/capabilities perspective”. Net.Doc, Sen-sitising life course research?. Actes du Séminaire CAPRIGHT, Nº 50-avril 2009 , pp. 21-50.

    • Dynamics of national employment models-DYNAMO

      This comparative research, among several countries of the European Union, analyzes the evolution and the perspectives of different employment models, with the aim to bring to light the convergent and divergent features, and therefore we well be able to determine if we go towards an European model different from an USA model. Moreover, the research should allows us to know the role that this employment model is playing in the construction of the new social model of the European Union.

      Start date: 01/08/2004

      Finish date: 01/07/2007

      Financing: European Commission (VI FP)- (CIT2-CT-2004-508521)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Steffen Lehndorff (Institut Arbeit und Technik); equip QUIT: Fausto Miguélez, Albert Recio

      Team: Josep Banyuls, Raul Lorente, Andreu Lope, Antonio Martín, Teresa Torns, Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Employee’s resources and social rights in Europe

      The RESORE project aims to develop an analysis of the employees resources changes over the last two decades in relation to the social rights linked to them. The hypothesis is that at present we witness an erosion of the rights linked to universal direct taxation/insurance in Anglo-Nordic regimes and of rights linked to socialised salaries in some continental Europe countries. As a counterpart to this erosion, new models of rights linked to national solidarity (social inclusion) and mutualised collective private property are appearing, which suppose a shift in the nature of rights. This project will be carried out on the one hand by the analysis of comparative statistical measurement of resource flows and on the other hand by means of the analysis of national ‘qualitative’ data produced by national partners.

      Start date: 01/12/2002

      Finish date: 01/11/2005

      Financing: UE- European Commission (HPSE-CT-2002-00104)

      Responsable researcher: project coordinator: Bernadette CLASQUIN (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS; Andreu Lope Peña (QUIT-UAB)

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Martí López

      Documents and publications:

      Employees’ Resources and Social Rights in Europe (RESORE) – Final Research Report

      LÓPEZ ANDREU, Martí; LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “New employment forms reducing the scope of the wage”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 183-206 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “The hybridisation of worker’s resources: wage supplements and wage subsidies”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 225-244 .

      VERD, J.M.; PÉREZ, C. (2004): “Skills and credentials at the core of the relation between resources and employment”, en VV.AA. Wage and welfare. New perspectives on employment and social rights in Europe. Bruselas: Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes-Peter Lang, pp. 101-126.

    • La construction sociale de l’emploi (Bruxelles Conference)

      Start date: 01/07/2000

      Finish date: 01/05/2001

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities- Universitat de Nancy (Groupe de Recherche sur l’Education et l’Emploi (GREE)

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Lobo

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd

    • Youth employment and unofficial economy in Southern Europe

      Since the seventies until the nineties, because of the economic and labour changes, the advance of the level of unemployment has been substantial in all Europe. Among the different European countries there is a big difference in the social characteristics of people who have lost their job or who are still looking for it, relating to age, gender, level of education, skills, social and territorial stratification…
      This research includes the cases of Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain. The Spanish report deals the incidence of unemployment and the underground economy in relation to young people and indirectly, with women as components of this group.
      The report is based on quantitative and qualitative data of previous studies, on both, the national and autonomous comunity level.

      Start date: 01/11/1995

      Finish date: 01/05/1996

      Financing: European Commission (Directorate Employment and Labour Market- Contract SOC-95.102.702-05)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinator: Carlo Buzzi, Enzo Mingione (Istituto IARD, Milano); Fausto Miguélez (QUIT-UAB)

      Team: Antonio Martín, Marta Noguera

    • Migration and the economic crisis. Implications for professional careers

      Start date: 01/09/2012

      Finish date: 30/06/2014

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Óscar Molina, Antonio Martín, Sara Moreno, Alejandro Godino
      Coordinador estadístico: Pedro López-Roldán

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (coords.) (2014): Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      ALÓS, Ramon (2014): “Menos empleo y más precariedad”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 67-108). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “Modelo de análisis y metodología de la investigación”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 15-66). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2014): “Ingresos del trabajo, estratificación y movilidad vertical”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 109-144). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; GODINO, Alejandro (2014): “¿Movilidad territorial y sectorial como respuesta a la crisis?”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 221-270). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (2014): “Síntesis y conclusiones”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 271-306). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MOLINA, Óscar (2014): “Situaciones de mayor precariedad: desempleo de larga duración, inactividad y empleo informal”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 181-220). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MORENO, Sara (2014): “Trayectorias laborales, género e inmigración: la doble cara de la segregación horizontal”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 145-180). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MORENO COLOM, Sara; ALÓS, Ramon (2016): “La inmigración en España: ¿Una integración con pies de barro?”. Política y Sociedad, 53 (2), 509-528. (DOI: 10.5209/rev_POSO.2016.v53.n2.48312) .

    • Non-Standard Employment in a Comparative Perspective

      By now, it is commonly accepted that labor markets in advanced societies are in a process of deep transformation. The general trend seems to be one of increasing flexibility with regard to wages and/or employment contracts. This is most apparent for those European labor markets which were seen as quite egalitarian only one or two decades ago. The overall research question of the book project is to explain this change from a rather standardized employment model (stable employment relationships, permanent contracts, wage compression) to a more de-standardized one (flexible employment relationship, temporary contracts, wage dispersion). In addressing this question one particular issue lies at the core: the occupational heterogeneity in the process of labor market change. In the comparative labor market literature, the growth of non-standard employment such as f ixed-term contracts, agency work, freelance and part-time work as well as increased wage dispersion is usually discussed referring to the development of national averages over time.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 01/07/2013

      Financing: IZA – Institute for the Study of Labor

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina (UAB); Coords. : Werner Eichhorst (IZA), Paul Marx (IZA)

      Documents and publications:

      IZA Compact Newsletter- June 2012

    • Situació i perspectives laborals al barri de La Sauleda-Carrer Ample (Palafrugell). Estudi per a la concreció d’accions ocupacionals

      The Law on the Improvement of Neighbourhoods, Urban Spaces and Villas, promoted by the Government and approved by Parliament in May 2004 (Law 2/2004, of 4 June), responds to one of the priorities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, such as comprehensive intervention in neighbourhoods with the aim of avoiding their degradation and improving the conditions of the citizens who live in them. In this sense, the Law focuses on areas at risk of social vulnerability, in order to develop measures aimed at strengthening social cohesion. This project is located in the context of the application of the Law of Neighborhoods in the neighborhood of La Sauleda-Carrer Ample de Palafrugell of the call of the year 2008.

      Start date: 01/11/2010

      Finish date: 01/01/2012

      Financing: Ajuntament de Palafrugell

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

    • Satisfying labour demand through migration

      This report seeks to answer the question of how and to what extent economic immigration meets the needs of the Spanish labour market that are not covered by domestic supply. Therefore, it is based on the assumption that one of the main roles of immigration is to cover labour shortages in the labour market. To respond to that question in this study we review the interplay between both factors (the labour market and immigration) between 2004 and 2009. This time frame covers two very different situations seen during the period: one, until 2007, featured by substantial economic growth and rates of participation in economic activity and of unemployment that were very close to the average for the EU, and the other, since 2008, with unemployment twice as high as the EU average. In methodological terms this Report is based on a review of statistical information, of immigration regulations, of various social and political factors at play during the period, and on some exploratory interviews.

      Start date: 01/04/2010

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración. Secretaría de Estado de Inmigración y Emigración

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      Satisfying Labour Demand through Migration in Spain

    • Study on the level of labour insertion of ex-prisoners of the prisons of Catalonia

      The objective of this research is to study the employability of former inmates of prisons in Catalonia, Spain.
      Few studies of this type have been carried out in the world and this is the first in Spain. The results show that 43.6 percent of ex-prisoners find a job after serving their sentence, but their integration in the labour market tends to be fragile, confirming that it is a very vulnerable group. It was also found that prison work has a favourable effect on employability and that vocational training has a lesser or no effect.

      Start date: 01/08/2009

      Finish date: 01/04/2010

      Financing: Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada – Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner Vila

      Team: Pedro López Roldán, Pere Jódar, Fernando Esteban, Fausto Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon; ESTEBAN, Fernando; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2011): “Effects of Prison Work Programmes on the Employability of Ex-prisoners“. DemoSoc Working Paper, Number 43.

       ALÓS-MONER VILA, Ramón ; ESTEBAN, Fernando ; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto ; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro M.; ALCAIDE, Vanessa (2011): “La inserció laboral dels exinterns dels centres penitenciaris de Catalunya“. Invesbreu Criminologia. Núm. 53 , pp. 3-6.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “La inserción laboral de ex reclusos. Una aproximación cualitativa“. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 145, pp. 181-204.

      ALÓS, Ramon; ESTEBAN, Fernando; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “Effects of prison work programmes on the employability of ex-prisoners”. European Journal of Criminology, 1–16

    • Immigration, Employment and Social Cohesion

      Start date: 01/04/2009

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Antonio Martín, Pedro López Roldán, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno, Óscar Molina, Fernando Esteban

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon (2012): ” Una aproximación a la segregación étnica en España: trayectorias laborales comparadas de la población inmigrante”. Revista de Economía Crítica, nº14, segundo semestre, pp. 107-123.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS, Ramon; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain“. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali,Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

       TORNS, Teresa; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2012): “Mercato del lavoro e immigrazione in Spagna: disuguaglianze di genere e di etnia“. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Nun. 3 Giugno, pp. 79-90.

       MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (coord.); MARTÍN, Antonio; ESTEBAN, Fernando; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): Trayectorias laborales de los inmigrantes en España. Barcelona: Obra Social “La Caixa”.

       MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio.; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara; ESTEBAN, Fernando (2011): “Movilidad ascendente de la inmigración en España: ¿asimilación o segmentación ocupacional?”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 96 (4),, pp. 1311-1338.

       MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara Moreno; ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo (2011): “Trayectorias laborales y asimilación ocupacional de la inmigración”. Sociología del Trabajo, Nº 72, pp. 41-62.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2011): “Trayectorias laborales de autóctonos e inmigrantes en España: entre la convergencia y la segmentación. Un análisis de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laborales 2007”. ARXIUS de Ciències Socials, Nº 24, pp. 59-76 .

      LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (2011): “La Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales. Posibilidades y limitaciones. Aplicación al estudio de la ocupación de la población inmigrante”. Metodología de encuestas , Núm. 13 , pp. 7-32.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2011): “Trayectorias laborales de autóctonos e inmigrantes en Españaentre la convergencia y la segmentación. Un Análisis de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laborales 2007”. Arxius de sociologia, Nº 24, pp. 59-76.

        Molina, Óscar (2010): Crisis econòmica, Empleo e Inmigración. QUIT Working Paper, nº 16.

       Stan, Sabina (2009): Romanian Migration to Spain and Its Impact on the Romanian Labour Market. QUIT Working Paper, nº 14.

    • Management of migration flows in Catalonia

      This study, commissioned by the Servei d’Ocupació of Catalonia, has the objective of providing a global vision of the migratory flow management in Catalonia as well as identifying its shortages so as to establish corrective mechanisms.

      Start date: 01/03/2008

      Finish date: 01/09/2008

      Financing: Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya – Departament de Treball, Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Albert Recio, Francisco Pérez Amorós

      Documents and publications:

      Estudi sobre la gestió dels fluxos immigratoris laborals – Informe

    • Delocation and outsourcing in the IT sector and the loss of competences

      Start date: 01/09/2007

      Finish date: 01/02/2008

      Financing: Federación Minerometalúrgica de CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Team: Pablo López Calle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Rafael Ibáñez Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; IBAÑÉZ, Rafael; LÓPEZ, Pablo (2008): “Deslocalización y externalización en el sector TIC y la pérdida de competencias“, en Observatorio industrial del sector de tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones . Madrid: Federación Minerometalúrgica de CCOO, pp. 201-338

    • Study on the work in prisons of Catalonia and its role in the social reintegration

      This study intends to know the incident of work of convicts on its social reintegration.
      For that purpose we are basing on the following hyphotesis:
      1. The time devoted to work as well as the training received will make easier their social integration.
      2. The improvement of the media directed to promote social insertion at prisons will have effects on its social function.

      Start date: 01/10/2005

      Finish date: 01/07/2006

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Centre d’Iniciatives per a la Reinserció (CIRE)-

      Responsable researcher: Miguélez, F.

      Team: Alos, R., Martín Artiles, A., Gibert, F.

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; DE ALÒS-MONER, R.; MARTÍN, A.; GIBERT, F. (2006): El treball a les presons de Catalunya. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; GIBERT, Francesc (2007): Trabajar en prisión. Barcelona: Icaria.

       Presentació de la recerca: La inserció laboral dels exinterns dels centres penitenciaris de Catalunya. Ramón d’Alós-Moner Vila i Pere Jódar Martínez

      ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MIGUÉLEZ LOBO, Fausto; GIBERT, Francesc (2009): “¿Sirve el trabajo penitenciario para la reinserción? un estudio a partir de las opiniones de los presos de las cárceles de Cataluña”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 127 , pp. 11-32.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; GIBERT, Francesc; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2009): “Política de reinserción y funciones del trabajo en las prisiones. (El caso de Cataluña)”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 46, Núm. 1 y 2, pp. 221-236 .

    • Execution of a document on a quality evaluation procedure of the aid services sector.

      The City Hall of Manlleu (Barcelona) set in motion the program “SAD Manlleu” (social services) with the scope of improving the quality of life of elder and disabled people by means of aid services. This study arisen from the worry of the City Hall by knowing the implications that the models of organization of the labour activity have on the efficiency of the social services.

      Start date: 01/09/2004

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert

    • Study on the labour market and on analysis of the organization models in the efficiency of the social services of SAD program

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Peña / Albert Recio

      Team: Francesc Gibert

    • Study on the factors of the school failure and of the labor path of the youths in the Òdena region.

      Start date: 01/12/2002

      Finish date: 01/02/2003

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona. Xarxa de municipis- Àrea d’Educació

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Peña

      Team: Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert, Isidre Rabadà

    • Study of the industrial Spanish businesses installed in Morocco

      Start date: 01/06/2001

      Finish date: 01/07/2001

      Financing: Fundació Pau i Solidaritat de CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Documents and publications:

      de Alós-Moner, R., Kaioua, A., Benbada, A. (2001): La inversión industrial española en Marruecos. Una aproximación desde las dos orillas del Mediterráneo. Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament, Marruecos.

      de Alós-Moner, R. (2003): “Empleo y relacionales laborales en las empresas españolas en Marruecos”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº 47, pp. 139-163.

    • White book of new employment sources

      Start date: 01/06/1999

      Finish date: 01/07/1999

      Financing: Fundació CIREM

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín, Ramon de Alòs, Clara llorens, Joel Martí, Lluís Sáez, Josep Mª Antentas, Mònica Nadal, Begoña Oltra

    • Report on employment policies and working conditions in Spain

      This research project based on case studies aims at analysing the impacts of employment policies and human resources management on working conditions at corporate level.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/06/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

    • Training of Youth with formatives deficiencies

      Start date: 01/06/1996

      Finish date: 01/12/1996

      Financing: Consell Comarcal del Vallès Occidental- programa comunitari YOUTHSTART (Fons Social Europeu)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Rebollo, Clara Llorens, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd

    • Evaluation of training needs of companies in the town of Polinyà (BCN)

      The intention of this research is to identify the training needs of the businesses of the town of Polinyà (Barcelona) and the formation profiles required by employers, departing from the hypothesis that the training required is strongly segmented, and that the local jov market is only able to meet these needs with some difficulty.
      This study also holds as an objective that of identifying the factors which favour and/or hinder the meshing of training adn employmnet, as well as being able to carry out proposals which allow the orientation of training policies at local level.

      Start date: 01/10/1995

      Finish date: 01/09/1996

      Financing: Patronat Flor de Maig- Diputació de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Rebollo Izquierdo

      Team: Faustino Miguélez, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Clara Llorens, Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd

    • Changes in the Spanish employment model

      This research arises from the spectacular increase of the total economically active population experienced in Spain in the period 1997-2006, rising from 13.2 million to 19.5 million. More than 3 million of this increase is due to immigrant population.
      So, it could be told that the presence of this collective is one of the features that characterizes a decade in which Spanish women presence has had a very significant rise, not in quantitative terms but in terms of social importance if comparing with previous decades.
      Both collectives have, therefore, a key role in some of the changes happened in the Spanish labour market in the last times. However, in order to understand what is happening, we think that we should tackle the issue from the perspective of the model of employment and not simply from the labour market approach.
      So, some questions come up from such data and are in the core of this research: what changes, and in what extend, have been introduced by such increments of women and immigrants participation in the Spanish model of employment, particularly in certain sectors?, can we talk of modernization of such a model of employment in the sense of promoting equal opportunities between men and women and overcoming discrimination derived from the traditional division of the work according to gender condition?

      Start date: 01/01/2009

      Finish date: 01/12/2011

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

      Grant agreement number: CSO2008-01321

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín Artiles, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Vicent Borràs, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno

      Documents and publications:

      BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; TORNS, Teresa (2012): “Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, núm. 51-52, pp.131-146.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS, Ramon; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

      TORNS, Teresa; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2012): “Mercato del lavoro e immigrazione in Spagna: disuguaglianze di genere e di etnia”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Nun. 3 Giugno, pp. 79-90.

      BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; MORENO COLOM, Sara; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia; GRAU CASAJUST, Anna (2012): “Male Hegemony in Decline? Reflections on the Spanish Case”. Men and Masculinities, 15(4), pp. 406-423. DOI: 10.1177/1097184X12455399.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio.; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara; ESTEBAN, Fernando (2011): “Movilidad ascendente de la inmigración en España: ¿asimilación o segmentación ocupacional?”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 96 (4),, pp. 1311-1338.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara Moreno; ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo (2011): “Trayectorias laborales y asimilación ocupacional de la inmigración”. Sociología del Trabajo, Nº 72, pp. 41-62.

      TORNS, Teresa; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent (2013): “Career Paths in Spain: Gendered division of Labour and Informal Employment”. Revue Interventions économiques [En ligne], 47 | 2013, URL :

      Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Carrasquer, Pilar; Moreno, Sara; Castelló, Laia; Grau, Anna (2011): Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español. QUIT Working Paper, nº17.

      Las políticas de inmigración, las poíticas de igualdad y de conciliación y las políticas activas de empleo y formación ocupacionas: su influencia sobre el modelo de empleo. Informe de investigación.

      Informe sobre el mercado de trabajo. Informe de Investigación.

    • New strategies of migration: requalification for a new labour market

      The current economic crisis has significnatly increased the number of unemployed persons reaching a four million maximum in the early months of 2010. This increase has triggered a dramatic shift in labour market demand that was satisfied in the expansion years by immigrants, young persons (early school leavers) and women. The important social risks arising from this situation may last for some years and pose very important challenges for some groups of persons. There is first of all a risk of social exclusion for young workers that experience periods of temporary employment with unemployment and low wages. The second risk refers to immigrants which are not returning to their origin countries moving into the informal sector before the difficulties to find a regular job. There is already some evidence suggesting that this is happening in large numbers hence making it even more difficult for these persons to become fully integrated . Moreover, the informal economy implies further deterioration in their working conditions. Finally, the third risk has to do with the rapid incorporation of women in the labour market over the last fifteen years and the possibility that the economic downturn may halt this long running process and trigger a return to home of young women.

      The objective of this research is twofold. On the one hand, it is aimed at carrying out an assessment of the employment opportunities of the unemployed immigrants compared to natives. In order to do this, we will pay particular attention to the effect of education levels on their labour market trajectories before they became unemployed. Secondly, based on the results of this assessment, we aim at providing some recommendations and strategic guidelines for improving the effectiveness of re-qualification at the light of the demands posed by the new economic environment.

      Start date: 01/01/2011

      Finish date: 01/03/2013

      Financing: Recercaixa – ACUP (2010)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Óscar Molina, Pedro López Roldán, Carolina Recio, Alejandro Godino, Zyab Ibáñez

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; MOLINA, Óscar; IBÁÑEZ, Zyab; GODINO, Alejandro; RECIO, Carolina (2013): Nuevas Estrategias para la Inmigración: Recualificación para un nuevo mercado de trabajo. QUIT Working paper series, 18.

    • Re-thinking Labour Market Policies in Southern Europe by bringing in Labour Market Actors

      This project analyses the institutional and policy conditions for effectiveness of labour market policies in Portugal and Spain and to provide some policy orientation as to how to improve their positive contribution to the labour market.
      During the last fifteen years, flexicurity has become the dominant paradigm orienting labour market policies in EU countries. ‘Active’ measures (mainly involving the promotion of training as well as incentives for employers) are now the central elements of policy in the area of employment creation. In spite of the increasing emphasis and resources devoted to these policies, their effect upon labour market performance in many EU countries has been lower than expected. This is most notably the case of the Southern European countries. Largely due to the structural characteristics of their economies and compounded by the emergent crisis, the negative labour market performance of these countries has demonstrated the poor effectiveness of this policy approach. The aim of this project is to shed light upon the political and social influences upon this failure.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 01/12/2013

      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina (España) / Alan Stoleroff (Portugal)

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Antonio Martín-Artiles, Alejandro Godino

    • The labour and social impact of the JJ.OO of Barcelona 1992

      Start date: 01/05/1991

      Finish date: 01/07/1993

      Financing: Associació per al Desenvolupament d’Iniciatives d’Ocupació (ADIPROC)

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Albert Recio, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Immaculada Pastor, Óscar Rebollo, Marius Domínguez, Xavier Coller.

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; CARRASQUER, P. (1996), “La repercusión laboral de los juegos olímpicos”, en Moragas, M.; Botella, M. (eds.) Las Claves del éxito. Impactos sociales, deportivos, económicos y comunicativos de Barcelona’92. Barcelona: Centro de Estudios Olímpicos y del Deporte.

    • Four motor regions, A case study: Catalonia

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Employment and labour market transformations

      Start date: 01/01/1991

      Finish date: 01/12/1991

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Cassa di Risparmio di Lombardia. Convei marc de col-laboració: Istituto di Recerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Documents and publications:

      Miguélez, F.; Lope, A.; Recio, A. (1993), “Catalogna”, Rivista Milanese di economia, núm.23, IRES LOMBARDIA, Milano.

      Miguélez F.; Lope, A.; Recio, A.; Roca, J. (1995), “Trabajo y profesiones. El caso de Catalunya”, Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 23, Madrid, 1994-1995

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Albert Recio, Jordi Roca

    • Social Networks as Resources and Search Mechanisms for Employment and Social Support in Youth – REDEMAS

      The central idea of this project consists in examining the factors that shape job seeking and the access to the labor market among young people. More specifically, in the context of the labor market, economical and social crisis, those factors would be the following:
      (1) The youth social status, character attributes, including high potential homophilic relationships such as acquired educational level, gender, social class and home ownership;
      (2) The access to social networks and other virtual, extensible, virtual media (strictly professional or not) as a relational mechanism and as an expression of social capital.
      (3) Their personal experience and life trajectories.


      Start date: 01/02/2013

      Finish date: 31/12/2016

      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2012-36055 – REDEMAS)

      Responsable researcher: Carlos Lozares / Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Pedro López-Roldán, Oriol Barranco, Dafne Muntanyola
      Ainhoa de Federico, Michel Grossetti (Université de Toulouse 2)



      Barranco, O., Lozares, C., & Muntanyola-Saura, D. (2019). “Heterophily in social groups formation: a social network Analysis”. Quality and Quantity, 53(2), 599–619.

      Bolíbar, M., Verd, J. M., & Barranco, O. (2019). “The downward spiral of youth unemployment: An approach considering social networks and family background”. Work, Employment and Society, 33(3), 401-421.

      Lozares, C.; Verd, J.M. & Muntanyola-Saura, Dafne (2020). Análisis e interpretación de entornos situacionales mediante el Análisis Reticular del Discurso. Athenea Digital, 20(2), e2239.

      Muntanyola-Saura, D., Barranco, O., & Vacchiano, M. (2019). “Inequality beyond networking: Personal networks and mobilization of contacts by young job seekers in Barcelona”. Revista Española de Sociología, 28(2), 207–226.

      Vacchiano, M. (2021). Nine Mechanisms of Job-Searching and Job-Finding Through Contacts Among Young Adults. Sociological Research Online.

      Vacchiano, M.; Yepes-Cayuela, L. & Martí, J. (2019). The family as (one- or two-step) social capital: mechanisms of support during labor market transitions, Community, Work & Family,

      Vacchiano, M., Martí, J., Yepes-Cayuela, L., & Miquel Verd, J. (2018). “Personal networks in job insertion among young adults in times of crisis: An analysis in Barcelona” | Las redes personales en la inserción laboral juvenil en tiempos de crisis. Un análisis en Barcelona. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 161, 121–140.

      Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., & Bolíbar, M. (2019). “Youth unemployment and employment trajectories in Spain during the great recession: What are the determinants?” Journal for Labour Market Research, 53(1).

    • Validation of study to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia

      Continuation of the project ‘Study using discussion groups to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia’ (2012). This project is also commissioned by the General Division of Occupational Safety and Health (SGSSL) of the Department for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia.

      In this case, main data come from interviews with expert researchers in the field of occupational health and safety (psychosocial exposures, public health, epidemiology, work organization, occupational risk prevention, ergonomics, occupational health, etc.).

      Results of both projects represent a coherent set of reflections on the future of occupational safety and health in Catalonia.

      Start date: 26/05/2014

      Finish date: 31/03/2015

      Financing: Departament d’Empresa i Ocupació – Sudirecció General de Seguretat i Salut Laboral

      Financing reference: EMO-2014-185

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler

      Documents and publications: Rodríguez- Soler J.; Verd, J. (2014): “Detecció de temes i eixos centrals en la investigació vinculada a la Seguretat i Salut Laboral a Catalunya. Informe de validació”. Informe de recerca.

    • Economic crisis, employment trajectories and sociopolitical attitudes of young people. The case of the youth of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona

      The research studies the effects that the current Spanish economic crisis is having on young people’s visions, attitudes and behaviours vis-à-vis to the labour market and the political system. Concretely, the research tries to see the characteristics of these visions, attitudes and behaviours and their possible changes, during the period of the economic crisis, because of the crisis of the youth labour market as well as the modifications of some social benefits. The research analyses the case of the young people who lives in the metropolitan area of Barcelona by means of a mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods: a quantitative and extensive statistical analysis of secondary survey data is carried out, and is complemented with a qualitative and intensive analysis of primary data from biographical interviews.

      Start date: 17/03/2014

      Finish date: 31/03/2015

      Financing: Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País (SEBAP)

      Responsable researcher: Oriol Barranco

      Team: Mireia Bolíbar

    • Report evaluating employment policies in Spain (2013-2014)

      This report examines the extent and manner in which employment policies are affecting employment in this period.


      Start date: 10/09/2014

      Finish date: 31/12/2015

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Ramon Alós, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Óscar Molina, Alberto Pastor, Albert Recio, Joan Rodríguez-Soler, Joan Miquel Verd, Alejandro Godino



      Miguélez, F.; Alós, R.; Molina, O. (2021). Job regulation in the digital revolution? | ¿Gobernar los cambios del empleo en la revolución digital?. Politica y Sociedad, 58(3), art. no. e71122. doi: 10.5209/poso.71122


      Miguélez, F. (coord.); Alós, R.; Carrasquer,P.; Lope, A; Molina, O; Pastor, A.; Recio, A.;Rodríguez-Soler, J.; Verd, J.M.; Godino,A. (2015): Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014

      Book chapters:

      Alós, Ramon (2015): “Desempleo y empleo durante la crisis”.  En Diagnóstico socioeconómico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Carrasquer, Pilar (2015): “Las mujeres en las políticas de empleo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Lope, Andreu (2015): “Las políticas activas de empleo: el nuevo modelo de políticas activas”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Lope, Andreu (2015): “Las políticas de formación”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Introducción: Políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Las políticas de apoyo a los parados”. En Diagnóstico socioeconómico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Un Delphi sobre las políticas de empleo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Conclusiones generales”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Molina, Oscar (2015): “El fomento del empleo en España: incentivos a la contratación y al empleo autónomo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Pastor, Alberto (2015): “El marco normativo del empleo”. En Diagnóstico socioeconómico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Recio, Albert (2015): “Políticas económicas y empleo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan; Verd, Joan Miquel (2015): “Políticas de empleo dirigidas a jóvenes”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012- 2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


    • Self-employed workers. Analysis from the Second Working Conditions Survey of Catalonia (2012)

      This project is an agreement with the General Division of Social and Cooperative Economy and Self-Employed Work of the Ministry for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia.

      The aim of this project is to study the relationships between self-employed workers and occupational risks. The first objective aims to explore possible relationships between different types of self-employed workers and their exposure’s level to occupational risks. A second objective aims to compare self-employed workers with employees. Main data have been provided by the Survey of Working Conditions in Catalonia. Data have been analyzed by SPAD software.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Employment and labour market transformations

      Start date: 03/09/2012

      Finish date: 31/01/2013

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Direcció General d’Economia Social i Cooperativa i Treball Autònom – Departament d’Empresa i Ocupacio, Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler

    • The accumulation and use of social capital in young people with instability labour trajectories. Also the Matthew effect? – CAPSINES

      The CAPSINES project addresses the process by which young people acquire and use relational social capital in the successive transitions along their trajectories. The project will assess –in a framework in which many young people begin their labour trajectories in situations of temporary employment relatively similar– the environments in which the useful contacts to search and access employment are acquired, the type of social capital used in successive transitions and the characteristics of the employment that is accessed to as a result of different types of social capital mobilised.

      Start date: 30/12/2016
      Finish date: 29/12/2020
      Financing: Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad
      Grant agreement reference: CSO2016-77905-P
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Joel Martí,  Dafne Muntanyola, Oriol Barranco, Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro González Heras

      Reports and Publications

      Project Dataset

      Guía de orientación sobre inserción y trayectorias juveniles

      Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2021): “Las políticas de mentorización y de generación de capital social en las trayectorias laborales juveniles precarias”. QUIT Working paper series, n. 26. <>

      Verd, J.M., Barranco, O. & Bolíbar, M. (2019). Youth unemployment and employment trajectories in Spain during the Great Recession: what are the determinants?. Journal for Labour Market Research. 53 (4 ). DOI: 10.1186/s12651-019-0254-3

      Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez-Soler, Joan & González Heras, Alejandro (2021). El papel de las políticas activas de empleo en las trayectorias laborales inestables de la población joven. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 123-152.

  • Work and gender

    This research stream is concerned with the analysis of gender inequalities in the labour market as well as in the domestic sphere. Some of the topics investigated under this research stream are the relationship between work and family life, gender equality policies and finally, the provision of public social care services and their impact on working women.

    Current projects Finished projects
    • Young people and well-being: analysing social and working factors behind the mental health crisis

      The research focuses on the state of mental health and emotional well-being of the young population in Catalonia. There is an increasingly shared conviction that in today’s society, promoting the mental health of young people is an unavoidable priority. The impact of the global pandemic of COVID-19 has further exposed pre-existing inequalities and accentuated the need for emotional care and support, especially in the young population. In this context, with all its complexity and challenges, the report offers a comprehensive view of the intersections between social inequalities, emotional well-being and mental health among Catalan youth.

      The research exposes the fundamental reasons why young people find themselves in a particularly vulnerable emotional and psychological position. This situation is analysed from the perspective of the interaction of different factors that shape the youth environment, and it shows how the current socio-political context has exacerbated this fragility. It does so, moreover, taking into consideration not only the clinical and epidemiological aspects of emotional well-being, but also other variables such as environmental, social and cultural ones, which shape the emotional and psychological experience of young people.

      Start date: 01/09/2023
      Finish date: 31/12/2023
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Agència Catalana de la Joventut
      Principal investigator: Mireia Bolíbar


      La recerca se centra en l’estat de la salut mental i el benestar emocional de la població jove a Catalunya. Cada cop és més compartida la convicció que en la societat actual promoure la salut mental de les persones joves esdevé una prioritat ineludible. L’impacte de la pandèmia global de la COVID-19 ha exposat encara més les desigualtats preexistents i ha accentuat les necessitats d’atenció i suport emocional, especialment en la població jove. En aquest context, amb tota la seva complexitat i desafiaments, l’informe ens ofereix una visió integral de les interseccions entre les desigualtats socials, el benestar emocional i la salut mental del jovent català.

      La recerca exposa les raons fonamentals per les quals la joventut es troba en una posició de vulnerabilitat emocional i psicològica especialment destacada. Aquesta situació s’analitza des de la interacció de diferents factors que configuren l’entorn juvenil, i s’evidencia com l’actual context sociopolític ha aguditzat aquesta fragilitat. Ho fa, a més, prenent en consideració no només els aspectes clínics i epidemiològics del benestar emocional, sinó també altres variables com les ambientals, socials i culturals, que configuren l’experiència emocional i psicològica de les persones joves.

      Data inici: 01/09/2023
      Data fi: 31/12/2023
      Finançament: Generalitat de Catalunya, Agència Catalana de la Joventut
      Investigadora Principal: Mireia Bolíbar


      Bolíbar, Mireia & Padrosa, Eva (2024). Salut mental, joventut i desigualtats. Una mirada integral al benestar emocional de la població jove de Catalunya. Col·lecció Aportacions, núm. 67. Generalitat de Catalunya.

    • Evaluation of the “VilaVeïna” Program

      VilaVeïna is a pioneering municipal initiative to address care in small territorial units, in which specialized professional teams, people receiving care and citizens are part of a community network and co-responsible for the collective welfare. It is a project aimed at all citizens, but especially at the people who need the most support (children and the elderly) and their caregivers. The deployment of VilaVeïna in the city is part of a transformation of the social and health care model, which prioritizes proximity, co-responsibility and personalization of care. The main change consists in conceiving care as a shared and communitarian task, not a private and individual one.

      The purpose of the contract is the evaluation of the program with the double objective of: to know the implementation process and to analyze the impact of the project.

      Start date: 21/03/2023
      Finish date: 20/03/2023
      Funding: Foment de la Ciutat, SA
      Coordinator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Christel Keller

    • Gender Equality in the Uses of Time: changes, resistance and continuities – GENERA

      GENERA is a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge.

      The project aims at analysing the changes, resistance, and continuities in the use of time devoted to domestic and care work, paying attention to the heterogeneity of trends and the character of transformations.

      The two-fold objective of the proposal is articulated through two theoretical debates: the process of gender convergence in the uses of time, and the impact of contextual factors on gender relations.

      The study formulates four starting research questions: What structural and contextual factors ease gender convergence in the uses of time? Which is the character, temporal or substantial, of the trends of change? What structural and contextual factors explain the continuities and resistance to change? What is the consequence of resistance: stagnation or setback.

      The studies carried out by the applicant team point to a trend of upward convergence with sociocultural limits that suggest a certain stalled revolution and some setbacks. On the one hand, the differences between the time that women and men devote to domestic and care work decrease. On the other hand, inequality persists both for time devoted to these tasks and in their segregation as well. In parallel, the analysis on the social impact of the context crisis, such as COVID-19, points to the intensification of unpaid work by women, thus reinforcing traditional gender roles.

      Taking as starting point previous results, the central goal of the proposal is to expand and deepen the knowledge in the heterogeneity of trends of change and continuity, the nature of changes as well as the contradictions or resistance behind the uses of time.

      Start date: 01/09/2022
      End date: 31/08/2025
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigators: Sara Moreno Colom & Vicent Borràs
      Team: Alvaro Briales (UCM), Irene Cruz Gómez (IERMB)
      Lidia Arroyo (UOC), Núria Sánchez Mira (Université de Neuchâtel)
      Joan Rodríguez Soler (UAB), Sandra Sánchez Sinisterra (UAB)

      Project website:


      Moreno-Colom, Sara, Borràs Català, Vicent, & Rodriguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Imaginarios en conflicto sobre el trabajo doméstico: responsabilidad, privilegio, supervisión y aprendizaje. Revista Española De Sociología33(3), a240.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Capítulo 1. Cuando lo doméstico se difumina en los cuidados: entre lo material y lo simbólico. In: Sofía Pérez de Guzman Padrón & Marcela Iglesias Onofrio (coord.). Sociedades del cuidado en transición: una perspectiva iberoamericana. Dykinson. (colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo, núm. 171) (pp.16-35). 

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2023). Igualdad de género en los usos del tiempo: cambios, resistencias y continuidades. Perspectiva teórica y modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 29. /286587


      Media presence:

      Rius, M. (7/03/2024). El conflicte de les tasques domèstiques: ell s’acomoden en el paper d’aprenent. La Vanguardia. 2.

      Sanz, M. (07/03/2024). El conflicto en las tareas del hogar: las mujeres organizan y ordenan; los hombres aprenden y ejecutan. La Sexta Noticias.

      Virgili M. (Anfitrión). (11/03/2024). Les dones i els dies. La feina invisible de les cures [Podcast de audio]. 3cat.

    • The incorporation of men into paid care. Challenges, opportunities and strategies of action from the public administration

      Study on the incorporation of men into paid care, analysis of the opportunities that the promotion of the presence of men has in occupations related to care for gender equality in Catalonia. We also take into consideration the analysis of the risks involved, bearing in mind that it relates to a niche of employment for women, with a structural disadvantage in accessing the labour market.

      Start date: 02/11/2022
      Finish date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Direcció General de Cures, Organització del Temps i Equitat en els Treballs
      Reference: IF-2022-179
      Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler


      Borràs Català, Vicent; Rodríguez Soler, Joan & Corsetti, Tania. (2024). La incorporació dels homes en els treballs de cura remunerada: oportunitats i riscos. Generalitat de Catalunya

    • Changes in domestic and care work: from gender specialization to dragging tasks?

      The objective of the research is to deepen the analysis of the trends of change in the distribution of domestic and care work from a gender perspective. Specifically, the following research question is formulated: What factors facilitate the egalitarian distribution of time dedicated to domestic tasks?

      We start from the theoretical discussion on the transformations in the uses of time between women and men; from research that evidences gender convergence as a slow and unequal process (Sullivan and Gershuny 2018); as well as from analyses that address specialization, complementarity and substitution in the sharing of tasks (Treas 2006; Lippe & Treas 2017).

      Taking these debates as a reference, the existence of a trend of change where the performance of certain tasks drags down the responsibility of others is hypothesized as a line of hypothesis. From this perspective, it is argued that task dragging decreases gender specialization in the performance of tasks and, therefore, favors complementarity between women and men with a more egalitarian pattern.

      In order to answer the questions formulated, it is proposed to carry out a factor analysis with the EET data (INE 2009-2010) to capture the chains of task shuffling and define the sociological profiles that carry them out.

      Start date: 01/06/2022
      End date: 30/05/2023
      Funding: Own resources
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigator: Sara Moreno Colom
      Team: Vicent Borràs Català; María Cascales Mira

    • A qualitative approach to sexual harassment in the world of work

      The aim of the study is to make a qualitative approach to sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace in order to learn about the perceptions, experiences and socially shared imaginaries that are part of this phenomenon.

      The starting point is the evidence that sexual harassment in the workplace is a relatively normal practice and the aim is to find its causes.

      Specifically, the aim is to analyze the sociocultural background that acts as a context and support for the existence and persistence of sexual and gender-based harassment beyond its quantification. In this sense, the specific objectives are to identify, describe and explain the social factors that make the phenomenon possible, as well as the elements of change and continuity that have occurred in recent years.

      Start date: 20/04/2021
      End date: 30/11/2021
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
      Reference: Exp. BE-2021-2444
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Research team: Vicent Borràs


      Moreno, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Jiménez Celemín, Carmen; [et al.]. L’assetjament sexual i per raó de sexe al món laboral : una aproximació qualitativa. 2021.

    • Support assessment of the Equality Law

      Collaboration with Ivalua for the evaluation of the Law 17/2015 for the effective equality of women and men.

      Start date: 30/03/2021
      End date: 31/12/2021
      Funding: Institut Català d’Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques
      Reference: 7055-2021-36
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno

    • Dynamisation of a forum of expert people from the project “Towards a new public care system in the community” and drafting a report of recommendations for improving

      The Equality and Sustainability Area of the Barcelona Provincial Counci has launched the project Towards a new public system of care in the community with the aim of strengthening local care services, especially home care and tele-aid.

      Within the framework of this project, the discussion sessions of the Expert Persons Forum have been stimulated, an analysis has been made of the socio-demographic reality of dependence, ageing and disability in the province of Barcelona and the drafting of a report of recommendations for improving the care system.

      Start date: 07/05/2021
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Diputació de Barcelona, Àrea d’igualtat i Sostenibilitat Social
      Reference: Exp. 2022/14258
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Paula Arboix

    • Improving the employability of youth in the territory

      This study aims to redefine intervention proposals for the promotion of youth employment from different levels; firstly, by adapting training offers to the most emerging sectors that generate employment in each territory, as well as exploring training experiences beyond formal ones. Secondly, with the aim of making the offer of occupational training more attractive by incorporating competences linked to young people’s everyday concerns and practices, as well as encouraging the business sector at a territorial level to incorporate the training competences that these young people have. Finally,  by introducing the gender perspective in the male key, as the changes in the employment model in the context of crisis have affected mainly young men.

      Start date: 01/09/2017
      End date: 31/08/2018
      Funding: AGAUR- Agència Catalana de Joventud
      Grant agreement number: 2016AJOVE00018
      Principal Investigador: Vicent Borràs Català
      Research team: Sara Moreno Colom, Albert Trinidad, Núria Alcaraz

      Documents & Publications:

      Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Moreno, Sara; [et al.] (octubre 2018). La empleabilidad de l@s jóvenes : entre el perpetuo tránsito a ninguna parte y el oasis del tiempo libre [Presentación de paper]. VII Congreso Red Española de Políticas Sociales: “Políticas sociales ante horizontes de incertidumbre y desigualdad”, Zaragoza , España. < >

      Borràs, V., Moreno-Colom, S., Trinidad, A., & Alcaraz, N. (2018, septiembre). Millorant l’ocupabilitat de la joventut al territori – Informe de recerca. <>

      Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Alcaraz, Núria; Moreno-Colom, Sara (2021) The role of territory in the employability of young people. Journal of Education and Work, doi: 10.1080/13639080.2021.2018411

    • Study on “Proposals to minimize the gender negative impact of teleworking on the city council of Barcelona”

      The health emergency caused by Covid19 and the necessary confinement of the population to combat the pandemic has meant, from the point of view of work organization in the Barcelona City Council, a very important shift towards forced digitisation and the promotion of forms of working at distance.
      Before the crisis, teleworking was seen as an organisational form that improves the effectiveness of organisations and people’s quality of life. Numerous research has highlighted the advantages of teleworking in terms of productivity, quality of work, cost reduction, reduction of absenteeism, improvement of motivation, respect for the environment, among others. However, the current impetus for remote work has been an emergency response, logical in thess circumstances, and, as such, it has not been able to be planned with the necessary time and means.

      The aim of this study is therefore to provide with a proposal for actions to ensure the incorporation of the gender perspective into the city council’s teleworking system so that its implementation does not have a negative gender impact on women’s working conditions and opportunities.

      Start date: 10/08/2020
      En date: 31/12/2020
      Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 20002682
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Vicent Borràs

    • Comparative exploration, in the European framework, of good practices for the promotion of women’s professional careers

      Employment of quality is a key factor in access to citizenship rights and a decisive area for achieving gender equality. Unfortunately, we are still far way from this equality, as the employment of women is still condtioned by horizontal and vertical segregation, precariousness, wage inequality or sexual harassment.
      In the current context of economic and social crisis arising from the health emergency of COVID-19, it is necessary that the economic recovery measures take account of the specific characteristics of women workers in low-skilled sectors.
      So, with the objective of designing and implementing different strategies for promoting women’s careers, the Directorate of Gender and Time of the Barcelona City Council has proposed us to carry out an initial exploration, in European perspective, of good practices in this area.

      Start date: 17/09/2020
      End date: 31/03/2021
      Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 20002861
      Principal Investigador: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Raquel Serrano

    • Gender impact of teleworking and lockdown routines: beyond the obvious – IGETECO

      IGETECO project analyses the gender impact of teleworking and lockdown routines in the context of the Covid19 pandemic. The main objective is to study how the obligation of work at home, together with the closure of schools and the impossibility of outsourcing part of the domestic and care tasks, influence gender relations. To this end, a case study on Barcelona City Council staff will be carry out using a mixed methodological strategy.
      As a result, the empirical evidence will allow to provide with the characteristics and conditions that teleworking should fulfill to be a favourable option for effective equal opportunities between men and women

      Start date: 01/07/2020
      End date: 30/06/2021
      Funding: Banco Santander – Fondo Supera Covid-19
      Reference: SUPERACOVID19_2.2.IGETECO
      Principal Investigator: Sara Moreno
      Research team: Vicent Borràs, Sergio Porcel (ERMB), Irene Cruz (IERMB), Paula Arboix, Mireia Riera


      Borràs Català, Vicent & Moreno Colom, Sara (2021). La crisis de la covid-19 y su impacto en los trabajos: ¿Una oportunidad perdida?. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 187-209.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borras Catala, Vicent; Cruz Gomez, Irene & Porcel López, Sergi (2023). La experiencia del trabajo a distancia durante el confinamiento en Cataluña: Una aproximación desde la perspectiva de género. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), (183), 77-100.

      Moreno Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Que teletreballin ells. Aprenentatges de pandèmia més enllà de les obvietats. MRA Ediciones.

      Moreno Colom, Sara; Borràs Vicent; Arboix, Paula & Riera, Mireia (2023) Desmontando el mito del teletrabajo desde la perspectiva de género: experiències y expectativas durante la pandèmia. Cuaderno de Relaciones Laborales 41, 1 pp 95-117

      Moreno Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Que teletrabajen ellos. Aprendizajes de la pandemia más allá de lo obvio. MRA Ediciones.

      Moreno, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Arboix Caldentey, Paula; Riera, Mireia (2021). Recull de propostes per minimitzar l’impacte negatiu de gènere del sistema de teletreball a l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Arboix, Paula; Riera, Mireia (2021). Impacto de género del teletrabajo durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Una propuesta de modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 27.

      Moreno, Sara (2021). Impacto de género del teletrabajo : experiencias del confinamiento y recomendaciones para una futura regulación (Policy Brief IGETECO). Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

      Media presence:

      Moreno, S. (2022, February 14). El teletreball té un rostre clarament de gènere. Catalunya Plural.

      Moreno, S. (2021, December 13). Teletreball: una eina injusta per a les dones. Diari Ara.

      Moreno, S. (2021, November, 21). Les dones i el teletreball: un parany per a la conciliació.[Podcast audio] En Catalunya Migdia. Catalunya Ràdio. 

      Moreno, S; Borràs, V. (2021, November, 11). El confinament ens ha fet pensar que el teletreball és un dret laboral. Realment, qui el decideix és l’empresari, no el treballador [Episodi de podcast d’àudio] En El Matí. Ràdio Estel. 

      Moreno, S; Borràs, V. (2021, November, 5). Les dones, les grans perdedores del teletreball. [Vídeo]. 3alacarta.

      Moreno, S. (2021, August 18). Qualsevol crisi és una excusa per retrocedir en la igualtat. El Punt Avui. igualtat.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=xarxes&utm_campaign=xarxes

      Moreno, S. (2021, August 5). Teletreball i tasques domèstiques en el confinament: una oportunitat perduda per a la responsabilitat compartida a la llar. Cerdanyola Info.

      Moreno, S. (2021, July 23). El teletreball ha agreujat les desigualtats de gènere [Podcast audio ] En La Ciutat. Onda Cero.

      Moreno, S. (2021, June 10). El teletreball afavoreix la conciliació o la discriminació de gènere? [Podcast audio] A L’ofici d’educar (El suplement). Catalunya Ràdio.

      Dissemination activities:

      Presentation of study IGETECO:

      UABDivulga Article

    • The sticky floor of women in the city of Barcelona

      The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the analysis of this phenomenon, which determines the everyday experience of many women, in order to improve possible actions on this matter, from the public administration, as well as in everything that competes with the social partners. This is an exploratory study that focuses on four economic subsectors: industrial cleaning, hotel and catering and home care services. They are four subsectors, characterized by its feminization, which represent activities relevant to the economic fabric of the city and to the sustainability of life in the city as well.

      Start date: 29/06/2018
      Finish date: 28/06/2019
      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 16846
      Principal investigator: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Mariana do Amaral

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Do Amaral Pinto, Mariana. El terra enganxós de les dones a la ciutat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, 2019

    • A research about the “double female presence”: a bet for bring into line working

      The objective of this project is to analyze the access and the stay of women in the labor market in Spain from the point of view of the “double female presence”. That is to say, considering that the presence of the women life (productive domain) happens with their presence in the domestic-familiar area (reproductive domain) simultaneously. In that sense, the double female presence supposes a “double commitment cost” for women, that results in theier possibilities of promotion in their professional career; On the other hand, the double female hides a great potential as it supposes the development of new and valuable social capabilities understood as activities management, mediation and so on.

      Start date: 01/12/2000

      Finish date: 01/11/2003

      Financing: Instituto de la Mujer- Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales

      Grant agreement number: Exp nº 37/00

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Vicent Borràs, Clara Roca


      Torns, Teresa; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Borràs Català, Vicent; [et al.]. El estudio de la doble presencia : una apuesta por la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar. 2002.

    • Socio-labour profile of female unemployment in Spain

      The female unemployment is one of the trends that characterise the labour market in Spain in the last few years. The main reasons that explain this phenomenon have its roots in the interaction between female productive adn reproductive labour processes.
      This study intends to analyse female unemployment and to determine their types in accordance with the women’s participation to this kind of processes. The major interest of this research is to contrinute to the policies in the field of female employment.

      Start date: 01/07/1993

      Finish date: 30/09/1994

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales – Instituto de la Mujer

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Alfonso Romero

      Documents and publications:

      Carrasquer P., Romero A., Torns T., “Perfil sociolaboral del paro femenino en España“, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de la Mujer, Madrid, 1995

    • Meta-analysis of Gender and Science Research

      Meta-analysis of gender and science research is a project of the 7th RTD Framework Programme of the European Union (contract nr.: RTD-PP-L4-2007-1), led by Maria Caprile at the CIREM Foundation.

      The project includes more than 50 experts in the field of gender and science from all the EU member states and the countries associated to the 7th Framework Programme.

      The aim of the project is a meta-analysis of research produced in the last 25 years on gender research, covering horizontal and vertical segregation in the EU and the states associated to the Seventh Framework Programme.

      So, the specific objectives are to:

      1. Provide an exhaustive overview and analysis of all research carried out on gender and science at European, national, and regional levels.

      2. Make the study results accessible to researchers and policy-makers via publishable reports and an informed bibliography available in a database.

      3. Steer policy-making on gender and science in the years to come and define future research priorities within the Seventh Framework Programme, in particular through good practice examples and gap analysis in the various research topics.

      Start date: 01/05/2008

      Finish date: 01/01/2010

      Financing: Fundació CIREM – European Commission

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Anna Grau


      The project IGUALEM is born of the initiative of a group of cities with common features – making thus possible the design of local development strategies- with the aim of avoiding segregation situations by inequalities of gender. IGUALEM involves also to business associations, unions and universities.

      The contribution of the UAB focuses on the following points:
      – detection of the sectors with situations of segregation by inequalities of gender and identification of the causes,
      – general design of policies against segregation,
      – general supervision of the projects activities in order to guarantee the equality principle.

      Start date: 01/03/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2007

      Financing: European Commission. Ajuntament de Manresa- Programa Iniciativa Comunitaria EQUAL

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Carolina Recio, Carmen Mañas, Dafne Muntanyola Pau Díaz, Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

    • Training for “Emplois de proximité”

      According to the Livre Blanc sur la politique Sociale Européenne (1994), the service industry is that which presents the greater possibility of creating employment. Also, given the combination os social and demographic tendencies, services will create new markets, such as domestic and social sectors.
      The aim of the study is to delimit the importance of jobs of proximity, jobs related to services to people and families, in order to be able to elaborate recommendations to assure the assesment and qualifications of women who occupy them.
      The question deals with very “feminized” jobs and, in spsite of the fact that they are very important to the welfare of people and families, they are undervalued. The necessity of training is not recognized and women do these jobs as an extention of their competency and abilities as mothers and wives.
      In order to carry aout the study, a work seminar has been organised with the participation of people from different countries (Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy) that have conducted studies on this question and training organizations for women who work in this sector, with the goal of elaborating theoretical frameworks in the mentioned countries.

      Start date: 01/12/1994

      Finish date: 01/10/1995

      Financing: UE-TASK FORCE -DG V nº 94-20-EGA-0145-00

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns Martí (QUIT), Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

      Team: Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

    • Analysis of Equality plans subsidized by the Conselleria d’Empresa i Ocupació for 2010

      Analysis of Equality plans subsidized by the Conselleria d’Empresa i Ocupació for 2010.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 02/02/2012

      Financing: Consell de Relacions Laborals de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer

      Team: Laia Castelló, Anna Grau

    • Analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in the following fields: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector

      This report presents the results of an analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in three different fields: in the sector of the so-called STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector.
      Although it presents the three fields separately, the report shows how the persistence of gender inequalities is their common denominator. A persistence which it should be recalled is not just a characteristic of these three fields, but permeates the whole employment market. It is known this persistence has its roots in a sexual division of work which starts in the family/home. Because it has important consequences for women’s life it affects the whole of society. The occupational segregation of women in the employment market is one of its most obvious expressions, as this report shows.

      Start date: 01/02/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Institut Català de les Dones

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Carolina Recio, Anna Grau

    • Women and Work – 2007 Yearbook

      Since 2005 the Departament of Treball of the Generalitat of Catalonia publishes the yearbook Women and Work, a statistical compilation that provides a structural description of the situation of women in the labor field in Catalonia and also in comparison with Europe and Spain.
      The Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT has carried out the comments of the statistical results of the 2007 edition.

      Start date: 01/02/2008

      Finish date: 01/03/2008

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Pilar Carrasquer, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Dones i Treball – Anuari 2007. Publicació estadística del Departament de Treball

    • Women’s Reflections

      Start date: 01/12/2006

      Finish date: 01/02/2007

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona – Servei de Promoció de Polítiques d’Igualtat Dona-Home

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Temps i Treball – Reflexions en femení 26

    • Women and work in Catalonia: myths and certainties

      This report intends to draw up a balance of the situation of women in relation to work in Catalonia at the beginning of the 21st century. The time seems to be favourable because it is quite necessary to show, in the first place, the certainties achieved since the first studies on the work of women in Catalonia 25 years ago. And, in the second place, because of the achieved results, there is no doubt that it is essential to go on with the analysis of such a reality that persists to maintain some gender inequalities despite of some policies in favour of women.

      Start date: 01/07/2006

      Finish date: 01/11/2006

      Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Sònia Parella, Carolina Recio


      Torns, Teresa; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Parella Rubio, Sònia; [et al.]. Les dones i el treball a Catalunya: mites i certeses. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Català de les Dones, 2007. (Estudis (Institut Català de les Dones)

    • Pilot study in two regions of the province of Granada with a new methodology (EPA alternative) that takes account of work of men and women as well as the work carried out in the family environment.

      The study is framed inside the project ALE-GRA (Local Action for the Employment in the province of Granada), directed by the Regional Government of Granada and financed by the European Commission, with the objective to mobilize the local and socio-economic partners in order to establish an integral strategy in favour of the employment. The contribution of the QUIT is circumscribed to the development of a methodology capable to show the specificities of the female labour market. With this purpose, the proposal intends to apply the “Survey of Active Population-Not androcentric (EPA-NA)”, according to the methodology developed by Cristina Carrasco (2004).

      Start date: 01/11/2004

      Finish date: 01/02/2005

      Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno

    • Study on the professional exercise of the women lawyers

      Start date: 01/09/1999

      Finish date: 01/02/2000

      Financing: Il.lustre Col.legi d’Advocats de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns / Andre Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Carmen Gutiérrez

    • The incidence of sexual harassment at workplace in Catalonia

      The study poses an approximation to the phenomenon of sexual harassment in Catalonia, initially keeping in mind the great difficulties of conceptualization and mesurement involved. For this reason the study has been conducted from the perspective of a qualitative vision, departing from the social imaginaire at the root of this question.
      First the general frame of reference of the phenomenon is approached, which includes the compilation of documentary and informative data on the legal and institutional approaches which define it.
      The goal of the second part of the study is to try to delimit the real possibilities of the existence of sexual harassment, separating what has already surfaced from what is only potencial, approaching the data corresponding to the highest risk groups (young, single and separated women, widows with family responsabilies…)
      The third part tries to offer an alternative to the impossibility of gathering data on its real incidence in the workplace, by means of a study of the imaginaire which propitiates its emerged and/or hidden existence; that is to say, the social, cultural and economic background which makes sexual harassment possible.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Work and gender

      Start date: 01/12/1994

      Finish date: 01/11/1995

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Dept. Treball- Institut Català de la Dona

      Financing amount: 18541

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Alfons Romero, Albert Recio
      i la col·laboració de Laia Pellejà

    • The situation of female workers in Spain’s financial industry

      Start date: 01/03/1994

      Finish date: 01/09/1995

      Financing: Federación estatal de Banca y Ahorro de CC.OO.

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer

      Team: José Antonio Noguera, Reyes Varella

    • New professions for the social organization of everyday care

      The need to cope with new social needs that have emerged as a result of changes in contemporary welfare societies in the past two decades, it seems beyond doubt. Needs that you may question their novelty, but that most experts do not hesitate to relate to demographic changes, changes in the family and the denominated incorporation of women into the labor market. Transformations that have led to the so-called “care crisis” and to the emergence of social needs, new or not, that need to be addressed differently. In this respect, the diagnoses performed until today on the volume and characteristics of those needs, both in Spain and Europe, often come up with solutions that come mostly in the ambit of social policy and this leads these solutions to hardly be seen from the approach of policies to promote employment and economic activity. Therefore is forgotten that the employment that can and should be generated around the so- called social organization of care, can create jobs and promote greater social equity, because it affects completly to the daily welfare of the citizenry. A welfare that, today, is a responsibility of women in the family, but in the immediate future, because of the urgency of the situation, should be covered by public or community services, as has been done with education or health.
      The main objective of this project is to explore the real possibilities of creation of new professional profiles able to meet all social needs related mainly to the attention and care of people in their everyday lives.

      Start date: 01/12/2011
      Finish date: 28/02/2014
      Funding: Instituto de la Mujer
      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns
      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:
      Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Moreno, Sara; Recio, Carolina (2014): Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad – Instituto de la Mujer

      MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa (2016): “Significados e imaginarios de los cuidados de larga duración en España. Una aproximación cualitativa desde los discursos de cuidadoras”. Papeles del CEIC, vol. 2016/1, nº 145 . []

      RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; MORENO-COLOM, Sara; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS, Teresa (2015): “La profesionalización del sector de los cuidados”. Zerbitzuan: revista de servicios sociales, Núm. 60 (Diciembre 2015), 179-193. [] .

      MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent (2016): “Long-term care in Spain: Difficulties in professionalizing services”. Women & Aging, DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2015.1125699 .

    • Long term female employment in Vallès Occidental

      Start date: 01/06/1991

      Finish date: 01/09/1991


      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, José A. Noguera, Xavier Rambla, Montserrat Torns

      Documents and publications:

      Working Paper nº 4, QUIT-UAB, 1993

    • The labor absenteeism of the service of hosteleria in the Consorci Hospitalari of the Parc Taulí of Sabadell

      Start date: 01/02/1991

      Finish date: 01/01/1992

      Financing: Consorci Hospitalari Parc Taulí de Sabadell

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer

      Documents and publications:

      Carrasquer, P.; Torns, T., (1995) :”El absentismo laboral femenino, mito o realidad”. ABACO nº 4, Gijón.

      Working paper nº 3 (1993)

    • Gender Pay Gap and Gender Care Gap. Two determinants of gender inequality

      The impact of domestic and care work on women’s working lives, and hence their wages, has received increasing attention by social research. Different acts and regulations regarding the issue of work-life reconciliation have been passed in all European countries, but neither research with its recommendations nor regulations have succeeded in eliminating the gender pay gap.
      On the one hand, the wage gap remains a factor of inequality and gender discrimination in our societies and, on the other hand, there is the so-called gender care cap, resulting from the uneven dedication of women and men to domestic work and to the care of others. The persistence of both gender gaps in societies that are, in many other respects, egalitarian, points to the structural and normative nature of the inequalities from which they stem.
      The main goal of the project is to analyse, both statistical and discursively, the gender pay gap and its relationship with the gender care gap.

      Start date: 03/12/2014

      Finish date: 15/10/2015

      Financing: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Instituto de la Mujer – EEA Grants (Exp. 128-CNBR025)

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Carolina Recio, Núria Sánchez Mira, Albert Trinidad

    • Employability of Youth: training, gender and territory

      Unemployment and precariousness are the features that best describe the Spanish labor market and, they are increasingly affecting different social groups. From a historical perspective, the different crisis taking place in the European Union have hit young people as one of the more affected collectives. During the year 2013, 23.5% of young people in the EU under 25s did not find a job, being the case of Spain, together with Greece, one of the most alarming, with a youth unemployment rate of 55.5%. But unlike previous years, the current situation shows three new traits: the number of young people who want to work and can not find a job; the male profile of the unemployed; and inactivity as an individual response to long-term unemployment and precariousness. In this context, this project sets out how the consequences of the crisis are reducing the importance of productive work in the project life of young people, especially men who live in areas with low industrial tradition. The loss of centrality of employment in male identity is reinforced in the case of young people with lower skill levels, to which the training offered them is very unattractive and is far from being perceived as an active value, to seek employment . Therefore, the analysis of the possibilities of youth employability should include training, gender and territory as the main explanatory factors to overcome the dilemma between supply and demand in the labor market.
      The project goals are:
      a) Explore the potential of providing vocational training and the demand for skilled labor in the labor market to improve the employment chances for young people by incorporating the gender identity and territorial factors to the core of the analysis;
      b) Explore the construction processes of masculine and feminine identities in order to detect aptitudes, interests and abilities of young people from which to define re-qualification paths;
      c) Explore successful learning experiences linked to the productive structure of the country considering the importance of the local dimension.
      These objectives require qualitative methodological strategy able to explore the processes of employment for young people – taking into account gender, training and territory and to determine whether changes in these processes involve the transformation of identity construction around the value of labor among youth, especially among young men. The importance of local context requires a specific approach. Therefore it has been proposed a methodology to conduct fieldwork in three different regions: Castilla La Mancha, the Basque Country and Catalonia.

      The goal is to address the diversity of territorial and institutional factors involved in shaping the problem. Ultimately, the results of the project proposals seek to rethink policies aimed at improving the employability of young people.

      Start date: 01/01/2015

      Finish date: 31/12/2018

      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2014-59753-P)

      Financing reference: CSO2014-59753-P

      Responsable researcher: Vicent Borràs Català

      Team: Sara Moreno Colom (UAB), Matxalen Legarreta (UPV), Paloma Candela Soto (UCLM), Albert Recio Andreu (UAB)

      Related website:


      Moreno-Colom, S., Trinidad, A., Alcaraz, N., & Borràs Català, V. (2020). Neither studying nor working: free time as a solution? Journal of Youth Studies, 1-17.

      Borràs Català, Vicent; Moreno Colom, Sara; Candela Soto, Paloma; Legarreta Iza, Matxalen (2019). “Jóvenes en perpetuo tránsito hacia ninguna parte”. Revista Española de Sociología, 28 (2), 365-380.

      Borràs Català, Vicent; Moreno, Sara; Candela Soto, Paloma; Legarreta, Matxalen (2019). La empleablidad de l@s jóvenes : formación, genero y territorio (EJECT: Informe final de proyectos de I+D+i. CSO2014-59753-P.

      Candela, Paloma (2018): “El lastre de las desigualdades de género en la educación y el trabajo: jóvenes castellano-manchegas atrapadas en la precariedad”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº92, 125-146.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Trinidad Jiménez, Albert (2017): “Ni escuela, ni trabajo: el tiempo libre como un oasis obligado en medio de la nada”. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 4, 99-111.

    • The wage gap as a multidimensional phenomenon. Analysis of institutional, organizational and cultural barriers. Proposals of intervention – BRIDGES

      The wage gap (WG) is one of the most visible expressions of gender inequality in the labour market, having a direct impact on women’s work and living conditions, hence its relevance on the public and academic agendas. The reduction of the WG is a European employment target, linked to the goal of equality of opportunities and female economic independence. In terms of work and employment conditions, the WG is indicative of gender-differentiated employment situations and professional trajectories. Moreover, it is related to the perceptions and values regarding female employment, as well as to their recognition in professional terms. Beyond the limits of the labour market, the WG illustrates the link between labour market participation and domestic and family responsibilities weighing mainly on adult women. From the point of view of living conditions, the effects of the wage gap are clear, both in terms of present resources allowing the fulfilment of basic daily needs, as in terms of future access to retirement benefits.
      In this context, policies aimed at the reduction of the reduction of the WG have had little success. What are the reasons? What are the barriers to the viability and effectiveness of such policies? Are there sector and company environments that favour wage inequalities to a greater or lesser degree? What is the role of perceptions and imaginaries regarding female employment? How can these potential barriers be faced? These are the main questions set out by the project. In order to answer them, our approach focuses on the analysis of sectors and companies, paying special attention to institutional, organizational and cultural or symbolic factors, which may either encourage or contribute to minimize the WG. Under this framework, the project pursues a double goal. On the one hand, it aims to shed some light on the WG, looking into aspects of the phenomenon that have so far received little attention. On the other, it aims to provide ideas and tools that help eradicate this form of gender inequality. In this sense, the participation of social partners and institutions concerned by this issue constitutes a key dimension of the project. To this end, the creation of an Advisory Board is envisaged, formed both by experts and representatives of institutions and organizations directly involved in the problematic. Besides its contribution to the dissemination and applicability of the results, such Advisory board constitutes a guarantee of external participation, throughout the research process.

      Start date: 15/02/2016
      Finish date: 14/02/2018
      Financing: Programme RECERCAIXA-ACUP
      Grant reference: 2015ACUP0179
      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Núria Sánchez Mira, Martí López Andreu, Albert Trinidad Jiménez, Carolina Recio

      Related website:


      Sánchez-Mira, Núria; Serrano Olivares, Raquel & Carrasquer Oto, Pilar (2021). A matter of fragmentation? Challenges for collective bargaining and employment conditions in the Spanish long-term care sector. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research27(3), 319–335.

      Sánchez-Mira, Núria; Serrano Olivares, Raquel; Carrasquer Oto, Pilar (2020). «What slips through the cracks: The distance between regulations and practices shaping the gender pay gap». Economic and Industrial Democracy.

      Sánchez Mira, Núria; Serrano Olivares, Raquel; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). «Sectoral dynamics of the gender pay gap : an interdisciplinary approach». QUIT Working paper series, n. 25.

      Serrano Olivares, Raquel; Carrasquer, Pilar; Sánchez Mira, Núria (2019). «El papel de la regulación convencional en la caracterización sectorialmente específica de la brecha salarial de género». Anuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales, Vol. 6, p. 37-64.

      Sánchez-Mira, Núria (2017). «La bretxa salarial de gènere en dades». Eines per a l’esquerra nacional, [en línia], 2017, Núm. 28, p. 68-78,

      Carrasquer Oto, Pilar; Sánchez Mira, Núria; López Andreu, Martí (2017). «La intervención sobre la brecha salarial entre hombres y mujeres. Análisis de barreras institucionales, organizacionales y culturales». A M.R. Herrera-Gutierrez i G. Jaraiz Arroyo  (Coord) PACTAR EL FUTURO: Debates para un nuevo consenso en torno al Bienestar’ Actas del VI Congreso de REPS. Sevilla, 16 y 17 de febrero de 2016.

    • Professionalisation around knowledge on Gender and Equality – PASSAGE

      The PASSAGE program, funded by the EU, aims to support the growth of new businesses in the field of gender and equality.
      This development occurs in two forms: the emergence of new professions and specialization of existing business.

      Start date: 01/09/2014

      Finish date: 31/08/2017

      Financing: European Commission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Erasmus + Strategic Partnership KA 2 ( 2014-1-FR01-KA200-008482)

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer (coord.)

      Team: Sònia Parella, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Associated partners:
      Raquel Saco (Qualitat i Temps de Treball- Dep. Empresa i Ocupació-GC)
      Fina Rubio (Fundació Surt)
      Alba Garcia (Secretaria Dona –CONC)

      Related website:

    • Women and Labour Market in Barcelona

      The petition for this study on the situation of women and labour in the city of Barcelona is formulated under the framework of the Strategy against the Feminisation of Poverty and Precariousness (2016-2020) (SFPP) of Barcelona’s City Council, in its first line of action “Data and Information Systems”, inside the specific goal “Providing the City Council with an information system that allows to understand the phenomenon of the feminisation of poverty in a comprehensive and exhaustive manner”, together with the Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona (Barcelona’s Economic and Social Council), responsible for the elaboration of a report on the situation of the situation of women in Barcelona’s labour market.

      The main goal of the study is to show, by means of statistical data, the situation of women in relation to labour in Barcelona, from which to draw possible policy recommendations.

      Start date: 30/12/2016

      Finish date: 30/12/2017

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona

      Financing reference: Conveni 15420

      Responsable researcher: Sara Moreno

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Núria Sánchez Mira

  • Local development policies

    The crisis of the traditional fordist production model together with the environmental crisis and new social demands have led to a new interest in the role of local level development strategies in the context of globalization and its impact on labour organization and the welfare state. Particularly relevant topics of study within this research stream are the study of transformations in working conditions and organization as well as the drafting and implementation of sustainable policies adopting a local dimension.

    Current projects Finished projects

      Cuba is promoting a process of transformations called “updating the economic model” that constitute a strategic opportunity in terms of development because they address critical nodes of the economic model, but impose a set of social and labor challenges that will require a specific follow-up from social policy and public institutions. The United Nations System (UNS) in the country begins the implementation of its new Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development (2020-24) signed with the government of Cuba responding to national and local priorities in key development challenges that the UNS can accompany to implement in the country the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.COVID-19 adds unprecedented challenges in terms of policy response. To contain the spread of the virus and ensure the responsiveness of health and social care systems, governments face complicated public policy decisions in contexts of scarce resources, and labor markets with high levels of informality. While the context described above differs substantially from country to country, an effective policy response to COVID-19 must simultaneously: (1) defend health systems from collapse to minimize deaths from COVID-19 and other causes; (2) protect workers who lose income; (3) protect employment and productive activity; and (4) find sources to finance the additional fiscal spending required. Under these conditions, it is critical for governments to have analytical information to make public policy decisions and with this objective in mind, the present project produces a series of analytical reports to facilitate, in alliances with national and territorial actors, initiatives that contribute to socio-economic responses to covid-19 and the implementation of Social and Labor Observatories.

      Start date: 09/12/2020
      Finish date: 30/04/2021
      Financing: Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo- Cuba
      Grant agreement reference: 20-CUB-248
      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

    • Design, implementation, and impact evaluation of the measures funded by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia within the framework of the agreement established with the Fundación Cecot Innovació

      This research project develops a design, implementation, and impact evaluation of those actions related to the Reempresa programme and funded by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC). Reempresa is a programme driven by two private fundations: Fundación Cecot Innovació and Fundació Privada per a la Promoció de l’Autoocupació de Catalunya. In order to prevent the extintion of companies, it is aimed at organizing transparent marketplaces for the transfers of firms and offering brokering and assistance services to sale and purchase such companies. The evaluation employs a quantitative and qualitative methodology, in some sections for descriptive purposes and in others for causal inference objectives.

      Start date: 06/05/2021
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC)
      Reference: SOC-2021-335; SOC-2022-326
      Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Álvaro Fernández Junquera

    • Understanding the waste pickers of Catalonia: contributions and deficits of an informal economy

      In Catalonia, we can distinguish a formal waste management sector, managed mostly by municipalities and other public administrations, while simultaneously observing a parallel informal waste management sector of “Waste Pickers,” acting both within and outside the formal sector.
      The primary hypothesis of this work is that the informal sector is contributing and improving public policy goals regarding waste diversion and material recovery, while at the same time receiving no recognition for their labor and bearing numerous inequities and injustices. In this sense, the objective of the study is to identify the contributions and deficits of the informal waste sector towards the general waste system through an environmental justice lens.
      Phase one of this project includes a case-study with informal recyclers in the city of Granollers (Catalonia), which includes questionnaires, in-depth interviews, observational participation, and analysis. Phase two branches out to the rest of Catalonia with extensive interviews and analysis to determine the waste pickers’ overall impacts and contributions to the formal waste management sector.

      Start date: 25/09/2018
      Finish date: 28/09/2019
      Financing: ECOEMBES
      Reference: 16881
      Principal investigator: Josep Espluga
      Team: Michael Rendon, Julián Porras, Astou Toure


      Rendon, Michael; Espluga-Trenc, Josep & Verd, Joan Miquel (2021). Assessing the functional relationship between the formal and informal waste systems: A case-study in Catalonia (Spain). Waste Management, 131, 483–490.

    • The role of active employment policies in the development and mobilization of the social capital of young people with vulnerable work paths

      The project analyses the impact of youth employment policies, and in particular the active employment policies (AEPs), in the labour trajectories of the most disadvantaged young people, from the point of view of the improvement of its social capital.

      The main goal of the research is to deepen the relational dimension of the group of young people with vulnerable work trajectories, especially with regard to the social capital that can favour greater success in the job search. In this sense, it also aims to study the role that AEPs, through public employment services, have in the development and mobilization of this social capital. From this point of view, in addition to deepen the knowledge of the issue, the project aims to generate innovative intervention guidelines that take into account the relational dimension of people so as to improve their labour situation.

      Start date: 01/04/2019
      Finish date: 31/05/2020
      Financing: Agència Catalana de Joventut , Generalitat de Catalunya
      Reference: 2018AJOVE00006
      Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler, Víctor Arroyo


      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan & Verd, Joan Miquel (2023). Informal social capital building in local employment services: Its role in the labour market integration of disadvantaged young people. Social Policy & Administration, 1–21.

      Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez, Joan; Arroyo, Víctor; [et al.]. El paper de les polítiques actives d’ocupació en el desenvolupament i mobilització del capital social de joves amb trajectòries laborals vulnerables. 2020

    • Sustainable, social, and local development with employment generation

      This research project proposes an alternative hypothesis to local development that will be characterized by an economic process taking into account the new social and ecological needs, which have to be considered in the welfare of our communities. These new needs will create, at the same time, employment qualified as “good employment”. According to the hypothesis the required condition of this development is the presence of the administration, the companies and the community.
      The research plan is to verify this hypothesis in some cities inside a big metropolitan area with these concrete objectives:
      a) to analyse the discourses and attitudes of social agents in order to detect to which extent the alternative is present or not in the community,
      b) to study the whole process of local development with special attention to the proposed objectives and programms and to the involvement of the community,
      c) to take in consideration particularly some current policies related to the fields we have called new social and ecological needs,
      d) to detect strong and weak features, obstacles and opportunities which appear in the process, from the point of view of the appointed alternative.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2008


      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Antonio Martín, Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Andreu Lope, Ramon de Alòs-Moner, Pilar Carrasquer, Pedro, López, Vicent Borràs, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Tomás García

      Documents and publications:

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio ; CARRASQUER i OTO, Pilar ; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Joan ; MOLINA ROMO, Óscar (2010): “Governança local i política d’innovació”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, Núm. 25, pp. 7-26.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; CARRASQUER, Pilar; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan (2010): “El actor social en las políticas de desarrollo local y de innovación tecnológica”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº 68, pp. 51-80.

      TORNS, Teresa; CASTELLÓ, Laia; RECIO, Carolina (2009): “El desarrollo local y el bienestar de la ciudadanía: ¿una relación necesaria?”. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones (RIO), Nº 3, pp. 111-129.

    • Local level concertation: The possible role of social partners and local level institutions in regulating the new forms of employment & work.

      The project’s general objectives are to i) survey, ii) analyse and iii) organise a systematic and permanent monitoring of the role which can be played by the social partners and public institutions at the local level in the regulation of work and employment relations, especially those of non-traditional type.
      The general aim is thus to provide policy-makers and the actors of social dialogue with rigorous, up-to-date and comparison-based data and knowledge, in support of measures for the prevention/reduction of the social exclusion linked to the growth of new forms of employment and work.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/2000

      Financing: Commission of the European Communities- Directorate General for DG XII Science, Research and Development (Contract SOE2 CT98-3066)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Ida Regalia; responsable equip QUIT: Andreu Lope Peña

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Daniel Ortiz

      Documents and publications:

      Regalia, I. (ed.) (2006): Regulating New Forms of Employment. Local experiments and social innovation in Europe. London and New York:Routledge.

       Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Tendencias y situación de las formas de empleo y del mercado de trabajo en Cataluña WP/00/1/ES

       Andreu Lope ;Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo y sus formas de regulación: revisión de la literatura española. WP/00/2/ES

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert ;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo: los resultados de una encuesta en Cataluña WP/00/3/ES

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert; Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): La regulación local de las nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo. El caso de Cataluña (The Local Regulation of the New Forms of Employment and Work. The Case of Catalonia) WP/01/17/EN

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: The Results of a Survey in Catalonia WP/00/8/EN

       Andreu Lope; Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: A Review of the Spanish Literature WP/00/5/EN

    • The social construction of employment

      The goal of the thematic network is to analyse together the issue of social exclusion causes, according to the societal employment dynamics. With the help of existing research works, it will test the following previous hypothesis in the participant countries: social integration is not only a problem of work, but it is mainly linked with the participation forms in employment.

      Start date: 01/12/1997

      Finish date: 01/11/2000

      Financing: European Commission (DG XII-TSER Programme ERB-SOE2-CT97-3041)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Bernard Friot (Groupe de recherche sur l’Education et l’Emploi); UAB: J.M. Masjuan (GRET-ICE)

      Team: Óscar Rebollo, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí

    • Continuïtat del procés de dinamització i enfortiment de la coordinadora d’AMPAS de Montcada i Reixac

      Start date: 01/07/2009

      Finish date: 01/07/2010

      Financing: Ajuntament de Montcada i Reixac

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García González

      Team: Catalina Ruz Escobar

    • Qualitative validation of the study on the situation and labour perspectives in the Erm quarter

      Start date: 01/12/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2008

      Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Related webpage:

    • Study on the situation and labour prospects in the quarter of l’Erm. The labour problems of the population

      Start date: 01/05/2007

      Finish date: 01/03/2008

      Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm – Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

      Documents and publications:

      LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia (2009): “De la ley de barrios al diseño de políticas locales de empleo”. Arxius de Ciències Socials, Núm. 21, pp. 49-64 .

    • The metallurgical sector and its needs in the county of Osona

      This study on the situation of the metallurgical sector in the county of Osona has a double objective:
      a) the analysis of productive dynamics of the metallurgical sector at the moment.
      b) the study on tendencies and productive strategies of the metallurgical sector in Osona.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Local development policies

      Start date: 01/01/2006

      Finish date: 01/07/2006

      Project status: Finished


      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Albert Recio

    • Diagnosis of the Labor Insertion Mesures(DILS) of the youths in the municipalities of Igualada, Vilanova del Cami, Sta. Margarida de Montbui

      Start date: 01/05/2002

      Finish date: 01/09/2002

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Andre Lope Peña

    • Diagnosis on the situation of the municipalities of Igualada, Vilanova del Camí, Santa Margarida de Montbui i Òdena with respect to the transition school-work

      The study analyses the local actions aimed at the transition from secondary school to labor market, developed in the municipalities of the Conca d’Òdena during the period 2001-2002.

      Start date: 01/11/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2002

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea d’Educació

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert, Isidre Rabadà

    • Study of the knowledge degree and the perception of the environmental problems in the town of Rubí

      Start date: 01/10/2000

      Finish date: 01/02/2001

      Financing: Ajuntament de Rubí

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García González

    • Pla Especial de reforma interior i millora ambiental del barri del Camí del Molins de Santa Oliva

      Start date: 01/09/2000

      Finish date: 01/10/2000

      Financing: Ajuntament de Santa Oliva

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García

    • Study of five pacts of collective bargaining on employment policy

      Start date: 01/02/1999

      Finish date: 01/03/1999

      Financing: Unió Comarcal de CC.OO del Vallès Occidental

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Pere Jodar, Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Evaluation of income support (PIRMI)

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Local development policies

      Start date: 01/04/1993

      Finish date: 01/10/1993

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez, Teresa Torns

      Documents and publications:

      Working Paper nº 8, QUIT-UAB, 1997

      Team: Tomás García, Màrius Domínguez, José Adelantado, Jordi Santolaria, Clara Llorens, Marta Noguera

    • The importance of the social agreement for the promotion of industrial activity , employment and social cohesion

      The purpose of the study is to provide tools to facilitate the revitalization of the social agreement in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
      The two axes that guide the research are based on emphasizing the importance of industrial activity in the economic dynamics and on the premise that the agreement between the main social actors of a territory and government , is a need to conduct actions with guaranteed success.

      Start date: 25/03/2015

      Finish date: 24/07/2015

      Financing: Associació Pacte Industrial de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona

      Financing reference: CF612791

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

  • Industrial relations and work organization

    This research stream focuses on the changes experiencing labour relations and the organization of work. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of collective bargaining, changes in the strategies of social partners. This is done taking into account both domestic and EU-level developments and their implications for social dialogue.

    Current projects Finished projects
    • The Empty Office

      Telework is one of the most important legacies of the pandemic. Following its massive use dictated by the stay-at-home policies imposed around the world, remote jobs are now more than four times pre-pandemic levels in many of the world’s major economies. Given this evolution of telework, many analysts predict that it will grow further and become increasingly important to our lives, generation after generation. How we will govern these new forms of work will depend on the answers that research will be able to provide to whether, for whom, and how telework affects people’s quality of life and well-being.

      We study the relationship between telework and well-being using a mixed-methods approach. An international, interdisciplinary team will collect quantitative and qualitative data on teleworkers in Switzerland, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands, providing new insights into this field of study. The research spans economics, sociology, family studies and health psychology, which focuses on how social and psychological factors influence people’s quality of life.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2025
      Funding: SNIS (Swiss Network for International Studies)
      Reference: C23018
      Project Coordinator: Mattia Vacchiano (University of Geneva); Co-coordinator: Eric Widmer (University of Geneva)
      Principal investigator (Spanish team): Oscar Molina
      Team: Sander Junte

      Website:  Empty office


    • The interaction of minimum wages and collective bargaining for low-paid groups

      This study aims at analysing the ability and capacity of sectoral collective bargaining in some countries to adapt to ongoing structural changes (digital transformation, green transition and workforce aging) and particularly to the effects of high inflation rates and the energy crisis in wage negotiations.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2024
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
      Reference: Contract No: 23-3030-02
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina; project coordinator: Pablo Sanz de Miguel, Notus Applied Research 

    • Developing Collective Bargaining in the Care Sector – DEVCOBA

      The project aims to examine the dynamics, mechanisms, and impacts of the development of collective bargaining and representation in the care sector, concentrating in particular on social and health services for elderly people (long-term care services – LTC) and socio-education services for children aged 0-5 (childcare – ECEC). Specifically, it aims to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms and practices available across EU Member States to ensure an adequate extension of collective bargaining, the promotion of union and employers’ associations’ membership, and the use of social dialogue bilateral/trilateral bodies to design initiatives and policies to tackle the issues of skill and labour shortage. Overall, these research objectives are oriented to develop sector-specific recommendations on how to improve job quality in the care sector, especially significant for social partners and policy-makers at both national and EU levels to orient and root their agenda on solid empirical ground.

      Start date: 01/01/2024
      Finish date: 31/12/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126385 — DEVCOBA
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (Spanish team); project coordinator: Anna Mori, Università degli Studi di Firenze
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez Soler

      DEVCOBA website

    • Home Care Digital Platforms and Industrial relations – ORIGAMI

      The demand of “Personal and Household Services” (PHS) – which covers a broad range of activities that contribute to the well-being of families and individuals at home – has significantly increased and so too has the role of care workers. Employment in the home care sector is characterized by a high level of informality, a significant presence of a migrant and female workforce, low visibility of their work, which is often done in private spaces, and weak associational power. Following the growth in demand, the public offer of services is not adequate to meet it, leaving extensive room for private actors to manoeuvre within a newly marketized regime of long-term care delivery. The increased level of marketisation and privatisation of the sector, the fragility of working conditions and the growing complexity of social needs to be answered have contributed to deeply redesign the welfare systems in the different models of capitalism. The emergence of digital platforms represents a new driving force that is intertwined with these processes. Digital platforms, as novel forms of organization, act as private regulators, creating their own institutional and societal embeddedness.

      This project analyses the role of digital platforms in the ongoing transformations of the home care sector, identifying the specificities of their organizational model with respect to both traditional organizations in the sector and platforms present in other sectors, the consequences on working conditions, the needs for social protection and representation of interests, and the innovative strategies of social actors to respond to these needs.

      The research is carried out in Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands.

      Start date: 01/11/2023
      Finish date: 31/10/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126007 — ORIGAMI
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (Spanish team); project coordinator: Ivana Pais, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – UCSC
      Team: Alejandro Godino



    • Managing Inflation crisis through Social Dialogue – MAINSOC

      After two decades of low inflation levels and wage moderation, Europe faces an unprecedented increase in the cost of living and the risk of stagflation. The inflation shock is eroding employees’ purchasing power, particularly at the bottom of the wage scale. Calls have been made by national and EU-level actors for governments and social partners to manage the current inflation crisis through negotiated income policies and collective bargaining.

      The objective of the MAINSOC project is twofold. First, to analyse the impact of the inflation crisis on real wage dynamics and wage differentials across sectors and groups of workers, paying attention to the asymmetric impact on those at the bottom of the wage scale and the role of industrial relations institutions to explain differences across countries. Second, to analyse the role of government policies, social partners’ involvement, and industrial relations institutions in managing the inflation crisis, adapting to a new scenario, and guaranteeing inclusive growth in six EU countries (DE, DK, ES, IT, HU, PL).

      MAINSOC is a joint project of 6 partner organizations from five countries, financed by the European Commission under Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL) Programme.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126451 — MAINSOC
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      MAINSOC’s Website:


    • Network of Eurofound Correspondents

      As the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, together with NOTUS and IKEI, QUIT provide inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas.

      National correspondents also report regularly on developments in working life and restructuring, allowing Eurofound to add and update information in EurWORK and the EMCC.

      Start date: 01/03/2022
      Finish date: 28/02/2026
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
      Coordinator: Oscar Molina
      QUIT: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez
      NOTUS: Maria Caprile, Juan Arasanz
      IKEI: Iñigo Isusi, Jessica Durán
      Universidad de Zaragoza: Pablo Sanz de Miguel

      Web: EUROFOUND

      Contribution to Eurofound reports

    • Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management – INCODING

      Growing datafication of work environments deployed by new technological capacities built on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhanced systems are disrupting the industrial relations scene in many ways. These technologies increase the possibilities of collecting, combining and using data on workplace and workers. However, the use of these technologies very often lacks transparency and is semiautonomous, thus jeopardising traditional forms of collective employee involvement, transparency or even data protection regulations. As AI and algorithmic decisions are increasingly widespread in employment relations, concerns are being raised about the impact of these practices on workers’ voice, influence and working conditions.

      The aim of the INCODING project is to analyse the role of collective bargaining and other forms of employee involvement at workplace level in (co) governing the black box of AM with a view to identify the main challenges for workers and their representatives, and explore its contribution to Inclusive Algorithmic Management understood as the turn to more transparency in the design and implementation of AI based systems at company level and guaranteeing human oversight of automated processes. Moreover, the project also aims to learn from best practices, develop collective bargaining strategies and provide recommendations for trade unions, workers’ representatives and employers negotiate the conditions under which AM and AI systems are used.

      INCODING is a joint project of 5 partner organizations from five countries, financed by the European Commission under EaSI – Programme for Employment and Social Innovation.

      Start date: 01/09/2021
      Finish date: 28/04/2024
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA VS/2021/0216
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Sander Junte



      Molina, O., Butollo, F., Makó, C., Godino, A., Holtgrewe, U., Illsoe, A., Junte, S., Larsen, T. P., Illésy, M., Pap, J., & Wotschack, P. (2023). It takes two to code: a comparative analysis of collective bargaining and artificial intelligence. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research29(1), 87-104.


      Project Leaflets:

      INCODING Project – Democracy at work through transparent and inclusive algorithmic management. 2022. (INCODING Project Leaftet)

      INCODING Project – Democracy at work through transparent and inclusive algorithmic management. 2024. (INCODING Project Leaftet)


      Country Stock Taking Reports:

      Makó, Csaba; Pap, József; Illéssy, Miklós; [et al.]. (2022). Emerging organizational architecture of algorithmic management and the institutional context of weak collective voice : Hungary. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2022). Developments in algorithmic management from an IR-perspective : Spain. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Wotschack, Philip; Butollo, Florian. (2022). Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective : Germany. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Larsen, Trine P.; Ilsøe, Anna; Krøll Tell, Henriette; [et al.]. (2022). Developments in algorithmic management from an IR-perspective : Denmark. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)


      EU Level Stock Taking Report

      Holtgrewe, Ursula; Junte, Sander; Glinsner, Barbara. (2024). Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective : EU-leve.  (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)


      Policy Briefs:

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Spain. (INCODING Policy brief)

      Csaba, Makó; Illésy, Miklós; Pap, József; [et al.]. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Hungary.  (INCODING Policy brief)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Spain. (INCODING Policy brief)

      Larsen, Trine Pernille; Ilsoe, Anna; Haldrup, Christian. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Denmark.  (INCODING Policy brief)


      Case studies reports:

      Holtgrewe, Ursula; Dworsky, Leoni. (2024). European social partners’ approaches to artificial intelligence and algorithmic management. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Farkas, Éva; Csaba, Makó; Pap, József; [et al.]. (2024). Non-inclusive industrial relations system and algorithmic management in the labour process : two case studies of high vs. low employee participation working practices. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Larsen, Trine P.; Ilsoe, Anna; Haldrup, Christian. (2024). Algorithmic management and employee involvement -A Company Perspective: the Danish country report. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Wostschack, Philip; Butollo, Florian; Hellberg, Leon; [et al.]. (2023). Co-determining Algorithmic Management and Artificial intelligence at work? : the role of collective bargaining in Germany. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Artificial intelligence and algorithmic management at work : a case study approach on the role of industrial relations in Spain. (INCODING case studies reports)


      Dissemination activities:

      Project website

      Embracing and resisting the algorithm – International Workshop Programa (9/06/2023)

      Algorithmic management and AI: challenges an opportunities for the labour market – National Workshop (Spain). Programa. Barcelona. (1/12/2023)

      Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management – Final Conference Programa. Madrid. (26/01/2024)

    • Collective bargaining facing challenges triggered by rising energy and commodity prices, high inflation and structural changes

      This study aims at analysing the ability and capacity of sectoral collective bargaining in some countries to adapt to ongoing structural changes (digital transformation, green transition and workforce aging) and particularly to the effects of high inflation rates and the energy crisis in wage negotiations.

      Start date: 10/11/2022
      Finish date: 15/03/2023
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
      Reference: 2022/5980.2/14
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina

    • Public procurement and collective bargaining Spain

      An in-depth case study will be conducted on national regulations, practices and debates about public procurement in Spain for the final report “Public procurement and collective bargaining”. The in-depth case study will provide a brief overview of the national procurement law, a brief overview of the national system of collective bargaining, a detailed analysis on the legal possibilities or requirements to use labour and other social clauses in national procurement with a focus on clauses to promote collective bargaining, an analysis of the actual use of labour clauses in practice and its impact on collective bargaining, a more detailed description of good practices, and an analysis of the national political debate on the possibilities to use public procurement for the promotion of collective bargaining with a particular focus on proposals and demands from trade unions.

      Start date: 01/04/2022
      Finish date: 31/10/2022
      Funding: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (expert)

    • Analysis of sociological and psychological variables as predictors of employability in the profiling of the Employment Services of Catalonia – PerfilaSP

      Profiling is a tool available to public employment services to optimise the allocation of job seekers to the different active employment programmes or services.

      Thus, the PerfilaSP project investigates how to improve the profiling processes currently applied in the Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC). Specifically, the objectives of our project are twofold. First, to analyse the ability of sociological and psychological variables, currently unobserved, to predict the employability of job seekers. Second, to study the causal effect of locus of control on job search intensity. To this end, two data production techniques will be implemented. On the one hand, we will administer a new questionnaire containing three sets of variables: personality traits, social networks and job expectations. On the other hand, we will conduct an online laboratory experiment to estimate the effect of locus of control on job search intensity.

      This project is funded by the Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya in the call for research grants EAPC 2020.

      Start date: 05/10/2021
      End date: 04/10/2022
      Funding: Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya
      Refererence: EAP002/21/000014
      Principal Investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Álvaro Fernández Junquera


      Fernández Junquera, Álvaro (2024). El diseño de los subsidios al empleo del Servei Públic d’Ocupació de Catalunya (2016-2018). En S. Pérez de Guzmán Padrón y M. Iglesias Onofrio (Coords.), Precariedades laborales y desigualdades de género en Iberoamérica (pp. 161-180). Dykinson.

    • Social dialogue in welfare services. Employment relations, labour market and social actors in the care services – SOWELL

      The European labour market in the welfare sector is becoming particularly relevant in terms of occupation, given that around 20% of the European workforce is nowadays employed in this sector, while it was around 15% at the end of the 1990s. Among the most dynamics fields there are the care services, specifically the socio-educational ones for children aged 0-5 and social and health services for elderly people. Care services have drawn increasing attention from European institutions also as a part of the “social investment” strategy because of their high capacity in relieving (especially female) workers from caring responsibilities, thereby mobilizing the “productive potential” of citizens.

      The dynamic growth of the care sector has triggered an unprecedented plurality in provision, including public, private for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, and individual caregivers. In such a complex network, the labour market has known a fragmentation in labour regulation within and across countries, entailing increasing inequalities and an overall deterioration in working conditions. Despite the relevance, these issues have attracted limited systematic research in the field of industrial relations and labour studies. Accordingly, the SOWELL project aims to examine the care services sector in an employment relations perspective, as a new arena for building solidarity and labour market coordination through social dialogue institutions in Europe. Therefore, the project focuses on working conditions, employment relations institutions, and social partners’ strategies in the arena of care services. On this purpose, a multilevel comparative perspective is adopted, linking the developments taking place at European level with those occurring at national level across different institutional and regulatory context – Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Spain.

      Start date: 01/07/2020
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Agreement number: VS/2020/0242
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez-Soler

      Project Website

    • Teleworking control during the covid-19

      The main purpose of the research was to identify the teleworking control mechanisms implemented by organizations as a result of confinement measures to face with Covid-19 in Spain through the launch of an online survey.
      The results point out to a lack of time-register control mechanisms in opposition of the majority use of productivity monitoring through objective achievement and performance evaluation. This combination can lead to an intensification of the pace of work and/or an extension of working time.

      Start date: 01/04/2020
      End date: 10/05/2020
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Alba Molina

      Media Presence

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 13). Sense dret a desconnectar? El teletreball en temps de covid-19. Revista Treball.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 14). Sin derecho a desconectar. El control del teletrabajo en tiempos del covid-19. Revista El Siglo.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 18). «El trabajo no era esto», avisan los expertos. La Vanguardia.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A.(2020, May, 20). Sin derecho a desconectar. El control del teletrabajo en tiempos de covid-19. Agenda Pública de El País.

      López Villodres, M.(2020, May, 20). Dos meses de teletrabajo: los expertos dicen qué se debe mejorar si se implanta para siempre. Uppers.

      Foncuberta, E. (2020, May, 28). El teletrabajo resucita el debate de la desconexión digital. Byzness de El Periódico.

      G. Barnés, H. (2020, June, 28). ¿Vivir en Madrid y cobrar más o teletrabajar por menos? El covid abre la puerta al reajuste El Confidencial.

    • Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of Eurofound Correspondents

      As the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, together with ISTAS, QUIT provide inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas.

      National correspondents also report regularly on developments in working life and restructuring, allowing Eurofound to add and update information in EurWORK and the EMCC.

      Start date: 21/03/2018

      Finish date: 22/03/2022

      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Coordinator: Oscar Molina

      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez

      Web: EUROFOUND

      Contribution to Eurofound reports

    • Networked coordination of industrial relations – NETWIR

      The analysis of collective bargaining coordination has attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers since the early 1990s, but has witnessed a renaissance more recently. Originally, ‘coordination’ was presented as a dimension of collective bargaining that was considered an alternative to ‘centralization’, as it focused on processes rather than structures. However, the reality was that all coordination indexes and scores have tended to reflect structural characteristics of collective bargaining, and have provided very little insights on the processes and relational aspects underpinning coordination.

      Despite growing research on the comparative analysis of collective bargaining coordination and its impact, we still lack deeper knowledge about: the mechanisms sustaining coordination; how information flows between actors in the collective bargaining structure; the exact role played by different organisations / actors; the way in which actors and the different levels of the collective bargaining structure are articulated, including the national and trans-national. Against this background, the NETWIR project aims to shed light on actual mechanisms that industrial relations actors deploy to solve coordination problems by applying a new methodology to the field of industrial relations and in particular, to the analysis of collective bargaining coordination, the Social Network Analysis.

      Start date: 01/02/2018
      Finish date: 30/07/2020
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: VS/2018/0023
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Víctor Arroyo

      Project Website: NETWIR

      Project results available in DDD collection


      Molina Romo, Óscar & Guardiancich, Igor. (2017). Organising and representing hard-to-organise workers : Implications for Turkey. Geneve: International Labour Organization

      Molina Romo, Óscar & Godino, Alejandro (2020). Industrial relations in deep water : the Spanish public sector during the crisis. In: Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. Brussels: ETUI.

      Rodriguez Contreras, Ricardo; Molina Romo, Óscar; Leonardi, Salvo; [et al.]. (2022). Moving with the times: emerging practices and provisions in collective bargaining. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar, & Martí, Joel. (2023). Coffee and cigarettes in industrial relations: A comparative network analysis of the role of informality. Journal of Industrial Relations65(5), 663-685.

    • European, national and Transnational Industrial Relations: Visible and Invisible Hands in European and National Wage Settings – ENTIRE VIEW

      This project, coordinated by Prof. Bernd Brand al the Durham University Business School, is funded by the European Commission to investigate and analyse the reasons for differences in wage developments within the European Union (EU) member states. This project will analyse if and how industrial relations structures and mechanisms can cope with changes to the socioeconomic environment and in particular with policies derived from the European Semester and the Economic and Monetary Union, but also with the goals defined in the Europe 2020 strategy.

      The project aims to identify and map potential clusters of countries with similar wage developments and similar characteristics of the industrial relations system (with a focus on the governability of wage developments).
      It will also identify how deep industrial relations actors in the European Union are ‘interconnected’ with each other and what networks exist (i.e. sector or country).
      The investigation will also highlight which industrial relations structures and mechanisms in what country (or group of countries) are able to coordinate their behaviour and outcomes transnationally in order to meet transnational (defined) policy goals and thus are compatible with European policies which arise from the European Semester but also from a common currency.

      Start date: 01/03/2018
      Finish date: 31/01/2021
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: VS/2018/0017
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

    • Break up to get back together. The impact of unionisation through innovative service provision on union membership and industrial relations – BREAKBACK

      The Project focuses on “service provision” as a strategy through which unions aim to enhance their membership, “revitalize” action and relaunch the role of an inclusive and innovative social dialogue, by reaching groups and individuals who are often excluded from protection. We refer to employees commonly identified as “vulnerable” (non-standard employment, digital workers, etc.). BreakBack will deal with selfemployed workers, the I-pros and freelancers. As the title of the project suggests, it may be necessary to “break up” some rigidity in the protection of work as a way to strengthen personalized support instruments. However, these forms of protection cannot fail to “get back” to the collective solidarity that is a crucial point of industrial relations and union history. Service provision is one of the possible forms that unions undertake to achieve inclusive labour markets,against the backdrop of deregulation and welfare retrenchment. In particular, services the project will focus on are addressed to people who need support or protection: young people seeking first job; unemployed who need income support, training or other basic services; dependent workers who need access to insurance and assistance; self-employed who need tax advices; migrants who need assistance; disabled persons or elderly people who need access to services; etc. The growing emphasis put by unions on direct provision of services may facilitate social innovation, which means developing new services and delivery models to better address social issues. The purpose of BreakBack is to assess how unions respond to individualisation and to evaluate the impact of service provision on membership. The hypothesis is that in the attempt to reach workers whose interests are fragmented and which are less keen on becoming union members, unionists are widely experimenting a “customerisation” of their offer. Understanding how this process can coexist with the core values of the unionism is our main aim.

      Start date: 01/03/2019
      Finish date: 31/08/2021
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Grant Agreement nr: VS/2019/0079
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      Project web

    • Working conditions and collective representation in digital platforms. Future challenges

      This study aims to analyze the effects of digital platforms on working conditions and forms of collective representation, both at union and professional level.

      Start date: 09/03/2019
      Finish date: 08/03/2020
      Financing: Comissions Obreres de Catalunya
      Reference: 17324
      Principal investigator: Antonio Martín Artiles
      Research team: Albert Pastor, Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino, Jessica Romero


      Martín Artiles, Antonio (2021). Digitalización del trabajo: proto sindicalismo y cuasi-unionismo post-pandémico. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 9-32.

      Martín Artiles, Antonio (dir.); Pastor, Albert; Molina, Óscar ; Godino, Alejandro; Romero, Jessica (2020).  Plataformas digitales, condiciones de trabajo y representación colectiva, retos de futuro. CCOO.

    • Industrial relations in processes of political transition. Comparative Study of models: Argentina, Spain

      The aim of this comparative study is to produce a bibliographic approach to labour relations in the transition periods from authoritarian régimes to pluralistic democracies. The Spanish transition and its process of consolidation constitute today a model for numerous countries.
      It is of supreme interest to compare the cases of Argentina, Cuba, Mexico and Spain in order to observe the similarities and common general principles which allow us to outline some theoretical elements concerning these transitions. There is a lack of such comparative studies.
      The models of industrial relations are a result of a complex interaction of diverse cultural, social, political and economic factors at a precise moment in history. However, specialized literature of régime transitions has barely shown any interest in these aspects. In general these studies have preferably paid attention to the political framework and, on a second plane, to the economic one. this has contributed to global perspectives of comprehension of the changes, but it still leaves other crucial questions about industrial relations unexplained.
      The research wants to answer these questions, regarding the influence of pressure by labour and business organizations and public powers in the configuration of the industrial relation model.

      Start date: 01/11/1993

      Finish date: 01/03/1996

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia- Subdirección General de Cooperación Internacional

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Antonio Martín, J. Carlos Torre (Instituto Torcuato di Tella-Buenos Aires. Universidad de San Diego-California.)

    • Meeting the challenges of economic uncertainty and sustainability through employment, industrial relations, social and environmental policies in European countries – GUSTO

      The purpose of this project is to explore the various modes of both policies and the systems of governance that are emerging in different parts of Europe to cope with uncertainty while seeking security, and to appraise their relative success.
      Specific attention is given to the changing relationships among employment, social and industrial relations policies and practices in a comparative European perspective, and on their sustainability. This becomes most apparent when we consider both social uncertainties and the environment as related to problems of externality and public and collective goods provision, and when polices and practices in these areas need to be related to the forms of economic growth on which they are likely to be dependent.

      Start date: 01/03/2009

      Finish date: 01/02/2012

      Financing: European Commission (7 PM – SSH-CT-2009-225301)

      Reference of financing: SSH-CT-2009-225301

      Responsable researcher: Colin Crouch & Antonio Martín

      Team: Óscar Molina, Mariona Lozano

      Documents and publications:

      LOZANO, Mariona; MEARDI, Guglielmo; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio (2015): “International Recruitment of Health Workers: British Lessons for Europe? Emerging Concerns and Future Research Recommendations”. International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 45(2), 306–319. (DOI: 10.1177/0020731414568510).

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2014): “Public opinion, immigration and welfare in the context of uncertainty”. Transfer:European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 20(1) 53–68 (DOI: 10.1177/1024258913515368).

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar (2014): “¿Por qué los afiliados sindicales tienen actitudes diferentes hacia la inmigración?”. Migraciones Internaciones, 7(3), pp. 99-131.

      MADSEN, Per Kongshøj; MOLINA, Oscar.; MOLLER, Jesper.; LOZANO, Mariona (2013): “Labour Market Transitions of Young Workers in Nordic and Southern European Countries: The Role of Flexicurity”. Transfer: european Review of Labour and Research, 19(3), 325-343.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2013): “Actitudes hacia la inmigración y compromiso igualitario en Europa”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 50, Núm. 2, pp. 629-656.

      MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2013): “Incertidumbre socio-económica y actitudes hacia la inmigración en Europa”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 31, núm. 1, pp. 167-194.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio ; MOLINA, Oscar (2011): “Crisis, economic uncertainty and union members attitudes towards inmigration in Europe”. European Review of Labour and Research, Núm. 17 , pp. 453-470.

      MEARDI, Guglielmo; MARTIN, Antonio; LOZANO RIERA, Mariona (2012): “Constructing Uncertainty: Unions and Migrant Labour in Construction in Spain and the UK”. Journal of Industrial Relations, 54 (1), pp. 5-21 (DOI:10.1177/0022185611432388).

    • Les Regions “Sunshine” o les Regions “Sunreg”. La xarxa “Sunreg”

      The main objective of this thematic network is to bring together trade union and universities across Europe to facilitate the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge between universities, research centres, worker’s organisations and other “end users”, in order to achieve interaction and linkage between employment and technology.
      The content of the project includes:
      1. Analysing the socio-economic impact of a number of key technological developments in three crucial sectors of employment (in a major manufacturer; a significant financial concern and a local government authority) in each of the four regions covered.
      2. Utilising technology assessments methods to explore effects of such technologies on different users.
      3. Developing research circles among relevant sectors and participants.
      4. Critical analysis of SUNREG partner organisation.

      Start date: 01/03/1996

      Finish date: 01/03/1998

      Financing: Commission of the European Communities- DG XII; Contract SOE1CT-96-1012

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: J. Willians, equip QUIT: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Andreu Lope

      Documents and publications:

      Sunshine Regions or Sunreg Regions?. The Sunreg network

    • Promoting a balanced and inclusive recovery from the crisis in Europe through sound industrial relations and social dialogue

      The project is part of a recent partnership agreement between the ILO and the European Commission, which is aimed at the study of the impact of the crisis, and crisis-response policies, on national tripartite social dialogue, collective bargaining, and labour law in the Member States of the ILO and the EU, and the role of social dialogue actors and institutions in this context.

      Start date: 01/03/2012

      Finish date: 01/07/2012

      Financing: International Labour Office (ILO)

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Fausto Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2013): “From negotiacion to imposition: social dialogue in austerity times in Spain”. DIALOGUE Working Paper, Num. 51.

      MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “From negotiation to imposition: Social dialogue in times of austerity in Spain”, en Papadakis, Konstantinos; Ghellab, Youcef (eds) The governance of policy reforms in southern Europe and Ireland.Ginebra: ILO Publications .

      Related webpage:–en/index.htm

    • CCOO union representation in Spain

      The aim of this study is to analyze, with the highest possible disaggregation, the system of union representation in Spain from a dual, unitary and union (CCOO in particular)point of view. At the same time, the study raises to include two sides obviously interrelated: a part of a more “quantitative” (Who, Where, …) and a more “qualitative” (what they do, how they represent, level of commitment, etc.). The study will be based, therefore, in a more descriptive part, making a statistical use of data from union elections, which will be provided by Fundación 1º de Mayo, and a second part focused on answer the questions arisen from the previous thinking process.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Industrial relations and work organization

      Start date: 01/10/2011

      Finish date: 01/09/2014

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Fundación 1º de Mayo

      Responsable researcher: Ramón de Alós-Moner

      Team: Oscar Molina Romo, Pere Jódar Martínez, Pere J. Beneyto, Sergi Vidal

      Documents and publications:

      BENEYTO, Pere J.; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Óscar (2012): “Crisis y legitimidad del sindicalismo”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, Núm. 51-52, pp. 61-80.

      ALÓS, Ramon et al. (2014): “Análisis de las elecciones sindicales (2003/2012). Participación, Afiliación, Representación”. Colección Documentos de Trabajo, Fundación 1º de Mayo, Núm. 8.

      ALÓS, Ramon; BENEYTO, Pere J.; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Oscar; VIDAL, Sergi (2015): La representación sindical en España. Madrid: Fundación 1º de Mayo .

    • The trade union disaffiliation from Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras

      This research makes an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.

      Start date: 01/07/2010

      Finish date: 01/04/2011

      Financing: Fundación Cultural 1º de Mayo

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi (2013): “La dinámica afiliativa sindical y las trayectorias de sus miembros“. Politica y Sociedad, 50 (3), pp. 1065-1096

      VIDAL, Sergi; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere (2013): “Membership duration in a Spanish union: A survival analysis”. Economic and Industrial Democracy (doi 10.1177/0143831X13489358) .

      JÓDAR, Pere ; ALÒS, Ramon (2011): “Why do workers leave unions? Group differences between workers in CCOO-Catalonia”. Europan Review of Labour and Research . Vol. 17, pp. 471-484 .

      ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi; BENEYTO, Pere (2011): La dinámica de la afiliación sindical. El caso de Comisiones Obreras. Madrid: Fundación Primero de Mayo.


      Pere Jódar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
      Pere J. Beneyto, Universitat de València
      Sergi Vidal, University of Bremen

    • Trade union membership of foreign workers to CONC

      Immigration in Spain is a relatively recent phenomenon that has assumed considerable proportions in a very short time, affecting fields as the labor market, industrial relations and trade unions.
      The study raises thus twofold objectives: the first one, more descriptive, focus in the characteristics of migrant people that affiliate trade union CCOO in Catalonia; the second one focuses on the participation of migrant population in collective action, what are the elements that encourage or hinder it, their commitment with the organization,etc.

      Start date: 01/11/2009

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Team: Pere Jódar, Daniel Garrell, Sergi Vidal, Àlex Boso

      Documents and publications:

      JÓDAR, Pere; ALÓS, Ramon; BOSO, Àlex; GUIU, Jordi; GARRELL, Daniel (2014): “La afiliación sindical de la población inmigrante. El caso de CCOO de Cataluña”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 32, núm.1, pp. 135-163.

      JÓDAR, Pere; GARRELL, Daniel; VIDAL, Sergi; ALÒS, Ramon (2012): L’afiliació a CCOO de Catalunya en els inicis del segle XXI. Altes, baixes i canvis dels perfils de l’afiliació sindical en la primera dècada del segle XXI. Barcelona: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. Edit this

    • The membership to CCOO of Catalonia. Motivation and participation

      Start date: 01/03/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2008

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. CERES

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

    • Report on trade unions membership. Causes of joining, giving up and rotation

      Start date: 01/01/2006

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Comissió Obrera de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner (UAB); Pere Jódar (UPF)

      Documents and publications:

      VV.AA. (2007): Afiliació i desafiliació sindicals. Estudi dels processos i factors que determinen el comportament afiliatiu a CCOO de Catalunya. Barcelona: CERES.

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partner at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors: Mining, Fishing Industry, Woodworking and Furniture)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Mining
      – Fishing Industry,
      – Woodworking and Furniture
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina-Subcontract VC/2005/0753

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner

      Team: Elsa Corominas

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partner at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors: Chemicals industry, Football, Shipbuilding industry)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Chemicals industry
      – Football
      – Shipbuilding
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/01/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2005

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina- EEC Subcontract (VC/2004/0547)

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

      Team: Elsa Corominas

      Documents and publications:

      Chaidron, Alexandre; Arnould, Cécile; Spineux, Armand, dir.; [et al.]. Study on the representativeness o the social partner organisations in the professional football players sector. 2006.

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partners at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors:Cleaning, ETT’s, media)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Cleaning sector
      – Temporary agency work sector,
      – Culture and Media sector
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/02/2004

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina (ECC Subcontract VC/2003/0451)

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

      Team: Elsa Corominas

      Documents and publications:

      Mormont, Marinette; Spineux, Armand, coord.; Alós, Ramon; [et al.]. Institutional representativeness of trade unions and employers’ organisations in the industrial cleaning sector. 2004. 146 p.

    • Study of the conditions of occupation and negotiation in the workplaces

      Start date: 01/03/2003

      Finish date: 01/03/2005

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Ramon de Alòs, Pere Jodar

      Documents and publications:

      Alós, R.; Jódar, P.; Martí, J.; Martín Artiles, A.; Bonet, X.; Ortiz, L. (2005): Relacions laborals i condicions d’ocupació en els centres de treball. Un estudi des de la perspectiva dels afiliats a CCOO de Catalunya. Ceres: Barcelona

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partners at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Private security sector
      – Central public services
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/02/2003

      Finish date: 01/12/2003

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Université Catholique de Louvain – ECC Subcontract VC/2002/0215

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner

      Team: Xavier Urbano

    • Social dialogue in the reform and liberalisation processes in the railway sector in Europe.

      Our contribution consists in:
      – drawing a general paper on the transformations in the railway sector in Spain pointing to the main features of change and to crucial aspects of railway liberalisation,
      – contribute to identify the national representatives of the social partners to be invited to the foreseen initiatives (seminars in Milano and Rome),
      – disseminating in Spain the materials produced during the project, particularly among social actors.

      Start date: 01/10/2001

      Finish date: 01/11/2002

      Financing: Fondazione Regionale Pietro Seveso – EC Subcontract (VS/2001/0736)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

    • Social Partnership in Europe – the role of social partners

      Start date: 01/03/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2001

      Financing: Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS)-Department of Sociology (Univ,Copenhage)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Daniel de Villacian

    • Annual Report on Social Concertation and Collective Bargaining (4)

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU

      Start date: 01/12/2000

      Finish date: 01/12/2001

      Financing: Catholic University of Louvain-EEC Sub-contract V/2001/97

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Esperanza ROQUERO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • Employment pacts in Railways in Spain

      Start date: 01/04/2000

      Finish date: 01/07/2000

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Xavier Bonet

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel ayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la négociation collective (3)

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU

      Start date: 01/12/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/2000

      Financing: UE

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Esperanza ROQUERO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • Consolidated report on case studies on employment pacts

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Andreu Lope

    • Collective bargaining on employment and competitiveness: Spanish report

      The main objectives of the project are:
      • to increase awareness and understanding of the contribution of collective bargaining to the improvement of employment and competitiveness,
      • to focus in particular on explicit agreements, which link activities to protect and create employment with different measures to improve competitiveness,
      • to enable policy makers and negotiators of all three parties to acquire new ideas based on the analysis of innovative agreements.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/05/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel rayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la negotiation collective

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU.

      Start date: 01/12/1998

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities (DG V)- EEC SUB-CONTRACT

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos

      Team: Esperanza Roquero – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel ayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la negotiation collective

      Start date: 01/06/1998

      Finish date: 01/11/1998

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities (DG V)- EEC SUB-CONTRACT

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

    • Human resources regulation, Catalonia

      Start date: 01/09/1994

      Finish date: 01/05/1995

      Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració Insituto di Recerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)-Camara di Commercio de Milano IRES LOMBARDIA

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín , Xavier Coller

      Documents and publications:

      Martín A., Miguélez F., Pastor I., “La Risorse Umane in un mercato dualistico. Catalogna”, a Regini M, “La risorze umane nelle regioni forti d’Europa”, Milano, Il Mulino, 1996

    • Regional regulation of industrial relations in Catalonia

      Start date: 01/09/1994

      Finish date: 01/05/1995

      Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració IRES

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Faustino Miguélez, Immaculada Pastor, Xavier Coller, Andreu Lope, Reyes Varella

    • Employment and Human Resources in the Banking Industry in Spain

      The research is focussed on the processes of change in the management of human resources and its repercussions on industrial relations in the banking industry, exploring more throughly the new models of management known as “Human Resources Management”, without forgetting the strategies used to a lower production costs (low salaries, job instability).
      The analysis is conducted in various countries and businesses with the purpose of demonstrating that industrial relations and the policies of human resources do not work in an autonomous way, but rather that the study of them should include wider social, economic and cultural structures. From this we can conclude that the practices and institutions of one country cannot be applied elsewhere without undergoing a process of adaptation.
      In the Spanish case is possible to speak about accelerated changes, given that the search for improved competitivity has accentuated the role of human resources. These strategies are dualizing employment in the idustry in a sich a way that innovation in human resources is concentrated in the first sector (middle managers, technical specialists) provoking industrial disputes among some personnel.

      Start date: 01/04/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1996

      Financing: Sloan School of Management – Massachussets Institute of Technology

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Cecilia Castaño (coord.), Carlos Prieto, Patricia Ferrer, Clara Llorens, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Enrico Mora

      Documents and publications:

      Miguélez, F. (1999): “Employment Relations in the Spanish Banking Industry: Big changes” a: VV.AA. From Tellers to Sellers: Changing Employment Relations in Banks, Cambridge Massachussets: MIT Press. (ISBN 0-262-18193-2)

    • IREC International Companies Network

      Start date: 01/04/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1995

      Financing: UE-Warwick University

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

    • Literature Study: Direct Participation in Organizational Change. The case of Spain

      Start date: 01/11/1993

      Finish date: 01/04/1994

      Financing: Institut Arbeit und Tecknik

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Antonio Martín, Reyes Varella

      Documents and publications:

      “Case of Spain” a: Direct Participation: Literature Study, 1996

    • Direct Participation. The position of the social partners on direct participation in Europe

      Start date: 01/05/1993

      Finish date: 01/09/1993

      Financing: European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Clara Llorens, Núria García, Immaculada Pastor

      Documents and publications:

      “La posición de los actores sociales ante la participación directa. El caso español” a Humanize work and Increase profitability.Direct participation in organisational change viewed by the social partners in Europe, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, 1995

    • Flexicurity in Italy and Spain; Work, Welfare and Living Conditions

      The aim of this project is to measure the capacity and the effects of institutions and local actors to interpret and implement the rules’ system in the field of labour market and social policies, in an innovative way.
      The analysis takes into account also whether and how the characteristics of the local socioeconomic systems can best used to increase the social sustainability of flexibility. How do employment condition and quality of life can be combined in a socioeconomic context characterized by flexibility schemas?

      Start date: 01/01/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2009

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

      Grant agreement number: HI2007-0104

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Fausto Miguélez, Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      LEONARDI, Laura ; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Oscar; CALENDA, Davide; CARRASQUER OTO, Pilar (2011): “¿Es exportable la flexiseguridad?. Un estudio comparado entre Italia y España“. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales. Núm. 29-2, pp. 417-443

    • HRM in multinacional companies: flexibility, participaction and the role of headquarters

      Start date: 01/01/1993

      Finish date: 01/06/1995

      Financing: Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU)-University of Warwick

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Immaculada Pastor, Xavier E. Posada

      Documents and publications:

      Informe sobre las prácticas de flexibilidad y participación y el papel del centro en las empresas multinacionales del sector de la banca y la alimentación

    • Techonological Innovation, Human Resources Management, Organizational Changes

      L´objecte de l´estudi se centra en la innovació tecnològica i en la influència que exerceix sobre una sèrie d´aspectes que hi estan estretament relacionats; especialment estudia els canvis que, amb la seva implantació, experimenten l´organització del treball, l´estructura i les condicions de l´ocupació i els mecanismes aplicats en la gestió dels recursos humans a les empreses.

      Start date: 01/01/1992

      Finish date: 01/12/1992

      Financing: Fundació Bofill. Conveni marc de col-laboració: Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín, Xavier Coller

    • Old and new paths of labour regulation in SMES in Europe: trends and challenges for economic competitiveness and social sustainability Financial

      The project aims at studying the mechanisms of labour regulation within small-scale firms located in the diffused-economy areas of Tuscany, with particular attention to the specificity of institutional regulation and social negotiation practices at local level, and to the mutual influence with organizational practices within the firms.
      It is structured into three phases: theoretical and methodological design; wide-ranging exploration at local level, focusing on the firms’ basic features and on preliminary aspects of the main paths of labour regulation in Tuscany; case studies.
      On the scientific side, in order to enlarge the conceptual framework and, above all, to analyse the importance of the chosen territorial contexts within the international arena, the research will provide a comparison with Spain and in particular with the area of Catalonia, as a region thats presents elements of similarity.

      Start date: 01/01/2013

      Finish date: 01/12/2015

      Financing: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’università e della Ricerca (Italia)

      Reference: 210C7L7K7

      Responsable researcher: Ida Regalia (Università degli Studi di Milano)

      Team: Antonio Martín, Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar (2015): “¿Participación financiera para sostener las pensiones? Entre la Democracia Industrial y la Motivación“. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 33, Núm. 2, 397-422.

    • Trade Union membership, A case study: CONC

      Start date: 01/03/1991

      Finish date: 01/03/1993

      Financing: Conveni Conselleria de Treball. Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Rebollo

      Team: Antonio Martín, Faustino Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      Rebollo O., Martín A., Miguélez F. (1993), El sindicalismo a través de sus protagonistas. Estudio sobre la afiliación de Comissions Obreres de Catalunya, Barcelona: CERES-CONC.

    • Human resources regulations in Europe in the nineties. A case study: Spain

      Start date: 01/01/1990

      Finish date: 01/12/1991

      Financing: Fundació Bofill – Universitat de Trento

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Xavier Coller, Pilar Carrasquer

    • In-depth analysis on specific new forms of employment: labour pooling, crowd employment and mobile work

      The general objective of this project aims at mapping new forms of employment across the European Union and Norway.

      Secondly, the project will explore corresponding (policy) responses to support employers and employees, with the overall objective of sustainable employment retention and job creation. Thirdly, possible implications of the new forms of employment on working conditions will be investigated.

      Start date: 14/01/2014

      Finish date: 15/07/2014

      Financing: Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI)

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      MOLINA, Oscar (2014): New forms of employment: Coworking, Spain. Case study.


    • YOUnion – Union for Youth

      The project aims at analysing the dilemma of youth participation in trade unions in eight countries – Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Hungary, Spain, Italy and UK – starting from two research questions:
      – how can trade union action improve youth labour market
      – and how trade unions can strengthen their youth membership?
      These will be answered through an analysis, for each of the countries, of: the specific interests of young; successful and unsuccessful examples of trade unions’ efforts to organise young workers; trade unions communication strategy towards young people, with a specific attention to social media; initiatives undertaken to provide voice for young people in unions’ organisations and in collective bargaining. The research will provide an analysis of trade union activities that have been specifically aimed at (1) increasing youth membership and youth participation in unions; (2) increasing the representation of the young in social dialogue and collective bargaining at the national and sectoral/local level; and (3) improving youth position in the labour market through: (i) job creation for young people; (ii) promoting VET, life-long learning and certification of skills; and (iii) adapting regulations to improve the quality of employment for young people (decent wages, reduced casualisation and precarity, and improved career chances).

      Start date: 04/11/2013
      Finish date: 04/11/2014
      Financing: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number – VS/2013/0401)
      Financing reference: Agreement number – VS/2013/0403
      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina
      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Documents and publications

      MOLINA, Óscar; ALÓS, Ramon (2014):Youth and trade unions in Spain : re-building links in turbulent times. Country report from the YouNION project.


    • Bargaining for social rights at sectoral level – BARSORIS

      The project BARSORIS aims to conduct a comparative study of social partners experiences with improving the social rights of precarious/vulnerable workers through collective bargaining and social dialogue in seven EU countries: Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom. In each of these countries, the challenges faced by the social partners in improving the quality of work through collective bargaining and social dialogue will be analysed by experienced researchers. Also, the overall experiences of social partners in using collective bargaining and social dialogue to deal with the social rights of non-regular workers and the actions adopted to assure them decent working conditions will be reviewed. Moreover, four specifically instructive cases for the sectors: industrial cleaning, hospital and health care, construction, and temporary agency work, will be presented in detail in the reports.

      Start date: 01/12/2013

      Finish date: 30/11/2014

      Financing: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number – VS/2013/0403)

      Financing reference: Agreement number – VS/2013/0403

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro Godino Pons

      Documents and publications: MOLINA, Oscar; GODINO, Alejandro, RODRÍGUEZ-SOLER, Joan (2014):Bargaining for social rights at sectoral level. BARSORIS country report on Spain

    • Active inclusion and industrial relations from a multi-level governance perspective – AIRMULP

      Active inclusion is a strategy which aims to enable every citizen, notably those excluded from the labour market, to fully participate in society. It tackles various challenges – e.g. social exclusion, in-work poverty, labour market segmentation, long-term unemployment and gender inequalities – in an integrated way, by combining three pillars: adequate income support, inclusive labour markets and access to quality services.

      The project primarily consists of analysis and research activities on the relationship between the active inclusion strategy and its implementation on the one hand, and industrial relations on the other. More specifically, the project will be concerned with the analysis of active inclusion issues – e.g. social exclusion, inwork poverty, labour market segmentation, long-term unemployment and gender inequalities – and policy dimensions – specifically adequate income support and inclusive labour markets – in the framework of social dialogue and collective bargaining practices, at different levels.

      Start date: 15/12/2014

      Finish date: 14/12/2016

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreeement number VS/2014/0546)

      Financing reference: VS/2014/0546

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino


    • The collective bargaining and representativeness of temporary workers in Europe. Development and reinforcement of Industrial Relations Systems in response to changes in the European labour market

      The project aims to develop and reinforce the European industrial relations systems through their adaptation to changes in the employment and work scenario. Furthermore, the project aims to involve the European Industrial Relation Systems in a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe, and, in particular, through the involvement of those groups of workers – often youth workers – which feel they are not represented by any form of collective bargaining or any system of social/collective protection. Then, the project aims to disseminate knowledge regarding the representativeness and the collective bargaining of temporary workers, which, very often, are not clear even to the workers themselves.
      The project aims to enrich and develop the European Commission’s industrial Relations in Europe reports, in particular the project will use the database available in the European Industrial Relations Observatory in order to find significant agreements in EU (at national and company level) for temporary workers.

      Start date: 01/12/2014

      Finish date: 01/12/2016

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2014/0543)

      Financing reference: VS/2014/0543

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino

    • Industrial Relations in multilingual environments at work – IR-MultiLing

      Linguistic diversity poses many challenges to the European citizen at work. The human right to be able to use minority languages in public life is supported by the European Commission, but the preferences being exercised by many of Europe’s elites to communicate between themselves using English as a ‘universal language’ can lead to the down-grading of national, regional or migrant origin languages. This becomes even more important with the growing migration flows into Europe and between EU member states and with the growing importance of multinational companies operating across Europe.
      IR-MultiLing will research areas of understanding/misunderstanding and intended/unintended outcomes arising from language choices and whether the costs and benefits of linguistic diversity map differently for employers and managers than for employees.

      Start date: 01/12/2014

      Finish date: 30/11/2016

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2014/0547)

      Financing reference: Agreement number VS/2014/0547

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino


      GODINO, A; MARTÍN, A & MOLINA, Ò. (2018): “La gestión de la diversidad lingüística en la empresa: un análisis comparativo de estudios de caso en Barcelona”. Anuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales vol 5, PP 27-41

      Dissemination activities:

      Presentation of national situations – Spain presentation of the results of the European IR-MULTILING project

    • Post crisis social dialogue – best and innovative practices in the EU 28

      The evolution of the global financial crisis from a banking crisis in 2008, into a fiscal and public debt crisis in 2010, gave rise to two distinct phases in terms of the role and impact on industrial relations. In 2008-2009, social dialogue played an important role in many countries, in devising and implementing national tripartite responses. From 2010 onwards, however, pressure from mounting fiscal deficits and public debt ratios caused governments to implement reforms with an immediate effect, often in the absence of consultations with the social partners. As a result social dialogue and industrial relations systems underwent far reaching changes, where in some counties they began to be seen as part of the problem rather than the solution.
      The reforms introduced significant changes to national systems of industrial relations, ranging from the decentralization of collective bargaining towards the company level and the weakening of national tripartite social dialogue mechanisms, to the rapid and often unilateral reduction of wages in the public sector. However, not all countries have been affected in the same manner.
      The research focusses on the national level and:
      I. gauge whether the role of social dialogue has been strengthened in the design of national reform programmes and the implementation of country specific recommendations meant to consolidate economic and jobs recovery and enhance national competitiveness;
      II. assess whether existing institutions for tripartite consultations have proved well equipped and designed to facilitate such an involvement of social partners in the shaping of the reforms.

      Start date: 05/05/2015

      Finish date: 30/10/2016

      Financing: Social Dialogue and Tripartism Unit -International Labour Organization / European Commission

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Fausto Miguélez

    • Bargaining for productivity

      According to the European Commission, labour productivity will become the key driver of growth in the EU (European Commission, 2012, 2013, 2014). For the EU and for the euro area, labour input acts as a drag on growth over the projection period (2010-2060), as the working-age population is projected to decline. As a result, labour input contributes negatively to annual output growth on average over the projection period. Hence, labour productivity growth becomes the sole source for potential output growth in both the EU and the euro area starting from 2028.
      As a source of working conditions, collective bargaining is a key determinant of labour productivity. There is consensus that vertical coordination of collective bargaining has a positive impact on economic performance (OECD, 2004, 2009; ILO, 2011, 2013, 2015), while at the company level, productivity agreements can make the production more efficient and increase work performance through incentives and welfare measures.
      The main research question underpinning this project is how the aspirations of policy makers are manifest at a micro-level and how these strategies are seen by the actors to translate into outcomes, seeking to illuminate why the productivity problem persists in some of the observed countries.

      Start date: 01/04/2016

      Finish date: 30/09/2017

      Financing: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – Social Dialogue (Grant Agreement VS/2016/0096)

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Alejandro Godino

    • Independent workers and industrial relations in Europe. The social dialogue between traditional and innovative forms of collective representation – I-WIRE

      The number of independant workers is growing rapidely within the European labour market. Are their specificities adequately addressed in the industrial relations?

      I-WIRE is a research project that aims at analyzing in a comparative perspective the emergent market-based and association-based regulation regimes of new autonomous workers in the EU. The focus will be both on the protection offered and on the capability to reach these goals through social dialogue.

      Partners of the projects are currently:
      – mapping the international experiences and the co-ordination forms and practices , through desk analysis and country case studies which will focus on the role of trade Unions, quasi-Unions and labour market intermediairies. Nine national case studies will be based on focus groups and in-depth interviews to identify needs and constraints of the various stakeholders, as well as on good practices ;
      – designing a transnational web-survey to assess the types and needs of new autonomous workers as well as their links with traditional unions and new representation oranizations.

      The results will be discussed and analyzed with representatives of industrial relations actors, to spell out analytical results, empirical insights and policy recommendations.

      Start date: 31/03/2016

      Finish date: 30/03/2018

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2016/0149)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino

      Related website:

    • Relaunching Collective Bargaining Coverage in Outsourced Services – RECOVER

      Collective bargaining coverage is an important element of industrial relations systems as it determines the capacity of collective agreements to protect workers. Moreover, it has also been identified as a key institution reducing earnings disparities and limiting labour market dualisation. Ensuring high coverage is accordingly key to guarantee an inclusive and socially sustainable recovery. Studies on collective bargaining coverage have revealed the existence of significant differences in coverage levels across countries due to different collective bargaining structures, the existence of extension mechanisms, membership of unions and employer organizations etc. Moreover, declining collective bargaining coverage has also been reported due to lower union density, de-centralization and erosion of extension mechanisms.
      The research question addressed by the RECOVER project is to what extent the growth in outsourcing is triggering coverage problems for workers in these outsourced services. The aim of the project is
      accordingly to analyse collective bargaining coverage in outsourced services with a view to: identify coverage problems related to outsourcing practices; study the capacity of existing institutions in dealing with them; analyze the incidence of coverage gaps across different groups of workers; analyse the strategies deployed by social partners in order to address these problems and provide actors with some policy guidance in order to ensure inclusive and effective coverage.
      The project will compare cases of collective bargaining coverage gaps in outsourced services at sectoral and company level in six countries. Coverage gaps in relation to collective bargaining are defined as those
      situations when workers in outsourced services in one sector or company are not covered by the collective agreement that applies to the rest of workers performing similar tasks, or are applied a different collective agreement establishing lower standards.

      The RECOVER project has the following specific objectives:
      1.- To provide new insights and evidence on collective bargaining coverage gaps adopting a multi-level perspective, i.e., focusing on the interaction between the supranational regulatory context on outsourcing, national institutions, the meso or sectoral level and the micro or company level of analysis.
      2.- To analyse the sources of these gaps, and in particular, the role of outsourcing practices across different sectors and countries.
      3.- To map collective bargaining coverage gaps in relation to outsourcing practices across sectors and countries. The project will focus on different realities / manifestations of outsourcing. These include workers in facility management companies, TAW, bogus self-employed workers and free lancers. All of them reflect the multi-faceted character of outsourcing, leading to the growth in groups of workers under very different legal status and very often left at the margins of existing collective arrangements at company or sector level.
      4.- To analyze the collective bargaining position of facility management companies and their workers in the context of national and sectoral collective bargaining frameworks
      5.- To highlight the benefits of collective bargaining coverage and equal treatment of workers in outsourced services
      7.- To provide evidence on the role of social partners at national, sectoral and company level in filling these gaps and making effective the extension of collective agreements to workers in outsourced services.
      8.- To share best practices among social partners of different countries on how to ensure effective collective bargaining protection
      9.- To collect data and relevant findings in order to shed new light into the characteristics and evolution of collective bargaining coverage mechanisms and practices.
      10. To disseminate and discuss the findings and lessons with social partners from the countries involved, and across the whole EU to promote transnational learning.

      Start date: 01/01/2017

      Finish date: 31/12/2018

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2016/0351)

      Financing reference: Agreement number VS/2016/0351 – EA6144400

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Alejandro Godino, Antonio Martín-Artiles, Joan Rodríguez-Soler




      Godino, A. &  Molina, O. (2022), The industrial relations chameleon: collective bargaining in the facility management business, Employee Relations, Vol. 44 No. 7, pp. 1-18.

      RECOVER Policy Paper:

      Brandl, Bernd; Kildunne, Anne (2018): Outsourcing and Collective Bargaining in the UK . RECOVER Policy Paper. 

      Czarzasty, Jan; Owczarek, Dominik (2018): Cheap is cheap, no matter what they say. Collective bargaining and working conditions in outsourced services in Poland . RECOVER Policy Paper.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar (2018): Who overcomes collective bargaining? Outsourcing practices and regulation in Spain. RECOVER Policy Paper.

      Pedaci, Marcello; Braga, Adolfo; Guarascio, Carmela (2018): Outsourcing of services and collective bargaining coverage in Italy. RECOVER Policy Paper.

      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2018): Outsourcing dynamics and regulatory framework in France. RECOVER Policy Paper.

      RECOVER Report

      Brandl, Bernd; Kildunne, Anne (2018): Outsourcing and Collective Bargaining in the UK. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar (2019): The impact of Outsourcing on Collective Bargaining Coverage: A Comparative Analysis in Six Countries. Research Report – RECOVER project.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar (2018): Who overcomes collective bargaining?. Outsourcing practices, regulatory framework and Facility Management in Spain. Country Report – RECOVER project

      Payton, Noëlle; Keune, Maarten (2018): Outsourcing in the Netherlands: Challenges to traditional sector boundaries. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Pedaci, Marcello; Braga, Adolfo; Guarascio, Carmela (2018): Outsourcing of services and collective bargaining coverage in Italy. An analysis on cleaning, ICT and facility management services. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2018): Outsourcing of services in France. The Challenges from collective bargainig system. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Dissemination activities:

      website project

      Article in UABDivulga

      RECOVER Newsletter #1

      RECOVER Newsletter #2

      RECOVER Newsletter #3

      RECOVER Newsletter #4

      RECOVER Policy Brief

    • Bargaining and social dialogue in the public sector – BARSOP

      The project Bargaining and Social Dialogue at the Public Sector -BARSOP- will address, from a multidisciplinary and multi-level governance perspective, how the economic and financial crisis has transformed industrial relations, social dialogue and wmployment in the public sector in the European Union and in particular in nine EU Member States: Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom. The crisis initially affected first of all the financial sector and then the private sector. Subsequently, however, it spilled over to the public sector, in particular in the form of austerity measures, following from decreased tax incomes, increased social expenditure and massive bail-out programmes. These austerity measures have been resulting in declining public sector employment, pressure on wages and working conditions and increased insecurity for public sector employees.

      The BARSOP project main objectives are (i) to analyse the changes that have taken place during the crisis in industrial relations, employment and working conditions in the public sector and in particular in the sectors of health care, education and local and regional authorities; (ii) to analyse the responses of national and EU social partners in these sectors to the crisis and their results in terms of quantity and quality of employment; and (iii) to disseminate the results of these analyses among social partners
      and policy makers at EU, national and sector level and to stimulate information exchange, social dialogue and collective bargaining aimed at promoting high levels of good quality employment.

      Start date: 30/03/2016
      Finish date: 28/02/2018
      Financing: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – Social Dialogue (Grant Agreement VS/2016/0107)
      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      Reports & Publications

      Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2020). «Industrial relations in deep water : the Spanish public sector during the crisis». A: Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. 2020. Brussels: ETUI.

      Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2018). Bargaining for social rights in the public sector : Spain.

      Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2018). Bargaining and Social Dialogue at the Public Sector (BARSOP). Policy brief for Spain (BARSOP Policy briefs).

    • Talking through the crisis: Social dialogue and industrial relations trends in selected EU countries

      Social dialogue between government, employers’ and workers’ organizations is a powerful tool for correcting labour market imbalances and promoting jobs-rich economic recovery. During and since the economic and financial crisis which started in 2008, national social dialogue institutions in countries of the European Union (EU) have been tested but, in many cases, have demonstrated their potential to innovate and contribute to a return to positive growth.

      Start date: 01/01/2016

      Finish date: 30/03/2017

      Financing: International Labour Organization

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina


      Guardiancich, I, Molina, O (eds) (2017) Talking through the Crisis: Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations Trends in Selected EU Countries. Geneva: ILO.

  • Consumption patterns

    The main object of analysis within this stream are the transformations taking place in the production system and that affect patterns of consumption. Accordingly, we consider production and consumption as inter-related dimensions. Moreover, we also analyse the extent to which consumption reproduces social inequalities.

    Current projects Finished projects
    • The effects of the euro arrival on the management of family economies

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • The complaint culture

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs

    • Overindebtedness

      Start date: 01/05/1999

      Finish date: 01/06/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Electronic trade

      Start date: 01/03/1999

      Finish date: 01/04/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs

    • Seguretat en l’alimentació. Imaginaris socials sobre pràctiques i hàbits alimentaris

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/02/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • The effects of the euro arrival on the management of family economies

      Start date: 01/10/1998

      Finish date: 01/12/1998

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty-INCASI

      The overall aim of this project is to create an International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (INCASI) with 19 universities, 10 from Europe and 9 from Latin America. The purpose is to conduct comparative research in the area of social inequalities. Through this network we hope to foster a space for collective reflection and the development of synergies between network partners that allow us to undertake innovative studies whose outputs have an impact on academic and policy debates on the subject. The project will also contribute to informing the design of public policies to tackle social inequalities. In so doing, we aim to contribute innovative solutions that improve citizens’ living standards, reduce social inequalities and promote social justice.

      Start date: 01/01/2016

      Finish date: 31/12/2019

      Financing reference: Grant Agreement number: 691004

      Responsable researcher: Pedro López Roldán


      UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA – Institut d’Estudis del Treball/Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT/Grup de Recerca en Educació i Treball


      Fachelli, S., Jorrat, J., & López-Roldán, P. (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.

      Fachelli, Sandra & López-Roldán, Pedro (2021). Comparative Perspectives on Social Indicators. Social Indicators Research, 154, 755–765 (2021).

      Fachelli, S., & López-Roldán, P. (2017). “The effect of immigration on intergenerational social mobility in Spain” | El efecto de la inmigración en la movilidad social intergeneracional en España. Revista Española de Sociologia, 26(3), 309–328.

  • Innovation and methodological development


    Current projects Finished projects
    • Compared case study on the mutual influence between social capital, social integration and the insertion, stability, promotion and qualification in the employment

      The general objective of the project is to analyse the correspondence or mutual influence between, on the one hand, belonging to particular social groups, characterized and identified according to the distribution and/or appropriation of different kinds of Social Capital, and, on the other hand, the degree of Insertion, Stability, Promotion and Qualification in the employment. These influences will be considered by looking at the mechanisms of Social Integration (IS) and under the conceptual and operative frame of the Theory and Analysis of Social Networks (TARS).
      The compared groups will be characterised by the time of residence or stay in Catalonia of the people directly observed and their immediate ancestors, the level of urban development and sex. The general assumption is that the mutual influence is reciprocal because the Insertion, Stability, Promotion and Qualification in the employment are also forms of Social Capital grounded in the productive and the economic capital, which, in turn, feed back the Social Capital, Social Integration and the other kinds of capital.


      Start date: 01/12/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2011

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

      Responsable researcher: Carlos Lozares

      Team: Joel Martí, José Luis Molina, Joan Miquel Verd, Pedro López Roldán, Ramon de Alós-Moner, Oriol Barranco, Mireia Bolíbar, Irene Cruz


      Documents and publications:

      Bolívar, Mireia; Martí, Joel; Lozares, Carlos (2013): “Aplicaciones de los métodos mixtos al análisis de las redes personales de la población inmigrada”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología, núm. 26, pp. 89-116 .

      Bolívar, Mireia (2011): “Las asociaciones en las redes personales. ¿Mecanismo de integración de la población inmigrante?”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Cruz, Irene; Verd, Joan Miquel (2011): “Densidad, clase social y apoyo expresivo”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Cruz, Irene; Verd, Joan Miquel (2013): “La fuerza de los lazos: una exploración teórica y empírica de sus múltiples significados”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, núm. 26, pp. 149-174.

      López-Roldán, Pedro: Alcaide, Vanessa (2011): “El capital social y las redes personales en el estudio de las trayectorias laborales”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Bolívar, Mireia; Muntanyola, Dafne (2013): “La centralidad en las redes sociales: medición, correlación y aplicación”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 15, pp. 77-97.

      Lozares, Carlos; Martí, Joel; Molina, José Luis; García-Macías, Alejandro (2013): “La cohesión-integración versus la fragmentación social desde un perspectiva relacional”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 15, pp. 57-75.

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel; Barranco, Oriol (2013): “El potencial analítico de las redes socio-métricas y ego-centradas: una aplicación al estudio de la cohesión-integración de colectivos sociales”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, Núm. 26, pp. 35-62 .

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel; Cruz, Irene; Barranco, Oriol (2013): “Homophily and heterophily in personal networks. From mutual acquaintance to relationship intensity”. Quality & Quantity International Journal of Methodology .

      Lozares, Carlos (2012): “La cohesión, vinculación e integración social desde el prisma del capital social y las redes sociales”, en Inmigración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad . Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, pp. 123-152.

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro (2012): “El atributismo estructural y el interaccionismo estructural en ciencias sociales: ¿concepciones alternativas, antagónicas o complementarias?”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 14, pp. 25-44 .

      Lozares, Carlos (2012): “La cohesión, vinculación e integración social desde el prisma del capital social y las redes sociales”, en Inmigración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad . Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, pp. 123-152

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Verd, Joan Miquel; Martí, Joel; Molina, José Luis (2011): “Cohesión, Vinculación e Integración sociales en el marco del Capital Social”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Verd, Joan Miquel; Martí, Joel, Bolívar, Mireia; Cruz, Irene; Molina, José Luis (2011): “El análisis de la Cohesión, Vinculación e Integración sociales en las encuestas EgoNet”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; Sala, Mireia (2011): “Capital Social, cohesión social y uso de la lengua “. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel (2011): “De la homofilia a la cohesión social y viceversa”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Martí, J., Bolíbar, M., & Lozares, C. (2017). “Network cohesion and social support. Social Networks”, 48, 192–201.

      Molina, José Luis; Bolívar, Mireia; Cruz, Irene (2011): “La dispersión geográfica de las redes personales: cálculo y significado”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

    • Corporate perceptions of recent graduates competencies

      The project involves conducting focus group of the study on “The perception of companies on the skills of new graduates ” .
      The specific objectives are:
      – to acquire a deep knowledge of competence profiles leading to an improvement of employability.
      – to analyze the factors that influence the level of recent graduate recruitment and the main difficulties for employers when hiring them .

      Start date: 23/03/2015

      Finish date: 31/10/2015

      Financing: Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU)

      Financing reference: CF612773

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Oriol Barranco, Oriol Alonso

  • Mobility and social inequalities

    Current projects Finished projects
    • Regional Gender Equality Measure in the EU – ReGEM. Jean Monnet Project

      Gender equality is a topic of growing relevance worldwide, but its measurement is mainly limited to national levels, even in the EU. During the last 20 years, several experiences tried to exploit gender equality at the sub-national (regional) level, but they were country-specific studies focusing on one or a few domains (e.g. education, health, labor market) and did not provide an overview of territorial disparities in gender equality.

      In this project, we propose a regionalization of the most comprehensive gender equality indicator, the Gender Equality Index (GEI) of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

      Start date: 01/11/2020

      End date: 30/03/2022

      Funding: EACEA – Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency -Jean Monnet Programme.

      Funding reference: 621261-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EP RE-GEM

      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán

    • Technical assistance on solidarity distribution mechanisms and protection against unemployment-Redistributive and solidarity-based social security systems.

      EUROsociAL+ is a European Union cooperation program whose overall objective is to contribute to increasing social cohesion in Latin America; its specific objective is to support national public policies on social issues, good governance and gender equality, with the aim of increasing the level of social cohesion and strengthening the institutions responsible for their implementation.

      Within the framework of this program, a study is being carried out on the experiences of minimum income schemes in Germany, Spain and Italy, and their articulation with active employment policies and unemployment protection systems in these countries.

      The objective is to know how the link between minimum income programs and employment services, in particular, and how the beneficiary population is served with measures that address the different dimensions of their vulnerability, in order to accompany them to reintegrate or improve their position in the labor market, is given in these countries.

      Start date: 08/04/2022

      End date: 07/04/2023

      Funding: EUROsociAL+ Program (Italian Latin American Institute (IILA))

      Official reference: Contract 131/SD/932/IILA/ES/022

      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán

      Research Team: Antonio Martín Artiles, Eduardo Chavez Molina

    • Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories – DINAMOS

      DINAMOS is the acronym for Dynamics of Social Mobility in Spain, a coordinated project that is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R & D & I System and R + D + I oriented to the Challenges of the Society, 2019.

      As a coordinated project, it is made up of two subprojects:

      -DINAMOS1 (Reference PID2019-106548GB-C21): Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories, coordinated by the Centre for Sociological Studies on Daily Life and Work of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with Dr. ​​Pedro López-Roldan as main researcher.
      -DINAMOS2 (Reference PID2019-106548GA-C22): Intergenerational social mobility: education as an explanatory mechanism, coordinated by the Department of Sociology of the Pablo de Olavide University, with Dr. Sandra Fachelli as main researcher, and the collaboration of researchers from the University of La Laguna and the University of Seville.

      The scientific project is intended to investigate the dynamics of social change and transmission of social inequalities over time, both in terms of intragenerational social mobility and intergenerational social mobility, focused especially on the occupational and educational fields.

      Start date: 01/06/2020
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
      Official reference: PID2019-106548GB-C21
      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán
      Team: Antonio Martín Artiles, Andreu Lope, Pilar Carrasquer; Carrasquer; Cristian Segura, José Zawadsky, Claudia Baeza


      Martín Artiles, Antonio (2023). ¿Representan los sindicatos a la clase trabajadora? Ideología y política en España (2002-2020). Sociología del Trabajo102, 37-52.

      Fachelli, Sandra; Jorrat, Jorge Raúl & López-Roldán, Pedro (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.

      Project website

    • Global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty-INCASI

      The overall aim of this project is to create an International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (INCASI) with 19 universities, 10 from Europe and 9 from Latin America. The purpose is to conduct comparative research in the area of social inequalities. Through this network we hope to foster a space for collective reflection and the development of synergies between network partners that allow us to undertake innovative studies whose outputs have an impact on academic and policy debates on the subject. The project will also contribute to informing the design of public policies to tackle social inequalities. In so doing, we aim to contribute innovative solutions that improve citizens’ living standards, reduce social inequalities and promote social justice.

      Start date: 01/01/2016

      Finish date: 31/12/2019

      Financing reference: Grant Agreement number: 691004

      Responsable researcher: Pedro López Roldán


      UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA – Institut d’Estudis del Treball/Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT/Grup de Recerca en Educació i Treball


      Fachelli, S., Jorrat, J., & López-Roldán, P. (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.

      Fachelli, Sandra & López-Roldán, Pedro (2021). Comparative Perspectives on Social Indicators. Social Indicators Research, 154, 755–765 (2021).

      Fachelli, S., & López-Roldán, P. (2017). “The effect of immigration on intergenerational social mobility in Spain” | El efecto de la inmigración en la movilidad social intergeneracional en España. Revista Española de Sociologia, 26(3), 309–328.

Current projects

In order to carry out its aims the QUIT research centre makes use of two institutional forms:

  • On the one hand the basic or theoretical research projects, carried out with the support of the state and regional scientific policy which usually last several years.
  • On the other, those projects arisen from short-term agreements with regional institutions and governments, foundations, etc. that allow us a greater approach to social reality.

Below you will find a list of the QUIT’s current projects, sorted according to the financial form. Links are to pages which contain further information.

  • Public national R+D calls

      The digital turn in artistic disciplines has resulted in the progressive professional and academic substitution of analogue instruments for digital ones. And the ways of working in the artistic professions have been transformed. The digital turn constitutes a process of institutionalization of new social practices: training curricula change, as well as the computer programs, and new digital products appear, in the form of diagrams, models, and renderings.

      The research question is: How does the digital turn in artistic training change the way of projecting, building and imagining of professional and expert artists?

      The general objective of the project is to identify the changes caused by the digital turn in artistic practice of consolidated professionals We will compare the discourse and practices of photographers, architects, film editors, designers, choreographers, musical composers, recognized in their field and linked to schools or centers of higher artistic education, of two different generations, the older one educated in analogue, the other in digital.

      Start date: 01/09/2023
      End date: 31/08/2026
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Reference:  PID2022-140814NB-I00
      Principal Investigator: Dafne Muntanyola Saura
      Team: Miquel Fernández González, Fernan del Val Ripolles


    • Social capital and residential setting among youth at risk of labour market exclusion. A case study – CAPENRISG

      The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a huge job destruction that has most severely affected the young Spanish population. Although the latest data from the EPA show a return to pre-pandemic levels of unemployment rates, it is still a long way from the rates prior to 2008 Great Recession. Therefore, the young people are facing a particularly difficult context to access employment over the last 15 years, being those people with the lowest level of education who have been hit the hardest by unemployment.

      The theory of social exclusion caused by unemployment (Gallie and Paugam) argues that prolonged periods of unemployment reduce sociability, which in turn causes a loss of relevant contacts for the return to employment, thus reinforcing the risk of labour market
      exclusion. The last years marked by the difficulties of labour market insertion among the young population and, especially, the recent destruction of employment caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, offer a very adequate context for the retrospective study of the
      aforementioned relationship. On the other hand, the concept of social capital and the methodological approach of social network analysis allow the development of a good operationalization of the Gallie and Paugam model, although these authors have not conceived it in these
      In this context, the main objective of the research is to verify whether, for young unemployed people, there has been a negative feedback effect (vicious circle) between the fact of suffering prolonged unemployment and the loss of social capital useful for labour market insertion.
      The mechanism that would be at the basis of this possible relationship would be that the loss of employment leads to a fracturing of people’s social ties with people with more distinct social characteristics (heterophilic contacts) and of higher status, which would be precisely the people who could transmit to unemployed people information on a greater number of job opportunities.

      Start date: 01/09/2022
      Finish date: 31/08/2025
      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Reference: PID2021-125218NB-I00
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd & Oriol Barranco
      Team: Pilar Carrsquer Oto, Mireia Bolíbar Planas,  Segundo Moyano (UOC),  Sergi Fàbregues (UOC)
      Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro González Heras

      Project website:


      Eixarch, Adriana; Verd, Joan Miquel & Barranco, Oriol (2024). El proceso de muestreo en el proyecto “Capital social y entorno residencial en la población joven con riesgo de exclusión laboral. Un estudio de casos.” QUIT Working paper series, n. 30.

      Media presence:

    • Gender Equality in the Uses of Time: changes, resistance and continuities – GENERA

      GENERA is a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge.

      The project aims at analysing the changes, resistance, and continuities in the use of time devoted to domestic and care work, paying attention to the heterogeneity of trends and the character of transformations.

      The two-fold objective of the proposal is articulated through two theoretical debates: the process of gender convergence in the uses of time, and the impact of contextual factors on gender relations.

      The study formulates four starting research questions: What structural and contextual factors ease gender convergence in the uses of time? Which is the character, temporal or substantial, of the trends of change? What structural and contextual factors explain the continuities and resistance to change? What is the consequence of resistance: stagnation or setback.

      The studies carried out by the applicant team point to a trend of upward convergence with sociocultural limits that suggest a certain stalled revolution and some setbacks. On the one hand, the differences between the time that women and men devote to domestic and care work decrease. On the other hand, inequality persists both for time devoted to these tasks and in their segregation as well. In parallel, the analysis on the social impact of the context crisis, such as COVID-19, points to the intensification of unpaid work by women, thus reinforcing traditional gender roles.

      Taking as starting point previous results, the central goal of the proposal is to expand and deepen the knowledge in the heterogeneity of trends of change and continuity, the nature of changes as well as the contradictions or resistance behind the uses of time.

      Start date: 01/09/2022
      End date: 31/08/2025
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigators: Sara Moreno Colom & Vicent Borràs
      Team: Alvaro Briales (UCM), Irene Cruz Gómez (IERMB)
      Lidia Arroyo (UOC), Núria Sánchez Mira (Université de Neuchâtel)
      Joan Rodríguez Soler (UAB), Sandra Sánchez Sinisterra (UAB)

      Project website:


      Moreno-Colom, Sara, Borràs Català, Vicent, & Rodriguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Imaginarios en conflicto sobre el trabajo doméstico: responsabilidad, privilegio, supervisión y aprendizaje. Revista Española De Sociología33(3), a240.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Capítulo 1. Cuando lo doméstico se difumina en los cuidados: entre lo material y lo simbólico. In: Sofía Pérez de Guzman Padrón & Marcela Iglesias Onofrio (coord.). Sociedades del cuidado en transición: una perspectiva iberoamericana. Dykinson. (colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo, núm. 171) (pp.16-35). 

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2023). Igualdad de género en los usos del tiempo: cambios, resistencias y continuidades. Perspectiva teórica y modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 29. /286587


      Media presence:

      Rius, M. (7/03/2024). El conflicte de les tasques domèstiques: ell s’acomoden en el paper d’aprenent. La Vanguardia. 2.

      Sanz, M. (07/03/2024). El conflicto en las tareas del hogar: las mujeres organizan y ordenan; los hombres aprenden y ejecutan. La Sexta Noticias.

      Virgili M. (Anfitrión). (11/03/2024). Les dones i els dies. La feina invisible de les cures [Podcast de audio]. 3cat.

    • The social capital of Spanish youth: Traits and effects on the material and emotional well-being

      The study describes the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, analyses its effects on their material and emotional well-being, and identifies the social inequalities involved.

      The project has two objectives: (1) to quantitatively describe the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, identifying the differences in its composition and volume through the use of ego-centred network analysis; and (2) to identify the effects of these social capital characteristics on the material and emotional well-being of youth.

      The project will focus on the individual dimension of social capital. This dimension is defined as the network of personal connections that is sustained by social interaction and provides instrumental and expressive support. Paradoxically, there has been empirical evidence of the deterioration of the emotional well-being of young people in Spain in recent years, even before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, no evidence has been provided of one of the main determinants identified by the literature: the reduction of social interaction and the rise of ‘objective’ social isolation (i.e., loss of personal connections, which is different from the ‘subjective’ perception of isolation). Personal connections also constitute an essential source of material and instrumental support for youth. This happens both directly, through the financial support that many young people receive from their families; and indirectly, through the use of their personal network for job searching. Yet, no survey-based research in Spain has examined social capital inequalities among young people and the outcomes of these inequalities. Hence the relevant need for this topic to be addressed.

      Start date: 11/10/2022
      Finish date: 11/06/2023
      Financing: Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”
      Grant agreement reference:
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Mireia Bolíbar Planas,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Albert Navarro Giné

      Reports and Publications

      EFE. (2024, Junio 18). El 78% de jóvenes con formación superior trabaja, pero con una temporalidad superior al 30%. EFE

       López, C. (2024, Junio 18). Estudiar vale la pena: la tasa de empleo de los universitarios supera en 8 puntos a la de los jóvenes con solo ESO. La Vanguardia

      Noriega, D. (2024, Junio 18). La reforma laboral reduce la temporalidad entre los jóvenes el doble que en la población general. El

      Pastor, A. (2024, Junio 18). Dime qué estudias y te diré si tendrás trabajo: así es la brecha de ocupación laboral entre los jóvenes. infoLibre

      Pereda, O. (2024, Junio 18). La brecha de ocupación entre jóvenes con formación superior y básica aumenta 8 puntos en dos décadas. El Periódico

      Torres, A. (2024, Junio 18). Los jóvenes españoles de hasta 35 años son los que se sienten afectivamente más cerca de sus padres de toda la UE. El País

      Vaquero, C. (2024, Junio 18). Un universitario tiene un 10% más de opciones de encontrar trabajo que un joven con la FP. ABC

  • European projects
    • The Empty Office

      Telework is one of the most important legacies of the pandemic. Following its massive use dictated by the stay-at-home policies imposed around the world, remote jobs are now more than four times pre-pandemic levels in many of the world’s major economies. Given this evolution of telework, many analysts predict that it will grow further and become increasingly important to our lives, generation after generation. How we will govern these new forms of work will depend on the answers that research will be able to provide to whether, for whom, and how telework affects people’s quality of life and well-being.

      We study the relationship between telework and well-being using a mixed-methods approach. An international, interdisciplinary team will collect quantitative and qualitative data on teleworkers in Switzerland, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands, providing new insights into this field of study. The research spans economics, sociology, family studies and health psychology, which focuses on how social and psychological factors influence people’s quality of life.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2025
      Funding: SNIS (Swiss Network for International Studies)
      Reference: C23018
      Project Coordinator: Mattia Vacchiano (University of Geneva); Co-coordinator: Eric Widmer (University of Geneva)
      Principal investigator (Spanish team): Oscar Molina
      Team: Sander Junte

      Website:  Empty office


    • The interaction of minimum wages and collective bargaining for low-paid groups

      This study aims at analysing the ability and capacity of sectoral collective bargaining in some countries to adapt to ongoing structural changes (digital transformation, green transition and workforce aging) and particularly to the effects of high inflation rates and the energy crisis in wage negotiations.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2024
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
      Reference: Contract No: 23-3030-02
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina; project coordinator: Pablo Sanz de Miguel, Notus Applied Research 

    • Developing Collective Bargaining in the Care Sector – DEVCOBA

      The project aims to examine the dynamics, mechanisms, and impacts of the development of collective bargaining and representation in the care sector, concentrating in particular on social and health services for elderly people (long-term care services – LTC) and socio-education services for children aged 0-5 (childcare – ECEC). Specifically, it aims to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms and practices available across EU Member States to ensure an adequate extension of collective bargaining, the promotion of union and employers’ associations’ membership, and the use of social dialogue bilateral/trilateral bodies to design initiatives and policies to tackle the issues of skill and labour shortage. Overall, these research objectives are oriented to develop sector-specific recommendations on how to improve job quality in the care sector, especially significant for social partners and policy-makers at both national and EU levels to orient and root their agenda on solid empirical ground.

      Start date: 01/01/2024
      Finish date: 31/12/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126385 — DEVCOBA
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (Spanish team); project coordinator: Anna Mori, Università degli Studi di Firenze
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez Soler

      DEVCOBA website

    • Home Care Digital Platforms and Industrial relations – ORIGAMI

      The demand of “Personal and Household Services” (PHS) – which covers a broad range of activities that contribute to the well-being of families and individuals at home – has significantly increased and so too has the role of care workers. Employment in the home care sector is characterized by a high level of informality, a significant presence of a migrant and female workforce, low visibility of their work, which is often done in private spaces, and weak associational power. Following the growth in demand, the public offer of services is not adequate to meet it, leaving extensive room for private actors to manoeuvre within a newly marketized regime of long-term care delivery. The increased level of marketisation and privatisation of the sector, the fragility of working conditions and the growing complexity of social needs to be answered have contributed to deeply redesign the welfare systems in the different models of capitalism. The emergence of digital platforms represents a new driving force that is intertwined with these processes. Digital platforms, as novel forms of organization, act as private regulators, creating their own institutional and societal embeddedness.

      This project analyses the role of digital platforms in the ongoing transformations of the home care sector, identifying the specificities of their organizational model with respect to both traditional organizations in the sector and platforms present in other sectors, the consequences on working conditions, the needs for social protection and representation of interests, and the innovative strategies of social actors to respond to these needs.

      The research is carried out in Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands.

      Start date: 01/11/2023
      Finish date: 31/10/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126007 — ORIGAMI
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (Spanish team); project coordinator: Ivana Pais, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – UCSC
      Team: Alejandro Godino



    • Managing Inflation crisis through Social Dialogue – MAINSOC

      After two decades of low inflation levels and wage moderation, Europe faces an unprecedented increase in the cost of living and the risk of stagflation. The inflation shock is eroding employees’ purchasing power, particularly at the bottom of the wage scale. Calls have been made by national and EU-level actors for governments and social partners to manage the current inflation crisis through negotiated income policies and collective bargaining.

      The objective of the MAINSOC project is twofold. First, to analyse the impact of the inflation crisis on real wage dynamics and wage differentials across sectors and groups of workers, paying attention to the asymmetric impact on those at the bottom of the wage scale and the role of industrial relations institutions to explain differences across countries. Second, to analyse the role of government policies, social partners’ involvement, and industrial relations institutions in managing the inflation crisis, adapting to a new scenario, and guaranteeing inclusive growth in six EU countries (DE, DK, ES, IT, HU, PL).

      MAINSOC is a joint project of 6 partner organizations from five countries, financed by the European Commission under Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL) Programme.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126451 — MAINSOC
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      MAINSOC’s Website:


    • Network of Eurofound Correspondents

      As the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, together with NOTUS and IKEI, QUIT provide inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas.

      National correspondents also report regularly on developments in working life and restructuring, allowing Eurofound to add and update information in EurWORK and the EMCC.

      Start date: 01/03/2022
      Finish date: 28/02/2026
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
      Coordinator: Oscar Molina
      QUIT: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez
      NOTUS: Maria Caprile, Juan Arasanz
      IKEI: Iñigo Isusi, Jessica Durán
      Universidad de Zaragoza: Pablo Sanz de Miguel

      Web: EUROFOUND

      Contribution to Eurofound reports

    • Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management – INCODING

      Growing datafication of work environments deployed by new technological capacities built on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhanced systems are disrupting the industrial relations scene in many ways. These technologies increase the possibilities of collecting, combining and using data on workplace and workers. However, the use of these technologies very often lacks transparency and is semiautonomous, thus jeopardising traditional forms of collective employee involvement, transparency or even data protection regulations. As AI and algorithmic decisions are increasingly widespread in employment relations, concerns are being raised about the impact of these practices on workers’ voice, influence and working conditions.

      The aim of the INCODING project is to analyse the role of collective bargaining and other forms of employee involvement at workplace level in (co) governing the black box of AM with a view to identify the main challenges for workers and their representatives, and explore its contribution to Inclusive Algorithmic Management understood as the turn to more transparency in the design and implementation of AI based systems at company level and guaranteeing human oversight of automated processes. Moreover, the project also aims to learn from best practices, develop collective bargaining strategies and provide recommendations for trade unions, workers’ representatives and employers negotiate the conditions under which AM and AI systems are used.

      INCODING is a joint project of 5 partner organizations from five countries, financed by the European Commission under EaSI – Programme for Employment and Social Innovation.

      Start date: 01/09/2021
      Finish date: 28/04/2024
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA VS/2021/0216
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Sander Junte



      Molina, O., Butollo, F., Makó, C., Godino, A., Holtgrewe, U., Illsoe, A., Junte, S., Larsen, T. P., Illésy, M., Pap, J., & Wotschack, P. (2023). It takes two to code: a comparative analysis of collective bargaining and artificial intelligence. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research29(1), 87-104.


      Project Leaflets:

      INCODING Project – Democracy at work through transparent and inclusive algorithmic management. 2022. (INCODING Project Leaftet)

      INCODING Project – Democracy at work through transparent and inclusive algorithmic management. 2024. (INCODING Project Leaftet)


      Country Stock Taking Reports:

      Makó, Csaba; Pap, József; Illéssy, Miklós; [et al.]. (2022). Emerging organizational architecture of algorithmic management and the institutional context of weak collective voice : Hungary. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2022). Developments in algorithmic management from an IR-perspective : Spain. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Wotschack, Philip; Butollo, Florian. (2022). Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective : Germany. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Larsen, Trine P.; Ilsøe, Anna; Krøll Tell, Henriette; [et al.]. (2022). Developments in algorithmic management from an IR-perspective : Denmark. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)


      EU Level Stock Taking Report

      Holtgrewe, Ursula; Junte, Sander; Glinsner, Barbara. (2024). Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective : EU-leve.  (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)


      Policy Briefs:

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Spain. (INCODING Policy brief)

      Csaba, Makó; Illésy, Miklós; Pap, József; [et al.]. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Hungary.  (INCODING Policy brief)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Spain. (INCODING Policy brief)

      Larsen, Trine Pernille; Ilsoe, Anna; Haldrup, Christian. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Denmark.  (INCODING Policy brief)


      Case studies reports:

      Holtgrewe, Ursula; Dworsky, Leoni. (2024). European social partners’ approaches to artificial intelligence and algorithmic management. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Farkas, Éva; Csaba, Makó; Pap, József; [et al.]. (2024). Non-inclusive industrial relations system and algorithmic management in the labour process : two case studies of high vs. low employee participation working practices. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Larsen, Trine P.; Ilsoe, Anna; Haldrup, Christian. (2024). Algorithmic management and employee involvement -A Company Perspective: the Danish country report. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Wostschack, Philip; Butollo, Florian; Hellberg, Leon; [et al.]. (2023). Co-determining Algorithmic Management and Artificial intelligence at work? : the role of collective bargaining in Germany. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Artificial intelligence and algorithmic management at work : a case study approach on the role of industrial relations in Spain. (INCODING case studies reports)


      Dissemination activities:

      Project website

      Embracing and resisting the algorithm – International Workshop Programa (9/06/2023)

      Algorithmic management and AI: challenges an opportunities for the labour market – National Workshop (Spain). Programa. Barcelona. (1/12/2023)

      Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management – Final Conference Programa. Madrid. (26/01/2024)

  • Agreements
    • Young people and well-being: analysing social and working factors behind the mental health crisis

      The research focuses on the state of mental health and emotional well-being of the young population in Catalonia. There is an increasingly shared conviction that in today’s society, promoting the mental health of young people is an unavoidable priority. The impact of the global pandemic of COVID-19 has further exposed pre-existing inequalities and accentuated the need for emotional care and support, especially in the young population. In this context, with all its complexity and challenges, the report offers a comprehensive view of the intersections between social inequalities, emotional well-being and mental health among Catalan youth.

      The research exposes the fundamental reasons why young people find themselves in a particularly vulnerable emotional and psychological position. This situation is analysed from the perspective of the interaction of different factors that shape the youth environment, and it shows how the current socio-political context has exacerbated this fragility. It does so, moreover, taking into consideration not only the clinical and epidemiological aspects of emotional well-being, but also other variables such as environmental, social and cultural ones, which shape the emotional and psychological experience of young people.

      Start date: 01/09/2023
      Finish date: 31/12/2023
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Agència Catalana de la Joventut
      Principal investigator: Mireia Bolíbar


      La recerca se centra en l’estat de la salut mental i el benestar emocional de la població jove a Catalunya. Cada cop és més compartida la convicció que en la societat actual promoure la salut mental de les persones joves esdevé una prioritat ineludible. L’impacte de la pandèmia global de la COVID-19 ha exposat encara més les desigualtats preexistents i ha accentuat les necessitats d’atenció i suport emocional, especialment en la població jove. En aquest context, amb tota la seva complexitat i desafiaments, l’informe ens ofereix una visió integral de les interseccions entre les desigualtats socials, el benestar emocional i la salut mental del jovent català.

      La recerca exposa les raons fonamentals per les quals la joventut es troba en una posició de vulnerabilitat emocional i psicològica especialment destacada. Aquesta situació s’analitza des de la interacció de diferents factors que configuren l’entorn juvenil, i s’evidencia com l’actual context sociopolític ha aguditzat aquesta fragilitat. Ho fa, a més, prenent en consideració no només els aspectes clínics i epidemiològics del benestar emocional, sinó també altres variables com les ambientals, socials i culturals, que configuren l’experiència emocional i psicològica de les persones joves.

      Data inici: 01/09/2023
      Data fi: 31/12/2023
      Finançament: Generalitat de Catalunya, Agència Catalana de la Joventut
      Investigadora Principal: Mireia Bolíbar


      Bolíbar, Mireia & Padrosa, Eva (2024). Salut mental, joventut i desigualtats. Una mirada integral al benestar emocional de la població jove de Catalunya. Col·lecció Aportacions, núm. 67. Generalitat de Catalunya.

    • Reducing the temporary employment of young workers in Spain and Portugal

      In the labour market in Southern Europe, since the 1990s, the effect that the abusive use of temporary employment has had on the insecurity of the young population has been paradigmatic, generating an employment model that is particularly sensitive to economic cycles (as occurred during the Great Recession and the pandemic crisis). This issue has recently been addressed both in Spain (Urgent measures for labour reform, guaranteeing job stability and transforming the labour market, 2021) and in Portugal (Agenda for decent work, 2021).
      The effects of these reforms on the reduction of temporariness of the youth population over 2022 are diverse in both countries, with a more limiting and effective effect on the use of temporary contracts in Spain and more of a disincentive character in Portugal. However, this should not be enough to affirm that the unstable employment trap is over for young people in Spain as a whole. Thus, this study addresses how both labour reforms may have had differential effects within the young working population itself, taking into account the greater exposure to situations of temporary employment based on aspects such as occupational profile, tendency to unemployment, educational level, gender and origin. For this purpose, comparative data for both countries from 2017 to 2023 from Eurostat’s Labour Force Survey are explored.

      Start date: 01/05/2023
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Observatorio Social – Fundación “la Caixa”
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Mireia Bolíbar y Joan Rodríguez Soler – Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Rita Gouveia – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidad de Lisboa


      Godino, A., Molina, O. & Suleman, F. (2024). ¿Las reformas laborales han reducido la temporalidad de los trabajadores jóvenes?. España y Portugal. Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro, Dossier 12, Observatorio Social de la Fundación la Caixa

      Dossier: Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro


      Media presence


      Presence at conference

      • Godino Pons, Alejandro; Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; González-Heras, Alejandro & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024, 26, 27, 28 y 29 de junio). Escapando de la trampa de la temporalidad: Precariedad en los trabajadores jóvenes antes y después de la Reforma Laboral de 2021. [Comunicación en GT07-SES01: Tiempo Trabajo e Interseccionalidad]. XVI Congreso Español de Sociología. Sociología para la sociedad digital (FES), Sevilla.


    • Personal relationships and social support in the young population in Spain and Portugal. A social capital approach

      The young population in southern European countries, including Spain and Portugal, has traditionally had a strong network of personal relationships, based on a high level of sociability and a very important role for the family network. This article uses data from the tenth wave of the European Social Survey (2020-2022) to test the extent to which the sociability of young people (18-34 years old) in these two countries resembles or does not resemble that of the rest of the European Union. Specifically, this sociability is compared with that of young people in the EU countries except Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta and Romania.

      The data analysed allow us to identify the level of social isolation and the factors that influence it. The results show that levels of sociability are higher than the European average, and that affective proximity to parents is at the top of the European Union. The inequality factors affecting social isolation among young people are similar to those in the other countries, although their negative effect is always more muted in Spain and Portugal, resulting in a lower level of social isolation.

      Start date: 01/05/2023
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Observatorio Social – Fundación “la Caixa”
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Mireia Bolíbar y Joan Rodríguez Soler – Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Rita Gouveia – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidad de Lisboa


      Verd, Joan M., Bolíbar, M., Rodríguez-Soler, J. & Gouveia, R. (2024). Las relaciones personales de la población joven en España y Portugal: sociabilidad, aislamiento y desigualdad social. España y Portugal. Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro, Dossier 12, Observatorio Social de la Fundación la Caixa

      Dossier: Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro


      Media presence


      Congress presence

      • Godino Pons, Alejandro; Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; González-Heras, Alejandro & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024, 26, 27, 28 y 29 de junio). Escapando de la trampa de la temporalidad: Precariedad en los trabajadores jóvenes antes y después de la Reforma Laboral de 2021. [Comunicación en GT07-SES01: Tiempo Trabajo e Interseccionalidad]. XVI Congreso Español de Sociología. Sociología para la sociedad digital (FES), Sevilla.
    • Good practices in social responsibility for young people’s first work experience

      The study, consisting of the compilation of different good practices (benchlearning) at European, national and regional level based on the comparison of evidence through quantitative and qualitative indicators, aims to facilitate the design of future labour integration policies aimed at those groups that have difficulties in consolidating their labour market integration, especially young people in their first professional experience.

      Start date: 03/07/2023
      End date: 30/06/2024
      Funding: Servei Públic d’Ocupació de Catalunya
      Official reference: SOC-2023-361
      Principal InvestigatorsOscar Molina
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Sander Junte and Álvaro Fernández Junquera

    • Evaluation of the “VilaVeïna” Program

      VilaVeïna is a pioneering municipal initiative to address care in small territorial units, in which specialized professional teams, people receiving care and citizens are part of a community network and co-responsible for the collective welfare. It is a project aimed at all citizens, but especially at the people who need the most support (children and the elderly) and their caregivers. The deployment of VilaVeïna in the city is part of a transformation of the social and health care model, which prioritizes proximity, co-responsibility and personalization of care. The main change consists in conceiving care as a shared and communitarian task, not a private and individual one.

      The purpose of the contract is the evaluation of the program with the double objective of: to know the implementation process and to analyze the impact of the project.

      Start date: 21/03/2023
      Finish date: 20/03/2023
      Funding: Foment de la Ciutat, SA
      Coordinator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Christel Keller

    • The incorporation of men into paid care. Challenges, opportunities and strategies of action from the public administration

      Study on the incorporation of men into paid care, analysis of the opportunities that the promotion of the presence of men has in occupations related to care for gender equality in Catalonia. We also take into consideration the analysis of the risks involved, bearing in mind that it relates to a niche of employment for women, with a structural disadvantage in accessing the labour market.

      Start date: 02/11/2022
      Finish date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Direcció General de Cures, Organització del Temps i Equitat en els Treballs
      Reference: IF-2022-179
      Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler


      Borràs Català, Vicent; Rodríguez Soler, Joan & Corsetti, Tania. (2024). La incorporació dels homes en els treballs de cura remunerada: oportunitats i riscos. Generalitat de Catalunya

    • Contribution to the general report of the 2022 youth survey in Catalonia
      This report focuses, on the one hand, on showing the current situation of Catalan youth aged 15 to 34 based on a series of indicators on most areas of life. On the other hand, it offers a joint analysis of the educational, work and emancipation path followed by young people aged 28 to 34, and how the type of path followed is related to the current well-being or vulnerability of the young person The report is based on data from the 2022 Catalan Youth Survey.Start date: 17/10/2022 Finish date: 30/06/2023 Funding: Agència Catalana de la Joventut Reference: ACJ-2022-20004 Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd Team: Sara Moreno Colom, Oriol Barranco,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Daniel Barrientos, Alejandro González HerasThis three-volume publication presents the overall results of the Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022 (EJC22) (Catalonia Youth Survey). It is an official statistic of the Generalitat de Catalunya, of five-year realization, aimed at knowing the situation and needs of young people between 15 and 34 years old living in Catalonia.Volume 1 of the general report (Trajectòries i transicions) is coordinated by Joan Miquel Verd and presents the technical characteristics of the survey and offers the results in the fields of education, work, emancipation and housing.Volume 2 (Hàbits i estils de vida), coordinated by Albert Julià, offers the results of the full-time training in the fields of culture and leisure, health, political and social participation and language.Volume 3 (Desigualtats socials), coordinated by Francesc Valls, offers the results of the full-time tax record in the areas of gender, social class, the relationship with immigration, territory and economic situation.View here the videos of the Reports’s presentationEnquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 1. Trajectòries i transicions Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 2. Hàbits i estils de vida Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 3. Desigualtats socials 
  • All
    • Young people and well-being: analysing social and working factors behind the mental health crisis

      The research focuses on the state of mental health and emotional well-being of the young population in Catalonia. There is an increasingly shared conviction that in today’s society, promoting the mental health of young people is an unavoidable priority. The impact of the global pandemic of COVID-19 has further exposed pre-existing inequalities and accentuated the need for emotional care and support, especially in the young population. In this context, with all its complexity and challenges, the report offers a comprehensive view of the intersections between social inequalities, emotional well-being and mental health among Catalan youth.

      The research exposes the fundamental reasons why young people find themselves in a particularly vulnerable emotional and psychological position. This situation is analysed from the perspective of the interaction of different factors that shape the youth environment, and it shows how the current socio-political context has exacerbated this fragility. It does so, moreover, taking into consideration not only the clinical and epidemiological aspects of emotional well-being, but also other variables such as environmental, social and cultural ones, which shape the emotional and psychological experience of young people.

      Start date: 01/09/2023
      Finish date: 31/12/2023
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Agència Catalana de la Joventut
      Principal investigator: Mireia Bolíbar


      La recerca se centra en l’estat de la salut mental i el benestar emocional de la població jove a Catalunya. Cada cop és més compartida la convicció que en la societat actual promoure la salut mental de les persones joves esdevé una prioritat ineludible. L’impacte de la pandèmia global de la COVID-19 ha exposat encara més les desigualtats preexistents i ha accentuat les necessitats d’atenció i suport emocional, especialment en la població jove. En aquest context, amb tota la seva complexitat i desafiaments, l’informe ens ofereix una visió integral de les interseccions entre les desigualtats socials, el benestar emocional i la salut mental del jovent català.

      La recerca exposa les raons fonamentals per les quals la joventut es troba en una posició de vulnerabilitat emocional i psicològica especialment destacada. Aquesta situació s’analitza des de la interacció de diferents factors que configuren l’entorn juvenil, i s’evidencia com l’actual context sociopolític ha aguditzat aquesta fragilitat. Ho fa, a més, prenent en consideració no només els aspectes clínics i epidemiològics del benestar emocional, sinó també altres variables com les ambientals, socials i culturals, que configuren l’experiència emocional i psicològica de les persones joves.

      Data inici: 01/09/2023
      Data fi: 31/12/2023
      Finançament: Generalitat de Catalunya, Agència Catalana de la Joventut
      Investigadora Principal: Mireia Bolíbar


      Bolíbar, Mireia & Padrosa, Eva (2024). Salut mental, joventut i desigualtats. Una mirada integral al benestar emocional de la població jove de Catalunya. Col·lecció Aportacions, núm. 67. Generalitat de Catalunya.

    • Reducing the temporary employment of young workers in Spain and Portugal

      In the labour market in Southern Europe, since the 1990s, the effect that the abusive use of temporary employment has had on the insecurity of the young population has been paradigmatic, generating an employment model that is particularly sensitive to economic cycles (as occurred during the Great Recession and the pandemic crisis). This issue has recently been addressed both in Spain (Urgent measures for labour reform, guaranteeing job stability and transforming the labour market, 2021) and in Portugal (Agenda for decent work, 2021).
      The effects of these reforms on the reduction of temporariness of the youth population over 2022 are diverse in both countries, with a more limiting and effective effect on the use of temporary contracts in Spain and more of a disincentive character in Portugal. However, this should not be enough to affirm that the unstable employment trap is over for young people in Spain as a whole. Thus, this study addresses how both labour reforms may have had differential effects within the young working population itself, taking into account the greater exposure to situations of temporary employment based on aspects such as occupational profile, tendency to unemployment, educational level, gender and origin. For this purpose, comparative data for both countries from 2017 to 2023 from Eurostat’s Labour Force Survey are explored.

      Start date: 01/05/2023
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Observatorio Social – Fundación “la Caixa”
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Mireia Bolíbar y Joan Rodríguez Soler – Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Rita Gouveia – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidad de Lisboa


      Godino, A., Molina, O. & Suleman, F. (2024). ¿Las reformas laborales han reducido la temporalidad de los trabajadores jóvenes?. España y Portugal. Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro, Dossier 12, Observatorio Social de la Fundación la Caixa

      Dossier: Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro


      Media presence


      Presence at conference

      • Godino Pons, Alejandro; Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; González-Heras, Alejandro & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024, 26, 27, 28 y 29 de junio). Escapando de la trampa de la temporalidad: Precariedad en los trabajadores jóvenes antes y después de la Reforma Laboral de 2021. [Comunicación en GT07-SES01: Tiempo Trabajo e Interseccionalidad]. XVI Congreso Español de Sociología. Sociología para la sociedad digital (FES), Sevilla.


    • Personal relationships and social support in the young population in Spain and Portugal. A social capital approach

      The young population in southern European countries, including Spain and Portugal, has traditionally had a strong network of personal relationships, based on a high level of sociability and a very important role for the family network. This article uses data from the tenth wave of the European Social Survey (2020-2022) to test the extent to which the sociability of young people (18-34 years old) in these two countries resembles or does not resemble that of the rest of the European Union. Specifically, this sociability is compared with that of young people in the EU countries except Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta and Romania.

      The data analysed allow us to identify the level of social isolation and the factors that influence it. The results show that levels of sociability are higher than the European average, and that affective proximity to parents is at the top of the European Union. The inequality factors affecting social isolation among young people are similar to those in the other countries, although their negative effect is always more muted in Spain and Portugal, resulting in a lower level of social isolation.

      Start date: 01/05/2023
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Observatorio Social – Fundación “la Caixa”
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Mireia Bolíbar y Joan Rodríguez Soler – Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Rita Gouveia – Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidad de Lisboa


      Verd, Joan M., Bolíbar, M., Rodríguez-Soler, J. & Gouveia, R. (2024). Las relaciones personales de la población joven en España y Portugal: sociabilidad, aislamiento y desigualdad social. España y Portugal. Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro, Dossier 12, Observatorio Social de la Fundación la Caixa

      Dossier: Jóvenes, Oportunidades y Futuro


      Media presence


      Congress presence

      • Godino Pons, Alejandro; Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; González-Heras, Alejandro & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024, 26, 27, 28 y 29 de junio). Escapando de la trampa de la temporalidad: Precariedad en los trabajadores jóvenes antes y después de la Reforma Laboral de 2021. [Comunicación en GT07-SES01: Tiempo Trabajo e Interseccionalidad]. XVI Congreso Español de Sociología. Sociología para la sociedad digital (FES), Sevilla.
    • Good practices in social responsibility for young people’s first work experience

      The study, consisting of the compilation of different good practices (benchlearning) at European, national and regional level based on the comparison of evidence through quantitative and qualitative indicators, aims to facilitate the design of future labour integration policies aimed at those groups that have difficulties in consolidating their labour market integration, especially young people in their first professional experience.

      Start date: 03/07/2023
      End date: 30/06/2024
      Funding: Servei Públic d’Ocupació de Catalunya
      Official reference: SOC-2023-361
      Principal InvestigatorsOscar Molina
      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Sander Junte and Álvaro Fernández Junquera

    • The Empty Office

      Telework is one of the most important legacies of the pandemic. Following its massive use dictated by the stay-at-home policies imposed around the world, remote jobs are now more than four times pre-pandemic levels in many of the world’s major economies. Given this evolution of telework, many analysts predict that it will grow further and become increasingly important to our lives, generation after generation. How we will govern these new forms of work will depend on the answers that research will be able to provide to whether, for whom, and how telework affects people’s quality of life and well-being.

      We study the relationship between telework and well-being using a mixed-methods approach. An international, interdisciplinary team will collect quantitative and qualitative data on teleworkers in Switzerland, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands, providing new insights into this field of study. The research spans economics, sociology, family studies and health psychology, which focuses on how social and psychological factors influence people’s quality of life.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2025
      Funding: SNIS (Swiss Network for International Studies)
      Reference: C23018
      Project Coordinator: Mattia Vacchiano (University of Geneva); Co-coordinator: Eric Widmer (University of Geneva)
      Principal investigator (Spanish team): Oscar Molina
      Team: Sander Junte

      Website:  Empty office



      The digital turn in artistic disciplines has resulted in the progressive professional and academic substitution of analogue instruments for digital ones. And the ways of working in the artistic professions have been transformed. The digital turn constitutes a process of institutionalization of new social practices: training curricula change, as well as the computer programs, and new digital products appear, in the form of diagrams, models, and renderings.

      The research question is: How does the digital turn in artistic training change the way of projecting, building and imagining of professional and expert artists?

      The general objective of the project is to identify the changes caused by the digital turn in artistic practice of consolidated professionals We will compare the discourse and practices of photographers, architects, film editors, designers, choreographers, musical composers, recognized in their field and linked to schools or centers of higher artistic education, of two different generations, the older one educated in analogue, the other in digital.

      Start date: 01/09/2023
      End date: 31/08/2026
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Reference:  PID2022-140814NB-I00
      Principal Investigator: Dafne Muntanyola Saura
      Team: Miquel Fernández González, Fernan del Val Ripolles


    • The interaction of minimum wages and collective bargaining for low-paid groups

      This study aims at analysing the ability and capacity of sectoral collective bargaining in some countries to adapt to ongoing structural changes (digital transformation, green transition and workforce aging) and particularly to the effects of high inflation rates and the energy crisis in wage negotiations.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2024
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
      Reference: Contract No: 23-3030-02
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina; project coordinator: Pablo Sanz de Miguel, Notus Applied Research 

    • Developing Collective Bargaining in the Care Sector – DEVCOBA

      The project aims to examine the dynamics, mechanisms, and impacts of the development of collective bargaining and representation in the care sector, concentrating in particular on social and health services for elderly people (long-term care services – LTC) and socio-education services for children aged 0-5 (childcare – ECEC). Specifically, it aims to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms and practices available across EU Member States to ensure an adequate extension of collective bargaining, the promotion of union and employers’ associations’ membership, and the use of social dialogue bilateral/trilateral bodies to design initiatives and policies to tackle the issues of skill and labour shortage. Overall, these research objectives are oriented to develop sector-specific recommendations on how to improve job quality in the care sector, especially significant for social partners and policy-makers at both national and EU levels to orient and root their agenda on solid empirical ground.

      Start date: 01/01/2024
      Finish date: 31/12/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126385 — DEVCOBA
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (Spanish team); project coordinator: Anna Mori, Università degli Studi di Firenze
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez Soler

      DEVCOBA website

    • Home Care Digital Platforms and Industrial relations – ORIGAMI

      The demand of “Personal and Household Services” (PHS) – which covers a broad range of activities that contribute to the well-being of families and individuals at home – has significantly increased and so too has the role of care workers. Employment in the home care sector is characterized by a high level of informality, a significant presence of a migrant and female workforce, low visibility of their work, which is often done in private spaces, and weak associational power. Following the growth in demand, the public offer of services is not adequate to meet it, leaving extensive room for private actors to manoeuvre within a newly marketized regime of long-term care delivery. The increased level of marketisation and privatisation of the sector, the fragility of working conditions and the growing complexity of social needs to be answered have contributed to deeply redesign the welfare systems in the different models of capitalism. The emergence of digital platforms represents a new driving force that is intertwined with these processes. Digital platforms, as novel forms of organization, act as private regulators, creating their own institutional and societal embeddedness.

      This project analyses the role of digital platforms in the ongoing transformations of the home care sector, identifying the specificities of their organizational model with respect to both traditional organizations in the sector and platforms present in other sectors, the consequences on working conditions, the needs for social protection and representation of interests, and the innovative strategies of social actors to respond to these needs.

      The research is carried out in Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands.

      Start date: 01/11/2023
      Finish date: 31/10/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126007 — ORIGAMI
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (Spanish team); project coordinator: Ivana Pais, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – UCSC
      Team: Alejandro Godino



    • Managing Inflation crisis through Social Dialogue – MAINSOC

      After two decades of low inflation levels and wage moderation, Europe faces an unprecedented increase in the cost of living and the risk of stagflation. The inflation shock is eroding employees’ purchasing power, particularly at the bottom of the wage scale. Calls have been made by national and EU-level actors for governments and social partners to manage the current inflation crisis through negotiated income policies and collective bargaining.

      The objective of the MAINSOC project is twofold. First, to analyse the impact of the inflation crisis on real wage dynamics and wage differentials across sectors and groups of workers, paying attention to the asymmetric impact on those at the bottom of the wage scale and the role of industrial relations institutions to explain differences across countries. Second, to analyse the role of government policies, social partners’ involvement, and industrial relations institutions in managing the inflation crisis, adapting to a new scenario, and guaranteeing inclusive growth in six EU countries (DE, DK, ES, IT, HU, PL).

      MAINSOC is a joint project of 6 partner organizations from five countries, financed by the European Commission under Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL) Programme.

      Start date: 01/12/2023
      Finish date: 30/11/2025
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA no. 101126451 — MAINSOC
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      MAINSOC’s Website:


    • Evaluation of the “VilaVeïna” Program

      VilaVeïna is a pioneering municipal initiative to address care in small territorial units, in which specialized professional teams, people receiving care and citizens are part of a community network and co-responsible for the collective welfare. It is a project aimed at all citizens, but especially at the people who need the most support (children and the elderly) and their caregivers. The deployment of VilaVeïna in the city is part of a transformation of the social and health care model, which prioritizes proximity, co-responsibility and personalization of care. The main change consists in conceiving care as a shared and communitarian task, not a private and individual one.

      The purpose of the contract is the evaluation of the program with the double objective of: to know the implementation process and to analyze the impact of the project.

      Start date: 21/03/2023
      Finish date: 20/03/2023
      Funding: Foment de la Ciutat, SA
      Coordinator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Christel Keller

    • Network of Eurofound Correspondents

      As the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, together with NOTUS and IKEI, QUIT provide inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas.

      National correspondents also report regularly on developments in working life and restructuring, allowing Eurofound to add and update information in EurWORK and the EMCC.

      Start date: 01/03/2022
      Finish date: 28/02/2026
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
      Coordinator: Oscar Molina
      QUIT: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez
      NOTUS: Maria Caprile, Juan Arasanz
      IKEI: Iñigo Isusi, Jessica Durán
      Universidad de Zaragoza: Pablo Sanz de Miguel

      Web: EUROFOUND

      Contribution to Eurofound reports

    • Social capital and residential setting among youth at risk of labour market exclusion. A case study – CAPENRISG

      The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a huge job destruction that has most severely affected the young Spanish population. Although the latest data from the EPA show a return to pre-pandemic levels of unemployment rates, it is still a long way from the rates prior to 2008 Great Recession. Therefore, the young people are facing a particularly difficult context to access employment over the last 15 years, being those people with the lowest level of education who have been hit the hardest by unemployment.

      The theory of social exclusion caused by unemployment (Gallie and Paugam) argues that prolonged periods of unemployment reduce sociability, which in turn causes a loss of relevant contacts for the return to employment, thus reinforcing the risk of labour market
      exclusion. The last years marked by the difficulties of labour market insertion among the young population and, especially, the recent destruction of employment caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, offer a very adequate context for the retrospective study of the
      aforementioned relationship. On the other hand, the concept of social capital and the methodological approach of social network analysis allow the development of a good operationalization of the Gallie and Paugam model, although these authors have not conceived it in these
      In this context, the main objective of the research is to verify whether, for young unemployed people, there has been a negative feedback effect (vicious circle) between the fact of suffering prolonged unemployment and the loss of social capital useful for labour market insertion.
      The mechanism that would be at the basis of this possible relationship would be that the loss of employment leads to a fracturing of people’s social ties with people with more distinct social characteristics (heterophilic contacts) and of higher status, which would be precisely the people who could transmit to unemployed people information on a greater number of job opportunities.

      Start date: 01/09/2022
      Finish date: 31/08/2025
      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Reference: PID2021-125218NB-I00
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd & Oriol Barranco
      Team: Pilar Carrsquer Oto, Mireia Bolíbar Planas,  Segundo Moyano (UOC),  Sergi Fàbregues (UOC)
      Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro González Heras

      Project website:


      Eixarch, Adriana; Verd, Joan Miquel & Barranco, Oriol (2024). El proceso de muestreo en el proyecto “Capital social y entorno residencial en la población joven con riesgo de exclusión laboral. Un estudio de casos.” QUIT Working paper series, n. 30.

      Media presence:

    • Gender Equality in the Uses of Time: changes, resistance and continuities – GENERA

      GENERA is a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge.

      The project aims at analysing the changes, resistance, and continuities in the use of time devoted to domestic and care work, paying attention to the heterogeneity of trends and the character of transformations.

      The two-fold objective of the proposal is articulated through two theoretical debates: the process of gender convergence in the uses of time, and the impact of contextual factors on gender relations.

      The study formulates four starting research questions: What structural and contextual factors ease gender convergence in the uses of time? Which is the character, temporal or substantial, of the trends of change? What structural and contextual factors explain the continuities and resistance to change? What is the consequence of resistance: stagnation or setback.

      The studies carried out by the applicant team point to a trend of upward convergence with sociocultural limits that suggest a certain stalled revolution and some setbacks. On the one hand, the differences between the time that women and men devote to domestic and care work decrease. On the other hand, inequality persists both for time devoted to these tasks and in their segregation as well. In parallel, the analysis on the social impact of the context crisis, such as COVID-19, points to the intensification of unpaid work by women, thus reinforcing traditional gender roles.

      Taking as starting point previous results, the central goal of the proposal is to expand and deepen the knowledge in the heterogeneity of trends of change and continuity, the nature of changes as well as the contradictions or resistance behind the uses of time.

      Start date: 01/09/2022
      End date: 31/08/2025
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigators: Sara Moreno Colom & Vicent Borràs
      Team: Alvaro Briales (UCM), Irene Cruz Gómez (IERMB)
      Lidia Arroyo (UOC), Núria Sánchez Mira (Université de Neuchâtel)
      Joan Rodríguez Soler (UAB), Sandra Sánchez Sinisterra (UAB)

      Project website:


      Moreno-Colom, Sara, Borràs Català, Vicent, & Rodriguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Imaginarios en conflicto sobre el trabajo doméstico: responsabilidad, privilegio, supervisión y aprendizaje. Revista Española De Sociología33(3), a240.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Capítulo 1. Cuando lo doméstico se difumina en los cuidados: entre lo material y lo simbólico. In: Sofía Pérez de Guzman Padrón & Marcela Iglesias Onofrio (coord.). Sociedades del cuidado en transición: una perspectiva iberoamericana. Dykinson. (colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo, núm. 171) (pp.16-35). 

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2023). Igualdad de género en los usos del tiempo: cambios, resistencias y continuidades. Perspectiva teórica y modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 29. /286587


      Media presence:

      Rius, M. (7/03/2024). El conflicte de les tasques domèstiques: ell s’acomoden en el paper d’aprenent. La Vanguardia. 2.

      Sanz, M. (07/03/2024). El conflicto en las tareas del hogar: las mujeres organizan y ordenan; los hombres aprenden y ejecutan. La Sexta Noticias.

      Virgili M. (Anfitrión). (11/03/2024). Les dones i els dies. La feina invisible de les cures [Podcast de audio]. 3cat.

    • The incorporation of men into paid care. Challenges, opportunities and strategies of action from the public administration

      Study on the incorporation of men into paid care, analysis of the opportunities that the promotion of the presence of men has in occupations related to care for gender equality in Catalonia. We also take into consideration the analysis of the risks involved, bearing in mind that it relates to a niche of employment for women, with a structural disadvantage in accessing the labour market.

      Start date: 02/11/2022
      Finish date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Direcció General de Cures, Organització del Temps i Equitat en els Treballs
      Reference: IF-2022-179
      Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler


      Borràs Català, Vicent; Rodríguez Soler, Joan & Corsetti, Tania. (2024). La incorporació dels homes en els treballs de cura remunerada: oportunitats i riscos. Generalitat de Catalunya

    • Contribution to the general report of the 2022 youth survey in Catalonia
      This report focuses, on the one hand, on showing the current situation of Catalan youth aged 15 to 34 based on a series of indicators on most areas of life. On the other hand, it offers a joint analysis of the educational, work and emancipation path followed by young people aged 28 to 34, and how the type of path followed is related to the current well-being or vulnerability of the young person The report is based on data from the 2022 Catalan Youth Survey.Start date: 17/10/2022 Finish date: 30/06/2023 Funding: Agència Catalana de la Joventut Reference: ACJ-2022-20004 Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd Team: Sara Moreno Colom, Oriol Barranco,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Daniel Barrientos, Alejandro González HerasThis three-volume publication presents the overall results of the Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022 (EJC22) (Catalonia Youth Survey). It is an official statistic of the Generalitat de Catalunya, of five-year realization, aimed at knowing the situation and needs of young people between 15 and 34 years old living in Catalonia.Volume 1 of the general report (Trajectòries i transicions) is coordinated by Joan Miquel Verd and presents the technical characteristics of the survey and offers the results in the fields of education, work, emancipation and housing.Volume 2 (Hàbits i estils de vida), coordinated by Albert Julià, offers the results of the full-time training in the fields of culture and leisure, health, political and social participation and language.Volume 3 (Desigualtats socials), coordinated by Francesc Valls, offers the results of the full-time tax record in the areas of gender, social class, the relationship with immigration, territory and economic situation.View here the videos of the Reports’s presentationEnquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 1. Trajectòries i transicions Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 2. Hàbits i estils de vida Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 3. Desigualtats socials 
    • The social capital of Spanish youth: Traits and effects on the material and emotional well-being

      The study describes the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, analyses its effects on their material and emotional well-being, and identifies the social inequalities involved.

      The project has two objectives: (1) to quantitatively describe the characteristics of the social capital of Spanish youth, identifying the differences in its composition and volume through the use of ego-centred network analysis; and (2) to identify the effects of these social capital characteristics on the material and emotional well-being of youth.

      The project will focus on the individual dimension of social capital. This dimension is defined as the network of personal connections that is sustained by social interaction and provides instrumental and expressive support. Paradoxically, there has been empirical evidence of the deterioration of the emotional well-being of young people in Spain in recent years, even before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, no evidence has been provided of one of the main determinants identified by the literature: the reduction of social interaction and the rise of ‘objective’ social isolation (i.e., loss of personal connections, which is different from the ‘subjective’ perception of isolation). Personal connections also constitute an essential source of material and instrumental support for youth. This happens both directly, through the financial support that many young people receive from their families; and indirectly, through the use of their personal network for job searching. Yet, no survey-based research in Spain has examined social capital inequalities among young people and the outcomes of these inequalities. Hence the relevant need for this topic to be addressed.

      Start date: 11/10/2022
      Finish date: 11/06/2023
      Financing: Fundación Bancaria “la Caixa”
      Grant agreement reference:
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Mireia Bolíbar Planas,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Albert Navarro Giné

      Reports and Publications

      EFE. (2024, Junio 18). El 78% de jóvenes con formación superior trabaja, pero con una temporalidad superior al 30%. EFE

       López, C. (2024, Junio 18). Estudiar vale la pena: la tasa de empleo de los universitarios supera en 8 puntos a la de los jóvenes con solo ESO. La Vanguardia

      Noriega, D. (2024, Junio 18). La reforma laboral reduce la temporalidad entre los jóvenes el doble que en la población general. El

      Pastor, A. (2024, Junio 18). Dime qué estudias y te diré si tendrás trabajo: así es la brecha de ocupación laboral entre los jóvenes. infoLibre

      Pereda, O. (2024, Junio 18). La brecha de ocupación entre jóvenes con formación superior y básica aumenta 8 puntos en dos décadas. El Periódico

      Torres, A. (2024, Junio 18). Los jóvenes españoles de hasta 35 años son los que se sienten afectivamente más cerca de sus padres de toda la UE. El País

      Vaquero, C. (2024, Junio 18). Un universitario tiene un 10% más de opciones de encontrar trabajo que un joven con la FP. ABC

    • Public procurement and collective bargaining Spain

      An in-depth case study will be conducted on national regulations, practices and debates about public procurement in Spain for the final report “Public procurement and collective bargaining”. The in-depth case study will provide a brief overview of the national procurement law, a brief overview of the national system of collective bargaining, a detailed analysis on the legal possibilities or requirements to use labour and other social clauses in national procurement with a focus on clauses to promote collective bargaining, an analysis of the actual use of labour clauses in practice and its impact on collective bargaining, a more detailed description of good practices, and an analysis of the national political debate on the possibilities to use public procurement for the promotion of collective bargaining with a particular focus on proposals and demands from trade unions.

      Start date: 01/04/2022
      Finish date: 31/10/2022
      Funding: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (expert)

    • Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management – INCODING

      Growing datafication of work environments deployed by new technological capacities built on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhanced systems are disrupting the industrial relations scene in many ways. These technologies increase the possibilities of collecting, combining and using data on workplace and workers. However, the use of these technologies very often lacks transparency and is semiautonomous, thus jeopardising traditional forms of collective employee involvement, transparency or even data protection regulations. As AI and algorithmic decisions are increasingly widespread in employment relations, concerns are being raised about the impact of these practices on workers’ voice, influence and working conditions.

      The aim of the INCODING project is to analyse the role of collective bargaining and other forms of employee involvement at workplace level in (co) governing the black box of AM with a view to identify the main challenges for workers and their representatives, and explore its contribution to Inclusive Algorithmic Management understood as the turn to more transparency in the design and implementation of AI based systems at company level and guaranteeing human oversight of automated processes. Moreover, the project also aims to learn from best practices, develop collective bargaining strategies and provide recommendations for trade unions, workers’ representatives and employers negotiate the conditions under which AM and AI systems are used.

      INCODING is a joint project of 5 partner organizations from five countries, financed by the European Commission under EaSI – Programme for Employment and Social Innovation.

      Start date: 01/09/2021
      Finish date: 28/04/2024
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: GA VS/2021/0216
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Sander Junte



      Molina, O., Butollo, F., Makó, C., Godino, A., Holtgrewe, U., Illsoe, A., Junte, S., Larsen, T. P., Illésy, M., Pap, J., & Wotschack, P. (2023). It takes two to code: a comparative analysis of collective bargaining and artificial intelligence. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research29(1), 87-104.


      Project Leaflets:

      INCODING Project – Democracy at work through transparent and inclusive algorithmic management. 2022. (INCODING Project Leaftet)

      INCODING Project – Democracy at work through transparent and inclusive algorithmic management. 2024. (INCODING Project Leaftet)


      Country Stock Taking Reports:

      Makó, Csaba; Pap, József; Illéssy, Miklós; [et al.]. (2022). Emerging organizational architecture of algorithmic management and the institutional context of weak collective voice : Hungary. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2022). Developments in algorithmic management from an IR-perspective : Spain. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Wotschack, Philip; Butollo, Florian. (2022). Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective : Germany. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)

      Larsen, Trine P.; Ilsøe, Anna; Krøll Tell, Henriette; [et al.]. (2022). Developments in algorithmic management from an IR-perspective : Denmark. (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)


      EU Level Stock Taking Report

      Holtgrewe, Ursula; Junte, Sander; Glinsner, Barbara. (2024). Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective : EU-leve.  (INCODING Stock-Taking Reports)


      Policy Briefs:

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Spain. (INCODING Policy brief)

      Csaba, Makó; Illésy, Miklós; Pap, József; [et al.]. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Hungary.  (INCODING Policy brief)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Spain. (INCODING Policy brief)

      Larsen, Trine Pernille; Ilsoe, Anna; Haldrup, Christian. (2024). Algorithmic management and democracy at work in Denmark.  (INCODING Policy brief)


      Case studies reports:

      Holtgrewe, Ursula; Dworsky, Leoni. (2024). European social partners’ approaches to artificial intelligence and algorithmic management. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Farkas, Éva; Csaba, Makó; Pap, József; [et al.]. (2024). Non-inclusive industrial relations system and algorithmic management in the labour process : two case studies of high vs. low employee participation working practices. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Larsen, Trine P.; Ilsoe, Anna; Haldrup, Christian. (2024). Algorithmic management and employee involvement -A Company Perspective: the Danish country report. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Wostschack, Philip; Butollo, Florian; Hellberg, Leon; [et al.]. (2023). Co-determining Algorithmic Management and Artificial intelligence at work? : the role of collective bargaining in Germany. (INCODING case studies reports)

      Godino Pons, Alejandro; Junte, Sander; Molina Romo, Óscar. (2024). Artificial intelligence and algorithmic management at work : a case study approach on the role of industrial relations in Spain. (INCODING case studies reports)


      Dissemination activities:

      Project website

      Embracing and resisting the algorithm – International Workshop Programa (9/06/2023)

      Algorithmic management and AI: challenges an opportunities for the labour market – National Workshop (Spain). Programa. Barcelona. (1/12/2023)

      Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management – Final Conference Programa. Madrid. (26/01/2024)

Completed projects

For more information about any individual project, please click on the appropiate link. You will find information on publications, reports and seminars generated by each project.

  • Public national R+D calls
    • Impact of training at workplace level on youth’s pathway career. Proposals for improvement – IMFORTRA

      The aim is to study the formation “at” work place, its articulation with the National Qualifications Catalogue (NCC) and its influence on the career paths of young people. Training “at” employment is now a major in active employment policies aimed at the employment of young people driven by the policies of the European Union (European Commission, 2011) element. The Integrated Training for Employment (SIFE) distinguishes between training “at” the business and training “for” employment provided by the education system and vocational training. Both concepts are today trying to articulate to facilitate the recognition of skills and labour mobility in Europe, based on the importance of training as a key factor to obtain and maintain employment in the knowledge society (2020) .What are the differences in the career paths of young people who are trained in business and gain recognition of acquired skills and those who do not receive? What training contents are proposed and recognized? What can bring the experience of German dual training to Spanish case? To it he wants to answer this inquiry.

      Start date: 01/01/2016
      Finish date: 31/12/2018
      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2015-68134-R)
      Reference: CSO2015-68134-R
      Principal investigator: Antonio Martín Artiles, Andreu Lope Peña
      Research team: Pilar Carrasquer ,Oscar Molina, Daniel Barrientos, Benjamí Moles

      Reports and Publications:

      Barrientos, Daniel; Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar (2019). La FP dual y la transición de los jóvenes al mercado de trabajo: la visión de los agentes sociales. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 6, 75-94.

      Barrientos, Daniel; Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). Propuestas para mejorar y expandir la FP dual. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB

      Barrientos , Daniel (2021). La FP dual y el fomento del empleo juvenil. Gaceta sindical. Reflexión y debate,36, 153-176

      Lope, Andreu (2019). Formación ante los cambios tecnológicos y hacia un nuevo modelo económico y social. Gaceta Sindical, 32, 303-324

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar; Moles, Benjamí; Barrientos, Daniel (2017):  Impacto de la formación en la empresa sobre las trayectorias laborales de los jóvenes.  Definición del marco conceptual. Reflexiones en torno al reto de la formación en la empresaQUIT Working paper series, 21.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí (2017): Adecuación y demanda de formación en la empresa. La inencontrable adecuación entre formación y ocupaciónAnuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales, vol. 4.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí (2018): Aprendiendo a trabajar: trayectorias y discursos. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 164, 115-134.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar (2018): Transición, trayectorias y discursos. Análisis de grupos de discusión. QUIT Working paper series, 23.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí, LOPE, Andreu (2019). Política de formación dual: discursos con Alemania en el imaginarioPolítica y Sociedad, 56 (1), 145-167.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Óscar (2019). Aprendizaje basado en el trabajo: trayectorias laborales discontinuasCuadernos de Relaciones Laborales37(1), 203-229.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). The rhetoric of Europeanisation of dual vocational education and training in Spain. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26 (1), 73-90.

    • Analysis of sociological and psychological variables as predictors of employability in the profiling of the Employment Services of Catalonia – PerfilaSP

      Profiling is a tool available to public employment services to optimise the allocation of job seekers to the different active employment programmes or services.

      Thus, the PerfilaSP project investigates how to improve the profiling processes currently applied in the Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC). Specifically, the objectives of our project are twofold. First, to analyse the ability of sociological and psychological variables, currently unobserved, to predict the employability of job seekers. Second, to study the causal effect of locus of control on job search intensity. To this end, two data production techniques will be implemented. On the one hand, we will administer a new questionnaire containing three sets of variables: personality traits, social networks and job expectations. On the other hand, we will conduct an online laboratory experiment to estimate the effect of locus of control on job search intensity.

      This project is funded by the Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya in the call for research grants EAPC 2020.

      Start date: 05/10/2021
      End date: 04/10/2022
      Funding: Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya
      Refererence: EAP002/21/000014
      Principal Investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Álvaro Fernández Junquera


      Fernández Junquera, Álvaro (2024). El diseño de los subsidios al empleo del Servei Públic d’Ocupació de Catalunya (2016-2018). En S. Pérez de Guzmán Padrón y M. Iglesias Onofrio (Coords.), Precariedades laborales y desigualdades de género en Iberoamérica (pp. 161-180). Dykinson.

    • Improving the employability of youth in the territory

      This study aims to redefine intervention proposals for the promotion of youth employment from different levels; firstly, by adapting training offers to the most emerging sectors that generate employment in each territory, as well as exploring training experiences beyond formal ones. Secondly, with the aim of making the offer of occupational training more attractive by incorporating competences linked to young people’s everyday concerns and practices, as well as encouraging the business sector at a territorial level to incorporate the training competences that these young people have. Finally,  by introducing the gender perspective in the male key, as the changes in the employment model in the context of crisis have affected mainly young men.

      Start date: 01/09/2017
      End date: 31/08/2018
      Funding: AGAUR- Agència Catalana de Joventud
      Grant agreement number: 2016AJOVE00018
      Principal Investigador: Vicent Borràs Català
      Research team: Sara Moreno Colom, Albert Trinidad, Núria Alcaraz

      Documents & Publications:

      Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Moreno, Sara; [et al.] (octubre 2018). La empleabilidad de l@s jóvenes : entre el perpetuo tránsito a ninguna parte y el oasis del tiempo libre [Presentación de paper]. VII Congreso Red Española de Políticas Sociales: “Políticas sociales ante horizontes de incertidumbre y desigualdad”, Zaragoza , España. < >

      Borràs, V., Moreno-Colom, S., Trinidad, A., & Alcaraz, N. (2018, septiembre). Millorant l’ocupabilitat de la joventut al territori – Informe de recerca. <>

      Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Alcaraz, Núria; Moreno-Colom, Sara (2021) The role of territory in the employability of young people. Journal of Education and Work, doi: 10.1080/13639080.2021.2018411

    • Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories – DINAMOS

      DINAMOS is the acronym for Dynamics of Social Mobility in Spain, a coordinated project that is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R & D & I System and R + D + I oriented to the Challenges of the Society, 2019.

      As a coordinated project, it is made up of two subprojects:

      -DINAMOS1 (Reference PID2019-106548GB-C21): Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories, coordinated by the Centre for Sociological Studies on Daily Life and Work of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with Dr. ​​Pedro López-Roldan as main researcher.
      -DINAMOS2 (Reference PID2019-106548GA-C22): Intergenerational social mobility: education as an explanatory mechanism, coordinated by the Department of Sociology of the Pablo de Olavide University, with Dr. Sandra Fachelli as main researcher, and the collaboration of researchers from the University of La Laguna and the University of Seville.

      The scientific project is intended to investigate the dynamics of social change and transmission of social inequalities over time, both in terms of intragenerational social mobility and intergenerational social mobility, focused especially on the occupational and educational fields.

      Start date: 01/06/2020
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
      Official reference: PID2019-106548GB-C21
      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán
      Team: Antonio Martín Artiles, Andreu Lope, Pilar Carrasquer; Carrasquer; Cristian Segura, José Zawadsky, Claudia Baeza


      Martín Artiles, Antonio (2023). ¿Representan los sindicatos a la clase trabajadora? Ideología y política en España (2002-2020). Sociología del Trabajo102, 37-52.

      Fachelli, Sandra; Jorrat, Jorge Raúl & López-Roldán, Pedro (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.

      Project website

    • Gender impact of teleworking and lockdown routines: beyond the obvious – IGETECO

      IGETECO project analyses the gender impact of teleworking and lockdown routines in the context of the Covid19 pandemic. The main objective is to study how the obligation of work at home, together with the closure of schools and the impossibility of outsourcing part of the domestic and care tasks, influence gender relations. To this end, a case study on Barcelona City Council staff will be carry out using a mixed methodological strategy.
      As a result, the empirical evidence will allow to provide with the characteristics and conditions that teleworking should fulfill to be a favourable option for effective equal opportunities between men and women

      Start date: 01/07/2020
      End date: 30/06/2021
      Funding: Banco Santander – Fondo Supera Covid-19
      Reference: SUPERACOVID19_2.2.IGETECO
      Principal Investigator: Sara Moreno
      Research team: Vicent Borràs, Sergio Porcel (ERMB), Irene Cruz (IERMB), Paula Arboix, Mireia Riera


      Borràs Català, Vicent & Moreno Colom, Sara (2021). La crisis de la covid-19 y su impacto en los trabajos: ¿Una oportunidad perdida?. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 187-209.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borras Catala, Vicent; Cruz Gomez, Irene & Porcel López, Sergi (2023). La experiencia del trabajo a distancia durante el confinamiento en Cataluña: Una aproximación desde la perspectiva de género. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), (183), 77-100.

      Moreno Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Que teletreballin ells. Aprenentatges de pandèmia més enllà de les obvietats. MRA Ediciones.

      Moreno Colom, Sara; Borràs Vicent; Arboix, Paula & Riera, Mireia (2023) Desmontando el mito del teletrabajo desde la perspectiva de género: experiències y expectativas durante la pandèmia. Cuaderno de Relaciones Laborales 41, 1 pp 95-117

      Moreno Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Que teletrabajen ellos. Aprendizajes de la pandemia más allá de lo obvio. MRA Ediciones.

      Moreno, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Arboix Caldentey, Paula; Riera, Mireia (2021). Recull de propostes per minimitzar l’impacte negatiu de gènere del sistema de teletreball a l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Arboix, Paula; Riera, Mireia (2021). Impacto de género del teletrabajo durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Una propuesta de modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 27.

      Moreno, Sara (2021). Impacto de género del teletrabajo : experiencias del confinamiento y recomendaciones para una futura regulación (Policy Brief IGETECO). Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

      Media presence:

      Moreno, S. (2022, February 14). El teletreball té un rostre clarament de gènere. Catalunya Plural.

      Moreno, S. (2021, December 13). Teletreball: una eina injusta per a les dones. Diari Ara.

      Moreno, S. (2021, November, 21). Les dones i el teletreball: un parany per a la conciliació.[Podcast audio] En Catalunya Migdia. Catalunya Ràdio. 

      Moreno, S; Borràs, V. (2021, November, 11). El confinament ens ha fet pensar que el teletreball és un dret laboral. Realment, qui el decideix és l’empresari, no el treballador [Episodi de podcast d’àudio] En El Matí. Ràdio Estel. 

      Moreno, S; Borràs, V. (2021, November, 5). Les dones, les grans perdedores del teletreball. [Vídeo]. 3alacarta.

      Moreno, S. (2021, August 18). Qualsevol crisi és una excusa per retrocedir en la igualtat. El Punt Avui. igualtat.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=xarxes&utm_campaign=xarxes

      Moreno, S. (2021, August 5). Teletreball i tasques domèstiques en el confinament: una oportunitat perduda per a la responsabilitat compartida a la llar. Cerdanyola Info.

      Moreno, S. (2021, July 23). El teletreball ha agreujat les desigualtats de gènere [Podcast audio ] En La Ciutat. Onda Cero.

      Moreno, S. (2021, June 10). El teletreball afavoreix la conciliació o la discriminació de gènere? [Podcast audio] A L’ofici d’educar (El suplement). Catalunya Ràdio.

      Dissemination activities:

      Presentation of study IGETECO:

      UABDivulga Article

    • Changes in the uses of time and the transformation of everyday habits

      The objective is to identify, describe and explain the main trends of change in the use and distribution of time in order to analyse the possible implications on everyday habits from a gender perspective. From a mixed methodological strategy, the aim is to detect the trends of change in the time dedicated to domestic and care work, as well as their impact on health, food and consumption. The results obtained should allow to point out lines for future action against an increase of discomfort daily life and social inequalities.

      Start date: 10/07/2019
      Finish date: 31/10/2020
      Fundin: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa
      Reference: 17583
      Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
      Team: Sara Moreno


      Moreno, Sara; Borràs, Vicent (2020): Els canvis en els usos del temps i la transformació dels hàbits quotidians. Resum executiu. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Menos tiempo de cocina, más tiempo de consumo: ¿más igualdad de género?. Revista de economía crítica, 31, 121-138.

      In the Media

    • The role of active employment policies in the development and mobilization of the social capital of young people with vulnerable work paths

      The project analyses the impact of youth employment policies, and in particular the active employment policies (AEPs), in the labour trajectories of the most disadvantaged young people, from the point of view of the improvement of its social capital.

      The main goal of the research is to deepen the relational dimension of the group of young people with vulnerable work trajectories, especially with regard to the social capital that can favour greater success in the job search. In this sense, it also aims to study the role that AEPs, through public employment services, have in the development and mobilization of this social capital. From this point of view, in addition to deepen the knowledge of the issue, the project aims to generate innovative intervention guidelines that take into account the relational dimension of people so as to improve their labour situation.

      Start date: 01/04/2019
      Finish date: 31/05/2020
      Financing: Agència Catalana de Joventut , Generalitat de Catalunya
      Reference: 2018AJOVE00006
      Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler, Víctor Arroyo


      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan & Verd, Joan Miquel (2023). Informal social capital building in local employment services: Its role in the labour market integration of disadvantaged young people. Social Policy & Administration, 1–21.

      Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez, Joan; Arroyo, Víctor; [et al.]. El paper de les polítiques actives d’ocupació en el desenvolupament i mobilització del capital social de joves amb trajectòries laborals vulnerables. 2020

    • The Social Dimension of Entrepreneurship

      Startups have emerged as a promising avenue for the creation of jobs and economic growth, empowered by various kinds of support available to entrepreneurs to help them develop their businesses. Nevertheless, success remains confined to a few, and building a successful startup requires access to a wide array of resources, among them financial capital, information, knowledge and extended social networks with key people. It is challenging for most entrepreneurs to simultaneously secure these resources and develop the skills required to build reputation and networks, work as a team, with investors, partners and clients, and to push their ideas forward to create successful startups.

      Launched in May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain, this project looks at the production and evaluation of value during the early stage of startup creation. With this aim, we examine how people cooperate in creating businesses and how the latter are evaluated in relation to the market at the micro-sociological level of everyday interactions. This project is, therefore, an invitation to look beyond the common view of the entrepreneur as a lone runner to investigate the role of multiple stakeholders at different stages of the creation process, the evolution of their cooperation networks, what kinds of problems and challenges they face, and how their practices contribute to shaping the culture of entrepreneurship.

      The project is led by Guillaume Dumont and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Juan de la Cierva program, a highly competitive funding program for talented early career researchers. The project is hosted by the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) of the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

      Start date: 01/06/2017

      Finish date: 01/06/2019

      Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

      Responsable researcher: Guillaume Dumont

    • Sustainable, social, and local development with employment generation

      This research project proposes an alternative hypothesis to local development that will be characterized by an economic process taking into account the new social and ecological needs, which have to be considered in the welfare of our communities. These new needs will create, at the same time, employment qualified as “good employment”. According to the hypothesis the required condition of this development is the presence of the administration, the companies and the community.
      The research plan is to verify this hypothesis in some cities inside a big metropolitan area with these concrete objectives:
      a) to analyse the discourses and attitudes of social agents in order to detect to which extent the alternative is present or not in the community,
      b) to study the whole process of local development with special attention to the proposed objectives and programms and to the involvement of the community,
      c) to take in consideration particularly some current policies related to the fields we have called new social and ecological needs,
      d) to detect strong and weak features, obstacles and opportunities which appear in the process, from the point of view of the appointed alternative.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2008


      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Antonio Martín, Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Andreu Lope, Ramon de Alòs-Moner, Pilar Carrasquer, Pedro, López, Vicent Borràs, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Tomás García

      Documents and publications:

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio ; CARRASQUER i OTO, Pilar ; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Joan ; MOLINA ROMO, Óscar (2010): “Governança local i política d’innovació”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, Núm. 25, pp. 7-26.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; CARRASQUER, Pilar; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan (2010): “El actor social en las políticas de desarrollo local y de innovación tecnológica”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº 68, pp. 51-80.

      TORNS, Teresa; CASTELLÓ, Laia; RECIO, Carolina (2009): “El desarrollo local y el bienestar de la ciudadanía: ¿una relación necesaria?”. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones (RIO), Nº 3, pp. 111-129.

    • Working time in the collective bargaining and its social effects

      The aim of this project is to study through collective agreements the reorganization of working time and its effects on everyday life.
      Our hypothesis is that reorganization of working time endures and reinforces a greatest centrality and structuration of power on the working time compared to the social times. This new and higher centrality on the working time difficults the implementation of policies aimed at making compatible the everyday with the working life.

      Start date: 01/12/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia- Secretaría de Estado de Política Científica y Tecnológica (SEC2001-2543)

      Financing reference: SEC2001-2543

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Lobo

      Team: Antonio Martín, Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Andreu Lope, Ramon de Alòs-Moner, Pilar Carrasquer, Pedro López, Vicent Borràs, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí

      Documents and publications:

      Borràs, Vicent; Torns, Teresa; Moreno, Sara (2007): “Las políticas de conciliación: políticas laborales versus políticas de tiempo”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 83-96.

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Massó, Matilde; Martín, Antonio (2008): “Discursos y estrategias en torno a la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar en la negociación colectiva”. Revista Universitaria de Ciencias del Trabajo – Relaciones Laborales, Formación y Fiscalidad, 6/2008 , pp. 266-286.

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Massó, Matilde; Martín Artiles, Antonio (2007): “Discursos y estrategias en torno a la conciliación laboral y familiar en la negociación colectiva”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 13-36.

      Gibert, Francesc; Lope, Andreu; Alós, Ramon de (2007): “Las organizaciones empresariales y las empresas ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 57-82.

      López, Pedro; Lozares, Carlos (2007): “La conciliación entre las exigencias del ámbito productivo y las condiciones sociofamiliares: estudio de caso de una empresa”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 123-144.

      Lozares, Carlos (2007): “La unidad de análisis, sus agentes y contextos y los modos de interacción en los procesos de trabajo: un estudio de caso”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 97-122.

      Lozares, C., Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., Massó, M. y Moreno S. (2013): “La complejidad y opacidad de las tareas auxiliares en los procesos de trabajo: un análisis etnográfico comparado en dos servicios hospitalarios”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales. Vol. 31, núm. 1, p. 221-242.

      Massó, Matilde ; Lozares, Carlos (2012): “Un analisis de gestión de las competencias en el trabajo: el caso de los mandos intermedios de una factoría de carrocería y montaje de automóviles”. Cuadernos de relaciones laborales., Vol. 30 Núm. 1 , pp. 211-233.

      Miguélez, Fausto; Antentas, Josep Maria; Barranco, Oriol; Muntanyola, Dafne (2007): “Los sindicatos ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 37-56.

      Verd, Joan Miquel; Barranco, Oriol; Moreno, Sara (2007): “El análisis de los procesos de trabajo mediante métodos etnográficos: el caso del trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 145-168.

      Verd, Joan Miquel; Massó, Matilde (2007): “Las competencias y el trabajo invisible en el trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 169-189.

      Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., & Lozares, C. (2021). Blending the Focused Ethnographic Method and Case Study Research: Implications Regarding Case Selection and Generalization of Results. Field Methods, 33(1), 25–41.

    • A research about the “double female presence”: a bet for bring into line working

      The objective of this project is to analyze the access and the stay of women in the labor market in Spain from the point of view of the “double female presence”. That is to say, considering that the presence of the women life (productive domain) happens with their presence in the domestic-familiar area (reproductive domain) simultaneously. In that sense, the double female presence supposes a “double commitment cost” for women, that results in theier possibilities of promotion in their professional career; On the other hand, the double female hides a great potential as it supposes the development of new and valuable social capabilities understood as activities management, mediation and so on.

      Start date: 01/12/2000

      Finish date: 01/11/2003

      Financing: Instituto de la Mujer- Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales

      Grant agreement number: Exp nº 37/00

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Vicent Borràs, Clara Roca


      Torns, Teresa; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Borràs Català, Vicent; [et al.]. El estudio de la doble presencia : una apuesta por la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar. 2002.

    • The involvement of work sharing on employment and everyday life

      This research focus on work sharing. This core idea divides in three goals. The first one is to study proposals on job sharing. The second one raises the redistribution of “total work charge” (employment and housework) and more generally the distribution of “life times”. Finally the third one poses the question of symbolic representations.
      The originality of the project is to undertake work sharing from the everyday life approach.

      Start date: 01/09/1998

      Finish date: 01/09/2001

      Financing: DGICYT-Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SEC98-0570)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez Lobo (coord.), Teresa Torns (coord)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Andreu Lope, Antonio Martín, Vicent Borràs, Pilar Carrasquer, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Josep Maria Antentas, Mònica Nadal, Lluís Sáez, Albert Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Rsearch report (resumen): El tiempo y las actividades del trabajo productivo.

    • Training and employment

      The objective of this investigation is to analyze the relationship between training and employment, questioning the affirmation that more training is equivalent to more and better employment.
      The social representation of training as a strong factor in obtaining a job is today very much extended among workers, employers and among people in general and is also assumed by the Administration and the Unions. This research intends to examine critically this social representation.

      Start date: 01/06/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1997

      Financing: DGICYT- Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (PB93-0832)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio Martín, Óscar Rebollo, Clara Llorens, Joel martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Enric Sanchis (Universitat de València)

      Documents and publications: 

      Lope, A., López P., Lozares, C., Martín, A.,Miguélez, F., Llorens, C., Martí, J., Verd, J.M., (2000), ¿Sirve la formación para el empleo?. Madrid, Consejo Económico y Social

    • Industrial relations in processes of political transition. Comparative Study of models: Argentina, Spain

      The aim of this comparative study is to produce a bibliographic approach to labour relations in the transition periods from authoritarian régimes to pluralistic democracies. The Spanish transition and its process of consolidation constitute today a model for numerous countries.
      It is of supreme interest to compare the cases of Argentina, Cuba, Mexico and Spain in order to observe the similarities and common general principles which allow us to outline some theoretical elements concerning these transitions. There is a lack of such comparative studies.
      The models of industrial relations are a result of a complex interaction of diverse cultural, social, political and economic factors at a precise moment in history. However, specialized literature of régime transitions has barely shown any interest in these aspects. In general these studies have preferably paid attention to the political framework and, on a second plane, to the economic one. this has contributed to global perspectives of comprehension of the changes, but it still leaves other crucial questions about industrial relations unexplained.
      The research wants to answer these questions, regarding the influence of pressure by labour and business organizations and public powers in the configuration of the industrial relation model.

      Start date: 01/11/1993

      Finish date: 01/03/1996

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia- Subdirección General de Cooperación Internacional

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Antonio Martín, J. Carlos Torre (Instituto Torcuato di Tella-Buenos Aires. Universidad de San Diego-California.)

    • Socio-labour profile of female unemployment in Spain

      The female unemployment is one of the trends that characterise the labour market in Spain in the last few years. The main reasons that explain this phenomenon have its roots in the interaction between female productive adn reproductive labour processes.
      This study intends to analyse female unemployment and to determine their types in accordance with the women’s participation to this kind of processes. The major interest of this research is to contrinute to the policies in the field of female employment.

      Start date: 01/07/1993

      Finish date: 30/09/1994

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales – Instituto de la Mujer

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Alfonso Romero

      Documents and publications:

      Carrasquer P., Romero A., Torns T., “Perfil sociolaboral del paro femenino en España“, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de la Mujer, Madrid, 1995

    • Transformations into work and social welfare

      The objective of this study is to analyse some of the most relevant changes that are taking place in our country with regard to work.

      Start date: 01/12/1990

      Finish date: 01/03/1994

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia-Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (PB89-0317)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio Martín, Óscar Rebollo, Xavier Coller, Màrius Domínguez, Alfonso Romero, Vicent Borràs, Immaculada Pastor, Elisabet Tejero

      Documents and publications: 

      Monogràfic Revista PAPERS, nº 55 (1998):

    • Techonological innovation and changes in labour management

      In order to cary out the project we have decided to do an exhaustive compilation of the bibliographical material, documents and statistics published to date. After choosing those aspects which we considered most interesting, we have made a further selection -after debate- of the ones that allow us to create a theoretical framework around the themes of our area of interest: relationship between technological innovation and changes in the labour management.

      Start date: 01/10/1990

      Finish date: 01/10/1991

      Financing: CIRIT (Comissió Interdepartamental de Recerca i Innovació Tecnològica)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Adela Ros Hijar


      Lope Peña, Andreu; Martin, Antonio; Torns, Teresa; Coller, Xavier (1994): Innovació tecnològica : ocupació, gestió de la mà d’obra i canvis organitzatius a les empreses. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill

    • New professions for the social organization of everyday care

      The need to cope with new social needs that have emerged as a result of changes in contemporary welfare societies in the past two decades, it seems beyond doubt. Needs that you may question their novelty, but that most experts do not hesitate to relate to demographic changes, changes in the family and the denominated incorporation of women into the labor market. Transformations that have led to the so-called “care crisis” and to the emergence of social needs, new or not, that need to be addressed differently. In this respect, the diagnoses performed until today on the volume and characteristics of those needs, both in Spain and Europe, often come up with solutions that come mostly in the ambit of social policy and this leads these solutions to hardly be seen from the approach of policies to promote employment and economic activity. Therefore is forgotten that the employment that can and should be generated around the so- called social organization of care, can create jobs and promote greater social equity, because it affects completly to the daily welfare of the citizenry. A welfare that, today, is a responsibility of women in the family, but in the immediate future, because of the urgency of the situation, should be covered by public or community services, as has been done with education or health.
      The main objective of this project is to explore the real possibilities of creation of new professional profiles able to meet all social needs related mainly to the attention and care of people in their everyday lives.

      Start date: 01/12/2011
      Finish date: 28/02/2014
      Funding: Instituto de la Mujer
      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns
      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:
      Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Moreno, Sara; Recio, Carolina (2014): Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad – Instituto de la Mujer

      MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa (2016): “Significados e imaginarios de los cuidados de larga duración en España. Una aproximación cualitativa desde los discursos de cuidadoras”. Papeles del CEIC, vol. 2016/1, nº 145 . []

      RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; MORENO-COLOM, Sara; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS, Teresa (2015): “La profesionalización del sector de los cuidados”. Zerbitzuan: revista de servicios sociales, Núm. 60 (Diciembre 2015), 179-193. [] .

      MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent (2016): “Long-term care in Spain: Difficulties in professionalizing services”. Women & Aging, DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2015.1125699 .

    • Flexicurity in Italy and Spain; Work, Welfare and Living Conditions

      The aim of this project is to measure the capacity and the effects of institutions and local actors to interpret and implement the rules’ system in the field of labour market and social policies, in an innovative way.
      The analysis takes into account also whether and how the characteristics of the local socioeconomic systems can best used to increase the social sustainability of flexibility. How do employment condition and quality of life can be combined in a socioeconomic context characterized by flexibility schemas?

      Start date: 01/01/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2009

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

      Grant agreement number: HI2007-0104

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Fausto Miguélez, Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      LEONARDI, Laura ; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Oscar; CALENDA, Davide; CARRASQUER OTO, Pilar (2011): “¿Es exportable la flexiseguridad?. Un estudio comparado entre Italia y España“. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales. Núm. 29-2, pp. 417-443

    • Compared case study on the mutual influence between social capital, social integration and the insertion, stability, promotion and qualification in the employment

      The general objective of the project is to analyse the correspondence or mutual influence between, on the one hand, belonging to particular social groups, characterized and identified according to the distribution and/or appropriation of different kinds of Social Capital, and, on the other hand, the degree of Insertion, Stability, Promotion and Qualification in the employment. These influences will be considered by looking at the mechanisms of Social Integration (IS) and under the conceptual and operative frame of the Theory and Analysis of Social Networks (TARS).
      The compared groups will be characterised by the time of residence or stay in Catalonia of the people directly observed and their immediate ancestors, the level of urban development and sex. The general assumption is that the mutual influence is reciprocal because the Insertion, Stability, Promotion and Qualification in the employment are also forms of Social Capital grounded in the productive and the economic capital, which, in turn, feed back the Social Capital, Social Integration and the other kinds of capital.


      Start date: 01/12/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2011

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

      Responsable researcher: Carlos Lozares

      Team: Joel Martí, José Luis Molina, Joan Miquel Verd, Pedro López Roldán, Ramon de Alós-Moner, Oriol Barranco, Mireia Bolíbar, Irene Cruz


      Documents and publications:

      Bolívar, Mireia; Martí, Joel; Lozares, Carlos (2013): “Aplicaciones de los métodos mixtos al análisis de las redes personales de la población inmigrada”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología, núm. 26, pp. 89-116 .

      Bolívar, Mireia (2011): “Las asociaciones en las redes personales. ¿Mecanismo de integración de la población inmigrante?”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Cruz, Irene; Verd, Joan Miquel (2011): “Densidad, clase social y apoyo expresivo”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Cruz, Irene; Verd, Joan Miquel (2013): “La fuerza de los lazos: una exploración teórica y empírica de sus múltiples significados”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, núm. 26, pp. 149-174.

      López-Roldán, Pedro: Alcaide, Vanessa (2011): “El capital social y las redes personales en el estudio de las trayectorias laborales”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Bolívar, Mireia; Muntanyola, Dafne (2013): “La centralidad en las redes sociales: medición, correlación y aplicación”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 15, pp. 77-97.

      Lozares, Carlos; Martí, Joel; Molina, José Luis; García-Macías, Alejandro (2013): “La cohesión-integración versus la fragmentación social desde un perspectiva relacional”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 15, pp. 57-75.

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel; Barranco, Oriol (2013): “El potencial analítico de las redes socio-métricas y ego-centradas: una aplicación al estudio de la cohesión-integración de colectivos sociales”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, Núm. 26, pp. 35-62 .

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel; Cruz, Irene; Barranco, Oriol (2013): “Homophily and heterophily in personal networks. From mutual acquaintance to relationship intensity”. Quality & Quantity International Journal of Methodology .

      Lozares, Carlos (2012): “La cohesión, vinculación e integración social desde el prisma del capital social y las redes sociales”, en Inmigración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad . Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, pp. 123-152.

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro (2012): “El atributismo estructural y el interaccionismo estructural en ciencias sociales: ¿concepciones alternativas, antagónicas o complementarias?”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 14, pp. 25-44 .

      Lozares, Carlos (2012): “La cohesión, vinculación e integración social desde el prisma del capital social y las redes sociales”, en Inmigración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad . Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, pp. 123-152

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Verd, Joan Miquel; Martí, Joel; Molina, José Luis (2011): “Cohesión, Vinculación e Integración sociales en el marco del Capital Social”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Verd, Joan Miquel; Martí, Joel, Bolívar, Mireia; Cruz, Irene; Molina, José Luis (2011): “El análisis de la Cohesión, Vinculación e Integración sociales en las encuestas EgoNet”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; Sala, Mireia (2011): “Capital Social, cohesión social y uso de la lengua “. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel (2011): “De la homofilia a la cohesión social y viceversa”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Martí, J., Bolíbar, M., & Lozares, C. (2017). “Network cohesion and social support. Social Networks”, 48, 192–201.

      Molina, José Luis; Bolívar, Mireia; Cruz, Irene (2011): “La dispersión geográfica de las redes personales: cálculo y significado”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

    • Changes in the Spanish employment model

      This research arises from the spectacular increase of the total economically active population experienced in Spain in the period 1997-2006, rising from 13.2 million to 19.5 million. More than 3 million of this increase is due to immigrant population.
      So, it could be told that the presence of this collective is one of the features that characterizes a decade in which Spanish women presence has had a very significant rise, not in quantitative terms but in terms of social importance if comparing with previous decades.
      Both collectives have, therefore, a key role in some of the changes happened in the Spanish labour market in the last times. However, in order to understand what is happening, we think that we should tackle the issue from the perspective of the model of employment and not simply from the labour market approach.
      So, some questions come up from such data and are in the core of this research: what changes, and in what extend, have been introduced by such increments of women and immigrants participation in the Spanish model of employment, particularly in certain sectors?, can we talk of modernization of such a model of employment in the sense of promoting equal opportunities between men and women and overcoming discrimination derived from the traditional division of the work according to gender condition?

      Start date: 01/01/2009

      Finish date: 01/12/2011

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

      Grant agreement number: CSO2008-01321

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín Artiles, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Vicent Borràs, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno

      Documents and publications:

      BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; TORNS, Teresa (2012): “Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, núm. 51-52, pp.131-146.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS, Ramon; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

      TORNS, Teresa; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2012): “Mercato del lavoro e immigrazione in Spagna: disuguaglianze di genere e di etnia”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Nun. 3 Giugno, pp. 79-90.

      BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; MORENO COLOM, Sara; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia; GRAU CASAJUST, Anna (2012): “Male Hegemony in Decline? Reflections on the Spanish Case”. Men and Masculinities, 15(4), pp. 406-423. DOI: 10.1177/1097184X12455399.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio.; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara; ESTEBAN, Fernando (2011): “Movilidad ascendente de la inmigración en España: ¿asimilación o segmentación ocupacional?”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 96 (4),, pp. 1311-1338.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara Moreno; ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo (2011): “Trayectorias laborales y asimilación ocupacional de la inmigración”. Sociología del Trabajo, Nº 72, pp. 41-62.

      TORNS, Teresa; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent (2013): “Career Paths in Spain: Gendered division of Labour and Informal Employment”. Revue Interventions économiques [En ligne], 47 | 2013, URL :

      Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Carrasquer, Pilar; Moreno, Sara; Castelló, Laia; Grau, Anna (2011): Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español. QUIT Working Paper, nº17.

      Las políticas de inmigración, las poíticas de igualdad y de conciliación y las políticas activas de empleo y formación ocupacionas: su influencia sobre el modelo de empleo. Informe de investigación.

      Informe sobre el mercado de trabajo. Informe de Investigación.

    • New strategies of migration: requalification for a new labour market

      The current economic crisis has significnatly increased the number of unemployed persons reaching a four million maximum in the early months of 2010. This increase has triggered a dramatic shift in labour market demand that was satisfied in the expansion years by immigrants, young persons (early school leavers) and women. The important social risks arising from this situation may last for some years and pose very important challenges for some groups of persons. There is first of all a risk of social exclusion for young workers that experience periods of temporary employment with unemployment and low wages. The second risk refers to immigrants which are not returning to their origin countries moving into the informal sector before the difficulties to find a regular job. There is already some evidence suggesting that this is happening in large numbers hence making it even more difficult for these persons to become fully integrated . Moreover, the informal economy implies further deterioration in their working conditions. Finally, the third risk has to do with the rapid incorporation of women in the labour market over the last fifteen years and the possibility that the economic downturn may halt this long running process and trigger a return to home of young women.

      The objective of this research is twofold. On the one hand, it is aimed at carrying out an assessment of the employment opportunities of the unemployed immigrants compared to natives. In order to do this, we will pay particular attention to the effect of education levels on their labour market trajectories before they became unemployed. Secondly, based on the results of this assessment, we aim at providing some recommendations and strategic guidelines for improving the effectiveness of re-qualification at the light of the demands posed by the new economic environment.

      Start date: 01/01/2011

      Finish date: 01/03/2013

      Financing: Recercaixa – ACUP (2010)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Óscar Molina, Pedro López Roldán, Carolina Recio, Alejandro Godino, Zyab Ibáñez

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; MOLINA, Óscar; IBÁÑEZ, Zyab; GODINO, Alejandro; RECIO, Carolina (2013): Nuevas Estrategias para la Inmigración: Recualificación para un nuevo mercado de trabajo. QUIT Working paper series, 18.

    • Re-thinking Labour Market Policies in Southern Europe by bringing in Labour Market Actors

      This project analyses the institutional and policy conditions for effectiveness of labour market policies in Portugal and Spain and to provide some policy orientation as to how to improve their positive contribution to the labour market.
      During the last fifteen years, flexicurity has become the dominant paradigm orienting labour market policies in EU countries. ‘Active’ measures (mainly involving the promotion of training as well as incentives for employers) are now the central elements of policy in the area of employment creation. In spite of the increasing emphasis and resources devoted to these policies, their effect upon labour market performance in many EU countries has been lower than expected. This is most notably the case of the Southern European countries. Largely due to the structural characteristics of their economies and compounded by the emergent crisis, the negative labour market performance of these countries has demonstrated the poor effectiveness of this policy approach. The aim of this project is to shed light upon the political and social influences upon this failure.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 01/12/2013

      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina (España) / Alan Stoleroff (Portugal)

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Antonio Martín-Artiles, Alejandro Godino

    • Social Networks as Resources and Search Mechanisms for Employment and Social Support in Youth – REDEMAS

      The central idea of this project consists in examining the factors that shape job seeking and the access to the labor market among young people. More specifically, in the context of the labor market, economical and social crisis, those factors would be the following:
      (1) The youth social status, character attributes, including high potential homophilic relationships such as acquired educational level, gender, social class and home ownership;
      (2) The access to social networks and other virtual, extensible, virtual media (strictly professional or not) as a relational mechanism and as an expression of social capital.
      (3) Their personal experience and life trajectories.


      Start date: 01/02/2013

      Finish date: 31/12/2016

      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2012-36055 – REDEMAS)

      Responsable researcher: Carlos Lozares / Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Pedro López-Roldán, Oriol Barranco, Dafne Muntanyola
      Ainhoa de Federico, Michel Grossetti (Université de Toulouse 2)



      Barranco, O., Lozares, C., & Muntanyola-Saura, D. (2019). “Heterophily in social groups formation: a social network Analysis”. Quality and Quantity, 53(2), 599–619.

      Bolíbar, M., Verd, J. M., & Barranco, O. (2019). “The downward spiral of youth unemployment: An approach considering social networks and family background”. Work, Employment and Society, 33(3), 401-421.

      Lozares, C.; Verd, J.M. & Muntanyola-Saura, Dafne (2020). Análisis e interpretación de entornos situacionales mediante el Análisis Reticular del Discurso. Athenea Digital, 20(2), e2239.

      Muntanyola-Saura, D., Barranco, O., & Vacchiano, M. (2019). “Inequality beyond networking: Personal networks and mobilization of contacts by young job seekers in Barcelona”. Revista Española de Sociología, 28(2), 207–226.

      Vacchiano, M. (2021). Nine Mechanisms of Job-Searching and Job-Finding Through Contacts Among Young Adults. Sociological Research Online.

      Vacchiano, M.; Yepes-Cayuela, L. & Martí, J. (2019). The family as (one- or two-step) social capital: mechanisms of support during labor market transitions, Community, Work & Family,

      Vacchiano, M., Martí, J., Yepes-Cayuela, L., & Miquel Verd, J. (2018). “Personal networks in job insertion among young adults in times of crisis: An analysis in Barcelona” | Las redes personales en la inserción laboral juvenil en tiempos de crisis. Un análisis en Barcelona. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 161, 121–140.

      Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., & Bolíbar, M. (2019). “Youth unemployment and employment trajectories in Spain during the great recession: What are the determinants?” Journal for Labour Market Research, 53(1).

    • Gender Pay Gap and Gender Care Gap. Two determinants of gender inequality

      The impact of domestic and care work on women’s working lives, and hence their wages, has received increasing attention by social research. Different acts and regulations regarding the issue of work-life reconciliation have been passed in all European countries, but neither research with its recommendations nor regulations have succeeded in eliminating the gender pay gap.
      On the one hand, the wage gap remains a factor of inequality and gender discrimination in our societies and, on the other hand, there is the so-called gender care cap, resulting from the uneven dedication of women and men to domestic work and to the care of others. The persistence of both gender gaps in societies that are, in many other respects, egalitarian, points to the structural and normative nature of the inequalities from which they stem.
      The main goal of the project is to analyse, both statistical and discursively, the gender pay gap and its relationship with the gender care gap.

      Start date: 03/12/2014

      Finish date: 15/10/2015

      Financing: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Instituto de la Mujer – EEA Grants (Exp. 128-CNBR025)

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Carolina Recio, Núria Sánchez Mira, Albert Trinidad

    • Employability of Youth: training, gender and territory

      Unemployment and precariousness are the features that best describe the Spanish labor market and, they are increasingly affecting different social groups. From a historical perspective, the different crisis taking place in the European Union have hit young people as one of the more affected collectives. During the year 2013, 23.5% of young people in the EU under 25s did not find a job, being the case of Spain, together with Greece, one of the most alarming, with a youth unemployment rate of 55.5%. But unlike previous years, the current situation shows three new traits: the number of young people who want to work and can not find a job; the male profile of the unemployed; and inactivity as an individual response to long-term unemployment and precariousness. In this context, this project sets out how the consequences of the crisis are reducing the importance of productive work in the project life of young people, especially men who live in areas with low industrial tradition. The loss of centrality of employment in male identity is reinforced in the case of young people with lower skill levels, to which the training offered them is very unattractive and is far from being perceived as an active value, to seek employment . Therefore, the analysis of the possibilities of youth employability should include training, gender and territory as the main explanatory factors to overcome the dilemma between supply and demand in the labor market.
      The project goals are:
      a) Explore the potential of providing vocational training and the demand for skilled labor in the labor market to improve the employment chances for young people by incorporating the gender identity and territorial factors to the core of the analysis;
      b) Explore the construction processes of masculine and feminine identities in order to detect aptitudes, interests and abilities of young people from which to define re-qualification paths;
      c) Explore successful learning experiences linked to the productive structure of the country considering the importance of the local dimension.
      These objectives require qualitative methodological strategy able to explore the processes of employment for young people – taking into account gender, training and territory and to determine whether changes in these processes involve the transformation of identity construction around the value of labor among youth, especially among young men. The importance of local context requires a specific approach. Therefore it has been proposed a methodology to conduct fieldwork in three different regions: Castilla La Mancha, the Basque Country and Catalonia.

      The goal is to address the diversity of territorial and institutional factors involved in shaping the problem. Ultimately, the results of the project proposals seek to rethink policies aimed at improving the employability of young people.

      Start date: 01/01/2015

      Finish date: 31/12/2018

      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2014-59753-P)

      Financing reference: CSO2014-59753-P

      Responsable researcher: Vicent Borràs Català

      Team: Sara Moreno Colom (UAB), Matxalen Legarreta (UPV), Paloma Candela Soto (UCLM), Albert Recio Andreu (UAB)

      Related website:


      Moreno-Colom, S., Trinidad, A., Alcaraz, N., & Borràs Català, V. (2020). Neither studying nor working: free time as a solution? Journal of Youth Studies, 1-17.

      Borràs Català, Vicent; Moreno Colom, Sara; Candela Soto, Paloma; Legarreta Iza, Matxalen (2019). “Jóvenes en perpetuo tránsito hacia ninguna parte”. Revista Española de Sociología, 28 (2), 365-380.

      Borràs Català, Vicent; Moreno, Sara; Candela Soto, Paloma; Legarreta, Matxalen (2019). La empleablidad de l@s jóvenes : formación, genero y territorio (EJECT: Informe final de proyectos de I+D+i. CSO2014-59753-P.

      Candela, Paloma (2018): “El lastre de las desigualdades de género en la educación y el trabajo: jóvenes castellano-manchegas atrapadas en la precariedad”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº92, 125-146.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Trinidad Jiménez, Albert (2017): “Ni escuela, ni trabajo: el tiempo libre como un oasis obligado en medio de la nada”. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 4, 99-111.

    • The wage gap as a multidimensional phenomenon. Analysis of institutional, organizational and cultural barriers. Proposals of intervention – BRIDGES

      The wage gap (WG) is one of the most visible expressions of gender inequality in the labour market, having a direct impact on women’s work and living conditions, hence its relevance on the public and academic agendas. The reduction of the WG is a European employment target, linked to the goal of equality of opportunities and female economic independence. In terms of work and employment conditions, the WG is indicative of gender-differentiated employment situations and professional trajectories. Moreover, it is related to the perceptions and values regarding female employment, as well as to their recognition in professional terms. Beyond the limits of the labour market, the WG illustrates the link between labour market participation and domestic and family responsibilities weighing mainly on adult women. From the point of view of living conditions, the effects of the wage gap are clear, both in terms of present resources allowing the fulfilment of basic daily needs, as in terms of future access to retirement benefits.
      In this context, policies aimed at the reduction of the reduction of the WG have had little success. What are the reasons? What are the barriers to the viability and effectiveness of such policies? Are there sector and company environments that favour wage inequalities to a greater or lesser degree? What is the role of perceptions and imaginaries regarding female employment? How can these potential barriers be faced? These are the main questions set out by the project. In order to answer them, our approach focuses on the analysis of sectors and companies, paying special attention to institutional, organizational and cultural or symbolic factors, which may either encourage or contribute to minimize the WG. Under this framework, the project pursues a double goal. On the one hand, it aims to shed some light on the WG, looking into aspects of the phenomenon that have so far received little attention. On the other, it aims to provide ideas and tools that help eradicate this form of gender inequality. In this sense, the participation of social partners and institutions concerned by this issue constitutes a key dimension of the project. To this end, the creation of an Advisory Board is envisaged, formed both by experts and representatives of institutions and organizations directly involved in the problematic. Besides its contribution to the dissemination and applicability of the results, such Advisory board constitutes a guarantee of external participation, throughout the research process.

      Start date: 15/02/2016
      Finish date: 14/02/2018
      Financing: Programme RECERCAIXA-ACUP
      Grant reference: 2015ACUP0179
      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Núria Sánchez Mira, Martí López Andreu, Albert Trinidad Jiménez, Carolina Recio

      Related website:


      Sánchez-Mira, Núria; Serrano Olivares, Raquel & Carrasquer Oto, Pilar (2021). A matter of fragmentation? Challenges for collective bargaining and employment conditions in the Spanish long-term care sector. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research27(3), 319–335.

      Sánchez-Mira, Núria; Serrano Olivares, Raquel; Carrasquer Oto, Pilar (2020). «What slips through the cracks: The distance between regulations and practices shaping the gender pay gap». Economic and Industrial Democracy.

      Sánchez Mira, Núria; Serrano Olivares, Raquel; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). «Sectoral dynamics of the gender pay gap : an interdisciplinary approach». QUIT Working paper series, n. 25.

      Serrano Olivares, Raquel; Carrasquer, Pilar; Sánchez Mira, Núria (2019). «El papel de la regulación convencional en la caracterización sectorialmente específica de la brecha salarial de género». Anuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales, Vol. 6, p. 37-64.

      Sánchez-Mira, Núria (2017). «La bretxa salarial de gènere en dades». Eines per a l’esquerra nacional, [en línia], 2017, Núm. 28, p. 68-78,

      Carrasquer Oto, Pilar; Sánchez Mira, Núria; López Andreu, Martí (2017). «La intervención sobre la brecha salarial entre hombres y mujeres. Análisis de barreras institucionales, organizacionales y culturales». A M.R. Herrera-Gutierrez i G. Jaraiz Arroyo  (Coord) PACTAR EL FUTURO: Debates para un nuevo consenso en torno al Bienestar’ Actas del VI Congreso de REPS. Sevilla, 16 y 17 de febrero de 2016.

    • The accumulation and use of social capital in young people with instability labour trajectories. Also the Matthew effect? – CAPSINES

      The CAPSINES project addresses the process by which young people acquire and use relational social capital in the successive transitions along their trajectories. The project will assess –in a framework in which many young people begin their labour trajectories in situations of temporary employment relatively similar– the environments in which the useful contacts to search and access employment are acquired, the type of social capital used in successive transitions and the characteristics of the employment that is accessed to as a result of different types of social capital mobilised.

      Start date: 30/12/2016
      Finish date: 29/12/2020
      Financing: Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad
      Grant agreement reference: CSO2016-77905-P
      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Joel Martí,  Dafne Muntanyola, Oriol Barranco, Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro González Heras

      Reports and Publications

      Project Dataset

      Guía de orientación sobre inserción y trayectorias juveniles

      Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2021): “Las políticas de mentorización y de generación de capital social en las trayectorias laborales juveniles precarias”. QUIT Working paper series, n. 26. <>

      Verd, J.M., Barranco, O. & Bolíbar, M. (2019). Youth unemployment and employment trajectories in Spain during the Great Recession: what are the determinants?. Journal for Labour Market Research. 53 (4 ). DOI: 10.1186/s12651-019-0254-3

      Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez-Soler, Joan & González Heras, Alejandro (2021). El papel de las políticas activas de empleo en las trayectorias laborales inestables de la población joven. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 123-152.

  • European projects
    • Collective bargaining facing challenges triggered by rising energy and commodity prices, high inflation and structural changes

      This study aims at analysing the ability and capacity of sectoral collective bargaining in some countries to adapt to ongoing structural changes (digital transformation, green transition and workforce aging) and particularly to the effects of high inflation rates and the energy crisis in wage negotiations.

      Start date: 10/11/2022
      Finish date: 15/03/2023
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
      Reference: 2022/5980.2/14
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina

    • Regional Gender Equality Measure in the EU – ReGEM. Jean Monnet Project

      Gender equality is a topic of growing relevance worldwide, but its measurement is mainly limited to national levels, even in the EU. During the last 20 years, several experiences tried to exploit gender equality at the sub-national (regional) level, but they were country-specific studies focusing on one or a few domains (e.g. education, health, labor market) and did not provide an overview of territorial disparities in gender equality.

      In this project, we propose a regionalization of the most comprehensive gender equality indicator, the Gender Equality Index (GEI) of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

      Start date: 01/11/2020

      End date: 30/03/2022

      Funding: EACEA – Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency -Jean Monnet Programme.

      Funding reference: 621261-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EP RE-GEM

      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán

    • Public procurement and collective bargaining Spain

      An in-depth case study will be conducted on national regulations, practices and debates about public procurement in Spain for the final report “Public procurement and collective bargaining”. The in-depth case study will provide a brief overview of the national procurement law, a brief overview of the national system of collective bargaining, a detailed analysis on the legal possibilities or requirements to use labour and other social clauses in national procurement with a focus on clauses to promote collective bargaining, an analysis of the actual use of labour clauses in practice and its impact on collective bargaining, a more detailed description of good practices, and an analysis of the national political debate on the possibilities to use public procurement for the promotion of collective bargaining with a particular focus on proposals and demands from trade unions.

      Start date: 01/04/2022
      Finish date: 31/10/2022
      Funding: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina (expert)

    • Social dialogue in welfare services. Employment relations, labour market and social actors in the care services – SOWELL

      The European labour market in the welfare sector is becoming particularly relevant in terms of occupation, given that around 20% of the European workforce is nowadays employed in this sector, while it was around 15% at the end of the 1990s. Among the most dynamics fields there are the care services, specifically the socio-educational ones for children aged 0-5 and social and health services for elderly people. Care services have drawn increasing attention from European institutions also as a part of the “social investment” strategy because of their high capacity in relieving (especially female) workers from caring responsibilities, thereby mobilizing the “productive potential” of citizens.

      The dynamic growth of the care sector has triggered an unprecedented plurality in provision, including public, private for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, and individual caregivers. In such a complex network, the labour market has known a fragmentation in labour regulation within and across countries, entailing increasing inequalities and an overall deterioration in working conditions. Despite the relevance, these issues have attracted limited systematic research in the field of industrial relations and labour studies. Accordingly, the SOWELL project aims to examine the care services sector in an employment relations perspective, as a new arena for building solidarity and labour market coordination through social dialogue institutions in Europe. Therefore, the project focuses on working conditions, employment relations institutions, and social partners’ strategies in the arena of care services. On this purpose, a multilevel comparative perspective is adopted, linking the developments taking place at European level with those occurring at national level across different institutional and regulatory context – Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Spain.

      Start date: 01/07/2020
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Agreement number: VS/2020/0242
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez-Soler

      Project Website

    • Teleworking control during the covid-19

      The main purpose of the research was to identify the teleworking control mechanisms implemented by organizations as a result of confinement measures to face with Covid-19 in Spain through the launch of an online survey.
      The results point out to a lack of time-register control mechanisms in opposition of the majority use of productivity monitoring through objective achievement and performance evaluation. This combination can lead to an intensification of the pace of work and/or an extension of working time.

      Start date: 01/04/2020
      End date: 10/05/2020
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Alba Molina

      Media Presence

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 13). Sense dret a desconnectar? El teletreball en temps de covid-19. Revista Treball.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 14). Sin derecho a desconectar. El control del teletrabajo en tiempos del covid-19. Revista El Siglo.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 18). «El trabajo no era esto», avisan los expertos. La Vanguardia.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A.(2020, May, 20). Sin derecho a desconectar. El control del teletrabajo en tiempos de covid-19. Agenda Pública de El País.

      López Villodres, M.(2020, May, 20). Dos meses de teletrabajo: los expertos dicen qué se debe mejorar si se implanta para siempre. Uppers.

      Foncuberta, E. (2020, May, 28). El teletrabajo resucita el debate de la desconexión digital. Byzness de El Periódico.

      G. Barnés, H. (2020, June, 28). ¿Vivir en Madrid y cobrar más o teletrabajar por menos? El covid abre la puerta al reajuste El Confidencial.

    • Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of Eurofound Correspondents

      As the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, together with ISTAS, QUIT provide inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas.

      National correspondents also report regularly on developments in working life and restructuring, allowing Eurofound to add and update information in EurWORK and the EMCC.

      Start date: 21/03/2018

      Finish date: 22/03/2022

      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Coordinator: Oscar Molina

      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez

      Web: EUROFOUND

      Contribution to Eurofound reports

    • Networked coordination of industrial relations – NETWIR

      The analysis of collective bargaining coordination has attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers since the early 1990s, but has witnessed a renaissance more recently. Originally, ‘coordination’ was presented as a dimension of collective bargaining that was considered an alternative to ‘centralization’, as it focused on processes rather than structures. However, the reality was that all coordination indexes and scores have tended to reflect structural characteristics of collective bargaining, and have provided very little insights on the processes and relational aspects underpinning coordination.

      Despite growing research on the comparative analysis of collective bargaining coordination and its impact, we still lack deeper knowledge about: the mechanisms sustaining coordination; how information flows between actors in the collective bargaining structure; the exact role played by different organisations / actors; the way in which actors and the different levels of the collective bargaining structure are articulated, including the national and trans-national. Against this background, the NETWIR project aims to shed light on actual mechanisms that industrial relations actors deploy to solve coordination problems by applying a new methodology to the field of industrial relations and in particular, to the analysis of collective bargaining coordination, the Social Network Analysis.

      Start date: 01/02/2018
      Finish date: 30/07/2020
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: VS/2018/0023
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Víctor Arroyo

      Project Website: NETWIR

      Project results available in DDD collection


      Molina Romo, Óscar & Guardiancich, Igor. (2017). Organising and representing hard-to-organise workers : Implications for Turkey. Geneve: International Labour Organization

      Molina Romo, Óscar & Godino, Alejandro (2020). Industrial relations in deep water : the Spanish public sector during the crisis. In: Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. Brussels: ETUI.

      Rodriguez Contreras, Ricardo; Molina Romo, Óscar; Leonardi, Salvo; [et al.]. (2022). Moving with the times: emerging practices and provisions in collective bargaining. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar, & Martí, Joel. (2023). Coffee and cigarettes in industrial relations: A comparative network analysis of the role of informality. Journal of Industrial Relations65(5), 663-685.

    • European, national and Transnational Industrial Relations: Visible and Invisible Hands in European and National Wage Settings – ENTIRE VIEW

      This project, coordinated by Prof. Bernd Brand al the Durham University Business School, is funded by the European Commission to investigate and analyse the reasons for differences in wage developments within the European Union (EU) member states. This project will analyse if and how industrial relations structures and mechanisms can cope with changes to the socioeconomic environment and in particular with policies derived from the European Semester and the Economic and Monetary Union, but also with the goals defined in the Europe 2020 strategy.

      The project aims to identify and map potential clusters of countries with similar wage developments and similar characteristics of the industrial relations system (with a focus on the governability of wage developments).
      It will also identify how deep industrial relations actors in the European Union are ‘interconnected’ with each other and what networks exist (i.e. sector or country).
      The investigation will also highlight which industrial relations structures and mechanisms in what country (or group of countries) are able to coordinate their behaviour and outcomes transnationally in order to meet transnational (defined) policy goals and thus are compatible with European policies which arise from the European Semester but also from a common currency.

      Start date: 01/03/2018
      Finish date: 31/01/2021
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: VS/2018/0017
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

    • Break up to get back together. The impact of unionisation through innovative service provision on union membership and industrial relations – BREAKBACK

      The Project focuses on “service provision” as a strategy through which unions aim to enhance their membership, “revitalize” action and relaunch the role of an inclusive and innovative social dialogue, by reaching groups and individuals who are often excluded from protection. We refer to employees commonly identified as “vulnerable” (non-standard employment, digital workers, etc.). BreakBack will deal with selfemployed workers, the I-pros and freelancers. As the title of the project suggests, it may be necessary to “break up” some rigidity in the protection of work as a way to strengthen personalized support instruments. However, these forms of protection cannot fail to “get back” to the collective solidarity that is a crucial point of industrial relations and union history. Service provision is one of the possible forms that unions undertake to achieve inclusive labour markets,against the backdrop of deregulation and welfare retrenchment. In particular, services the project will focus on are addressed to people who need support or protection: young people seeking first job; unemployed who need income support, training or other basic services; dependent workers who need access to insurance and assistance; self-employed who need tax advices; migrants who need assistance; disabled persons or elderly people who need access to services; etc. The growing emphasis put by unions on direct provision of services may facilitate social innovation, which means developing new services and delivery models to better address social issues. The purpose of BreakBack is to assess how unions respond to individualisation and to evaluate the impact of service provision on membership. The hypothesis is that in the attempt to reach workers whose interests are fragmented and which are less keen on becoming union members, unionists are widely experimenting a “customerisation” of their offer. Understanding how this process can coexist with the core values of the unionism is our main aim.

      Start date: 01/03/2019
      Finish date: 31/08/2021
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Grant Agreement nr: VS/2019/0079
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      Project web

    • Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs – WALQING

      In order to explore the linkages between ‘new jobs’, conditions of work and employment in these jobs and more or less favourable outcomes for employees’ quality of work and life, WALQING combines data analysis on the chief European data sources, in-depth comparative investigation of stakeholder policies, organisational arrangements and strategies, and the perspectives and agency of individuals in ‘new jobs’. WALQING involves interest organisations and other stakeholders from an early point in time by focusing on existing policies and arenas and gaps in these policies and taking an action-research perspective.
      Its aims are:

      1. to identify expanding economic activities in Europe with problematic configurations in terms of low wages, precarious employment and lack of social integration;
      2. to investigate existing social partner and other stakeholder policies seeking to improve conditions in these industries and involve stakeholders in the assessment of both problematic and favourable practices;
      3. to analyse possible relations between various ways of organising new types of work in terms of contractual arrangements, working hours, etc., and the impact on the quality of work and life, as well as the conditions of configurations that are favourable and sustainable on both the organisational and the individual level;
      4. to bring together institutionalist, organisational and action-research perspectives in order to transfer examples of good practice beyond their national context and to explore the limitations of such transfers;
      5. from these analyses, to identify gaps in stakeholder, national and European policy that may contribute to locking organisations and individuals in patterns of low-wage and poor job quality and investigate the possibilities to transfer examples of organisational strategies that support higher-quality paths.

      Start date: 01/12/2009

      Finish date: 01/11/2012

      Financing: European Commission (7 PM – Agreement SSH-CT-2009-244597)

      Responsable researcher: Albert Recio

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Sara Moreno, Josep Maria Antentas, Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

      Documents and publications:

      Recio, Albert/GodinoAlejandro (2011): Trabajadores invisibles: la calidad del empleo en el sector de limpieza de edificios y locales en España walqing social partnership series 2011.17, A report for WP5 of the WALQING project, SSH-CT-2009-244597, Barcelona, November 2011

      MORENO, Sara; GODINO, Alejandro; RECIO, Albert (2014): “Servicios externalizados y condiciones laborales: De la competencia de precios a la presión de los tiempos de trabajo”. Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 81, pp. 50-67.

      RECIO, Albert; MORENO, Sara; GODINO, Alejandro (2015): “Out Of Sight: dimensions of working time in gendered occupations”, en U. Holtgrewe, V. Kirov, M. Ramioul (eds.) Hard Work in New Jobs. The quality of work and life in European growth sectors. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-207

    • Meeting the challenges of economic uncertainty and sustainability through employment, industrial relations, social and environmental policies in European countries – GUSTO

      The purpose of this project is to explore the various modes of both policies and the systems of governance that are emerging in different parts of Europe to cope with uncertainty while seeking security, and to appraise their relative success.
      Specific attention is given to the changing relationships among employment, social and industrial relations policies and practices in a comparative European perspective, and on their sustainability. This becomes most apparent when we consider both social uncertainties and the environment as related to problems of externality and public and collective goods provision, and when polices and practices in these areas need to be related to the forms of economic growth on which they are likely to be dependent.

      Start date: 01/03/2009

      Finish date: 01/02/2012

      Financing: European Commission (7 PM – SSH-CT-2009-225301)

      Reference of financing: SSH-CT-2009-225301

      Responsable researcher: Colin Crouch & Antonio Martín

      Team: Óscar Molina, Mariona Lozano

      Documents and publications:

      LOZANO, Mariona; MEARDI, Guglielmo; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio (2015): “International Recruitment of Health Workers: British Lessons for Europe? Emerging Concerns and Future Research Recommendations”. International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 45(2), 306–319. (DOI: 10.1177/0020731414568510).

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2014): “Public opinion, immigration and welfare in the context of uncertainty”. Transfer:European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 20(1) 53–68 (DOI: 10.1177/1024258913515368).

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar (2014): “¿Por qué los afiliados sindicales tienen actitudes diferentes hacia la inmigración?”. Migraciones Internaciones, 7(3), pp. 99-131.

      MADSEN, Per Kongshøj; MOLINA, Oscar.; MOLLER, Jesper.; LOZANO, Mariona (2013): “Labour Market Transitions of Young Workers in Nordic and Southern European Countries: The Role of Flexicurity”. Transfer: european Review of Labour and Research, 19(3), 325-343.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2013): “Actitudes hacia la inmigración y compromiso igualitario en Europa”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 50, Núm. 2, pp. 629-656.

      MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2013): “Incertidumbre socio-económica y actitudes hacia la inmigración en Europa”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 31, núm. 1, pp. 167-194.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio ; MOLINA, Oscar (2011): “Crisis, economic uncertainty and union members attitudes towards inmigration in Europe”. European Review of Labour and Research, Núm. 17 , pp. 453-470.

      MEARDI, Guglielmo; MARTIN, Antonio; LOZANO RIERA, Mariona (2012): “Constructing Uncertainty: Unions and Migrant Labour in Construction in Spain and the UK”. Journal of Industrial Relations, 54 (1), pp. 5-21 (DOI:10.1177/0022185611432388).

    • Meta-analysis of Gender and Science Research

      Meta-analysis of gender and science research is a project of the 7th RTD Framework Programme of the European Union (contract nr.: RTD-PP-L4-2007-1), led by Maria Caprile at the CIREM Foundation.

      The project includes more than 50 experts in the field of gender and science from all the EU member states and the countries associated to the 7th Framework Programme.

      The aim of the project is a meta-analysis of research produced in the last 25 years on gender research, covering horizontal and vertical segregation in the EU and the states associated to the Seventh Framework Programme.

      So, the specific objectives are to:

      1. Provide an exhaustive overview and analysis of all research carried out on gender and science at European, national, and regional levels.

      2. Make the study results accessible to researchers and policy-makers via publishable reports and an informed bibliography available in a database.

      3. Steer policy-making on gender and science in the years to come and define future research priorities within the Seventh Framework Programme, in particular through good practice examples and gap analysis in the various research topics.

      Start date: 01/05/2008

      Finish date: 01/01/2010

      Financing: Fundació CIREM – European Commission

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Anna Grau

    • Resources, rights and capabilities; in search of social foundations -CAPRIGHT

      The promotion of individual and collective capabilities underpins CAPRIGHT’s research on the relations between labour markets, employment and welfare regimes. The important priority is to allow every person, wherever she lives and works, to develop her own future with the resources that are available to her.
      CAPRIGHT integrates two approaches into one process: one addresses resource regimes, the other inequalities in capabilities.
      CAPRIGHT mobilises 24 of partners from 13 European countries and involves disciplines such as anthropology, economics, history, law, political science and philosophy, sociology.
      CAPRIGHT will create a critical mass of empirical research in three key areas: gender equality, professional development and work restructuring. Each area is analysed from three entry points: the actual trajectories of people’s working live; situated public action; social dialogue and European policy development.
      To ensure a unified approach, from the hypotheses to the conclusions, the work is framed on the one hand by theoretical work and on the other by the elucidation of the political agenda.

      Start date: 01/01/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: European Commission – Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (VI FP)

      Responsable researcher: Project coordinator: Robert SALAIS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); equip espanyol: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Martí López

      Documents and publications:

      LÓPEZ-ANDREU, MartÍ; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “Employer strategies, capabilities and career development: two case studies of Spanish service firms”. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 34, Num. 4, pp. 327-345 .

      SUBRAMANIAN, Dilip; VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane; ZIMMERMANN, Bénédicte (2013): “Introduction to the Special Issue on Bringing Sen’s capability approach to work and human resource practices”. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 34 Num. 4, pp. 292-304.

      ABBATECOLA, Emanuela ; LEFRESNE, Florence ; VERD, Joan Miquel ; VERO, Josiane (2012): “Individual working lives through the lens of the capability approach: evaluation of policies and items for debate”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research February 2012 18 (1) , pp. 83-89 (doi:10.1177/1024258911431197) .

      BARTELHEIMER, Peter ; VERD, Joan Miquel ; LEHWEß-LITZMANN, René ; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí ; SCHMIDT, Tanja (2012): “Unemployment, intervention and capabilities. A comparative study of Germany and Spain”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research February 2012 18(1) , pp. 31-44 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí (2012): “La inestabilidad del empleo en las trayectorias laborales. Un análisis cuantitativo”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Núm. 138, pp. 135-148.

      VERD, Joan Miquel; PORCEL, Sergio (2012): “An Application of Qualitative Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the Field of Urban Sociology Using ATLAS.ti: Uses and Reflections”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, Volume 13, No. 2, pp. Art 14 .

      LÓPEZ ANDREU, Martí; VERD, Joan Miquel (2011): “Usos y efectos de la protección al desempleo en España. Resultados en base a la perspectiva de las capacidades”. Cuadernos del Mercado de Trabajo, Núm. 7, pp. 14-21.

      LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí; VERD, Joan Miquel (2011): ““Les effets de la formation diffèrent selon les parcours sur le marché du travail : l’exemple catalan”. Formation Emploi, Num. 113, pp. 63-79.

      VERD, Joan Miquel ; VERO, Josiane (2011): “La flexicurité à l’aune de l’approche par les capacités”. Formation-Emploi, Núm 113. Enero-Marzo 2011 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí (2011): “The Rewards of a Qualitative Approach to Life-Course Research. The Example of the Effects of Social Protection Policies on Career Paths”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 12(3), Art. 15 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane (2011): “Introduction : Pourquoi la flexicurité mérite-elle qu’on en débatte à partir de l’approche par les capacités ?”. Formation emploi, Num. 113 , pp. 5-14.

      VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane; LÓPEZ, Martí (2009): “Trayectorias laborales y enfoque de las capacidades. Elementos para una evaluación longitudinal de las políticas de protección social”. Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 67, pp. 127-150 .

      BARTELHEIMER, Peter; MONCEL, Natalie; VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane (2009): “Towards analysing individual working lives in a resources/capabilities perspective”. Net.Doc, Sen-sitising life course research?. Actes du Séminaire CAPRIGHT, Nº 50-avril 2009 , pp. 21-50.


      The project IGUALEM is born of the initiative of a group of cities with common features – making thus possible the design of local development strategies- with the aim of avoiding segregation situations by inequalities of gender. IGUALEM involves also to business associations, unions and universities.

      The contribution of the UAB focuses on the following points:
      – detection of the sectors with situations of segregation by inequalities of gender and identification of the causes,
      – general design of policies against segregation,
      – general supervision of the projects activities in order to guarantee the equality principle.

      Start date: 01/03/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2007

      Financing: European Commission. Ajuntament de Manresa- Programa Iniciativa Comunitaria EQUAL

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Carolina Recio, Carmen Mañas, Dafne Muntanyola Pau Díaz, Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

    • Dynamics of national employment models-DYNAMO

      This comparative research, among several countries of the European Union, analyzes the evolution and the perspectives of different employment models, with the aim to bring to light the convergent and divergent features, and therefore we well be able to determine if we go towards an European model different from an USA model. Moreover, the research should allows us to know the role that this employment model is playing in the construction of the new social model of the European Union.

      Start date: 01/08/2004

      Finish date: 01/07/2007

      Financing: European Commission (VI FP)- (CIT2-CT-2004-508521)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Steffen Lehndorff (Institut Arbeit und Technik); equip QUIT: Fausto Miguélez, Albert Recio

      Team: Josep Banyuls, Raul Lorente, Andreu Lope, Antonio Martín, Teresa Torns, Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Employee’s resources and social rights in Europe

      The RESORE project aims to develop an analysis of the employees resources changes over the last two decades in relation to the social rights linked to them. The hypothesis is that at present we witness an erosion of the rights linked to universal direct taxation/insurance in Anglo-Nordic regimes and of rights linked to socialised salaries in some continental Europe countries. As a counterpart to this erosion, new models of rights linked to national solidarity (social inclusion) and mutualised collective private property are appearing, which suppose a shift in the nature of rights. This project will be carried out on the one hand by the analysis of comparative statistical measurement of resource flows and on the other hand by means of the analysis of national ‘qualitative’ data produced by national partners.

      Start date: 01/12/2002

      Finish date: 01/11/2005

      Financing: UE- European Commission (HPSE-CT-2002-00104)

      Responsable researcher: project coordinator: Bernadette CLASQUIN (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS; Andreu Lope Peña (QUIT-UAB)

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Martí López

      Documents and publications:

      Employees’ Resources and Social Rights in Europe (RESORE) – Final Research Report

      LÓPEZ ANDREU, Martí; LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “New employment forms reducing the scope of the wage”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 183-206 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “The hybridisation of worker’s resources: wage supplements and wage subsidies”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 225-244 .

      VERD, J.M.; PÉREZ, C. (2004): “Skills and credentials at the core of the relation between resources and employment”, en VV.AA. Wage and welfare. New perspectives on employment and social rights in Europe. Bruselas: Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes-Peter Lang, pp. 101-126.

    • La construction sociale de l’emploi (Bruxelles Conference)

      Start date: 01/07/2000

      Finish date: 01/05/2001

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities- Universitat de Nancy (Groupe de Recherche sur l’Education et l’Emploi (GREE)

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Lobo

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd

    • Local level concertation: The possible role of social partners and local level institutions in regulating the new forms of employment & work.

      The project’s general objectives are to i) survey, ii) analyse and iii) organise a systematic and permanent monitoring of the role which can be played by the social partners and public institutions at the local level in the regulation of work and employment relations, especially those of non-traditional type.
      The general aim is thus to provide policy-makers and the actors of social dialogue with rigorous, up-to-date and comparison-based data and knowledge, in support of measures for the prevention/reduction of the social exclusion linked to the growth of new forms of employment and work.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/2000

      Financing: Commission of the European Communities- Directorate General for DG XII Science, Research and Development (Contract SOE2 CT98-3066)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Ida Regalia; responsable equip QUIT: Andreu Lope Peña

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Daniel Ortiz

      Documents and publications:

      Regalia, I. (ed.) (2006): Regulating New Forms of Employment. Local experiments and social innovation in Europe. London and New York:Routledge.

       Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Tendencias y situación de las formas de empleo y del mercado de trabajo en Cataluña WP/00/1/ES

       Andreu Lope ;Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo y sus formas de regulación: revisión de la literatura española. WP/00/2/ES

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert ;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo: los resultados de una encuesta en Cataluña WP/00/3/ES

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert; Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): La regulación local de las nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo. El caso de Cataluña (The Local Regulation of the New Forms of Employment and Work. The Case of Catalonia) WP/01/17/EN

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: The Results of a Survey in Catalonia WP/00/8/EN

       Andreu Lope; Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: A Review of the Spanish Literature WP/00/5/EN

    • The social construction of employment

      The goal of the thematic network is to analyse together the issue of social exclusion causes, according to the societal employment dynamics. With the help of existing research works, it will test the following previous hypothesis in the participant countries: social integration is not only a problem of work, but it is mainly linked with the participation forms in employment.

      Start date: 01/12/1997

      Finish date: 01/11/2000

      Financing: European Commission (DG XII-TSER Programme ERB-SOE2-CT97-3041)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Bernard Friot (Groupe de recherche sur l’Education et l’Emploi); UAB: J.M. Masjuan (GRET-ICE)

      Team: Óscar Rebollo, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí

    • Les Regions “Sunshine” o les Regions “Sunreg”. La xarxa “Sunreg”

      The main objective of this thematic network is to bring together trade union and universities across Europe to facilitate the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge between universities, research centres, worker’s organisations and other “end users”, in order to achieve interaction and linkage between employment and technology.
      The content of the project includes:
      1. Analysing the socio-economic impact of a number of key technological developments in three crucial sectors of employment (in a major manufacturer; a significant financial concern and a local government authority) in each of the four regions covered.
      2. Utilising technology assessments methods to explore effects of such technologies on different users.
      3. Developing research circles among relevant sectors and participants.
      4. Critical analysis of SUNREG partner organisation.

      Start date: 01/03/1996

      Finish date: 01/03/1998

      Financing: Commission of the European Communities- DG XII; Contract SOE1CT-96-1012

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: J. Willians, equip QUIT: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Andreu Lope

      Documents and publications:

      Sunshine Regions or Sunreg Regions?. The Sunreg network

    • Youth employment and unofficial economy in Southern Europe

      Since the seventies until the nineties, because of the economic and labour changes, the advance of the level of unemployment has been substantial in all Europe. Among the different European countries there is a big difference in the social characteristics of people who have lost their job or who are still looking for it, relating to age, gender, level of education, skills, social and territorial stratification…
      This research includes the cases of Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain. The Spanish report deals the incidence of unemployment and the underground economy in relation to young people and indirectly, with women as components of this group.
      The report is based on quantitative and qualitative data of previous studies, on both, the national and autonomous comunity level.

      Start date: 01/11/1995

      Finish date: 01/05/1996

      Financing: European Commission (Directorate Employment and Labour Market- Contract SOC-95.102.702-05)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinator: Carlo Buzzi, Enzo Mingione (Istituto IARD, Milano); Fausto Miguélez (QUIT-UAB)

      Team: Antonio Martín, Marta Noguera

    • Training for “Emplois de proximité”

      According to the Livre Blanc sur la politique Sociale Européenne (1994), the service industry is that which presents the greater possibility of creating employment. Also, given the combination os social and demographic tendencies, services will create new markets, such as domestic and social sectors.
      The aim of the study is to delimit the importance of jobs of proximity, jobs related to services to people and families, in order to be able to elaborate recommendations to assure the assesment and qualifications of women who occupy them.
      The question deals with very “feminized” jobs and, in spsite of the fact that they are very important to the welfare of people and families, they are undervalued. The necessity of training is not recognized and women do these jobs as an extention of their competency and abilities as mothers and wives.
      In order to carry aout the study, a work seminar has been organised with the participation of people from different countries (Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy) that have conducted studies on this question and training organizations for women who work in this sector, with the goal of elaborating theoretical frameworks in the mentioned countries.

      Start date: 01/12/1994

      Finish date: 01/10/1995

      Financing: UE-TASK FORCE -DG V nº 94-20-EGA-0145-00

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns Martí (QUIT), Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

      Team: Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

    • Old and new paths of labour regulation in SMES in Europe: trends and challenges for economic competitiveness and social sustainability Financial

      The project aims at studying the mechanisms of labour regulation within small-scale firms located in the diffused-economy areas of Tuscany, with particular attention to the specificity of institutional regulation and social negotiation practices at local level, and to the mutual influence with organizational practices within the firms.
      It is structured into three phases: theoretical and methodological design; wide-ranging exploration at local level, focusing on the firms’ basic features and on preliminary aspects of the main paths of labour regulation in Tuscany; case studies.
      On the scientific side, in order to enlarge the conceptual framework and, above all, to analyse the importance of the chosen territorial contexts within the international arena, the research will provide a comparison with Spain and in particular with the area of Catalonia, as a region thats presents elements of similarity.

      Start date: 01/01/2013

      Finish date: 01/12/2015

      Financing: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’università e della Ricerca (Italia)

      Reference: 210C7L7K7

      Responsable researcher: Ida Regalia (Università degli Studi di Milano)

      Team: Antonio Martín, Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar (2015): “¿Participación financiera para sostener las pensiones? Entre la Democracia Industrial y la Motivación“. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 33, Núm. 2, 397-422.

    • YOUnion – Union for Youth

      The project aims at analysing the dilemma of youth participation in trade unions in eight countries – Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Hungary, Spain, Italy and UK – starting from two research questions:
      – how can trade union action improve youth labour market
      – and how trade unions can strengthen their youth membership?
      These will be answered through an analysis, for each of the countries, of: the specific interests of young; successful and unsuccessful examples of trade unions’ efforts to organise young workers; trade unions communication strategy towards young people, with a specific attention to social media; initiatives undertaken to provide voice for young people in unions’ organisations and in collective bargaining. The research will provide an analysis of trade union activities that have been specifically aimed at (1) increasing youth membership and youth participation in unions; (2) increasing the representation of the young in social dialogue and collective bargaining at the national and sectoral/local level; and (3) improving youth position in the labour market through: (i) job creation for young people; (ii) promoting VET, life-long learning and certification of skills; and (iii) adapting regulations to improve the quality of employment for young people (decent wages, reduced casualisation and precarity, and improved career chances).

      Start date: 04/11/2013
      Finish date: 04/11/2014
      Financing: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number – VS/2013/0401)
      Financing reference: Agreement number – VS/2013/0403
      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina
      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Documents and publications

      MOLINA, Óscar; ALÓS, Ramon (2014):Youth and trade unions in Spain : re-building links in turbulent times. Country report from the YouNION project.


    • Bargaining for social rights at sectoral level – BARSORIS

      The project BARSORIS aims to conduct a comparative study of social partners experiences with improving the social rights of precarious/vulnerable workers through collective bargaining and social dialogue in seven EU countries: Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom. In each of these countries, the challenges faced by the social partners in improving the quality of work through collective bargaining and social dialogue will be analysed by experienced researchers. Also, the overall experiences of social partners in using collective bargaining and social dialogue to deal with the social rights of non-regular workers and the actions adopted to assure them decent working conditions will be reviewed. Moreover, four specifically instructive cases for the sectors: industrial cleaning, hospital and health care, construction, and temporary agency work, will be presented in detail in the reports.

      Start date: 01/12/2013

      Finish date: 30/11/2014

      Financing: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number – VS/2013/0403)

      Financing reference: Agreement number – VS/2013/0403

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro Godino Pons

      Documents and publications: MOLINA, Oscar; GODINO, Alejandro, RODRÍGUEZ-SOLER, Joan (2014):Bargaining for social rights at sectoral level. BARSORIS country report on Spain

    • Active inclusion and industrial relations from a multi-level governance perspective – AIRMULP

      Active inclusion is a strategy which aims to enable every citizen, notably those excluded from the labour market, to fully participate in society. It tackles various challenges – e.g. social exclusion, in-work poverty, labour market segmentation, long-term unemployment and gender inequalities – in an integrated way, by combining three pillars: adequate income support, inclusive labour markets and access to quality services.

      The project primarily consists of analysis and research activities on the relationship between the active inclusion strategy and its implementation on the one hand, and industrial relations on the other. More specifically, the project will be concerned with the analysis of active inclusion issues – e.g. social exclusion, inwork poverty, labour market segmentation, long-term unemployment and gender inequalities – and policy dimensions – specifically adequate income support and inclusive labour markets – in the framework of social dialogue and collective bargaining practices, at different levels.

      Start date: 15/12/2014

      Finish date: 14/12/2016

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreeement number VS/2014/0546)

      Financing reference: VS/2014/0546

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino


    • The collective bargaining and representativeness of temporary workers in Europe. Development and reinforcement of Industrial Relations Systems in response to changes in the European labour market

      The project aims to develop and reinforce the European industrial relations systems through their adaptation to changes in the employment and work scenario. Furthermore, the project aims to involve the European Industrial Relation Systems in a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe, and, in particular, through the involvement of those groups of workers – often youth workers – which feel they are not represented by any form of collective bargaining or any system of social/collective protection. Then, the project aims to disseminate knowledge regarding the representativeness and the collective bargaining of temporary workers, which, very often, are not clear even to the workers themselves.
      The project aims to enrich and develop the European Commission’s industrial Relations in Europe reports, in particular the project will use the database available in the European Industrial Relations Observatory in order to find significant agreements in EU (at national and company level) for temporary workers.

      Start date: 01/12/2014

      Finish date: 01/12/2016

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2014/0543)

      Financing reference: VS/2014/0543

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino

    • Industrial Relations in multilingual environments at work – IR-MultiLing

      Linguistic diversity poses many challenges to the European citizen at work. The human right to be able to use minority languages in public life is supported by the European Commission, but the preferences being exercised by many of Europe’s elites to communicate between themselves using English as a ‘universal language’ can lead to the down-grading of national, regional or migrant origin languages. This becomes even more important with the growing migration flows into Europe and between EU member states and with the growing importance of multinational companies operating across Europe.
      IR-MultiLing will research areas of understanding/misunderstanding and intended/unintended outcomes arising from language choices and whether the costs and benefits of linguistic diversity map differently for employers and managers than for employees.

      Start date: 01/12/2014

      Finish date: 30/11/2016

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2014/0547)

      Financing reference: Agreement number VS/2014/0547

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino


      GODINO, A; MARTÍN, A & MOLINA, Ò. (2018): “La gestión de la diversidad lingüística en la empresa: un análisis comparativo de estudios de caso en Barcelona”. Anuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales vol 5, PP 27-41

      Dissemination activities:

      Presentation of national situations – Spain presentation of the results of the European IR-MULTILING project

    • Post crisis social dialogue – best and innovative practices in the EU 28

      The evolution of the global financial crisis from a banking crisis in 2008, into a fiscal and public debt crisis in 2010, gave rise to two distinct phases in terms of the role and impact on industrial relations. In 2008-2009, social dialogue played an important role in many countries, in devising and implementing national tripartite responses. From 2010 onwards, however, pressure from mounting fiscal deficits and public debt ratios caused governments to implement reforms with an immediate effect, often in the absence of consultations with the social partners. As a result social dialogue and industrial relations systems underwent far reaching changes, where in some counties they began to be seen as part of the problem rather than the solution.
      The reforms introduced significant changes to national systems of industrial relations, ranging from the decentralization of collective bargaining towards the company level and the weakening of national tripartite social dialogue mechanisms, to the rapid and often unilateral reduction of wages in the public sector. However, not all countries have been affected in the same manner.
      The research focusses on the national level and:
      I. gauge whether the role of social dialogue has been strengthened in the design of national reform programmes and the implementation of country specific recommendations meant to consolidate economic and jobs recovery and enhance national competitiveness;
      II. assess whether existing institutions for tripartite consultations have proved well equipped and designed to facilitate such an involvement of social partners in the shaping of the reforms.

      Start date: 05/05/2015

      Finish date: 30/10/2016

      Financing: Social Dialogue and Tripartism Unit -International Labour Organization / European Commission

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Fausto Miguélez

    • Global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty-INCASI

      The overall aim of this project is to create an International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities (INCASI) with 19 universities, 10 from Europe and 9 from Latin America. The purpose is to conduct comparative research in the area of social inequalities. Through this network we hope to foster a space for collective reflection and the development of synergies between network partners that allow us to undertake innovative studies whose outputs have an impact on academic and policy debates on the subject. The project will also contribute to informing the design of public policies to tackle social inequalities. In so doing, we aim to contribute innovative solutions that improve citizens’ living standards, reduce social inequalities and promote social justice.

      Start date: 01/01/2016

      Finish date: 31/12/2019

      Financing reference: Grant Agreement number: 691004

      Responsable researcher: Pedro López Roldán


      UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA – Institut d’Estudis del Treball/Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT/Grup de Recerca en Educació i Treball


      Fachelli, S., Jorrat, J., & López-Roldán, P. (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.

      Fachelli, Sandra & López-Roldán, Pedro (2021). Comparative Perspectives on Social Indicators. Social Indicators Research, 154, 755–765 (2021).

      Fachelli, S., & López-Roldán, P. (2017). “The effect of immigration on intergenerational social mobility in Spain” | El efecto de la inmigración en la movilidad social intergeneracional en España. Revista Española de Sociologia, 26(3), 309–328.

    • Bargaining for productivity

      According to the European Commission, labour productivity will become the key driver of growth in the EU (European Commission, 2012, 2013, 2014). For the EU and for the euro area, labour input acts as a drag on growth over the projection period (2010-2060), as the working-age population is projected to decline. As a result, labour input contributes negatively to annual output growth on average over the projection period. Hence, labour productivity growth becomes the sole source for potential output growth in both the EU and the euro area starting from 2028.
      As a source of working conditions, collective bargaining is a key determinant of labour productivity. There is consensus that vertical coordination of collective bargaining has a positive impact on economic performance (OECD, 2004, 2009; ILO, 2011, 2013, 2015), while at the company level, productivity agreements can make the production more efficient and increase work performance through incentives and welfare measures.
      The main research question underpinning this project is how the aspirations of policy makers are manifest at a micro-level and how these strategies are seen by the actors to translate into outcomes, seeking to illuminate why the productivity problem persists in some of the observed countries.

      Start date: 01/04/2016

      Finish date: 30/09/2017

      Financing: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – Social Dialogue (Grant Agreement VS/2016/0096)

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Alejandro Godino

    • Professionalisation around knowledge on Gender and Equality – PASSAGE

      The PASSAGE program, funded by the EU, aims to support the growth of new businesses in the field of gender and equality.
      This development occurs in two forms: the emergence of new professions and specialization of existing business.

      Start date: 01/09/2014

      Finish date: 31/08/2017

      Financing: European Commission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Erasmus + Strategic Partnership KA 2 ( 2014-1-FR01-KA200-008482)

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer (coord.)

      Team: Sònia Parella, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Associated partners:
      Raquel Saco (Qualitat i Temps de Treball- Dep. Empresa i Ocupació-GC)
      Fina Rubio (Fundació Surt)
      Alba Garcia (Secretaria Dona –CONC)

      Related website:

    • Independent workers and industrial relations in Europe. The social dialogue between traditional and innovative forms of collective representation – I-WIRE

      The number of independant workers is growing rapidely within the European labour market. Are their specificities adequately addressed in the industrial relations?

      I-WIRE is a research project that aims at analyzing in a comparative perspective the emergent market-based and association-based regulation regimes of new autonomous workers in the EU. The focus will be both on the protection offered and on the capability to reach these goals through social dialogue.

      Partners of the projects are currently:
      – mapping the international experiences and the co-ordination forms and practices , through desk analysis and country case studies which will focus on the role of trade Unions, quasi-Unions and labour market intermediairies. Nine national case studies will be based on focus groups and in-depth interviews to identify needs and constraints of the various stakeholders, as well as on good practices ;
      – designing a transnational web-survey to assess the types and needs of new autonomous workers as well as their links with traditional unions and new representation oranizations.

      The results will be discussed and analyzed with representatives of industrial relations actors, to spell out analytical results, empirical insights and policy recommendations.

      Start date: 31/03/2016

      Finish date: 30/03/2018

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2016/0149)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino

      Related website:

    • Relaunching Collective Bargaining Coverage in Outsourced Services – RECOVER

      Collective bargaining coverage is an important element of industrial relations systems as it determines the capacity of collective agreements to protect workers. Moreover, it has also been identified as a key institution reducing earnings disparities and limiting labour market dualisation. Ensuring high coverage is accordingly key to guarantee an inclusive and socially sustainable recovery. Studies on collective bargaining coverage have revealed the existence of significant differences in coverage levels across countries due to different collective bargaining structures, the existence of extension mechanisms, membership of unions and employer organizations etc. Moreover, declining collective bargaining coverage has also been reported due to lower union density, de-centralization and erosion of extension mechanisms.
      The research question addressed by the RECOVER project is to what extent the growth in outsourcing is triggering coverage problems for workers in these outsourced services. The aim of the project is
      accordingly to analyse collective bargaining coverage in outsourced services with a view to: identify coverage problems related to outsourcing practices; study the capacity of existing institutions in dealing with them; analyze the incidence of coverage gaps across different groups of workers; analyse the strategies deployed by social partners in order to address these problems and provide actors with some policy guidance in order to ensure inclusive and effective coverage.
      The project will compare cases of collective bargaining coverage gaps in outsourced services at sectoral and company level in six countries. Coverage gaps in relation to collective bargaining are defined as those
      situations when workers in outsourced services in one sector or company are not covered by the collective agreement that applies to the rest of workers performing similar tasks, or are applied a different collective agreement establishing lower standards.

      The RECOVER project has the following specific objectives:
      1.- To provide new insights and evidence on collective bargaining coverage gaps adopting a multi-level perspective, i.e., focusing on the interaction between the supranational regulatory context on outsourcing, national institutions, the meso or sectoral level and the micro or company level of analysis.
      2.- To analyse the sources of these gaps, and in particular, the role of outsourcing practices across different sectors and countries.
      3.- To map collective bargaining coverage gaps in relation to outsourcing practices across sectors and countries. The project will focus on different realities / manifestations of outsourcing. These include workers in facility management companies, TAW, bogus self-employed workers and free lancers. All of them reflect the multi-faceted character of outsourcing, leading to the growth in groups of workers under very different legal status and very often left at the margins of existing collective arrangements at company or sector level.
      4.- To analyze the collective bargaining position of facility management companies and their workers in the context of national and sectoral collective bargaining frameworks
      5.- To highlight the benefits of collective bargaining coverage and equal treatment of workers in outsourced services
      7.- To provide evidence on the role of social partners at national, sectoral and company level in filling these gaps and making effective the extension of collective agreements to workers in outsourced services.
      8.- To share best practices among social partners of different countries on how to ensure effective collective bargaining protection
      9.- To collect data and relevant findings in order to shed new light into the characteristics and evolution of collective bargaining coverage mechanisms and practices.
      10. To disseminate and discuss the findings and lessons with social partners from the countries involved, and across the whole EU to promote transnational learning.

      Start date: 01/01/2017

      Finish date: 31/12/2018

      Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2016/0351)

      Financing reference: Agreement number VS/2016/0351 – EA6144400

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Alejandro Godino, Antonio Martín-Artiles, Joan Rodríguez-Soler




      Godino, A. &  Molina, O. (2022), The industrial relations chameleon: collective bargaining in the facility management business, Employee Relations, Vol. 44 No. 7, pp. 1-18.

      RECOVER Policy Paper:

      Brandl, Bernd; Kildunne, Anne (2018): Outsourcing and Collective Bargaining in the UK . RECOVER Policy Paper. 

      Czarzasty, Jan; Owczarek, Dominik (2018): Cheap is cheap, no matter what they say. Collective bargaining and working conditions in outsourced services in Poland . RECOVER Policy Paper.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar (2018): Who overcomes collective bargaining? Outsourcing practices and regulation in Spain. RECOVER Policy Paper.

      Pedaci, Marcello; Braga, Adolfo; Guarascio, Carmela (2018): Outsourcing of services and collective bargaining coverage in Italy. RECOVER Policy Paper.

      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2018): Outsourcing dynamics and regulatory framework in France. RECOVER Policy Paper.

      RECOVER Report

      Brandl, Bernd; Kildunne, Anne (2018): Outsourcing and Collective Bargaining in the UK. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar (2019): The impact of Outsourcing on Collective Bargaining Coverage: A Comparative Analysis in Six Countries. Research Report – RECOVER project.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar (2018): Who overcomes collective bargaining?. Outsourcing practices, regulatory framework and Facility Management in Spain. Country Report – RECOVER project

      Payton, Noëlle; Keune, Maarten (2018): Outsourcing in the Netherlands: Challenges to traditional sector boundaries. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Pedaci, Marcello; Braga, Adolfo; Guarascio, Carmela (2018): Outsourcing of services and collective bargaining coverage in Italy. An analysis on cleaning, ICT and facility management services. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2018): Outsourcing of services in France. The Challenges from collective bargainig system. Country Report – RECOVER project.

      Dissemination activities:

      website project

      Article in UABDivulga

      RECOVER Newsletter #1

      RECOVER Newsletter #2

      RECOVER Newsletter #3

      RECOVER Newsletter #4

      RECOVER Policy Brief

    • Bargaining and social dialogue in the public sector – BARSOP

      The project Bargaining and Social Dialogue at the Public Sector -BARSOP- will address, from a multidisciplinary and multi-level governance perspective, how the economic and financial crisis has transformed industrial relations, social dialogue and wmployment in the public sector in the European Union and in particular in nine EU Member States: Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom. The crisis initially affected first of all the financial sector and then the private sector. Subsequently, however, it spilled over to the public sector, in particular in the form of austerity measures, following from decreased tax incomes, increased social expenditure and massive bail-out programmes. These austerity measures have been resulting in declining public sector employment, pressure on wages and working conditions and increased insecurity for public sector employees.

      The BARSOP project main objectives are (i) to analyse the changes that have taken place during the crisis in industrial relations, employment and working conditions in the public sector and in particular in the sectors of health care, education and local and regional authorities; (ii) to analyse the responses of national and EU social partners in these sectors to the crisis and their results in terms of quantity and quality of employment; and (iii) to disseminate the results of these analyses among social partners
      and policy makers at EU, national and sector level and to stimulate information exchange, social dialogue and collective bargaining aimed at promoting high levels of good quality employment.

      Start date: 30/03/2016
      Finish date: 28/02/2018
      Financing: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – Social Dialogue (Grant Agreement VS/2016/0107)
      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      Reports & Publications

      Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2020). «Industrial relations in deep water : the Spanish public sector during the crisis». A: Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. 2020. Brussels: ETUI.

      Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2018). Bargaining for social rights in the public sector : Spain.

      Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2018). Bargaining and Social Dialogue at the Public Sector (BARSOP). Policy brief for Spain (BARSOP Policy briefs).

    • Talking through the crisis: Social dialogue and industrial relations trends in selected EU countries

      Social dialogue between government, employers’ and workers’ organizations is a powerful tool for correcting labour market imbalances and promoting jobs-rich economic recovery. During and since the economic and financial crisis which started in 2008, national social dialogue institutions in countries of the European Union (EU) have been tested but, in many cases, have demonstrated their potential to innovate and contribute to a return to positive growth.

      Start date: 01/01/2016

      Finish date: 30/03/2017

      Financing: International Labour Organization

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina


      Guardiancich, I, Molina, O (eds) (2017) Talking through the Crisis: Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations Trends in Selected EU Countries. Geneva: ILO.

  • Agreements
    • Changes in domestic and care work: from gender specialization to dragging tasks?

      The objective of the research is to deepen the analysis of the trends of change in the distribution of domestic and care work from a gender perspective. Specifically, the following research question is formulated: What factors facilitate the egalitarian distribution of time dedicated to domestic tasks?

      We start from the theoretical discussion on the transformations in the uses of time between women and men; from research that evidences gender convergence as a slow and unequal process (Sullivan and Gershuny 2018); as well as from analyses that address specialization, complementarity and substitution in the sharing of tasks (Treas 2006; Lippe & Treas 2017).

      Taking these debates as a reference, the existence of a trend of change where the performance of certain tasks drags down the responsibility of others is hypothesized as a line of hypothesis. From this perspective, it is argued that task dragging decreases gender specialization in the performance of tasks and, therefore, favors complementarity between women and men with a more egalitarian pattern.

      In order to answer the questions formulated, it is proposed to carry out a factor analysis with the EET data (INE 2009-2010) to capture the chains of task shuffling and define the sociological profiles that carry them out.

      Start date: 01/06/2022
      End date: 30/05/2023
      Funding: Own resources
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigator: Sara Moreno Colom
      Team: Vicent Borràs Català; María Cascales Mira

    • Dynamisation of the Working Group on Time Uses and Measures in the Work Field of the Advisory Board for Care.

      The object of this contract is the dynamisation of the working group on ‘Time Uses and Measures in the Work Field of the Advisory Board for Care, whose Technical Secretariat falls to the Institute of Women, with the support of the technical assistance of Tragsatec, as well as the drafting of the chapter that will be part of the future White Paper on the Care.

      Start date: 10/10/2022
      End date: 31/01/2023
      Funding: Tecnologías y Servicios Agrarios – TRAGSATEC
      Reference: Exp 0000084031
      Principal Investigator:
       Sara Moreno Colom


      Cuba is promoting a process of transformations called “updating the economic model” that constitute a strategic opportunity in terms of development because they address critical nodes of the economic model, but impose a set of social and labor challenges that will require a specific follow-up from social policy and public institutions. The United Nations System (UNS) in the country begins the implementation of its new Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development (2020-24) signed with the government of Cuba responding to national and local priorities in key development challenges that the UNS can accompany to implement in the country the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.COVID-19 adds unprecedented challenges in terms of policy response. To contain the spread of the virus and ensure the responsiveness of health and social care systems, governments face complicated public policy decisions in contexts of scarce resources, and labor markets with high levels of informality. While the context described above differs substantially from country to country, an effective policy response to COVID-19 must simultaneously: (1) defend health systems from collapse to minimize deaths from COVID-19 and other causes; (2) protect workers who lose income; (3) protect employment and productive activity; and (4) find sources to finance the additional fiscal spending required. Under these conditions, it is critical for governments to have analytical information to make public policy decisions and with this objective in mind, the present project produces a series of analytical reports to facilitate, in alliances with national and territorial actors, initiatives that contribute to socio-economic responses to covid-19 and the implementation of Social and Labor Observatories.

      Start date: 09/12/2020
      Finish date: 30/04/2021
      Financing: Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo- Cuba
      Grant agreement reference: 20-CUB-248
      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

    • Technical assistance on solidarity distribution mechanisms and protection against unemployment-Redistributive and solidarity-based social security systems.

      EUROsociAL+ is a European Union cooperation program whose overall objective is to contribute to increasing social cohesion in Latin America; its specific objective is to support national public policies on social issues, good governance and gender equality, with the aim of increasing the level of social cohesion and strengthening the institutions responsible for their implementation.

      Within the framework of this program, a study is being carried out on the experiences of minimum income schemes in Germany, Spain and Italy, and their articulation with active employment policies and unemployment protection systems in these countries.

      The objective is to know how the link between minimum income programs and employment services, in particular, and how the beneficiary population is served with measures that address the different dimensions of their vulnerability, in order to accompany them to reintegrate or improve their position in the labor market, is given in these countries.

      Start date: 08/04/2022

      End date: 07/04/2023

      Funding: EUROsociAL+ Program (Italian Latin American Institute (IILA))

      Official reference: Contract 131/SD/932/IILA/ES/022

      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán

      Research Team: Antonio Martín Artiles, Eduardo Chavez Molina

    • A qualitative approach to sexual harassment in the world of work

      The aim of the study is to make a qualitative approach to sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace in order to learn about the perceptions, experiences and socially shared imaginaries that are part of this phenomenon.

      The starting point is the evidence that sexual harassment in the workplace is a relatively normal practice and the aim is to find its causes.

      Specifically, the aim is to analyze the sociocultural background that acts as a context and support for the existence and persistence of sexual and gender-based harassment beyond its quantification. In this sense, the specific objectives are to identify, describe and explain the social factors that make the phenomenon possible, as well as the elements of change and continuity that have occurred in recent years.

      Start date: 20/04/2021
      End date: 30/11/2021
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
      Reference: Exp. BE-2021-2444
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Research team: Vicent Borràs


      Moreno, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Jiménez Celemín, Carmen; [et al.]. L’assetjament sexual i per raó de sexe al món laboral : una aproximació qualitativa. 2021.

    • Support assessment of the Equality Law

      Collaboration with Ivalua for the evaluation of the Law 17/2015 for the effective equality of women and men.

      Start date: 30/03/2021
      End date: 31/12/2021
      Funding: Institut Català d’Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques
      Reference: 7055-2021-36
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno

    • Dynamisation of a forum of expert people from the project “Towards a new public care system in the community” and drafting a report of recommendations for improving

      The Equality and Sustainability Area of the Barcelona Provincial Counci has launched the project Towards a new public system of care in the community with the aim of strengthening local care services, especially home care and tele-aid.

      Within the framework of this project, the discussion sessions of the Expert Persons Forum have been stimulated, an analysis has been made of the socio-demographic reality of dependence, ageing and disability in the province of Barcelona and the drafting of a report of recommendations for improving the care system.

      Start date: 07/05/2021
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Diputació de Barcelona, Àrea d’igualtat i Sostenibilitat Social
      Reference: Exp. 2022/14258
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Paula Arboix

    • Study on “Proposals to minimize the gender negative impact of teleworking on the city council of Barcelona”

      The health emergency caused by Covid19 and the necessary confinement of the population to combat the pandemic has meant, from the point of view of work organization in the Barcelona City Council, a very important shift towards forced digitisation and the promotion of forms of working at distance.
      Before the crisis, teleworking was seen as an organisational form that improves the effectiveness of organisations and people’s quality of life. Numerous research has highlighted the advantages of teleworking in terms of productivity, quality of work, cost reduction, reduction of absenteeism, improvement of motivation, respect for the environment, among others. However, the current impetus for remote work has been an emergency response, logical in thess circumstances, and, as such, it has not been able to be planned with the necessary time and means.

      The aim of this study is therefore to provide with a proposal for actions to ensure the incorporation of the gender perspective into the city council’s teleworking system so that its implementation does not have a negative gender impact on women’s working conditions and opportunities.

      Start date: 10/08/2020
      En date: 31/12/2020
      Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 20002682
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Vicent Borràs

    • Comparative exploration, in the European framework, of good practices for the promotion of women’s professional careers

      Employment of quality is a key factor in access to citizenship rights and a decisive area for achieving gender equality. Unfortunately, we are still far way from this equality, as the employment of women is still condtioned by horizontal and vertical segregation, precariousness, wage inequality or sexual harassment.
      In the current context of economic and social crisis arising from the health emergency of COVID-19, it is necessary that the economic recovery measures take account of the specific characteristics of women workers in low-skilled sectors.
      So, with the objective of designing and implementing different strategies for promoting women’s careers, the Directorate of Gender and Time of the Barcelona City Council has proposed us to carry out an initial exploration, in European perspective, of good practices in this area.

      Start date: 17/09/2020
      End date: 31/03/2021
      Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 20002861
      Principal Investigador: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Raquel Serrano

    • Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories – DINAMOS

      DINAMOS is the acronym for Dynamics of Social Mobility in Spain, a coordinated project that is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R & D & I System and R + D + I oriented to the Challenges of the Society, 2019.

      As a coordinated project, it is made up of two subprojects:

      -DINAMOS1 (Reference PID2019-106548GB-C21): Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories, coordinated by the Centre for Sociological Studies on Daily Life and Work of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with Dr. ​​Pedro López-Roldan as main researcher.
      -DINAMOS2 (Reference PID2019-106548GA-C22): Intergenerational social mobility: education as an explanatory mechanism, coordinated by the Department of Sociology of the Pablo de Olavide University, with Dr. Sandra Fachelli as main researcher, and the collaboration of researchers from the University of La Laguna and the University of Seville.

      The scientific project is intended to investigate the dynamics of social change and transmission of social inequalities over time, both in terms of intragenerational social mobility and intergenerational social mobility, focused especially on the occupational and educational fields.

      Start date: 01/06/2020
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
      Official reference: PID2019-106548GB-C21
      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán
      Team: Antonio Martín Artiles, Andreu Lope, Pilar Carrasquer; Carrasquer; Cristian Segura, José Zawadsky, Claudia Baeza


      Martín Artiles, Antonio (2023). ¿Representan los sindicatos a la clase trabajadora? Ideología y política en España (2002-2020). Sociología del Trabajo102, 37-52.

      Fachelli, Sandra; Jorrat, Jorge Raúl & López-Roldán, Pedro (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.

      Project website

    • Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue capacity in the new world of work

      Building on earlier collaboration between the ILO and the EC in the field of Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, this project takes a longer term view and will look at challenges and opportunities facing social partners as a result of major trends affecting the world of work across the EU.

      It aims to strengthen social partners knowledge on the issues related to the changing world of work and facilitate mutual learning between social partners. This project will also take into account social partners’ involvement and priorities as part of the European economic governance processes and in the context of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

      Start date: 30/05/2019
      Finish date: 30/05/2020
      Financing: European Commission – International Labour Organisation
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina

    • Labour market integration of asylum seekers and refugees in main EU destination countries

      Migration is one of the focus topics of European policies and a crucial issue for trade unions, as well. The refugee flow that reached Europe unprepared in 2015/2016 needs further supporting policies. Individual member states are affected by the different flows and types of migration. This project coordinated by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) focus on the main receiving countries of asylum seekers in the EU15 (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Spain and the Netherlands), analyzing major policies regarding the access to welfare services and access to employment. The aim of the project will be an ETUI book publication on the labour market integration of refugees.

      Start date: 01/02/2019
      Finish date: 01/02/2020
      Principal investigator: Alejandro Godino
      Research team: Daniel Barrientos


      Godino, Alejandro & Barrientos, Daniel (2024). Gobernanza y obstáculos en la acogida e integración sociolaboral de solicitantes de asilo en España. Oñati Socio-Legal Series , 14 (4), 1177-1205.

      Godino, Alejandro; Barrientos Sánchez, Daniel (2021): Permitted to work but lacking opportunities to integrate – asylum seekers and refugees on the mezzanine in Spain. In: Betwixt and between: Integrating refugees into the EU labour market. p. 219-245. Brussels: ETUI.

    • Working conditions and collective representation in digital platforms. Future challenges

      This study aims to analyze the effects of digital platforms on working conditions and forms of collective representation, both at union and professional level.

      Start date: 09/03/2019
      Finish date: 08/03/2020
      Financing: Comissions Obreres de Catalunya
      Reference: 17324
      Principal investigator: Antonio Martín Artiles
      Research team: Albert Pastor, Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino, Jessica Romero


      Martín Artiles, Antonio (2021). Digitalización del trabajo: proto sindicalismo y cuasi-unionismo post-pandémico. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 9-32.

      Martín Artiles, Antonio (dir.); Pastor, Albert; Molina, Óscar ; Godino, Alejandro; Romero, Jessica (2020).  Plataformas digitales, condiciones de trabajo y representación colectiva, retos de futuro. CCOO.

    • Understanding the waste pickers of Catalonia: contributions and deficits of an informal economy

      In Catalonia, we can distinguish a formal waste management sector, managed mostly by municipalities and other public administrations, while simultaneously observing a parallel informal waste management sector of “Waste Pickers,” acting both within and outside the formal sector.
      The primary hypothesis of this work is that the informal sector is contributing and improving public policy goals regarding waste diversion and material recovery, while at the same time receiving no recognition for their labor and bearing numerous inequities and injustices. In this sense, the objective of the study is to identify the contributions and deficits of the informal waste sector towards the general waste system through an environmental justice lens.
      Phase one of this project includes a case-study with informal recyclers in the city of Granollers (Catalonia), which includes questionnaires, in-depth interviews, observational participation, and analysis. Phase two branches out to the rest of Catalonia with extensive interviews and analysis to determine the waste pickers’ overall impacts and contributions to the formal waste management sector.

      Start date: 25/09/2018
      Finish date: 28/09/2019
      Financing: ECOEMBES
      Reference: 16881
      Principal investigator: Josep Espluga
      Team: Michael Rendon, Julián Porras, Astou Toure


      Rendon, Michael; Espluga-Trenc, Josep & Verd, Joan Miquel (2021). Assessing the functional relationship between the formal and informal waste systems: A case-study in Catalonia (Spain). Waste Management, 131, 483–490.

    • The sticky floor of women in the city of Barcelona

      The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the analysis of this phenomenon, which determines the everyday experience of many women, in order to improve possible actions on this matter, from the public administration, as well as in everything that competes with the social partners. This is an exploratory study that focuses on four economic subsectors: industrial cleaning, hotel and catering and home care services. They are four subsectors, characterized by its feminization, which represent activities relevant to the economic fabric of the city and to the sustainability of life in the city as well.

      Start date: 29/06/2018
      Finish date: 28/06/2019
      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 16846
      Principal investigator: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Mariana do Amaral

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Do Amaral Pinto, Mariana. El terra enganxós de les dones a la ciutat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, 2019

    • Analysis and use of the Survey on Catalonian youth for 2012

      The study refers to the situation of young people in relation to their work sphere.
      From the data provided by the Survey of Youth in Catalonia in 2012, it is analyzed, in addition to the situation of youth in the labor market, those situations of inactivity and training and in which manner it is connected with having a job or not.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Time, work and everyday life

      Start date: 01/11/2012

      Finish date: 01/09/2013

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Agència Catalana de la Joventut

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Laia Castelló, Mireia Bolíbar, Oriol Barranco

      Documents and publications:

      CASTELLÓ, Laia; BOLÍBAR, Mireia; BARRANCO, Oriol; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “Treball. Condicions en el mercat de treball i trajectòries laborals de la joventut catalana”, en P. Serracant (coord.) Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2012, Volum 1. Col·lecció: Estudis, núm. 34. Editorial: Direcció General de Joventut, Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 117-224 .

      MORENO, Sara (2013): “Un anàlisi de les transicions juvenils des de la perspectiva de gènere”, en en P. Serracant (coord.) Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2012, Volum 2:Les diferents vivències de la joventut. Col·lecció: Estudis, núm. 34. Barcelona: Direcció General de Joventut, Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 187-218 .

    • Migration and the economic crisis. Implications for professional careers

      Start date: 01/09/2012

      Finish date: 30/06/2014

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Óscar Molina, Antonio Martín, Sara Moreno, Alejandro Godino
      Coordinador estadístico: Pedro López-Roldán

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (coords.) (2014): Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      ALÓS, Ramon (2014): “Menos empleo y más precariedad”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 67-108). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “Modelo de análisis y metodología de la investigación”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 15-66). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2014): “Ingresos del trabajo, estratificación y movilidad vertical”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 109-144). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; GODINO, Alejandro (2014): “¿Movilidad territorial y sectorial como respuesta a la crisis?”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 221-270). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (2014): “Síntesis y conclusiones”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 271-306). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MOLINA, Óscar (2014): “Situaciones de mayor precariedad: desempleo de larga duración, inactividad y empleo informal”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 181-220). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MORENO, Sara (2014): “Trayectorias laborales, género e inmigración: la doble cara de la segregación horizontal”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 145-180). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MORENO COLOM, Sara; ALÓS, Ramon (2016): “La inmigración en España: ¿Una integración con pies de barro?”. Política y Sociedad, 53 (2), 509-528. (DOI: 10.5209/rev_POSO.2016.v53.n2.48312) .

    • Study analysis on unpaid work in Catalonia

      Over the past 40 years there has been a slow trend toward gender equality regarding time use in paid and unpaid work. However, the gendered division of housework remains. This article examines the gender segregation in domestic work in order to contrast the influence of welfare regimes and employment status on the organization of everyday life. The analysis proposes the construction of new variables according to the type and daily frequency of household tasks. First, a cross-national study of European countries is presented to analyse how institutional factors are involved in patterns of time use. Second, a specific case in Spain is studied to assess how employment status influences the distribution of housework. The results show that daily maintenance tasks represent a limit for the equal distribution of housework by gender. It is concluded that women’s employment is a necessary but not sufficient condition for gender equality.

      Start date: 01/06/2012

      Finish date: 01/12/2012

      Financing: Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Sara Moreno

      Team: Vicent Borràs

    • Promoting a balanced and inclusive recovery from the crisis in Europe through sound industrial relations and social dialogue

      The project is part of a recent partnership agreement between the ILO and the European Commission, which is aimed at the study of the impact of the crisis, and crisis-response policies, on national tripartite social dialogue, collective bargaining, and labour law in the Member States of the ILO and the EU, and the role of social dialogue actors and institutions in this context.

      Start date: 01/03/2012

      Finish date: 01/07/2012

      Financing: International Labour Office (ILO)

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Fausto Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2013): “From negotiacion to imposition: social dialogue in austerity times in Spain”. DIALOGUE Working Paper, Num. 51.

      MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “From negotiation to imposition: Social dialogue in times of austerity in Spain”, en Papadakis, Konstantinos; Ghellab, Youcef (eds) The governance of policy reforms in southern Europe and Ireland.Ginebra: ILO Publications .

      Related webpage:–en/index.htm

    • Study using discussion groups to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia

      This project aims to identify research topics focused on safety and occupational health in Catalonia.
      This project has commissioned by the General Division of Occupational Safety and Health (SGSSL) of the Department for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia.
      Main data come from focus groups composed of main agents involved in system of occupational safety and health in Catalonia. Data have been analyzed with ATLAS.ti software.

      Start date: 01/01/2012

      Finish date: 01/11/2012

      Financing: Subdirecció General de Seguretat i Salut Laboral. Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd Pericàs

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler

      Documents and publications:

      Verd J, Rodríguez- Soler J, (2012). “Detecció de temes i eixos centrals en la investigació vinculada a la Seguretat i Salut Laboral a Catalunya.”. Informe de recerca.

    • Non-Standard Employment in a Comparative Perspective

      By now, it is commonly accepted that labor markets in advanced societies are in a process of deep transformation. The general trend seems to be one of increasing flexibility with regard to wages and/or employment contracts. This is most apparent for those European labor markets which were seen as quite egalitarian only one or two decades ago. The overall research question of the book project is to explain this change from a rather standardized employment model (stable employment relationships, permanent contracts, wage compression) to a more de-standardized one (flexible employment relationship, temporary contracts, wage dispersion). In addressing this question one particular issue lies at the core: the occupational heterogeneity in the process of labor market change. In the comparative labor market literature, the growth of non-standard employment such as f ixed-term contracts, agency work, freelance and part-time work as well as increased wage dispersion is usually discussed referring to the development of national averages over time.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 01/07/2013

      Financing: IZA – Institute for the Study of Labor

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina (UAB); Coords. : Werner Eichhorst (IZA), Paul Marx (IZA)

      Documents and publications:

      IZA Compact Newsletter- June 2012

    • Analysis of Equality plans subsidized by the Conselleria d’Empresa i Ocupació for 2010

      Analysis of Equality plans subsidized by the Conselleria d’Empresa i Ocupació for 2010.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 02/02/2012

      Financing: Consell de Relacions Laborals de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer

      Team: Laia Castelló, Anna Grau

    • CCOO union representation in Spain

      The aim of this study is to analyze, with the highest possible disaggregation, the system of union representation in Spain from a dual, unitary and union (CCOO in particular)point of view. At the same time, the study raises to include two sides obviously interrelated: a part of a more “quantitative” (Who, Where, …) and a more “qualitative” (what they do, how they represent, level of commitment, etc.). The study will be based, therefore, in a more descriptive part, making a statistical use of data from union elections, which will be provided by Fundación 1º de Mayo, and a second part focused on answer the questions arisen from the previous thinking process.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Industrial relations and work organization

      Start date: 01/10/2011

      Finish date: 01/09/2014

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Fundación 1º de Mayo

      Responsable researcher: Ramón de Alós-Moner

      Team: Oscar Molina Romo, Pere Jódar Martínez, Pere J. Beneyto, Sergi Vidal

      Documents and publications:

      BENEYTO, Pere J.; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Óscar (2012): “Crisis y legitimidad del sindicalismo”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, Núm. 51-52, pp. 61-80.

      ALÓS, Ramon et al. (2014): “Análisis de las elecciones sindicales (2003/2012). Participación, Afiliación, Representación”. Colección Documentos de Trabajo, Fundación 1º de Mayo, Núm. 8.

      ALÓS, Ramon; BENEYTO, Pere J.; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Oscar; VIDAL, Sergi (2015): La representación sindical en España. Madrid: Fundación 1º de Mayo .

    • Situació i perspectives laborals al barri de La Sauleda-Carrer Ample (Palafrugell). Estudi per a la concreció d’accions ocupacionals

      The Law on the Improvement of Neighbourhoods, Urban Spaces and Villas, promoted by the Government and approved by Parliament in May 2004 (Law 2/2004, of 4 June), responds to one of the priorities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, such as comprehensive intervention in neighbourhoods with the aim of avoiding their degradation and improving the conditions of the citizens who live in them. In this sense, the Law focuses on areas at risk of social vulnerability, in order to develop measures aimed at strengthening social cohesion. This project is located in the context of the application of the Law of Neighborhoods in the neighborhood of La Sauleda-Carrer Ample de Palafrugell of the call of the year 2008.

      Start date: 01/11/2010

      Finish date: 01/01/2012

      Financing: Ajuntament de Palafrugell

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

    • Analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in the following fields: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector

      This report presents the results of an analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in three different fields: in the sector of the so-called STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector.
      Although it presents the three fields separately, the report shows how the persistence of gender inequalities is their common denominator. A persistence which it should be recalled is not just a characteristic of these three fields, but permeates the whole employment market. It is known this persistence has its roots in a sexual division of work which starts in the family/home. Because it has important consequences for women’s life it affects the whole of society. The occupational segregation of women in the employment market is one of its most obvious expressions, as this report shows.

      Start date: 01/02/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Institut Català de les Dones

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Carolina Recio, Anna Grau

    • The trade union disaffiliation from Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras

      This research makes an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.

      Start date: 01/07/2010

      Finish date: 01/04/2011

      Financing: Fundación Cultural 1º de Mayo

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi (2013): “La dinámica afiliativa sindical y las trayectorias de sus miembros“. Politica y Sociedad, 50 (3), pp. 1065-1096

      VIDAL, Sergi; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere (2013): “Membership duration in a Spanish union: A survival analysis”. Economic and Industrial Democracy (doi 10.1177/0143831X13489358) .

      JÓDAR, Pere ; ALÒS, Ramon (2011): “Why do workers leave unions? Group differences between workers in CCOO-Catalonia”. Europan Review of Labour and Research . Vol. 17, pp. 471-484 .

      ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi; BENEYTO, Pere (2011): La dinámica de la afiliación sindical. El caso de Comisiones Obreras. Madrid: Fundación Primero de Mayo.


      Pere Jódar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
      Pere J. Beneyto, Universitat de València
      Sergi Vidal, University of Bremen

    • Satisfying labour demand through migration

      This report seeks to answer the question of how and to what extent economic immigration meets the needs of the Spanish labour market that are not covered by domestic supply. Therefore, it is based on the assumption that one of the main roles of immigration is to cover labour shortages in the labour market. To respond to that question in this study we review the interplay between both factors (the labour market and immigration) between 2004 and 2009. This time frame covers two very different situations seen during the period: one, until 2007, featured by substantial economic growth and rates of participation in economic activity and of unemployment that were very close to the average for the EU, and the other, since 2008, with unemployment twice as high as the EU average. In methodological terms this Report is based on a review of statistical information, of immigration regulations, of various social and political factors at play during the period, and on some exploratory interviews.

      Start date: 01/04/2010

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración. Secretaría de Estado de Inmigración y Emigración

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      Satisfying Labour Demand through Migration in Spain

    • Trade union membership of foreign workers to CONC

      Immigration in Spain is a relatively recent phenomenon that has assumed considerable proportions in a very short time, affecting fields as the labor market, industrial relations and trade unions.
      The study raises thus twofold objectives: the first one, more descriptive, focus in the characteristics of migrant people that affiliate trade union CCOO in Catalonia; the second one focuses on the participation of migrant population in collective action, what are the elements that encourage or hinder it, their commitment with the organization,etc.

      Start date: 01/11/2009

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Team: Pere Jódar, Daniel Garrell, Sergi Vidal, Àlex Boso

      Documents and publications:

      JÓDAR, Pere; ALÓS, Ramon; BOSO, Àlex; GUIU, Jordi; GARRELL, Daniel (2014): “La afiliación sindical de la población inmigrante. El caso de CCOO de Cataluña”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 32, núm.1, pp. 135-163.

      JÓDAR, Pere; GARRELL, Daniel; VIDAL, Sergi; ALÒS, Ramon (2012): L’afiliació a CCOO de Catalunya en els inicis del segle XXI. Altes, baixes i canvis dels perfils de l’afiliació sindical en la primera dècada del segle XXI. Barcelona: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. Edit this

    • Study on the level of labour insertion of ex-prisoners of the prisons of Catalonia

      The objective of this research is to study the employability of former inmates of prisons in Catalonia, Spain.
      Few studies of this type have been carried out in the world and this is the first in Spain. The results show that 43.6 percent of ex-prisoners find a job after serving their sentence, but their integration in the labour market tends to be fragile, confirming that it is a very vulnerable group. It was also found that prison work has a favourable effect on employability and that vocational training has a lesser or no effect.

      Start date: 01/08/2009

      Finish date: 01/04/2010

      Financing: Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada – Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner Vila

      Team: Pedro López Roldán, Pere Jódar, Fernando Esteban, Fausto Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon; ESTEBAN, Fernando; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2011): “Effects of Prison Work Programmes on the Employability of Ex-prisoners“. DemoSoc Working Paper, Number 43.

       ALÓS-MONER VILA, Ramón ; ESTEBAN, Fernando ; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto ; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro M.; ALCAIDE, Vanessa (2011): “La inserció laboral dels exinterns dels centres penitenciaris de Catalunya“. Invesbreu Criminologia. Núm. 53 , pp. 3-6.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “La inserción laboral de ex reclusos. Una aproximación cualitativa“. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 145, pp. 181-204.

      ALÓS, Ramon; ESTEBAN, Fernando; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “Effects of prison work programmes on the employability of ex-prisoners”. European Journal of Criminology, 1–16

    • Continuïtat del procés de dinamització i enfortiment de la coordinadora d’AMPAS de Montcada i Reixac

      Start date: 01/07/2009

      Finish date: 01/07/2010

      Financing: Ajuntament de Montcada i Reixac

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García González

      Team: Catalina Ruz Escobar

    • Immigration, Employment and Social Cohesion

      Start date: 01/04/2009

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Antonio Martín, Pedro López Roldán, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno, Óscar Molina, Fernando Esteban

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon (2012): ” Una aproximación a la segregación étnica en España: trayectorias laborales comparadas de la población inmigrante”. Revista de Economía Crítica, nº14, segundo semestre, pp. 107-123.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS, Ramon; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain“. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali,Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

       TORNS, Teresa; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2012): “Mercato del lavoro e immigrazione in Spagna: disuguaglianze di genere e di etnia“. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Nun. 3 Giugno, pp. 79-90.

       MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (coord.); MARTÍN, Antonio; ESTEBAN, Fernando; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): Trayectorias laborales de los inmigrantes en España. Barcelona: Obra Social “La Caixa”.

       MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio.; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara; ESTEBAN, Fernando (2011): “Movilidad ascendente de la inmigración en España: ¿asimilación o segmentación ocupacional?”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 96 (4),, pp. 1311-1338.

       MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara Moreno; ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo (2011): “Trayectorias laborales y asimilación ocupacional de la inmigración”. Sociología del Trabajo, Nº 72, pp. 41-62.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2011): “Trayectorias laborales de autóctonos e inmigrantes en España: entre la convergencia y la segmentación. Un análisis de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laborales 2007”. ARXIUS de Ciències Socials, Nº 24, pp. 59-76 .

      LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (2011): “La Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales. Posibilidades y limitaciones. Aplicación al estudio de la ocupación de la población inmigrante”. Metodología de encuestas , Núm. 13 , pp. 7-32.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2011): “Trayectorias laborales de autóctonos e inmigrantes en Españaentre la convergencia y la segmentación. Un Análisis de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laborales 2007”. Arxius de sociologia, Nº 24, pp. 59-76.

        Molina, Óscar (2010): Crisis econòmica, Empleo e Inmigración. QUIT Working Paper, nº 16.

       Stan, Sabina (2009): Romanian Migration to Spain and Its Impact on the Romanian Labour Market. QUIT Working Paper, nº 14.

    • Management of migration flows in Catalonia

      This study, commissioned by the Servei d’Ocupació of Catalonia, has the objective of providing a global vision of the migratory flow management in Catalonia as well as identifying its shortages so as to establish corrective mechanisms.

      Start date: 01/03/2008

      Finish date: 01/09/2008

      Financing: Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya – Departament de Treball, Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Albert Recio, Francisco Pérez Amorós

      Documents and publications:

      Estudi sobre la gestió dels fluxos immigratoris laborals – Informe

    • Women and Work – 2007 Yearbook

      Since 2005 the Departament of Treball of the Generalitat of Catalonia publishes the yearbook Women and Work, a statistical compilation that provides a structural description of the situation of women in the labor field in Catalonia and also in comparison with Europe and Spain.
      The Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT has carried out the comments of the statistical results of the 2007 edition.

      Start date: 01/02/2008

      Finish date: 01/03/2008

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Pilar Carrasquer, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Dones i Treball – Anuari 2007. Publicació estadística del Departament de Treball

    • Qualitative validation of the study on the situation and labour perspectives in the Erm quarter

      Start date: 01/12/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2008

      Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Related webpage:

    • Delocation and outsourcing in the IT sector and the loss of competences

      Start date: 01/09/2007

      Finish date: 01/02/2008

      Financing: Federación Minerometalúrgica de CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Team: Pablo López Calle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Rafael Ibáñez Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; IBAÑÉZ, Rafael; LÓPEZ, Pablo (2008): “Deslocalización y externalización en el sector TIC y la pérdida de competencias“, en Observatorio industrial del sector de tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones . Madrid: Federación Minerometalúrgica de CCOO, pp. 201-338

    • Study on the situation and labour prospects in the quarter of l’Erm. The labour problems of the population

      Start date: 01/05/2007

      Finish date: 01/03/2008

      Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm – Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

      Documents and publications:

      LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia (2009): “De la ley de barrios al diseño de políticas locales de empleo”. Arxius de Ciències Socials, Núm. 21, pp. 49-64 .

    • The membership to CCOO of Catalonia. Motivation and participation

      Start date: 01/03/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2008

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. CERES

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

    • Women’s Reflections

      Start date: 01/12/2006

      Finish date: 01/02/2007

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona – Servei de Promoció de Polítiques d’Igualtat Dona-Home

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Temps i Treball – Reflexions en femení 26

    • Women and work in Catalonia: myths and certainties

      This report intends to draw up a balance of the situation of women in relation to work in Catalonia at the beginning of the 21st century. The time seems to be favourable because it is quite necessary to show, in the first place, the certainties achieved since the first studies on the work of women in Catalonia 25 years ago. And, in the second place, because of the achieved results, there is no doubt that it is essential to go on with the analysis of such a reality that persists to maintain some gender inequalities despite of some policies in favour of women.

      Start date: 01/07/2006

      Finish date: 01/11/2006

      Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Sònia Parella, Carolina Recio


      Torns, Teresa; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Parella Rubio, Sònia; [et al.]. Les dones i el treball a Catalunya: mites i certeses. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Català de les Dones, 2007. (Estudis (Institut Català de les Dones)

    • Dossier on time policy

      This dossier provides us a with a conceptual and geographical overview of public time policies in Europe, differentiating between work time policies focused on increasing productivity and time and city policies developed to improve the time planning of cities. The authors, however, defend a more integrated view linked to the welfare model, as a step towards improving the quality of life from an everyday perspective. But they do not forget why these policies have been more successful in certain European geographical areas than in others, related to the development of the welfare state and the role of families in this everyday wellbeing.

      Start date: 01/03/2006

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona – Programa NOUS USOS SOCIALS DEL TEMPS

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

    • Report on trade unions membership. Causes of joining, giving up and rotation

      Start date: 01/01/2006

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Comissió Obrera de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner (UAB); Pere Jódar (UPF)

      Documents and publications:

      VV.AA. (2007): Afiliació i desafiliació sindicals. Estudi dels processos i factors que determinen el comportament afiliatiu a CCOO de Catalunya. Barcelona: CERES.

    • The metallurgical sector and its needs in the county of Osona

      This study on the situation of the metallurgical sector in the county of Osona has a double objective:
      a) the analysis of productive dynamics of the metallurgical sector at the moment.
      b) the study on tendencies and productive strategies of the metallurgical sector in Osona.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Local development policies

      Start date: 01/01/2006

      Finish date: 01/07/2006

      Project status: Finished


      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Albert Recio

    • Construction of the sample of a survey on living conditions and habits of the population of Catalonia 2005.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Time, work and everyday life

      Start date: 08/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/10/2006

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB)

      Responsable researcher: Pedro López Roldán, Carlos Lozares

      Related webpage:

    • New organizacion of the time: the working time

      This research aims to know the evolution of the time of work in the last decades.
      These changes on working time have among others triggering factors: the crisis of occupation that put an end to “a golden period” of the industrial work; the loss of weight of the occupation in the industrial sector and the corresponding increase of the service sector as well as an increase of the female presence in the labor market.
      This description of situation should allow us to draw the lines of a pilot experience to carry out at the city of Barcelona.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2006


      Responsable researchers: Miguélez, Fausto; Torns, Teresa

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      TORNS, T.; MIGUÉLEZ, F. (coords); BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2006): Noves Organitzacions del Temps de Treball.El temps de treball: balanç d’actuacions a la Unió Europea./ Tiempo de trabajo: balance de acciones en la UE. Barcelona: Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona – Ajuntament de Barcelona.

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; TORNS, T.; BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2008): “El tiempo de trabajo: ¿la última frontera?”. Revista Universitaria de Ciencias del Trabajo – Relaciones laborales, Formación y Fiscalidad, 6/2008 , pp. 84-104

      Related webpage:

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partner at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors: Mining, Fishing Industry, Woodworking and Furniture)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Mining
      – Fishing Industry,
      – Woodworking and Furniture
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina-Subcontract VC/2005/0753

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner

      Team: Elsa Corominas

    • Study on the work in prisons of Catalonia and its role in the social reintegration

      This study intends to know the incident of work of convicts on its social reintegration.
      For that purpose we are basing on the following hyphotesis:
      1. The time devoted to work as well as the training received will make easier their social integration.
      2. The improvement of the media directed to promote social insertion at prisons will have effects on its social function.

      Start date: 01/10/2005

      Finish date: 01/07/2006

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Centre d’Iniciatives per a la Reinserció (CIRE)-

      Responsable researcher: Miguélez, F.

      Team: Alos, R., Martín Artiles, A., Gibert, F.

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; DE ALÒS-MONER, R.; MARTÍN, A.; GIBERT, F. (2006): El treball a les presons de Catalunya. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; GIBERT, Francesc (2007): Trabajar en prisión. Barcelona: Icaria.

       Presentació de la recerca: La inserció laboral dels exinterns dels centres penitenciaris de Catalunya. Ramón d’Alós-Moner Vila i Pere Jódar Martínez

      ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MIGUÉLEZ LOBO, Fausto; GIBERT, Francesc (2009): “¿Sirve el trabajo penitenciario para la reinserción? un estudio a partir de las opiniones de los presos de las cárceles de Cataluña”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 127 , pp. 11-32.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; GIBERT, Francesc; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2009): “Política de reinserción y funciones del trabajo en las prisiones. (El caso de Cataluña)”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 46, Núm. 1 y 2, pp. 221-236 .

    • Study of the Catalonian youth region to region

      The research aims, by the use of qualitative methods, a comprehensive approach to Catalan youth, taking a perspective very focussed on the territorial base.
      The concrete objectives of the research can be summarised in the following ones:
      a) Offering, specially, to technical and political responsibles of district councils (consells comarcals) the necessary knowledge to design realistic and integrated youth policies based on a non-fragmented point of view of the youth reality.
      b) Detecting the peculiarities of youth lives from a territorial (district) perspective, whiles at the same time placing their realities en a more global context.

      Start date: 01/02/2005

      Finish date: 01/11/2005

      Financing: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Presidència. Secretaria General del Conseller en Cap

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd, Pedro López Roldán

      Team: Jonatan Castaño, Clèlia Colombo, Sergio Porcel, Núria Quintana, Gerard Quiñones, Daniel Tarragó

      Documents and publications:

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel (2010): “La Variabilitat geogràfica en l’emancipació del jovent català : alguns elements d’anàlisi”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, Núm. 25, pp. 43-54.

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro (2008): “La eficiencia teórica y metodológica de los diseños mulimétodo“. EMPIRIA: Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, Nº 16 , pp. 13-42.

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel (2008): “La fuerza explicativa de los métodos mixtos. Una ejemplificación a partir de las diferencias territoriales en la emancipación familiar en Catalunya”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, Nº 90, pp. 11-31.

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partner at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors: Chemicals industry, Football, Shipbuilding industry)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Chemicals industry
      – Football
      – Shipbuilding
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/01/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2005

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina- EEC Subcontract (VC/2004/0547)

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

      Team: Elsa Corominas

      Documents and publications:

      Chaidron, Alexandre; Arnould, Cécile; Spineux, Armand, dir.; [et al.]. Study on the representativeness o the social partner organisations in the professional football players sector. 2006.

    • Pilot study in two regions of the province of Granada with a new methodology (EPA alternative) that takes account of work of men and women as well as the work carried out in the family environment.

      The study is framed inside the project ALE-GRA (Local Action for the Employment in the province of Granada), directed by the Regional Government of Granada and financed by the European Commission, with the objective to mobilize the local and socio-economic partners in order to establish an integral strategy in favour of the employment. The contribution of the QUIT is circumscribed to the development of a methodology capable to show the specificities of the female labour market. With this purpose, the proposal intends to apply the “Survey of Active Population-Not androcentric (EPA-NA)”, according to the methodology developed by Cristina Carrasco (2004).

      Start date: 01/11/2004

      Finish date: 01/02/2005

      Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno

    • Execution of a document on a quality evaluation procedure of the aid services sector.

      The City Hall of Manlleu (Barcelona) set in motion the program “SAD Manlleu” (social services) with the scope of improving the quality of life of elder and disabled people by means of aid services. This study arisen from the worry of the City Hall by knowing the implications that the models of organization of the labour activity have on the efficiency of the social services.

      Start date: 01/09/2004

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partners at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors:Cleaning, ETT’s, media)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Cleaning sector
      – Temporary agency work sector,
      – Culture and Media sector
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/02/2004

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina (ECC Subcontract VC/2003/0451)

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

      Team: Elsa Corominas

      Documents and publications:

      Mormont, Marinette; Spineux, Armand, coord.; Alós, Ramon; [et al.]. Institutional representativeness of trade unions and employers’ organisations in the industrial cleaning sector. 2004. 146 p.

    • Study on the labour market and on analysis of the organization models in the efficiency of the social services of SAD program

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Peña / Albert Recio

      Team: Francesc Gibert

    • Study of the conditions of occupation and negotiation in the workplaces

      Start date: 01/03/2003

      Finish date: 01/03/2005

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Ramon de Alòs, Pere Jodar

      Documents and publications:

      Alós, R.; Jódar, P.; Martí, J.; Martín Artiles, A.; Bonet, X.; Ortiz, L. (2005): Relacions laborals i condicions d’ocupació en els centres de treball. Un estudi des de la perspectiva dels afiliats a CCOO de Catalunya. Ceres: Barcelona

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partners at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Private security sector
      – Central public services
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/02/2003

      Finish date: 01/12/2003

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Université Catholique de Louvain – ECC Subcontract VC/2002/0215

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner

      Team: Xavier Urbano

    • Study on the factors of the school failure and of the labor path of the youths in the Òdena region.

      Start date: 01/12/2002

      Finish date: 01/02/2003

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona. Xarxa de municipis- Àrea d’Educació

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Peña

      Team: Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert, Isidre Rabadà

    • Diagnosis of the Labor Insertion Mesures(DILS) of the youths in the municipalities of Igualada, Vilanova del Cami, Sta. Margarida de Montbui

      Start date: 01/05/2002

      Finish date: 01/09/2002

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Andre Lope Peña

    • A new organization of time throughout working life

      Changes to traditional gender roles and the labour market are forcing a rethink of conventional work-life patterns. Individuals are calling for a better quality of life, while employers require greater flexibility in the workplace.
      The idea of reorganising time over the whole course of working is one possible response. This report offers a conceptual framework to consider time arrangements and working life, linking this to measures to improve quality of life. It reviews changing patterns and preferences for time use as well as a range of measures, such as the accessibility of more paid leave during the ‘stress’ phases of life in order to compensate for raising the retirement age, and the introduction of social security structures to fit new time arrangements.

      Start date: 01/05/2002

      Finish date: 01/06/2002

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions-Institut für Gerontologie an der Universität Dortmund

      Responsable researcher: Vicent Borràs

      Team: Teresa Torns, Pilar Carrasquer

      Documents and publications:

      Naegele, Gerhard (2006): A new organization of time over working life (report)

    • Diagnosis on the situation of the municipalities of Igualada, Vilanova del Camí, Santa Margarida de Montbui i Òdena with respect to the transition school-work

      The study analyses the local actions aimed at the transition from secondary school to labor market, developed in the municipalities of the Conca d’Òdena during the period 2001-2002.

      Start date: 01/11/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2002

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea d’Educació

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert, Isidre Rabadà

    • Social dialogue in the reform and liberalisation processes in the railway sector in Europe.

      Our contribution consists in:
      – drawing a general paper on the transformations in the railway sector in Spain pointing to the main features of change and to crucial aspects of railway liberalisation,
      – contribute to identify the national representatives of the social partners to be invited to the foreseen initiatives (seminars in Milano and Rome),
      – disseminating in Spain the materials produced during the project, particularly among social actors.

      Start date: 01/10/2001

      Finish date: 01/11/2002

      Financing: Fondazione Regionale Pietro Seveso – EC Subcontract (VS/2001/0736)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

    • Study of the industrial Spanish businesses installed in Morocco

      Start date: 01/06/2001

      Finish date: 01/07/2001

      Financing: Fundació Pau i Solidaritat de CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Documents and publications:

      de Alós-Moner, R., Kaioua, A., Benbada, A. (2001): La inversión industrial española en Marruecos. Una aproximación desde las dos orillas del Mediterráneo. Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament, Marruecos.

      de Alós-Moner, R. (2003): “Empleo y relacionales laborales en las empresas españolas en Marruecos”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº 47, pp. 139-163.

    • Social Partnership in Europe – the role of social partners

      Start date: 01/03/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2001

      Financing: Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS)-Department of Sociology (Univ,Copenhage)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Daniel de Villacian

    • Annual Report on Social Concertation and Collective Bargaining (4)

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU

      Start date: 01/12/2000

      Finish date: 01/12/2001

      Financing: Catholic University of Louvain-EEC Sub-contract V/2001/97

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Esperanza ROQUERO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • Study of the knowledge degree and the perception of the environmental problems in the town of Rubí

      Start date: 01/10/2000

      Finish date: 01/02/2001

      Financing: Ajuntament de Rubí

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García González

    • Pla Especial de reforma interior i millora ambiental del barri del Camí del Molins de Santa Oliva

      Start date: 01/09/2000

      Finish date: 01/10/2000

      Financing: Ajuntament de Santa Oliva

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García

    • Employment pacts in Railways in Spain

      Start date: 01/04/2000

      Finish date: 01/07/2000

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Xavier Bonet

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel ayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la négociation collective (3)

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU

      Start date: 01/12/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/2000

      Financing: UE

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Esperanza ROQUERO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • The effects of the euro arrival on the management of family economies

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • The complaint culture

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs

    • Consolidated report on case studies on employment pacts

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Andreu Lope

    • Study on the professional exercise of the women lawyers

      Start date: 01/09/1999

      Finish date: 01/02/2000

      Financing: Il.lustre Col.legi d’Advocats de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns / Andre Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Carmen Gutiérrez

    • White book of new employment sources

      Start date: 01/06/1999

      Finish date: 01/07/1999

      Financing: Fundació CIREM

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín, Ramon de Alòs, Clara llorens, Joel Martí, Lluís Sáez, Josep Mª Antentas, Mònica Nadal, Begoña Oltra

    • Overindebtedness

      Start date: 01/05/1999

      Finish date: 01/06/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Electronic trade

      Start date: 01/03/1999

      Finish date: 01/04/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs

    • Study of five pacts of collective bargaining on employment policy

      Start date: 01/02/1999

      Finish date: 01/03/1999

      Financing: Unió Comarcal de CC.OO del Vallès Occidental

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Pere Jodar, Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Report on employment policies and working conditions in Spain

      This research project based on case studies aims at analysing the impacts of employment policies and human resources management on working conditions at corporate level.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/06/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

    • Research on time, beyond its hourly dimension, and of its impact on the city

      Start date: 01/02/1999

      Finish date: 01/07/1999

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona i Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez / Teresa Torns

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Ramon de Alos, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Joel Martí, Lluís Sáez, Josep Maria Anrtentas, Mònica Nadal

    • Collective bargaining on employment and competitiveness: Spanish report

      The main objectives of the project are:
      • to increase awareness and understanding of the contribution of collective bargaining to the improvement of employment and competitiveness,
      • to focus in particular on explicit agreements, which link activities to protect and create employment with different measures to improve competitiveness,
      • to enable policy makers and negotiators of all three parties to acquire new ideas based on the analysis of innovative agreements.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/05/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Seguretat en l’alimentació. Imaginaris socials sobre pràctiques i hàbits alimentaris

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/02/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel rayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la negotiation collective

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU.

      Start date: 01/12/1998

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities (DG V)- EEC SUB-CONTRACT

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos

      Team: Esperanza Roquero – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • The effects of the euro arrival on the management of family economies

      Start date: 01/10/1998

      Finish date: 01/12/1998

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel ayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la negotiation collective

      Start date: 01/06/1998

      Finish date: 01/11/1998

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities (DG V)- EEC SUB-CONTRACT

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

    • Training of Youth with formatives deficiencies

      Start date: 01/06/1996

      Finish date: 01/12/1996

      Financing: Consell Comarcal del Vallès Occidental- programa comunitari YOUTHSTART (Fons Social Europeu)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Rebollo, Clara Llorens, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd

    • Evaluation of training needs of companies in the town of Polinyà (BCN)

      The intention of this research is to identify the training needs of the businesses of the town of Polinyà (Barcelona) and the formation profiles required by employers, departing from the hypothesis that the training required is strongly segmented, and that the local jov market is only able to meet these needs with some difficulty.
      This study also holds as an objective that of identifying the factors which favour and/or hinder the meshing of training adn employmnet, as well as being able to carry out proposals which allow the orientation of training policies at local level.

      Start date: 01/10/1995

      Finish date: 01/09/1996

      Financing: Patronat Flor de Maig- Diputació de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Rebollo Izquierdo

      Team: Faustino Miguélez, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Clara Llorens, Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd

    • The incidence of sexual harassment at workplace in Catalonia

      The study poses an approximation to the phenomenon of sexual harassment in Catalonia, initially keeping in mind the great difficulties of conceptualization and mesurement involved. For this reason the study has been conducted from the perspective of a qualitative vision, departing from the social imaginaire at the root of this question.
      First the general frame of reference of the phenomenon is approached, which includes the compilation of documentary and informative data on the legal and institutional approaches which define it.
      The goal of the second part of the study is to try to delimit the real possibilities of the existence of sexual harassment, separating what has already surfaced from what is only potencial, approaching the data corresponding to the highest risk groups (young, single and separated women, widows with family responsabilies…)
      The third part tries to offer an alternative to the impossibility of gathering data on its real incidence in the workplace, by means of a study of the imaginaire which propitiates its emerged and/or hidden existence; that is to say, the social, cultural and economic background which makes sexual harassment possible.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Work and gender

      Start date: 01/12/1994

      Finish date: 01/11/1995

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Dept. Treball- Institut Català de la Dona

      Financing amount: 18541

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Alfons Romero, Albert Recio
      i la col·laboració de Laia Pellejà

    • Human resources regulation, Catalonia

      Start date: 01/09/1994

      Finish date: 01/05/1995

      Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració Insituto di Recerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)-Camara di Commercio de Milano IRES LOMBARDIA

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín , Xavier Coller

      Documents and publications:

      Martín A., Miguélez F., Pastor I., “La Risorse Umane in un mercato dualistico. Catalogna”, a Regini M, “La risorze umane nelle regioni forti d’Europa”, Milano, Il Mulino, 1996

    • Regional regulation of industrial relations in Catalonia

      Start date: 01/09/1994

      Finish date: 01/05/1995

      Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració IRES

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Faustino Miguélez, Immaculada Pastor, Xavier Coller, Andreu Lope, Reyes Varella

    • Employment and Human Resources in the Banking Industry in Spain

      The research is focussed on the processes of change in the management of human resources and its repercussions on industrial relations in the banking industry, exploring more throughly the new models of management known as “Human Resources Management”, without forgetting the strategies used to a lower production costs (low salaries, job instability).
      The analysis is conducted in various countries and businesses with the purpose of demonstrating that industrial relations and the policies of human resources do not work in an autonomous way, but rather that the study of them should include wider social, economic and cultural structures. From this we can conclude that the practices and institutions of one country cannot be applied elsewhere without undergoing a process of adaptation.
      In the Spanish case is possible to speak about accelerated changes, given that the search for improved competitivity has accentuated the role of human resources. These strategies are dualizing employment in the idustry in a sich a way that innovation in human resources is concentrated in the first sector (middle managers, technical specialists) provoking industrial disputes among some personnel.

      Start date: 01/04/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1996

      Financing: Sloan School of Management – Massachussets Institute of Technology

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Cecilia Castaño (coord.), Carlos Prieto, Patricia Ferrer, Clara Llorens, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Enrico Mora

      Documents and publications:

      Miguélez, F. (1999): “Employment Relations in the Spanish Banking Industry: Big changes” a: VV.AA. From Tellers to Sellers: Changing Employment Relations in Banks, Cambridge Massachussets: MIT Press. (ISBN 0-262-18193-2)

    • IREC International Companies Network

      Start date: 01/04/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1995

      Financing: UE-Warwick University

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

    • The situation of female workers in Spain’s financial industry

      Start date: 01/03/1994

      Finish date: 01/09/1995

      Financing: Federación estatal de Banca y Ahorro de CC.OO.

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer

      Team: José Antonio Noguera, Reyes Varella

    • Literature Study: Direct Participation in Organizational Change. The case of Spain

      Start date: 01/11/1993

      Finish date: 01/04/1994

      Financing: Institut Arbeit und Tecknik

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Antonio Martín, Reyes Varella

      Documents and publications:

      “Case of Spain” a: Direct Participation: Literature Study, 1996

    • Direct Participation. The position of the social partners on direct participation in Europe

      Start date: 01/05/1993

      Finish date: 01/09/1993

      Financing: European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Clara Llorens, Núria García, Immaculada Pastor

      Documents and publications:

      “La posición de los actores sociales ante la participación directa. El caso español” a Humanize work and Increase profitability.Direct participation in organisational change viewed by the social partners in Europe, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, 1995

    • Evaluation of income support (PIRMI)

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Local development policies

      Start date: 01/04/1993

      Finish date: 01/10/1993

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez, Teresa Torns

      Documents and publications:

      Working Paper nº 8, QUIT-UAB, 1997

      Team: Tomás García, Màrius Domínguez, José Adelantado, Jordi Santolaria, Clara Llorens, Marta Noguera

    • HRM in multinacional companies: flexibility, participaction and the role of headquarters

      Start date: 01/01/1993

      Finish date: 01/06/1995

      Financing: Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU)-University of Warwick

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Immaculada Pastor, Xavier E. Posada

      Documents and publications:

      Informe sobre las prácticas de flexibilidad y participación y el papel del centro en las empresas multinacionales del sector de la banca y la alimentación

    • Techonological Innovation, Human Resources Management, Organizational Changes

      L´objecte de l´estudi se centra en la innovació tecnològica i en la influència que exerceix sobre una sèrie d´aspectes que hi estan estretament relacionats; especialment estudia els canvis que, amb la seva implantació, experimenten l´organització del treball, l´estructura i les condicions de l´ocupació i els mecanismes aplicats en la gestió dels recursos humans a les empreses.

      Start date: 01/01/1992

      Finish date: 01/12/1992

      Financing: Fundació Bofill. Conveni marc de col-laboració: Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín, Xavier Coller

    • Long term female employment in Vallès Occidental

      Start date: 01/06/1991

      Finish date: 01/09/1991


      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, José A. Noguera, Xavier Rambla, Montserrat Torns

      Documents and publications:

      Working Paper nº 4, QUIT-UAB, 1993

    • The labour and social impact of the JJ.OO of Barcelona 1992

      Start date: 01/05/1991

      Finish date: 01/07/1993

      Financing: Associació per al Desenvolupament d’Iniciatives d’Ocupació (ADIPROC)

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Albert Recio, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Immaculada Pastor, Óscar Rebollo, Marius Domínguez, Xavier Coller.

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; CARRASQUER, P. (1996), “La repercusión laboral de los juegos olímpicos”, en Moragas, M.; Botella, M. (eds.) Las Claves del éxito. Impactos sociales, deportivos, económicos y comunicativos de Barcelona’92. Barcelona: Centro de Estudios Olímpicos y del Deporte.

    • Trade Union membership, A case study: CONC

      Start date: 01/03/1991

      Finish date: 01/03/1993

      Financing: Conveni Conselleria de Treball. Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Rebollo

      Team: Antonio Martín, Faustino Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      Rebollo O., Martín A., Miguélez F. (1993), El sindicalismo a través de sus protagonistas. Estudio sobre la afiliación de Comissions Obreres de Catalunya, Barcelona: CERES-CONC.

    • The labor absenteeism of the service of hosteleria in the Consorci Hospitalari of the Parc Taulí of Sabadell

      Start date: 01/02/1991

      Finish date: 01/01/1992

      Financing: Consorci Hospitalari Parc Taulí de Sabadell

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer

      Documents and publications:

      Carrasquer, P.; Torns, T., (1995) :”El absentismo laboral femenino, mito o realidad”. ABACO nº 4, Gijón.

      Working paper nº 3 (1993)

    • Four motor regions, A case study: Catalonia

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Employment and labour market transformations

      Start date: 01/01/1991

      Finish date: 01/12/1991

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Cassa di Risparmio di Lombardia. Convei marc de col-laboració: Istituto di Recerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Documents and publications:

      Miguélez, F.; Lope, A.; Recio, A. (1993), “Catalogna”, Rivista Milanese di economia, núm.23, IRES LOMBARDIA, Milano.

      Miguélez F.; Lope, A.; Recio, A.; Roca, J. (1995), “Trabajo y profesiones. El caso de Catalunya”, Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 23, Madrid, 1994-1995

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Albert Recio, Jordi Roca

    • Human resources regulations in Europe in the nineties. A case study: Spain

      Start date: 01/01/1990

      Finish date: 01/12/1991

      Financing: Fundació Bofill – Universitat de Trento

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Xavier Coller, Pilar Carrasquer

    • In-depth analysis on specific new forms of employment: labour pooling, crowd employment and mobile work

      The general objective of this project aims at mapping new forms of employment across the European Union and Norway.

      Secondly, the project will explore corresponding (policy) responses to support employers and employees, with the overall objective of sustainable employment retention and job creation. Thirdly, possible implications of the new forms of employment on working conditions will be investigated.

      Start date: 14/01/2014

      Finish date: 15/07/2014

      Financing: Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI)

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      MOLINA, Oscar (2014): New forms of employment: Coworking, Spain. Case study.


    • Validation of study to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia

      Continuation of the project ‘Study using discussion groups to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia’ (2012). This project is also commissioned by the General Division of Occupational Safety and Health (SGSSL) of the Department for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia.

      In this case, main data come from interviews with expert researchers in the field of occupational health and safety (psychosocial exposures, public health, epidemiology, work organization, occupational risk prevention, ergonomics, occupational health, etc.).

      Results of both projects represent a coherent set of reflections on the future of occupational safety and health in Catalonia.

      Start date: 26/05/2014

      Finish date: 31/03/2015

      Financing: Departament d’Empresa i Ocupació – Sudirecció General de Seguretat i Salut Laboral

      Financing reference: EMO-2014-185

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler

      Documents and publications: Rodríguez- Soler J.; Verd, J. (2014): “Detecció de temes i eixos centrals en la investigació vinculada a la Seguretat i Salut Laboral a Catalunya. Informe de validació”. Informe de recerca.

    • Economic crisis, employment trajectories and sociopolitical attitudes of young people. The case of the youth of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona

      The research studies the effects that the current Spanish economic crisis is having on young people’s visions, attitudes and behaviours vis-à-vis to the labour market and the political system. Concretely, the research tries to see the characteristics of these visions, attitudes and behaviours and their possible changes, during the period of the economic crisis, because of the crisis of the youth labour market as well as the modifications of some social benefits. The research analyses the case of the young people who lives in the metropolitan area of Barcelona by means of a mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods: a quantitative and extensive statistical analysis of secondary survey data is carried out, and is complemented with a qualitative and intensive analysis of primary data from biographical interviews.

      Start date: 17/03/2014

      Finish date: 31/03/2015

      Financing: Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País (SEBAP)

      Responsable researcher: Oriol Barranco

      Team: Mireia Bolíbar

    • Report evaluating employment policies in Spain (2013-2014)

      This report examines the extent and manner in which employment policies are affecting employment in this period.


      Start date: 10/09/2014

      Finish date: 31/12/2015

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Ramon Alós, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Óscar Molina, Alberto Pastor, Albert Recio, Joan Rodríguez-Soler, Joan Miquel Verd, Alejandro Godino



      Miguélez, F.; Alós, R.; Molina, O. (2021). Job regulation in the digital revolution? | ¿Gobernar los cambios del empleo en la revolución digital?. Politica y Sociedad, 58(3), art. no. e71122. doi: 10.5209/poso.71122


      Miguélez, F. (coord.); Alós, R.; Carrasquer,P.; Lope, A; Molina, O; Pastor, A.; Recio, A.;Rodríguez-Soler, J.; Verd, J.M.; Godino,A. (2015): Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014

      Book chapters:

      Alós, Ramon (2015): “Desempleo y empleo durante la crisis”.  En Diagnóstico socioeconómico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Carrasquer, Pilar (2015): “Las mujeres en las políticas de empleo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Lope, Andreu (2015): “Las políticas activas de empleo: el nuevo modelo de políticas activas”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Lope, Andreu (2015): “Las políticas de formación”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Introducción: Políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Las políticas de apoyo a los parados”. En Diagnóstico socioeconómico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Un Delphi sobre las políticas de empleo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Miguélez, Fausto (2015): “Conclusiones generales”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Molina, Oscar (2015): “El fomento del empleo en España: incentivos a la contratación y al empleo autónomo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Pastor, Alberto (2015): “El marco normativo del empleo”. En Diagnóstico socioeconómico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Recio, Albert (2015): “Políticas económicas y empleo”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012-2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan; Verd, Joan Miquel (2015): “Políticas de empleo dirigidas a jóvenes”. En Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012- 2014. Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès): Dipòsit Digital de Documents, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


    • Self-employed workers. Analysis from the Second Working Conditions Survey of Catalonia (2012)

      This project is an agreement with the General Division of Social and Cooperative Economy and Self-Employed Work of the Ministry for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia.

      The aim of this project is to study the relationships between self-employed workers and occupational risks. The first objective aims to explore possible relationships between different types of self-employed workers and their exposure’s level to occupational risks. A second objective aims to compare self-employed workers with employees. Main data have been provided by the Survey of Working Conditions in Catalonia. Data have been analyzed by SPAD software.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Employment and labour market transformations

      Start date: 03/09/2012

      Finish date: 31/01/2013

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Direcció General d’Economia Social i Cooperativa i Treball Autònom – Departament d’Empresa i Ocupacio, Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler

    • The importance of the social agreement for the promotion of industrial activity , employment and social cohesion

      The purpose of the study is to provide tools to facilitate the revitalization of the social agreement in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
      The two axes that guide the research are based on emphasizing the importance of industrial activity in the economic dynamics and on the premise that the agreement between the main social actors of a territory and government , is a need to conduct actions with guaranteed success.

      Start date: 25/03/2015

      Finish date: 24/07/2015

      Financing: Associació Pacte Industrial de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona

      Financing reference: CF612791

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

    • Corporate perceptions of recent graduates competencies

      The project involves conducting focus group of the study on “The perception of companies on the skills of new graduates ” .
      The specific objectives are:
      – to acquire a deep knowledge of competence profiles leading to an improvement of employability.
      – to analyze the factors that influence the level of recent graduate recruitment and the main difficulties for employers when hiring them .

      Start date: 23/03/2015

      Finish date: 31/10/2015

      Financing: Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU)

      Financing reference: CF612773

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Oriol Barranco, Oriol Alonso

    • Women and Labour Market in Barcelona

      The petition for this study on the situation of women and labour in the city of Barcelona is formulated under the framework of the Strategy against the Feminisation of Poverty and Precariousness (2016-2020) (SFPP) of Barcelona’s City Council, in its first line of action “Data and Information Systems”, inside the specific goal “Providing the City Council with an information system that allows to understand the phenomenon of the feminisation of poverty in a comprehensive and exhaustive manner”, together with the Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona (Barcelona’s Economic and Social Council), responsible for the elaboration of a report on the situation of the situation of women in Barcelona’s labour market.

      The main goal of the study is to show, by means of statistical data, the situation of women in relation to labour in Barcelona, from which to draw possible policy recommendations.

      Start date: 30/12/2016

      Finish date: 30/12/2017

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona

      Financing reference: Conveni 15420

      Responsable researcher: Sara Moreno

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Núria Sánchez Mira

  • All
    • Changes in domestic and care work: from gender specialization to dragging tasks?

      The objective of the research is to deepen the analysis of the trends of change in the distribution of domestic and care work from a gender perspective. Specifically, the following research question is formulated: What factors facilitate the egalitarian distribution of time dedicated to domestic tasks?

      We start from the theoretical discussion on the transformations in the uses of time between women and men; from research that evidences gender convergence as a slow and unequal process (Sullivan and Gershuny 2018); as well as from analyses that address specialization, complementarity and substitution in the sharing of tasks (Treas 2006; Lippe & Treas 2017).

      Taking these debates as a reference, the existence of a trend of change where the performance of certain tasks drags down the responsibility of others is hypothesized as a line of hypothesis. From this perspective, it is argued that task dragging decreases gender specialization in the performance of tasks and, therefore, favors complementarity between women and men with a more egalitarian pattern.

      In order to answer the questions formulated, it is proposed to carry out a factor analysis with the EET data (INE 2009-2010) to capture the chains of task shuffling and define the sociological profiles that carry them out.

      Start date: 01/06/2022
      End date: 30/05/2023
      Funding: Own resources
      Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
      Principal Investigator: Sara Moreno Colom
      Team: Vicent Borràs Català; María Cascales Mira

    • Collective bargaining facing challenges triggered by rising energy and commodity prices, high inflation and structural changes

      This study aims at analysing the ability and capacity of sectoral collective bargaining in some countries to adapt to ongoing structural changes (digital transformation, green transition and workforce aging) and particularly to the effects of high inflation rates and the energy crisis in wage negotiations.

      Start date: 10/11/2022
      Finish date: 15/03/2023
      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
      Reference: 2022/5980.2/14
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina

    • Dynamisation of the Working Group on Time Uses and Measures in the Work Field of the Advisory Board for Care.

      The object of this contract is the dynamisation of the working group on ‘Time Uses and Measures in the Work Field of the Advisory Board for Care, whose Technical Secretariat falls to the Institute of Women, with the support of the technical assistance of Tragsatec, as well as the drafting of the chapter that will be part of the future White Paper on the Care.

      Start date: 10/10/2022
      End date: 31/01/2023
      Funding: Tecnologías y Servicios Agrarios – TRAGSATEC
      Reference: Exp 0000084031
      Principal Investigator:
       Sara Moreno Colom


      Cuba is promoting a process of transformations called “updating the economic model” that constitute a strategic opportunity in terms of development because they address critical nodes of the economic model, but impose a set of social and labor challenges that will require a specific follow-up from social policy and public institutions. The United Nations System (UNS) in the country begins the implementation of its new Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development (2020-24) signed with the government of Cuba responding to national and local priorities in key development challenges that the UNS can accompany to implement in the country the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.COVID-19 adds unprecedented challenges in terms of policy response. To contain the spread of the virus and ensure the responsiveness of health and social care systems, governments face complicated public policy decisions in contexts of scarce resources, and labor markets with high levels of informality. While the context described above differs substantially from country to country, an effective policy response to COVID-19 must simultaneously: (1) defend health systems from collapse to minimize deaths from COVID-19 and other causes; (2) protect workers who lose income; (3) protect employment and productive activity; and (4) find sources to finance the additional fiscal spending required. Under these conditions, it is critical for governments to have analytical information to make public policy decisions and with this objective in mind, the present project produces a series of analytical reports to facilitate, in alliances with national and territorial actors, initiatives that contribute to socio-economic responses to covid-19 and the implementation of Social and Labor Observatories.

      Start date: 09/12/2020
      Finish date: 30/04/2021
      Financing: Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo- Cuba
      Grant agreement reference: 20-CUB-248
      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

    • Regional Gender Equality Measure in the EU – ReGEM. Jean Monnet Project

      Gender equality is a topic of growing relevance worldwide, but its measurement is mainly limited to national levels, even in the EU. During the last 20 years, several experiences tried to exploit gender equality at the sub-national (regional) level, but they were country-specific studies focusing on one or a few domains (e.g. education, health, labor market) and did not provide an overview of territorial disparities in gender equality.

      In this project, we propose a regionalization of the most comprehensive gender equality indicator, the Gender Equality Index (GEI) of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

      Start date: 01/11/2020

      End date: 30/03/2022

      Funding: EACEA – Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency -Jean Monnet Programme.

      Funding reference: 621261-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EP RE-GEM

      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán

    • Technical assistance on solidarity distribution mechanisms and protection against unemployment-Redistributive and solidarity-based social security systems.

      EUROsociAL+ is a European Union cooperation program whose overall objective is to contribute to increasing social cohesion in Latin America; its specific objective is to support national public policies on social issues, good governance and gender equality, with the aim of increasing the level of social cohesion and strengthening the institutions responsible for their implementation.

      Within the framework of this program, a study is being carried out on the experiences of minimum income schemes in Germany, Spain and Italy, and their articulation with active employment policies and unemployment protection systems in these countries.

      The objective is to know how the link between minimum income programs and employment services, in particular, and how the beneficiary population is served with measures that address the different dimensions of their vulnerability, in order to accompany them to reintegrate or improve their position in the labor market, is given in these countries.

      Start date: 08/04/2022

      End date: 07/04/2023

      Funding: EUROsociAL+ Program (Italian Latin American Institute (IILA))

      Official reference: Contract 131/SD/932/IILA/ES/022

      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán

      Research Team: Antonio Martín Artiles, Eduardo Chavez Molina

    • Impact of training at workplace level on youth’s pathway career. Proposals for improvement – IMFORTRA

      The aim is to study the formation “at” work place, its articulation with the National Qualifications Catalogue (NCC) and its influence on the career paths of young people. Training “at” employment is now a major in active employment policies aimed at the employment of young people driven by the policies of the European Union (European Commission, 2011) element. The Integrated Training for Employment (SIFE) distinguishes between training “at” the business and training “for” employment provided by the education system and vocational training. Both concepts are today trying to articulate to facilitate the recognition of skills and labour mobility in Europe, based on the importance of training as a key factor to obtain and maintain employment in the knowledge society (2020) .What are the differences in the career paths of young people who are trained in business and gain recognition of acquired skills and those who do not receive? What training contents are proposed and recognized? What can bring the experience of German dual training to Spanish case? To it he wants to answer this inquiry.

      Start date: 01/01/2016
      Finish date: 31/12/2018
      Financing: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. CSO2015-68134-R)
      Reference: CSO2015-68134-R
      Principal investigator: Antonio Martín Artiles, Andreu Lope Peña
      Research team: Pilar Carrasquer ,Oscar Molina, Daniel Barrientos, Benjamí Moles

      Reports and Publications:

      Barrientos, Daniel; Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar (2019). La FP dual y la transición de los jóvenes al mercado de trabajo: la visión de los agentes sociales. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 6, 75-94.

      Barrientos, Daniel; Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). Propuestas para mejorar y expandir la FP dual. Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB

      Barrientos , Daniel (2021). La FP dual y el fomento del empleo juvenil. Gaceta sindical. Reflexión y debate,36, 153-176

      Lope, Andreu (2019). Formación ante los cambios tecnológicos y hacia un nuevo modelo económico y social. Gaceta Sindical, 32, 303-324

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar; Moles, Benjamí; Barrientos, Daniel (2017):  Impacto de la formación en la empresa sobre las trayectorias laborales de los jóvenes.  Definición del marco conceptual. Reflexiones en torno al reto de la formación en la empresaQUIT Working paper series, 21.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí (2017): Adecuación y demanda de formación en la empresa. La inencontrable adecuación entre formación y ocupaciónAnuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales, vol. 4.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí (2018): Aprendiendo a trabajar: trayectorias y discursos. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 164, 115-134.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Oscar (2018): Transición, trayectorias y discursos. Análisis de grupos de discusión. QUIT Working paper series, 23.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí, LOPE, Andreu (2019). Política de formación dual: discursos con Alemania en el imaginarioPolítica y Sociedad, 56 (1), 145-167.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Carrasquer, Pilar; Molina, Óscar (2019). Aprendizaje basado en el trabajo: trayectorias laborales discontinuasCuadernos de Relaciones Laborales37(1), 203-229.

      Martín-Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí; Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). The rhetoric of Europeanisation of dual vocational education and training in Spain. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26 (1), 73-90.

    • Analysis of sociological and psychological variables as predictors of employability in the profiling of the Employment Services of Catalonia – PerfilaSP

      Profiling is a tool available to public employment services to optimise the allocation of job seekers to the different active employment programmes or services.

      Thus, the PerfilaSP project investigates how to improve the profiling processes currently applied in the Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC). Specifically, the objectives of our project are twofold. First, to analyse the ability of sociological and psychological variables, currently unobserved, to predict the employability of job seekers. Second, to study the causal effect of locus of control on job search intensity. To this end, two data production techniques will be implemented. On the one hand, we will administer a new questionnaire containing three sets of variables: personality traits, social networks and job expectations. On the other hand, we will conduct an online laboratory experiment to estimate the effect of locus of control on job search intensity.

      This project is funded by the Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya in the call for research grants EAPC 2020.

      Start date: 05/10/2021
      End date: 04/10/2022
      Funding: Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya
      Refererence: EAP002/21/000014
      Principal Investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Álvaro Fernández Junquera


      Fernández Junquera, Álvaro (2024). El diseño de los subsidios al empleo del Servei Públic d’Ocupació de Catalunya (2016-2018). En S. Pérez de Guzmán Padrón y M. Iglesias Onofrio (Coords.), Precariedades laborales y desigualdades de género en Iberoamérica (pp. 161-180). Dykinson.

    • Design, implementation, and impact evaluation of the measures funded by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia within the framework of the agreement established with the Fundación Cecot Innovació

      This research project develops a design, implementation, and impact evaluation of those actions related to the Reempresa programme and funded by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC). Reempresa is a programme driven by two private fundations: Fundación Cecot Innovació and Fundació Privada per a la Promoció de l’Autoocupació de Catalunya. In order to prevent the extintion of companies, it is aimed at organizing transparent marketplaces for the transfers of firms and offering brokering and assistance services to sale and purchase such companies. The evaluation employs a quantitative and qualitative methodology, in some sections for descriptive purposes and in others for causal inference objectives.

      Start date: 06/05/2021
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya (SOC)
      Reference: SOC-2021-335; SOC-2022-326
      Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Álvaro Fernández Junquera

    • A qualitative approach to sexual harassment in the world of work

      The aim of the study is to make a qualitative approach to sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace in order to learn about the perceptions, experiences and socially shared imaginaries that are part of this phenomenon.

      The starting point is the evidence that sexual harassment in the workplace is a relatively normal practice and the aim is to find its causes.

      Specifically, the aim is to analyze the sociocultural background that acts as a context and support for the existence and persistence of sexual and gender-based harassment beyond its quantification. In this sense, the specific objectives are to identify, describe and explain the social factors that make the phenomenon possible, as well as the elements of change and continuity that have occurred in recent years.

      Start date: 20/04/2021
      End date: 30/11/2021
      Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
      Reference: Exp. BE-2021-2444
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Research team: Vicent Borràs


      Moreno, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Jiménez Celemín, Carmen; [et al.]. L’assetjament sexual i per raó de sexe al món laboral : una aproximació qualitativa. 2021.

    • Support assessment of the Equality Law

      Collaboration with Ivalua for the evaluation of the Law 17/2015 for the effective equality of women and men.

      Start date: 30/03/2021
      End date: 31/12/2021
      Funding: Institut Català d’Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques
      Reference: 7055-2021-36
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno

    • Dynamisation of a forum of expert people from the project “Towards a new public care system in the community” and drafting a report of recommendations for improving

      The Equality and Sustainability Area of the Barcelona Provincial Counci has launched the project Towards a new public system of care in the community with the aim of strengthening local care services, especially home care and tele-aid.

      Within the framework of this project, the discussion sessions of the Expert Persons Forum have been stimulated, an analysis has been made of the socio-demographic reality of dependence, ageing and disability in the province of Barcelona and the drafting of a report of recommendations for improving the care system.

      Start date: 07/05/2021
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: Diputació de Barcelona, Àrea d’igualtat i Sostenibilitat Social
      Reference: Exp. 2022/14258
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Paula Arboix

    • Improving the employability of youth in the territory

      This study aims to redefine intervention proposals for the promotion of youth employment from different levels; firstly, by adapting training offers to the most emerging sectors that generate employment in each territory, as well as exploring training experiences beyond formal ones. Secondly, with the aim of making the offer of occupational training more attractive by incorporating competences linked to young people’s everyday concerns and practices, as well as encouraging the business sector at a territorial level to incorporate the training competences that these young people have. Finally,  by introducing the gender perspective in the male key, as the changes in the employment model in the context of crisis have affected mainly young men.

      Start date: 01/09/2017
      End date: 31/08/2018
      Funding: AGAUR- Agència Catalana de Joventud
      Grant agreement number: 2016AJOVE00018
      Principal Investigador: Vicent Borràs Català
      Research team: Sara Moreno Colom, Albert Trinidad, Núria Alcaraz

      Documents & Publications:

      Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Moreno, Sara; [et al.] (octubre 2018). La empleabilidad de l@s jóvenes : entre el perpetuo tránsito a ninguna parte y el oasis del tiempo libre [Presentación de paper]. VII Congreso Red Española de Políticas Sociales: “Políticas sociales ante horizontes de incertidumbre y desigualdad”, Zaragoza , España. < >

      Borràs, V., Moreno-Colom, S., Trinidad, A., & Alcaraz, N. (2018, septiembre). Millorant l’ocupabilitat de la joventut al territori – Informe de recerca. <>

      Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Alcaraz, Núria; Moreno-Colom, Sara (2021) The role of territory in the employability of young people. Journal of Education and Work, doi: 10.1080/13639080.2021.2018411

    • Study on “Proposals to minimize the gender negative impact of teleworking on the city council of Barcelona”

      The health emergency caused by Covid19 and the necessary confinement of the population to combat the pandemic has meant, from the point of view of work organization in the Barcelona City Council, a very important shift towards forced digitisation and the promotion of forms of working at distance.
      Before the crisis, teleworking was seen as an organisational form that improves the effectiveness of organisations and people’s quality of life. Numerous research has highlighted the advantages of teleworking in terms of productivity, quality of work, cost reduction, reduction of absenteeism, improvement of motivation, respect for the environment, among others. However, the current impetus for remote work has been an emergency response, logical in thess circumstances, and, as such, it has not been able to be planned with the necessary time and means.

      The aim of this study is therefore to provide with a proposal for actions to ensure the incorporation of the gender perspective into the city council’s teleworking system so that its implementation does not have a negative gender impact on women’s working conditions and opportunities.

      Start date: 10/08/2020
      En date: 31/12/2020
      Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 20002682
      Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
      Team: Vicent Borràs

    • Comparative exploration, in the European framework, of good practices for the promotion of women’s professional careers

      Employment of quality is a key factor in access to citizenship rights and a decisive area for achieving gender equality. Unfortunately, we are still far way from this equality, as the employment of women is still condtioned by horizontal and vertical segregation, precariousness, wage inequality or sexual harassment.
      In the current context of economic and social crisis arising from the health emergency of COVID-19, it is necessary that the economic recovery measures take account of the specific characteristics of women workers in low-skilled sectors.
      So, with the objective of designing and implementing different strategies for promoting women’s careers, the Directorate of Gender and Time of the Barcelona City Council has proposed us to carry out an initial exploration, in European perspective, of good practices in this area.

      Start date: 17/09/2020
      End date: 31/03/2021
      Funding: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 20002861
      Principal Investigador: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Raquel Serrano

    • Social dialogue in welfare services. Employment relations, labour market and social actors in the care services – SOWELL

      The European labour market in the welfare sector is becoming particularly relevant in terms of occupation, given that around 20% of the European workforce is nowadays employed in this sector, while it was around 15% at the end of the 1990s. Among the most dynamics fields there are the care services, specifically the socio-educational ones for children aged 0-5 and social and health services for elderly people. Care services have drawn increasing attention from European institutions also as a part of the “social investment” strategy because of their high capacity in relieving (especially female) workers from caring responsibilities, thereby mobilizing the “productive potential” of citizens.

      The dynamic growth of the care sector has triggered an unprecedented plurality in provision, including public, private for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, and individual caregivers. In such a complex network, the labour market has known a fragmentation in labour regulation within and across countries, entailing increasing inequalities and an overall deterioration in working conditions. Despite the relevance, these issues have attracted limited systematic research in the field of industrial relations and labour studies. Accordingly, the SOWELL project aims to examine the care services sector in an employment relations perspective, as a new arena for building solidarity and labour market coordination through social dialogue institutions in Europe. Therefore, the project focuses on working conditions, employment relations institutions, and social partners’ strategies in the arena of care services. On this purpose, a multilevel comparative perspective is adopted, linking the developments taking place at European level with those occurring at national level across different institutional and regulatory context – Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Spain.

      Start date: 01/07/2020
      End date: 31/12/2022
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Agreement number: VS/2020/0242
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez-Soler

      Project Website

    • Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories – DINAMOS

      DINAMOS is the acronym for Dynamics of Social Mobility in Spain, a coordinated project that is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R & D & I System and R + D + I oriented to the Challenges of the Society, 2019.

      As a coordinated project, it is made up of two subprojects:

      -DINAMOS1 (Reference PID2019-106548GB-C21): Intragenerational social mobility and segmented occupational trajectories, coordinated by the Centre for Sociological Studies on Daily Life and Work of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with Dr. ​​Pedro López-Roldan as main researcher.
      -DINAMOS2 (Reference PID2019-106548GA-C22): Intergenerational social mobility: education as an explanatory mechanism, coordinated by the Department of Sociology of the Pablo de Olavide University, with Dr. Sandra Fachelli as main researcher, and the collaboration of researchers from the University of La Laguna and the University of Seville.

      The scientific project is intended to investigate the dynamics of social change and transmission of social inequalities over time, both in terms of intragenerational social mobility and intergenerational social mobility, focused especially on the occupational and educational fields.

      Start date: 01/06/2020
      End date: 30/11/2023
      Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
      Official reference: PID2019-106548GB-C21
      Principal Investigator: Pedro López Roldán
      Team: Antonio Martín Artiles, Andreu Lope, Pilar Carrasquer; Carrasquer; Cristian Segura, José Zawadsky, Claudia Baeza


      Martín Artiles, Antonio (2023). ¿Representan los sindicatos a la clase trabajadora? Ideología y política en España (2002-2020). Sociología del Trabajo102, 37-52.

      Fachelli, Sandra; Jorrat, Jorge Raúl & López-Roldán, Pedro (2021). Movilidad de clase intergeneracional sobre cohortes de nacimiento en Argentina y España. Revista Española De Sociología, 30(3), a59.

      Project website

    • Teleworking control during the covid-19

      The main purpose of the research was to identify the teleworking control mechanisms implemented by organizations as a result of confinement measures to face with Covid-19 in Spain through the launch of an online survey.
      The results point out to a lack of time-register control mechanisms in opposition of the majority use of productivity monitoring through objective achievement and performance evaluation. This combination can lead to an intensification of the pace of work and/or an extension of working time.

      Start date: 01/04/2020
      End date: 10/05/2020
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Alba Molina

      Media Presence

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 13). Sense dret a desconnectar? El teletreball en temps de covid-19. Revista Treball.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 14). Sin derecho a desconectar. El control del teletrabajo en tiempos del covid-19. Revista El Siglo.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A. (2020, May, 18). «El trabajo no era esto», avisan los expertos. La Vanguardia.

      Molina, O.; Godino, A.; Molina, A.(2020, May, 20). Sin derecho a desconectar. El control del teletrabajo en tiempos de covid-19. Agenda Pública de El País.

      López Villodres, M.(2020, May, 20). Dos meses de teletrabajo: los expertos dicen qué se debe mejorar si se implanta para siempre. Uppers.

      Foncuberta, E. (2020, May, 28). El teletrabajo resucita el debate de la desconexión digital. Byzness de El Periódico.

      G. Barnés, H. (2020, June, 28). ¿Vivir en Madrid y cobrar más o teletrabajar por menos? El covid abre la puerta al reajuste El Confidencial.

    • Gender impact of teleworking and lockdown routines: beyond the obvious – IGETECO

      IGETECO project analyses the gender impact of teleworking and lockdown routines in the context of the Covid19 pandemic. The main objective is to study how the obligation of work at home, together with the closure of schools and the impossibility of outsourcing part of the domestic and care tasks, influence gender relations. To this end, a case study on Barcelona City Council staff will be carry out using a mixed methodological strategy.
      As a result, the empirical evidence will allow to provide with the characteristics and conditions that teleworking should fulfill to be a favourable option for effective equal opportunities between men and women

      Start date: 01/07/2020
      End date: 30/06/2021
      Funding: Banco Santander – Fondo Supera Covid-19
      Reference: SUPERACOVID19_2.2.IGETECO
      Principal Investigator: Sara Moreno
      Research team: Vicent Borràs, Sergio Porcel (ERMB), Irene Cruz (IERMB), Paula Arboix, Mireia Riera


      Borràs Català, Vicent & Moreno Colom, Sara (2021). La crisis de la covid-19 y su impacto en los trabajos: ¿Una oportunidad perdida?. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 187-209.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borras Catala, Vicent; Cruz Gomez, Irene & Porcel López, Sergi (2023). La experiencia del trabajo a distancia durante el confinamiento en Cataluña: Una aproximación desde la perspectiva de género. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), (183), 77-100.

      Moreno Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Que teletreballin ells. Aprenentatges de pandèmia més enllà de les obvietats. MRA Ediciones.

      Moreno Colom, Sara; Borràs Vicent; Arboix, Paula & Riera, Mireia (2023) Desmontando el mito del teletrabajo desde la perspectiva de género: experiències y expectativas durante la pandèmia. Cuaderno de Relaciones Laborales 41, 1 pp 95-117

      Moreno Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Que teletrabajen ellos. Aprendizajes de la pandemia más allá de lo obvio. MRA Ediciones.

      Moreno, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Arboix Caldentey, Paula; Riera, Mireia (2021). Recull de propostes per minimitzar l’impacte negatiu de gènere del sistema de teletreball a l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Arboix, Paula; Riera, Mireia (2021). Impacto de género del teletrabajo durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Una propuesta de modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 27.

      Moreno, Sara (2021). Impacto de género del teletrabajo : experiencias del confinamiento y recomendaciones para una futura regulación (Policy Brief IGETECO). Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

      Media presence:

      Moreno, S. (2022, February 14). El teletreball té un rostre clarament de gènere. Catalunya Plural.

      Moreno, S. (2021, December 13). Teletreball: una eina injusta per a les dones. Diari Ara.

      Moreno, S. (2021, November, 21). Les dones i el teletreball: un parany per a la conciliació.[Podcast audio] En Catalunya Migdia. Catalunya Ràdio. 

      Moreno, S; Borràs, V. (2021, November, 11). El confinament ens ha fet pensar que el teletreball és un dret laboral. Realment, qui el decideix és l’empresari, no el treballador [Episodi de podcast d’àudio] En El Matí. Ràdio Estel. 

      Moreno, S; Borràs, V. (2021, November, 5). Les dones, les grans perdedores del teletreball. [Vídeo]. 3alacarta.

      Moreno, S. (2021, August 18). Qualsevol crisi és una excusa per retrocedir en la igualtat. El Punt Avui. igualtat.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=xarxes&utm_campaign=xarxes

      Moreno, S. (2021, August 5). Teletreball i tasques domèstiques en el confinament: una oportunitat perduda per a la responsabilitat compartida a la llar. Cerdanyola Info.

      Moreno, S. (2021, July 23). El teletreball ha agreujat les desigualtats de gènere [Podcast audio ] En La Ciutat. Onda Cero.

      Moreno, S. (2021, June 10). El teletreball afavoreix la conciliació o la discriminació de gènere? [Podcast audio] A L’ofici d’educar (El suplement). Catalunya Ràdio.

      Dissemination activities:

      Presentation of study IGETECO:

      UABDivulga Article

    • Changes in the uses of time and the transformation of everyday habits

      The objective is to identify, describe and explain the main trends of change in the use and distribution of time in order to analyse the possible implications on everyday habits from a gender perspective. From a mixed methodological strategy, the aim is to detect the trends of change in the time dedicated to domestic and care work, as well as their impact on health, food and consumption. The results obtained should allow to point out lines for future action against an increase of discomfort daily life and social inequalities.

      Start date: 10/07/2019
      Finish date: 31/10/2020
      Fundin: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa
      Reference: 17583
      Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
      Team: Sara Moreno


      Moreno, Sara; Borràs, Vicent (2020): Els canvis en els usos del temps i la transformació dels hàbits quotidians. Resum executiu. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

      Moreno-Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Menos tiempo de cocina, más tiempo de consumo: ¿más igualdad de género?. Revista de economía crítica, 31, 121-138.

      In the Media

    • Enhancing social partners’ and social dialogue capacity in the new world of work

      Building on earlier collaboration between the ILO and the EC in the field of Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue, this project takes a longer term view and will look at challenges and opportunities facing social partners as a result of major trends affecting the world of work across the EU.

      It aims to strengthen social partners knowledge on the issues related to the changing world of work and facilitate mutual learning between social partners. This project will also take into account social partners’ involvement and priorities as part of the European economic governance processes and in the context of the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

      Start date: 30/05/2019
      Finish date: 30/05/2020
      Financing: European Commission – International Labour Organisation
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina

    • Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of Eurofound Correspondents

      As the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, together with ISTAS, QUIT provide inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas.

      National correspondents also report regularly on developments in working life and restructuring, allowing Eurofound to add and update information in EurWORK and the EMCC.

      Start date: 21/03/2018

      Finish date: 22/03/2022

      Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Coordinator: Oscar Molina

      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez

      Web: EUROFOUND

      Contribution to Eurofound reports

    • Networked coordination of industrial relations – NETWIR

      The analysis of collective bargaining coordination has attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers since the early 1990s, but has witnessed a renaissance more recently. Originally, ‘coordination’ was presented as a dimension of collective bargaining that was considered an alternative to ‘centralization’, as it focused on processes rather than structures. However, the reality was that all coordination indexes and scores have tended to reflect structural characteristics of collective bargaining, and have provided very little insights on the processes and relational aspects underpinning coordination.

      Despite growing research on the comparative analysis of collective bargaining coordination and its impact, we still lack deeper knowledge about: the mechanisms sustaining coordination; how information flows between actors in the collective bargaining structure; the exact role played by different organisations / actors; the way in which actors and the different levels of the collective bargaining structure are articulated, including the national and trans-national. Against this background, the NETWIR project aims to shed light on actual mechanisms that industrial relations actors deploy to solve coordination problems by applying a new methodology to the field of industrial relations and in particular, to the analysis of collective bargaining coordination, the Social Network Analysis.

      Start date: 01/02/2018
      Finish date: 30/07/2020
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: VS/2018/0023
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Víctor Arroyo

      Project Website: NETWIR

      Project results available in DDD collection


      Molina Romo, Óscar & Guardiancich, Igor. (2017). Organising and representing hard-to-organise workers : Implications for Turkey. Geneve: International Labour Organization

      Molina Romo, Óscar & Godino, Alejandro (2020). Industrial relations in deep water : the Spanish public sector during the crisis. In: Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. Brussels: ETUI.

      Rodriguez Contreras, Ricardo; Molina Romo, Óscar; Leonardi, Salvo; [et al.]. (2022). Moving with the times: emerging practices and provisions in collective bargaining. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union.

      Godino, Alejandro; Molina, Oscar, & Martí, Joel. (2023). Coffee and cigarettes in industrial relations: A comparative network analysis of the role of informality. Journal of Industrial Relations65(5), 663-685.

    • European, national and Transnational Industrial Relations: Visible and Invisible Hands in European and National Wage Settings – ENTIRE VIEW

      This project, coordinated by Prof. Bernd Brand al the Durham University Business School, is funded by the European Commission to investigate and analyse the reasons for differences in wage developments within the European Union (EU) member states. This project will analyse if and how industrial relations structures and mechanisms can cope with changes to the socioeconomic environment and in particular with policies derived from the European Semester and the Economic and Monetary Union, but also with the goals defined in the Europe 2020 strategy.

      The project aims to identify and map potential clusters of countries with similar wage developments and similar characteristics of the industrial relations system (with a focus on the governability of wage developments).
      It will also identify how deep industrial relations actors in the European Union are ‘interconnected’ with each other and what networks exist (i.e. sector or country).
      The investigation will also highlight which industrial relations structures and mechanisms in what country (or group of countries) are able to coordinate their behaviour and outcomes transnationally in order to meet transnational (defined) policy goals and thus are compatible with European policies which arise from the European Semester but also from a common currency.

      Start date: 01/03/2018
      Finish date: 31/01/2021
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Reference: VS/2018/0017
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

    • Break up to get back together. The impact of unionisation through innovative service provision on union membership and industrial relations – BREAKBACK

      The Project focuses on “service provision” as a strategy through which unions aim to enhance their membership, “revitalize” action and relaunch the role of an inclusive and innovative social dialogue, by reaching groups and individuals who are often excluded from protection. We refer to employees commonly identified as “vulnerable” (non-standard employment, digital workers, etc.). BreakBack will deal with selfemployed workers, the I-pros and freelancers. As the title of the project suggests, it may be necessary to “break up” some rigidity in the protection of work as a way to strengthen personalized support instruments. However, these forms of protection cannot fail to “get back” to the collective solidarity that is a crucial point of industrial relations and union history. Service provision is one of the possible forms that unions undertake to achieve inclusive labour markets,against the backdrop of deregulation and welfare retrenchment. In particular, services the project will focus on are addressed to people who need support or protection: young people seeking first job; unemployed who need income support, training or other basic services; dependent workers who need access to insurance and assistance; self-employed who need tax advices; migrants who need assistance; disabled persons or elderly people who need access to services; etc. The growing emphasis put by unions on direct provision of services may facilitate social innovation, which means developing new services and delivery models to better address social issues. The purpose of BreakBack is to assess how unions respond to individualisation and to evaluate the impact of service provision on membership. The hypothesis is that in the attempt to reach workers whose interests are fragmented and which are less keen on becoming union members, unionists are widely experimenting a “customerisation” of their offer. Understanding how this process can coexist with the core values of the unionism is our main aim.

      Start date: 01/03/2019
      Finish date: 31/08/2021
      Funding: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
      Grant Agreement nr: VS/2019/0079
      Principal investigator: Oscar Molina
      Team: Alejandro Godino

      Project web

    • Labour market integration of asylum seekers and refugees in main EU destination countries

      Migration is one of the focus topics of European policies and a crucial issue for trade unions, as well. The refugee flow that reached Europe unprepared in 2015/2016 needs further supporting policies. Individual member states are affected by the different flows and types of migration. This project coordinated by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) focus on the main receiving countries of asylum seekers in the EU15 (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Spain and the Netherlands), analyzing major policies regarding the access to welfare services and access to employment. The aim of the project will be an ETUI book publication on the labour market integration of refugees.

      Start date: 01/02/2019
      Finish date: 01/02/2020
      Principal investigator: Alejandro Godino
      Research team: Daniel Barrientos


      Godino, Alejandro & Barrientos, Daniel (2024). Gobernanza y obstáculos en la acogida e integración sociolaboral de solicitantes de asilo en España. Oñati Socio-Legal Series , 14 (4), 1177-1205.

      Godino, Alejandro; Barrientos Sánchez, Daniel (2021): Permitted to work but lacking opportunities to integrate – asylum seekers and refugees on the mezzanine in Spain. In: Betwixt and between: Integrating refugees into the EU labour market. p. 219-245. Brussels: ETUI.

    • Working conditions and collective representation in digital platforms. Future challenges

      This study aims to analyze the effects of digital platforms on working conditions and forms of collective representation, both at union and professional level.

      Start date: 09/03/2019
      Finish date: 08/03/2020
      Financing: Comissions Obreres de Catalunya
      Reference: 17324
      Principal investigator: Antonio Martín Artiles
      Research team: Albert Pastor, Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino, Jessica Romero


      Martín Artiles, Antonio (2021). Digitalización del trabajo: proto sindicalismo y cuasi-unionismo post-pandémico. Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 7, 9-32.

      Martín Artiles, Antonio (dir.); Pastor, Albert; Molina, Óscar ; Godino, Alejandro; Romero, Jessica (2020).  Plataformas digitales, condiciones de trabajo y representación colectiva, retos de futuro. CCOO.

    • Understanding the waste pickers of Catalonia: contributions and deficits of an informal economy

      In Catalonia, we can distinguish a formal waste management sector, managed mostly by municipalities and other public administrations, while simultaneously observing a parallel informal waste management sector of “Waste Pickers,” acting both within and outside the formal sector.
      The primary hypothesis of this work is that the informal sector is contributing and improving public policy goals regarding waste diversion and material recovery, while at the same time receiving no recognition for their labor and bearing numerous inequities and injustices. In this sense, the objective of the study is to identify the contributions and deficits of the informal waste sector towards the general waste system through an environmental justice lens.
      Phase one of this project includes a case-study with informal recyclers in the city of Granollers (Catalonia), which includes questionnaires, in-depth interviews, observational participation, and analysis. Phase two branches out to the rest of Catalonia with extensive interviews and analysis to determine the waste pickers’ overall impacts and contributions to the formal waste management sector.

      Start date: 25/09/2018
      Finish date: 28/09/2019
      Financing: ECOEMBES
      Reference: 16881
      Principal investigator: Josep Espluga
      Team: Michael Rendon, Julián Porras, Astou Toure


      Rendon, Michael; Espluga-Trenc, Josep & Verd, Joan Miquel (2021). Assessing the functional relationship between the formal and informal waste systems: A case-study in Catalonia (Spain). Waste Management, 131, 483–490.

    • The sticky floor of women in the city of Barcelona

      The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the analysis of this phenomenon, which determines the everyday experience of many women, in order to improve possible actions on this matter, from the public administration, as well as in everything that competes with the social partners. This is an exploratory study that focuses on four economic subsectors: industrial cleaning, hotel and catering and home care services. They are four subsectors, characterized by its feminization, which represent activities relevant to the economic fabric of the city and to the sustainability of life in the city as well.

      Start date: 29/06/2018
      Finish date: 28/06/2019
      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona
      Reference: 16846
      Principal investigator: Pilar Carrasquer
      Team: Mariana do Amaral

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Do Amaral Pinto, Mariana. El terra enganxós de les dones a la ciutat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, 2019

    • The role of active employment policies in the development and mobilization of the social capital of young people with vulnerable work paths

      The project analyses the impact of youth employment policies, and in particular the active employment policies (AEPs), in the labour trajectories of the most disadvantaged young people, from the point of view of the improvement of its social capital.

      The main goal of the research is to deepen the relational dimension of the group of young people with vulnerable work trajectories, especially with regard to the social capital that can favour greater success in the job search. In this sense, it also aims to study the role that AEPs, through public employment services, have in the development and mobilization of this social capital. From this point of view, in addition to deepen the knowledge of the issue, the project aims to generate innovative intervention guidelines that take into account the relational dimension of people so as to improve their labour situation.

      Start date: 01/04/2019
      Finish date: 31/05/2020
      Financing: Agència Catalana de Joventut , Generalitat de Catalunya
      Reference: 2018AJOVE00006
      Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd
      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler, Víctor Arroyo


      Rodríguez-Soler, Joan & Verd, Joan Miquel (2023). Informal social capital building in local employment services: Its role in the labour market integration of disadvantaged young people. Social Policy & Administration, 1–21.

      Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel; Rodríguez, Joan; Arroyo, Víctor; [et al.]. El paper de les polítiques actives d’ocupació en el desenvolupament i mobilització del capital social de joves amb trajectòries laborals vulnerables. 2020

    • The Social Dimension of Entrepreneurship

      Startups have emerged as a promising avenue for the creation of jobs and economic growth, empowered by various kinds of support available to entrepreneurs to help them develop their businesses. Nevertheless, success remains confined to a few, and building a successful startup requires access to a wide array of resources, among them financial capital, information, knowledge and extended social networks with key people. It is challenging for most entrepreneurs to simultaneously secure these resources and develop the skills required to build reputation and networks, work as a team, with investors, partners and clients, and to push their ideas forward to create successful startups.

      Launched in May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain, this project looks at the production and evaluation of value during the early stage of startup creation. With this aim, we examine how people cooperate in creating businesses and how the latter are evaluated in relation to the market at the micro-sociological level of everyday interactions. This project is, therefore, an invitation to look beyond the common view of the entrepreneur as a lone runner to investigate the role of multiple stakeholders at different stages of the creation process, the evolution of their cooperation networks, what kinds of problems and challenges they face, and how their practices contribute to shaping the culture of entrepreneurship.

      The project is led by Guillaume Dumont and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Juan de la Cierva program, a highly competitive funding program for talented early career researchers. The project is hosted by the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) of the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

      Start date: 01/06/2017

      Finish date: 01/06/2019

      Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

      Responsable researcher: Guillaume Dumont

    • Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs – WALQING

      In order to explore the linkages between ‘new jobs’, conditions of work and employment in these jobs and more or less favourable outcomes for employees’ quality of work and life, WALQING combines data analysis on the chief European data sources, in-depth comparative investigation of stakeholder policies, organisational arrangements and strategies, and the perspectives and agency of individuals in ‘new jobs’. WALQING involves interest organisations and other stakeholders from an early point in time by focusing on existing policies and arenas and gaps in these policies and taking an action-research perspective.
      Its aims are:

      1. to identify expanding economic activities in Europe with problematic configurations in terms of low wages, precarious employment and lack of social integration;
      2. to investigate existing social partner and other stakeholder policies seeking to improve conditions in these industries and involve stakeholders in the assessment of both problematic and favourable practices;
      3. to analyse possible relations between various ways of organising new types of work in terms of contractual arrangements, working hours, etc., and the impact on the quality of work and life, as well as the conditions of configurations that are favourable and sustainable on both the organisational and the individual level;
      4. to bring together institutionalist, organisational and action-research perspectives in order to transfer examples of good practice beyond their national context and to explore the limitations of such transfers;
      5. from these analyses, to identify gaps in stakeholder, national and European policy that may contribute to locking organisations and individuals in patterns of low-wage and poor job quality and investigate the possibilities to transfer examples of organisational strategies that support higher-quality paths.

      Start date: 01/12/2009

      Finish date: 01/11/2012

      Financing: European Commission (7 PM – Agreement SSH-CT-2009-244597)

      Responsable researcher: Albert Recio

      Team: Fausto Miguélez, Sara Moreno, Josep Maria Antentas, Alejandro Godino, Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

      Documents and publications:

      Recio, Albert/GodinoAlejandro (2011): Trabajadores invisibles: la calidad del empleo en el sector de limpieza de edificios y locales en España walqing social partnership series 2011.17, A report for WP5 of the WALQING project, SSH-CT-2009-244597, Barcelona, November 2011

      MORENO, Sara; GODINO, Alejandro; RECIO, Albert (2014): “Servicios externalizados y condiciones laborales: De la competencia de precios a la presión de los tiempos de trabajo”. Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 81, pp. 50-67.

      RECIO, Albert; MORENO, Sara; GODINO, Alejandro (2015): “Out Of Sight: dimensions of working time in gendered occupations”, en U. Holtgrewe, V. Kirov, M. Ramioul (eds.) Hard Work in New Jobs. The quality of work and life in European growth sectors. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 189-207

    • Sustainable, social, and local development with employment generation

      This research project proposes an alternative hypothesis to local development that will be characterized by an economic process taking into account the new social and ecological needs, which have to be considered in the welfare of our communities. These new needs will create, at the same time, employment qualified as “good employment”. According to the hypothesis the required condition of this development is the presence of the administration, the companies and the community.
      The research plan is to verify this hypothesis in some cities inside a big metropolitan area with these concrete objectives:
      a) to analyse the discourses and attitudes of social agents in order to detect to which extent the alternative is present or not in the community,
      b) to study the whole process of local development with special attention to the proposed objectives and programms and to the involvement of the community,
      c) to take in consideration particularly some current policies related to the fields we have called new social and ecological needs,
      d) to detect strong and weak features, obstacles and opportunities which appear in the process, from the point of view of the appointed alternative.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2008


      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Antonio Martín, Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Andreu Lope, Ramon de Alòs-Moner, Pilar Carrasquer, Pedro, López, Vicent Borràs, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Tomás García

      Documents and publications:

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio ; CARRASQUER i OTO, Pilar ; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Joan ; MOLINA ROMO, Óscar (2010): “Governança local i política d’innovació”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, Núm. 25, pp. 7-26.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; CARRASQUER, Pilar; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan (2010): “El actor social en las políticas de desarrollo local y de innovación tecnológica”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº 68, pp. 51-80.

      TORNS, Teresa; CASTELLÓ, Laia; RECIO, Carolina (2009): “El desarrollo local y el bienestar de la ciudadanía: ¿una relación necesaria?”. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones (RIO), Nº 3, pp. 111-129.

    • Working time in the collective bargaining and its social effects

      The aim of this project is to study through collective agreements the reorganization of working time and its effects on everyday life.
      Our hypothesis is that reorganization of working time endures and reinforces a greatest centrality and structuration of power on the working time compared to the social times. This new and higher centrality on the working time difficults the implementation of policies aimed at making compatible the everyday with the working life.

      Start date: 01/12/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia- Secretaría de Estado de Política Científica y Tecnológica (SEC2001-2543)

      Financing reference: SEC2001-2543

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Lobo

      Team: Antonio Martín, Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Andreu Lope, Ramon de Alòs-Moner, Pilar Carrasquer, Pedro López, Vicent Borràs, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí

      Documents and publications:

      Borràs, Vicent; Torns, Teresa; Moreno, Sara (2007): “Las políticas de conciliación: políticas laborales versus políticas de tiempo”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 83-96.

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Massó, Matilde; Martín, Antonio (2008): “Discursos y estrategias en torno a la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar en la negociación colectiva”. Revista Universitaria de Ciencias del Trabajo – Relaciones Laborales, Formación y Fiscalidad, 6/2008 , pp. 266-286.

      Carrasquer, Pilar; Massó, Matilde; Martín Artiles, Antonio (2007): “Discursos y estrategias en torno a la conciliación laboral y familiar en la negociación colectiva”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 13-36.

      Gibert, Francesc; Lope, Andreu; Alós, Ramon de (2007): “Las organizaciones empresariales y las empresas ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 57-82.

      López, Pedro; Lozares, Carlos (2007): “La conciliación entre las exigencias del ámbito productivo y las condiciones sociofamiliares: estudio de caso de una empresa”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 123-144.

      Lozares, Carlos (2007): “La unidad de análisis, sus agentes y contextos y los modos de interacción en los procesos de trabajo: un estudio de caso”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 97-122.

      Lozares, C., Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., Massó, M. y Moreno S. (2013): “La complejidad y opacidad de las tareas auxiliares en los procesos de trabajo: un análisis etnográfico comparado en dos servicios hospitalarios”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales. Vol. 31, núm. 1, p. 221-242.

      Massó, Matilde ; Lozares, Carlos (2012): “Un analisis de gestión de las competencias en el trabajo: el caso de los mandos intermedios de una factoría de carrocería y montaje de automóviles”. Cuadernos de relaciones laborales., Vol. 30 Núm. 1 , pp. 211-233.

      Miguélez, Fausto; Antentas, Josep Maria; Barranco, Oriol; Muntanyola, Dafne (2007): “Los sindicatos ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 37-56.

      Verd, Joan Miquel; Barranco, Oriol; Moreno, Sara (2007): “El análisis de los procesos de trabajo mediante métodos etnográficos: el caso del trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 145-168.

      Verd, Joan Miquel; Massó, Matilde (2007): “Las competencias y el trabajo invisible en el trabajo administrativo de consultas externas hospitalarias”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 83, p. 169-189.

      Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., & Lozares, C. (2021). Blending the Focused Ethnographic Method and Case Study Research: Implications Regarding Case Selection and Generalization of Results. Field Methods, 33(1), 25–41.

    • A research about the “double female presence”: a bet for bring into line working

      The objective of this project is to analyze the access and the stay of women in the labor market in Spain from the point of view of the “double female presence”. That is to say, considering that the presence of the women life (productive domain) happens with their presence in the domestic-familiar area (reproductive domain) simultaneously. In that sense, the double female presence supposes a “double commitment cost” for women, that results in theier possibilities of promotion in their professional career; On the other hand, the double female hides a great potential as it supposes the development of new and valuable social capabilities understood as activities management, mediation and so on.

      Start date: 01/12/2000

      Finish date: 01/11/2003

      Financing: Instituto de la Mujer- Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales

      Grant agreement number: Exp nº 37/00

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Vicent Borràs, Clara Roca


      Torns, Teresa; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Borràs Català, Vicent; [et al.]. El estudio de la doble presencia : una apuesta por la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar. 2002.

    • The involvement of work sharing on employment and everyday life

      This research focus on work sharing. This core idea divides in three goals. The first one is to study proposals on job sharing. The second one raises the redistribution of “total work charge” (employment and housework) and more generally the distribution of “life times”. Finally the third one poses the question of symbolic representations.
      The originality of the project is to undertake work sharing from the everyday life approach.

      Start date: 01/09/1998

      Finish date: 01/09/2001

      Financing: DGICYT-Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SEC98-0570)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez Lobo (coord.), Teresa Torns (coord)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Andreu Lope, Antonio Martín, Vicent Borràs, Pilar Carrasquer, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Josep Maria Antentas, Mònica Nadal, Lluís Sáez, Albert Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Rsearch report (resumen): El tiempo y las actividades del trabajo productivo.

    • Training and employment

      The objective of this investigation is to analyze the relationship between training and employment, questioning the affirmation that more training is equivalent to more and better employment.
      The social representation of training as a strong factor in obtaining a job is today very much extended among workers, employers and among people in general and is also assumed by the Administration and the Unions. This research intends to examine critically this social representation.

      Start date: 01/06/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1997

      Financing: DGICYT- Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (PB93-0832)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio Martín, Óscar Rebollo, Clara Llorens, Joel martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Enric Sanchis (Universitat de València)

      Documents and publications: 

      Lope, A., López P., Lozares, C., Martín, A.,Miguélez, F., Llorens, C., Martí, J., Verd, J.M., (2000), ¿Sirve la formación para el empleo?. Madrid, Consejo Económico y Social

    • Industrial relations in processes of political transition. Comparative Study of models: Argentina, Spain

      The aim of this comparative study is to produce a bibliographic approach to labour relations in the transition periods from authoritarian régimes to pluralistic democracies. The Spanish transition and its process of consolidation constitute today a model for numerous countries.
      It is of supreme interest to compare the cases of Argentina, Cuba, Mexico and Spain in order to observe the similarities and common general principles which allow us to outline some theoretical elements concerning these transitions. There is a lack of such comparative studies.
      The models of industrial relations are a result of a complex interaction of diverse cultural, social, political and economic factors at a precise moment in history. However, specialized literature of régime transitions has barely shown any interest in these aspects. In general these studies have preferably paid attention to the political framework and, on a second plane, to the economic one. this has contributed to global perspectives of comprehension of the changes, but it still leaves other crucial questions about industrial relations unexplained.
      The research wants to answer these questions, regarding the influence of pressure by labour and business organizations and public powers in the configuration of the industrial relation model.

      Start date: 01/11/1993

      Finish date: 01/03/1996

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia- Subdirección General de Cooperación Internacional

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Antonio Martín, J. Carlos Torre (Instituto Torcuato di Tella-Buenos Aires. Universidad de San Diego-California.)

    • Socio-labour profile of female unemployment in Spain

      The female unemployment is one of the trends that characterise the labour market in Spain in the last few years. The main reasons that explain this phenomenon have its roots in the interaction between female productive adn reproductive labour processes.
      This study intends to analyse female unemployment and to determine their types in accordance with the women’s participation to this kind of processes. The major interest of this research is to contrinute to the policies in the field of female employment.

      Start date: 01/07/1993

      Finish date: 30/09/1994

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales – Instituto de la Mujer

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Alfonso Romero

      Documents and publications:

      Carrasquer P., Romero A., Torns T., “Perfil sociolaboral del paro femenino en España“, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de la Mujer, Madrid, 1995

    • Transformations into work and social welfare

      The objective of this study is to analyse some of the most relevant changes that are taking place in our country with regard to work.

      Start date: 01/12/1990

      Finish date: 01/03/1994

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia-Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (PB89-0317)

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez (coord.)

      Team: Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Antonio Martín, Óscar Rebollo, Xavier Coller, Màrius Domínguez, Alfonso Romero, Vicent Borràs, Immaculada Pastor, Elisabet Tejero

      Documents and publications: 

      Monogràfic Revista PAPERS, nº 55 (1998):

    • Techonological innovation and changes in labour management

      In order to cary out the project we have decided to do an exhaustive compilation of the bibliographical material, documents and statistics published to date. After choosing those aspects which we considered most interesting, we have made a further selection -after debate- of the ones that allow us to create a theoretical framework around the themes of our area of interest: relationship between technological innovation and changes in the labour management.

      Start date: 01/10/1990

      Finish date: 01/10/1991

      Financing: CIRIT (Comissió Interdepartamental de Recerca i Innovació Tecnològica)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Adela Ros Hijar


      Lope Peña, Andreu; Martin, Antonio; Torns, Teresa; Coller, Xavier (1994): Innovació tecnològica : ocupació, gestió de la mà d’obra i canvis organitzatius a les empreses. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill

    • Meeting the challenges of economic uncertainty and sustainability through employment, industrial relations, social and environmental policies in European countries – GUSTO

      The purpose of this project is to explore the various modes of both policies and the systems of governance that are emerging in different parts of Europe to cope with uncertainty while seeking security, and to appraise their relative success.
      Specific attention is given to the changing relationships among employment, social and industrial relations policies and practices in a comparative European perspective, and on their sustainability. This becomes most apparent when we consider both social uncertainties and the environment as related to problems of externality and public and collective goods provision, and when polices and practices in these areas need to be related to the forms of economic growth on which they are likely to be dependent.

      Start date: 01/03/2009

      Finish date: 01/02/2012

      Financing: European Commission (7 PM – SSH-CT-2009-225301)

      Reference of financing: SSH-CT-2009-225301

      Responsable researcher: Colin Crouch & Antonio Martín

      Team: Óscar Molina, Mariona Lozano

      Documents and publications:

      LOZANO, Mariona; MEARDI, Guglielmo; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio (2015): “International Recruitment of Health Workers: British Lessons for Europe? Emerging Concerns and Future Research Recommendations”. International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 45(2), 306–319. (DOI: 10.1177/0020731414568510).

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2014): “Public opinion, immigration and welfare in the context of uncertainty”. Transfer:European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 20(1) 53–68 (DOI: 10.1177/1024258913515368).

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar (2014): “¿Por qué los afiliados sindicales tienen actitudes diferentes hacia la inmigración?”. Migraciones Internaciones, 7(3), pp. 99-131.

      MADSEN, Per Kongshøj; MOLINA, Oscar.; MOLLER, Jesper.; LOZANO, Mariona (2013): “Labour Market Transitions of Young Workers in Nordic and Southern European Countries: The Role of Flexicurity”. Transfer: european Review of Labour and Research, 19(3), 325-343.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2013): “Actitudes hacia la inmigración y compromiso igualitario en Europa”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 50, Núm. 2, pp. 629-656.

      MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MEARDI, Guglielmo (2013): “Incertidumbre socio-económica y actitudes hacia la inmigración en Europa”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 31, núm. 1, pp. 167-194.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio ; MOLINA, Oscar (2011): “Crisis, economic uncertainty and union members attitudes towards inmigration in Europe”. European Review of Labour and Research, Núm. 17 , pp. 453-470.

      MEARDI, Guglielmo; MARTIN, Antonio; LOZANO RIERA, Mariona (2012): “Constructing Uncertainty: Unions and Migrant Labour in Construction in Spain and the UK”. Journal of Industrial Relations, 54 (1), pp. 5-21 (DOI:10.1177/0022185611432388).

    • Meta-analysis of Gender and Science Research

      Meta-analysis of gender and science research is a project of the 7th RTD Framework Programme of the European Union (contract nr.: RTD-PP-L4-2007-1), led by Maria Caprile at the CIREM Foundation.

      The project includes more than 50 experts in the field of gender and science from all the EU member states and the countries associated to the 7th Framework Programme.

      The aim of the project is a meta-analysis of research produced in the last 25 years on gender research, covering horizontal and vertical segregation in the EU and the states associated to the Seventh Framework Programme.

      So, the specific objectives are to:

      1. Provide an exhaustive overview and analysis of all research carried out on gender and science at European, national, and regional levels.

      2. Make the study results accessible to researchers and policy-makers via publishable reports and an informed bibliography available in a database.

      3. Steer policy-making on gender and science in the years to come and define future research priorities within the Seventh Framework Programme, in particular through good practice examples and gap analysis in the various research topics.

      Start date: 01/05/2008

      Finish date: 01/01/2010

      Financing: Fundació CIREM – European Commission

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Anna Grau

    • Resources, rights and capabilities; in search of social foundations -CAPRIGHT

      The promotion of individual and collective capabilities underpins CAPRIGHT’s research on the relations between labour markets, employment and welfare regimes. The important priority is to allow every person, wherever she lives and works, to develop her own future with the resources that are available to her.
      CAPRIGHT integrates two approaches into one process: one addresses resource regimes, the other inequalities in capabilities.
      CAPRIGHT mobilises 24 of partners from 13 European countries and involves disciplines such as anthropology, economics, history, law, political science and philosophy, sociology.
      CAPRIGHT will create a critical mass of empirical research in three key areas: gender equality, professional development and work restructuring. Each area is analysed from three entry points: the actual trajectories of people’s working live; situated public action; social dialogue and European policy development.
      To ensure a unified approach, from the hypotheses to the conclusions, the work is framed on the one hand by theoretical work and on the other by the elucidation of the political agenda.

      Start date: 01/01/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: European Commission – Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (VI FP)

      Responsable researcher: Project coordinator: Robert SALAIS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); equip espanyol: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Martí López

      Documents and publications:

      LÓPEZ-ANDREU, MartÍ; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “Employer strategies, capabilities and career development: two case studies of Spanish service firms”. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 34, Num. 4, pp. 327-345 .

      SUBRAMANIAN, Dilip; VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane; ZIMMERMANN, Bénédicte (2013): “Introduction to the Special Issue on Bringing Sen’s capability approach to work and human resource practices”. International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 34 Num. 4, pp. 292-304.

      ABBATECOLA, Emanuela ; LEFRESNE, Florence ; VERD, Joan Miquel ; VERO, Josiane (2012): “Individual working lives through the lens of the capability approach: evaluation of policies and items for debate”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research February 2012 18 (1) , pp. 83-89 (doi:10.1177/1024258911431197) .

      BARTELHEIMER, Peter ; VERD, Joan Miquel ; LEHWEß-LITZMANN, René ; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí ; SCHMIDT, Tanja (2012): “Unemployment, intervention and capabilities. A comparative study of Germany and Spain”. Transfer. European Review of Labour and Research February 2012 18(1) , pp. 31-44 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí (2012): “La inestabilidad del empleo en las trayectorias laborales. Un análisis cuantitativo”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Núm. 138, pp. 135-148.

      VERD, Joan Miquel; PORCEL, Sergio (2012): “An Application of Qualitative Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the Field of Urban Sociology Using ATLAS.ti: Uses and Reflections”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, Volume 13, No. 2, pp. Art 14 .

      LÓPEZ ANDREU, Martí; VERD, Joan Miquel (2011): “Usos y efectos de la protección al desempleo en España. Resultados en base a la perspectiva de las capacidades”. Cuadernos del Mercado de Trabajo, Núm. 7, pp. 14-21.

      LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí; VERD, Joan Miquel (2011): ““Les effets de la formation diffèrent selon les parcours sur le marché du travail : l’exemple catalan”. Formation Emploi, Num. 113, pp. 63-79.

      VERD, Joan Miquel ; VERO, Josiane (2011): “La flexicurité à l’aune de l’approche par les capacités”. Formation-Emploi, Núm 113. Enero-Marzo 2011 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ-ANDREU, Martí (2011): “The Rewards of a Qualitative Approach to Life-Course Research. The Example of the Effects of Social Protection Policies on Career Paths”. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 12(3), Art. 15 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane (2011): “Introduction : Pourquoi la flexicurité mérite-elle qu’on en débatte à partir de l’approche par les capacités ?”. Formation emploi, Num. 113 , pp. 5-14.

      VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane; LÓPEZ, Martí (2009): “Trayectorias laborales y enfoque de las capacidades. Elementos para una evaluación longitudinal de las políticas de protección social”. Sociología del Trabajo, núm. 67, pp. 127-150 .

      BARTELHEIMER, Peter; MONCEL, Natalie; VERD, Joan Miquel; VERO, Josiane (2009): “Towards analysing individual working lives in a resources/capabilities perspective”. Net.Doc, Sen-sitising life course research?. Actes du Séminaire CAPRIGHT, Nº 50-avril 2009 , pp. 21-50.


      The project IGUALEM is born of the initiative of a group of cities with common features – making thus possible the design of local development strategies- with the aim of avoiding segregation situations by inequalities of gender. IGUALEM involves also to business associations, unions and universities.

      The contribution of the UAB focuses on the following points:
      – detection of the sectors with situations of segregation by inequalities of gender and identification of the causes,
      – general design of policies against segregation,
      – general supervision of the projects activities in order to guarantee the equality principle.

      Start date: 01/03/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2007

      Financing: European Commission. Ajuntament de Manresa- Programa Iniciativa Comunitaria EQUAL

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Carolina Recio, Carmen Mañas, Dafne Muntanyola Pau Díaz, Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

    • Dynamics of national employment models-DYNAMO

      This comparative research, among several countries of the European Union, analyzes the evolution and the perspectives of different employment models, with the aim to bring to light the convergent and divergent features, and therefore we well be able to determine if we go towards an European model different from an USA model. Moreover, the research should allows us to know the role that this employment model is playing in the construction of the new social model of the European Union.

      Start date: 01/08/2004

      Finish date: 01/07/2007

      Financing: European Commission (VI FP)- (CIT2-CT-2004-508521)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Steffen Lehndorff (Institut Arbeit und Technik); equip QUIT: Fausto Miguélez, Albert Recio

      Team: Josep Banyuls, Raul Lorente, Andreu Lope, Antonio Martín, Teresa Torns, Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Employee’s resources and social rights in Europe

      The RESORE project aims to develop an analysis of the employees resources changes over the last two decades in relation to the social rights linked to them. The hypothesis is that at present we witness an erosion of the rights linked to universal direct taxation/insurance in Anglo-Nordic regimes and of rights linked to socialised salaries in some continental Europe countries. As a counterpart to this erosion, new models of rights linked to national solidarity (social inclusion) and mutualised collective private property are appearing, which suppose a shift in the nature of rights. This project will be carried out on the one hand by the analysis of comparative statistical measurement of resource flows and on the other hand by means of the analysis of national ‘qualitative’ data produced by national partners.

      Start date: 01/12/2002

      Finish date: 01/11/2005

      Financing: UE- European Commission (HPSE-CT-2002-00104)

      Responsable researcher: project coordinator: Bernadette CLASQUIN (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS; Andreu Lope Peña (QUIT-UAB)

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Martí López

      Documents and publications:

      Employees’ Resources and Social Rights in Europe (RESORE) – Final Research Report

      LÓPEZ ANDREU, Martí; LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “New employment forms reducing the scope of the wage”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 183-206 .

      VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “The hybridisation of worker’s resources: wage supplements and wage subsidies”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 225-244 .

      VERD, J.M.; PÉREZ, C. (2004): “Skills and credentials at the core of the relation between resources and employment”, en VV.AA. Wage and welfare. New perspectives on employment and social rights in Europe. Bruselas: Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes-Peter Lang, pp. 101-126.

    • La construction sociale de l’emploi (Bruxelles Conference)

      Start date: 01/07/2000

      Finish date: 01/05/2001

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities- Universitat de Nancy (Groupe de Recherche sur l’Education et l’Emploi (GREE)

      Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Lobo

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd

    • Local level concertation: The possible role of social partners and local level institutions in regulating the new forms of employment & work.

      The project’s general objectives are to i) survey, ii) analyse and iii) organise a systematic and permanent monitoring of the role which can be played by the social partners and public institutions at the local level in the regulation of work and employment relations, especially those of non-traditional type.
      The general aim is thus to provide policy-makers and the actors of social dialogue with rigorous, up-to-date and comparison-based data and knowledge, in support of measures for the prevention/reduction of the social exclusion linked to the growth of new forms of employment and work.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/2000

      Financing: Commission of the European Communities- Directorate General for DG XII Science, Research and Development (Contract SOE2 CT98-3066)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Ida Regalia; responsable equip QUIT: Andreu Lope Peña

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Daniel Ortiz

      Documents and publications:

      Regalia, I. (ed.) (2006): Regulating New Forms of Employment. Local experiments and social innovation in Europe. London and New York:Routledge.

       Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Tendencias y situación de las formas de empleo y del mercado de trabajo en Cataluña WP/00/1/ES

       Andreu Lope ;Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo y sus formas de regulación: revisión de la literatura española. WP/00/2/ES

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert ;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo: los resultados de una encuesta en Cataluña WP/00/3/ES

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert; Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): La regulación local de las nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo. El caso de Cataluña (The Local Regulation of the New Forms of Employment and Work. The Case of Catalonia) WP/01/17/EN

       Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: The Results of a Survey in Catalonia WP/00/8/EN

       Andreu Lope; Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: A Review of the Spanish Literature WP/00/5/EN

    • The social construction of employment

      The goal of the thematic network is to analyse together the issue of social exclusion causes, according to the societal employment dynamics. With the help of existing research works, it will test the following previous hypothesis in the participant countries: social integration is not only a problem of work, but it is mainly linked with the participation forms in employment.

      Start date: 01/12/1997

      Finish date: 01/11/2000

      Financing: European Commission (DG XII-TSER Programme ERB-SOE2-CT97-3041)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Bernard Friot (Groupe de recherche sur l’Education et l’Emploi); UAB: J.M. Masjuan (GRET-ICE)

      Team: Óscar Rebollo, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí

    • Les Regions “Sunshine” o les Regions “Sunreg”. La xarxa “Sunreg”

      The main objective of this thematic network is to bring together trade union and universities across Europe to facilitate the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge between universities, research centres, worker’s organisations and other “end users”, in order to achieve interaction and linkage between employment and technology.
      The content of the project includes:
      1. Analysing the socio-economic impact of a number of key technological developments in three crucial sectors of employment (in a major manufacturer; a significant financial concern and a local government authority) in each of the four regions covered.
      2. Utilising technology assessments methods to explore effects of such technologies on different users.
      3. Developing research circles among relevant sectors and participants.
      4. Critical analysis of SUNREG partner organisation.

      Start date: 01/03/1996

      Finish date: 01/03/1998

      Financing: Commission of the European Communities- DG XII; Contract SOE1CT-96-1012

      Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: J. Willians, equip QUIT: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Andreu Lope

      Documents and publications:

      Sunshine Regions or Sunreg Regions?. The Sunreg network

    • Youth employment and unofficial economy in Southern Europe

      Since the seventies until the nineties, because of the economic and labour changes, the advance of the level of unemployment has been substantial in all Europe. Among the different European countries there is a big difference in the social characteristics of people who have lost their job or who are still looking for it, relating to age, gender, level of education, skills, social and territorial stratification…
      This research includes the cases of Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain. The Spanish report deals the incidence of unemployment and the underground economy in relation to young people and indirectly, with women as components of this group.
      The report is based on quantitative and qualitative data of previous studies, on both, the national and autonomous comunity level.

      Start date: 01/11/1995

      Finish date: 01/05/1996

      Financing: European Commission (Directorate Employment and Labour Market- Contract SOC-95.102.702-05)

      Responsable researcher: Coordinator: Carlo Buzzi, Enzo Mingione (Istituto IARD, Milano); Fausto Miguélez (QUIT-UAB)

      Team: Antonio Martín, Marta Noguera

    • Training for “Emplois de proximité”

      According to the Livre Blanc sur la politique Sociale Européenne (1994), the service industry is that which presents the greater possibility of creating employment. Also, given the combination os social and demographic tendencies, services will create new markets, such as domestic and social sectors.
      The aim of the study is to delimit the importance of jobs of proximity, jobs related to services to people and families, in order to be able to elaborate recommendations to assure the assesment and qualifications of women who occupy them.
      The question deals with very “feminized” jobs and, in spsite of the fact that they are very important to the welfare of people and families, they are undervalued. The necessity of training is not recognized and women do these jobs as an extention of their competency and abilities as mothers and wives.
      In order to carry aout the study, a work seminar has been organised with the participation of people from different countries (Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy) that have conducted studies on this question and training organizations for women who work in this sector, with the goal of elaborating theoretical frameworks in the mentioned countries.

      Start date: 01/12/1994

      Finish date: 01/10/1995

      Financing: UE-TASK FORCE -DG V nº 94-20-EGA-0145-00

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns Martí (QUIT), Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

      Team: Giuseppina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDISST-CNRS Paris), Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)

    • Analysis and use of the Survey on Catalonian youth for 2012

      The study refers to the situation of young people in relation to their work sphere.
      From the data provided by the Survey of Youth in Catalonia in 2012, it is analyzed, in addition to the situation of youth in the labor market, those situations of inactivity and training and in which manner it is connected with having a job or not.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Time, work and everyday life

      Start date: 01/11/2012

      Finish date: 01/09/2013

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Agència Catalana de la Joventut

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd

      Team: Laia Castelló, Mireia Bolíbar, Oriol Barranco

      Documents and publications:

      CASTELLÓ, Laia; BOLÍBAR, Mireia; BARRANCO, Oriol; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “Treball. Condicions en el mercat de treball i trajectòries laborals de la joventut catalana”, en P. Serracant (coord.) Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2012, Volum 1. Col·lecció: Estudis, núm. 34. Editorial: Direcció General de Joventut, Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 117-224 .

      MORENO, Sara (2013): “Un anàlisi de les transicions juvenils des de la perspectiva de gènere”, en en P. Serracant (coord.) Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2012, Volum 2:Les diferents vivències de la joventut. Col·lecció: Estudis, núm. 34. Barcelona: Direcció General de Joventut, Generalitat de Catalunya. pp. 187-218 .

    • Migration and the economic crisis. Implications for professional careers

      Start date: 01/09/2012

      Finish date: 30/06/2014

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Óscar Molina, Antonio Martín, Sara Moreno, Alejandro Godino
      Coordinador estadístico: Pedro López-Roldán

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (coords.) (2014): Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      ALÓS, Ramon (2014): “Menos empleo y más precariedad”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 67-108). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “Modelo de análisis y metodología de la investigación”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 15-66). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2014): “Ingresos del trabajo, estratificación y movilidad vertical”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 109-144). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; GODINO, Alejandro (2014): “¿Movilidad territorial y sectorial como respuesta a la crisis?”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 221-270). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (2014): “Síntesis y conclusiones”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 271-306). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MOLINA, Óscar (2014): “Situaciones de mayor precariedad: desempleo de larga duración, inactividad y empleo informal”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 181-220). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MORENO, Sara (2014): “Trayectorias laborales, género e inmigración: la doble cara de la segregación horizontal”, en Fausto Miguélez y Pedro López-Roldán (coord.), Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales (pp 145-180). Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

      MORENO COLOM, Sara; ALÓS, Ramon (2016): “La inmigración en España: ¿Una integración con pies de barro?”. Política y Sociedad, 53 (2), 509-528. (DOI: 10.5209/rev_POSO.2016.v53.n2.48312) .

    • Study analysis on unpaid work in Catalonia

      Over the past 40 years there has been a slow trend toward gender equality regarding time use in paid and unpaid work. However, the gendered division of housework remains. This article examines the gender segregation in domestic work in order to contrast the influence of welfare regimes and employment status on the organization of everyday life. The analysis proposes the construction of new variables according to the type and daily frequency of household tasks. First, a cross-national study of European countries is presented to analyse how institutional factors are involved in patterns of time use. Second, a specific case in Spain is studied to assess how employment status influences the distribution of housework. The results show that daily maintenance tasks represent a limit for the equal distribution of housework by gender. It is concluded that women’s employment is a necessary but not sufficient condition for gender equality.

      Start date: 01/06/2012

      Finish date: 01/12/2012

      Financing: Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Sara Moreno

      Team: Vicent Borràs

    • Promoting a balanced and inclusive recovery from the crisis in Europe through sound industrial relations and social dialogue

      The project is part of a recent partnership agreement between the ILO and the European Commission, which is aimed at the study of the impact of the crisis, and crisis-response policies, on national tripartite social dialogue, collective bargaining, and labour law in the Member States of the ILO and the EU, and the role of social dialogue actors and institutions in this context.

      Start date: 01/03/2012

      Finish date: 01/07/2012

      Financing: International Labour Office (ILO)

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina

      Team: Fausto Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2013): “From negotiacion to imposition: social dialogue in austerity times in Spain”. DIALOGUE Working Paper, Num. 51.

      MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “From negotiation to imposition: Social dialogue in times of austerity in Spain”, en Papadakis, Konstantinos; Ghellab, Youcef (eds) The governance of policy reforms in southern Europe and Ireland.Ginebra: ILO Publications .

      Related webpage:–en/index.htm

    • Study using discussion groups to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia

      This project aims to identify research topics focused on safety and occupational health in Catalonia.
      This project has commissioned by the General Division of Occupational Safety and Health (SGSSL) of the Department for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia.
      Main data come from focus groups composed of main agents involved in system of occupational safety and health in Catalonia. Data have been analyzed with ATLAS.ti software.

      Start date: 01/01/2012

      Finish date: 01/11/2012

      Financing: Subdirecció General de Seguretat i Salut Laboral. Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd Pericàs

      Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler

      Documents and publications:

      Verd J, Rodríguez- Soler J, (2012). “Detecció de temes i eixos centrals en la investigació vinculada a la Seguretat i Salut Laboral a Catalunya.”. Informe de recerca.

    • Non-Standard Employment in a Comparative Perspective

      By now, it is commonly accepted that labor markets in advanced societies are in a process of deep transformation. The general trend seems to be one of increasing flexibility with regard to wages and/or employment contracts. This is most apparent for those European labor markets which were seen as quite egalitarian only one or two decades ago. The overall research question of the book project is to explain this change from a rather standardized employment model (stable employment relationships, permanent contracts, wage compression) to a more de-standardized one (flexible employment relationship, temporary contracts, wage dispersion). In addressing this question one particular issue lies at the core: the occupational heterogeneity in the process of labor market change. In the comparative labor market literature, the growth of non-standard employment such as f ixed-term contracts, agency work, freelance and part-time work as well as increased wage dispersion is usually discussed referring to the development of national averages over time.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 01/07/2013

      Financing: IZA – Institute for the Study of Labor

      Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina (UAB); Coords. : Werner Eichhorst (IZA), Paul Marx (IZA)

      Documents and publications:

      IZA Compact Newsletter- June 2012

    • Analysis of Equality plans subsidized by the Conselleria d’Empresa i Ocupació for 2010

      Analysis of Equality plans subsidized by the Conselleria d’Empresa i Ocupació for 2010.

      Start date: 01/12/2011

      Finish date: 02/02/2012

      Financing: Consell de Relacions Laborals de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer

      Team: Laia Castelló, Anna Grau

    • CCOO union representation in Spain

      The aim of this study is to analyze, with the highest possible disaggregation, the system of union representation in Spain from a dual, unitary and union (CCOO in particular)point of view. At the same time, the study raises to include two sides obviously interrelated: a part of a more “quantitative” (Who, Where, …) and a more “qualitative” (what they do, how they represent, level of commitment, etc.). The study will be based, therefore, in a more descriptive part, making a statistical use of data from union elections, which will be provided by Fundación 1º de Mayo, and a second part focused on answer the questions arisen from the previous thinking process.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Industrial relations and work organization

      Start date: 01/10/2011

      Finish date: 01/09/2014

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Fundación 1º de Mayo

      Responsable researcher: Ramón de Alós-Moner

      Team: Oscar Molina Romo, Pere Jódar Martínez, Pere J. Beneyto, Sergi Vidal

      Documents and publications:

      BENEYTO, Pere J.; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Óscar (2012): “Crisis y legitimidad del sindicalismo”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, Núm. 51-52, pp. 61-80.

      ALÓS, Ramon et al. (2014): “Análisis de las elecciones sindicales (2003/2012). Participación, Afiliación, Representación”. Colección Documentos de Trabajo, Fundación 1º de Mayo, Núm. 8.

      ALÓS, Ramon; BENEYTO, Pere J.; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Oscar; VIDAL, Sergi (2015): La representación sindical en España. Madrid: Fundación 1º de Mayo .

    • Situació i perspectives laborals al barri de La Sauleda-Carrer Ample (Palafrugell). Estudi per a la concreció d’accions ocupacionals

      The Law on the Improvement of Neighbourhoods, Urban Spaces and Villas, promoted by the Government and approved by Parliament in May 2004 (Law 2/2004, of 4 June), responds to one of the priorities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, such as comprehensive intervention in neighbourhoods with the aim of avoiding their degradation and improving the conditions of the citizens who live in them. In this sense, the Law focuses on areas at risk of social vulnerability, in order to develop measures aimed at strengthening social cohesion. This project is located in the context of the application of the Law of Neighborhoods in the neighborhood of La Sauleda-Carrer Ample de Palafrugell of the call of the year 2008.

      Start date: 01/11/2010

      Finish date: 01/01/2012

      Financing: Ajuntament de Palafrugell

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

    • Analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in the following fields: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector

      This report presents the results of an analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in three different fields: in the sector of the so-called STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector.
      Although it presents the three fields separately, the report shows how the persistence of gender inequalities is their common denominator. A persistence which it should be recalled is not just a characteristic of these three fields, but permeates the whole employment market. It is known this persistence has its roots in a sexual division of work which starts in the family/home. Because it has important consequences for women’s life it affects the whole of society. The occupational segregation of women in the employment market is one of its most obvious expressions, as this report shows.

      Start date: 01/02/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Institut Català de les Dones

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Carolina Recio, Anna Grau

    • The trade union disaffiliation from Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras

      This research makes an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.

      Start date: 01/07/2010

      Finish date: 01/04/2011

      Financing: Fundación Cultural 1º de Mayo

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi (2013): “La dinámica afiliativa sindical y las trayectorias de sus miembros“. Politica y Sociedad, 50 (3), pp. 1065-1096

      VIDAL, Sergi; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere (2013): “Membership duration in a Spanish union: A survival analysis”. Economic and Industrial Democracy (doi 10.1177/0143831X13489358) .

      JÓDAR, Pere ; ALÒS, Ramon (2011): “Why do workers leave unions? Group differences between workers in CCOO-Catalonia”. Europan Review of Labour and Research . Vol. 17, pp. 471-484 .

      ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi; BENEYTO, Pere (2011): La dinámica de la afiliación sindical. El caso de Comisiones Obreras. Madrid: Fundación Primero de Mayo.


      Pere Jódar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
      Pere J. Beneyto, Universitat de València
      Sergi Vidal, University of Bremen

    • Satisfying labour demand through migration

      This report seeks to answer the question of how and to what extent economic immigration meets the needs of the Spanish labour market that are not covered by domestic supply. Therefore, it is based on the assumption that one of the main roles of immigration is to cover labour shortages in the labour market. To respond to that question in this study we review the interplay between both factors (the labour market and immigration) between 2004 and 2009. This time frame covers two very different situations seen during the period: one, until 2007, featured by substantial economic growth and rates of participation in economic activity and of unemployment that were very close to the average for the EU, and the other, since 2008, with unemployment twice as high as the EU average. In methodological terms this Report is based on a review of statistical information, of immigration regulations, of various social and political factors at play during the period, and on some exploratory interviews.

      Start date: 01/04/2010

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración. Secretaría de Estado de Inmigración y Emigración

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      Satisfying Labour Demand through Migration in Spain

    • Trade union membership of foreign workers to CONC

      Immigration in Spain is a relatively recent phenomenon that has assumed considerable proportions in a very short time, affecting fields as the labor market, industrial relations and trade unions.
      The study raises thus twofold objectives: the first one, more descriptive, focus in the characteristics of migrant people that affiliate trade union CCOO in Catalonia; the second one focuses on the participation of migrant population in collective action, what are the elements that encourage or hinder it, their commitment with the organization,etc.

      Start date: 01/11/2009

      Finish date: 01/12/2010

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Team: Pere Jódar, Daniel Garrell, Sergi Vidal, Àlex Boso

      Documents and publications:

      JÓDAR, Pere; ALÓS, Ramon; BOSO, Àlex; GUIU, Jordi; GARRELL, Daniel (2014): “La afiliación sindical de la población inmigrante. El caso de CCOO de Cataluña”. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Vol. 32, núm.1, pp. 135-163.

      JÓDAR, Pere; GARRELL, Daniel; VIDAL, Sergi; ALÒS, Ramon (2012): L’afiliació a CCOO de Catalunya en els inicis del segle XXI. Altes, baixes i canvis dels perfils de l’afiliació sindical en la primera dècada del segle XXI. Barcelona: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. Edit this

    • Study on the level of labour insertion of ex-prisoners of the prisons of Catalonia

      The objective of this research is to study the employability of former inmates of prisons in Catalonia, Spain.
      Few studies of this type have been carried out in the world and this is the first in Spain. The results show that 43.6 percent of ex-prisoners find a job after serving their sentence, but their integration in the labour market tends to be fragile, confirming that it is a very vulnerable group. It was also found that prison work has a favourable effect on employability and that vocational training has a lesser or no effect.

      Start date: 01/08/2009

      Finish date: 01/04/2010

      Financing: Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada – Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner Vila

      Team: Pedro López Roldán, Pere Jódar, Fernando Esteban, Fausto Miguélez

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon; ESTEBAN, Fernando; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2011): “Effects of Prison Work Programmes on the Employability of Ex-prisoners“. DemoSoc Working Paper, Number 43.

       ALÓS-MONER VILA, Ramón ; ESTEBAN, Fernando ; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto ; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro M.; ALCAIDE, Vanessa (2011): “La inserció laboral dels exinterns dels centres penitenciaris de Catalunya“. Invesbreu Criminologia. Núm. 53 , pp. 3-6.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “La inserción laboral de ex reclusos. Una aproximación cualitativa“. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 145, pp. 181-204.

      ALÓS, Ramon; ESTEBAN, Fernando; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “Effects of prison work programmes on the employability of ex-prisoners”. European Journal of Criminology, 1–16

    • Continuïtat del procés de dinamització i enfortiment de la coordinadora d’AMPAS de Montcada i Reixac

      Start date: 01/07/2009

      Finish date: 01/07/2010

      Financing: Ajuntament de Montcada i Reixac

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García González

      Team: Catalina Ruz Escobar

    • Immigration, Employment and Social Cohesion

      Start date: 01/04/2009

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Fundació “la Caixa”

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Antonio Martín, Pedro López Roldán, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno, Óscar Molina, Fernando Esteban

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS, Ramon (2012): ” Una aproximación a la segregación étnica en España: trayectorias laborales comparadas de la población inmigrante”. Revista de Economía Crítica, nº14, segundo semestre, pp. 107-123.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS, Ramon; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain“. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali,Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

       TORNS, Teresa; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2012): “Mercato del lavoro e immigrazione in Spagna: disuguaglianze di genere e di etnia“. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Nun. 3 Giugno, pp. 79-90.

       MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (coord.); MARTÍN, Antonio; ESTEBAN, Fernando; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): Trayectorias laborales de los inmigrantes en España. Barcelona: Obra Social “La Caixa”.

       MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio.; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara; ESTEBAN, Fernando (2011): “Movilidad ascendente de la inmigración en España: ¿asimilación o segmentación ocupacional?”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 96 (4),, pp. 1311-1338.

       MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara Moreno; ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo (2011): “Trayectorias laborales y asimilación ocupacional de la inmigración”. Sociología del Trabajo, Nº 72, pp. 41-62.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2011): “Trayectorias laborales de autóctonos e inmigrantes en España: entre la convergencia y la segmentación. Un análisis de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laborales 2007”. ARXIUS de Ciències Socials, Nº 24, pp. 59-76 .

      LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (2011): “La Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales. Posibilidades y limitaciones. Aplicación al estudio de la ocupación de la población inmigrante”. Metodología de encuestas , Núm. 13 , pp. 7-32.

      ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio (2011): “Trayectorias laborales de autóctonos e inmigrantes en Españaentre la convergencia y la segmentación. Un Análisis de la Muestra Continua de Vida Laborales 2007”. Arxius de sociologia, Nº 24, pp. 59-76.

        Molina, Óscar (2010): Crisis econòmica, Empleo e Inmigración. QUIT Working Paper, nº 16.

       Stan, Sabina (2009): Romanian Migration to Spain and Its Impact on the Romanian Labour Market. QUIT Working Paper, nº 14.

    • Management of migration flows in Catalonia

      This study, commissioned by the Servei d’Ocupació of Catalonia, has the objective of providing a global vision of the migratory flow management in Catalonia as well as identifying its shortages so as to establish corrective mechanisms.

      Start date: 01/03/2008

      Finish date: 01/09/2008

      Financing: Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya – Departament de Treball, Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Albert Recio, Francisco Pérez Amorós

      Documents and publications:

      Estudi sobre la gestió dels fluxos immigratoris laborals – Informe

    • Women and Work – 2007 Yearbook

      Since 2005 the Departament of Treball of the Generalitat of Catalonia publishes the yearbook Women and Work, a statistical compilation that provides a structural description of the situation of women in the labor field in Catalonia and also in comparison with Europe and Spain.
      The Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT has carried out the comments of the statistical results of the 2007 edition.

      Start date: 01/02/2008

      Finish date: 01/03/2008

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Pilar Carrasquer, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Dones i Treball – Anuari 2007. Publicació estadística del Departament de Treball

    • Qualitative validation of the study on the situation and labour perspectives in the Erm quarter

      Start date: 01/12/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2008

      Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Related webpage:

    • Delocation and outsourcing in the IT sector and the loss of competences

      Start date: 01/09/2007

      Finish date: 01/02/2008

      Financing: Federación Minerometalúrgica de CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

      Team: Pablo López Calle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Rafael Ibáñez Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

      Documents and publications:

      ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; IBAÑÉZ, Rafael; LÓPEZ, Pablo (2008): “Deslocalización y externalización en el sector TIC y la pérdida de competencias“, en Observatorio industrial del sector de tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones . Madrid: Federación Minerometalúrgica de CCOO, pp. 201-338

    • Study on the situation and labour prospects in the quarter of l’Erm. The labour problems of the population

      Start date: 01/05/2007

      Finish date: 01/03/2008

      Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm – Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

      Documents and publications:

      LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia (2009): “De la ley de barrios al diseño de políticas locales de empleo”. Arxius de Ciències Socials, Núm. 21, pp. 49-64 .

    • The membership to CCOO of Catalonia. Motivation and participation

      Start date: 01/03/2007

      Finish date: 01/12/2008

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. CERES

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner

    • Women’s Reflections

      Start date: 01/12/2006

      Finish date: 01/02/2007

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona – Servei de Promoció de Polítiques d’Igualtat Dona-Home

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      Temps i Treball – Reflexions en femení 26

    • Women and work in Catalonia: myths and certainties

      This report intends to draw up a balance of the situation of women in relation to work in Catalonia at the beginning of the 21st century. The time seems to be favourable because it is quite necessary to show, in the first place, the certainties achieved since the first studies on the work of women in Catalonia 25 years ago. And, in the second place, because of the achieved results, there is no doubt that it is essential to go on with the analysis of such a reality that persists to maintain some gender inequalities despite of some policies in favour of women.

      Start date: 01/07/2006

      Finish date: 01/11/2006

      Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Sònia Parella, Carolina Recio


      Torns, Teresa; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Parella Rubio, Sònia; [et al.]. Les dones i el treball a Catalunya: mites i certeses. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Català de les Dones, 2007. (Estudis (Institut Català de les Dones)

    • Dossier on time policy

      This dossier provides us a with a conceptual and geographical overview of public time policies in Europe, differentiating between work time policies focused on increasing productivity and time and city policies developed to improve the time planning of cities. The authors, however, defend a more integrated view linked to the welfare model, as a step towards improving the quality of life from an everyday perspective. But they do not forget why these policies have been more successful in certain European geographical areas than in others, related to the development of the welfare state and the role of families in this everyday wellbeing.

      Start date: 01/03/2006

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona – Programa NOUS USOS SOCIALS DEL TEMPS

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

    • Report on trade unions membership. Causes of joining, giving up and rotation

      Start date: 01/01/2006

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Comissió Obrera de Catalunya

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner (UAB); Pere Jódar (UPF)

      Documents and publications:

      VV.AA. (2007): Afiliació i desafiliació sindicals. Estudi dels processos i factors que determinen el comportament afiliatiu a CCOO de Catalunya. Barcelona: CERES.

    • The metallurgical sector and its needs in the county of Osona

      This study on the situation of the metallurgical sector in the county of Osona has a double objective:
      a) the analysis of productive dynamics of the metallurgical sector at the moment.
      b) the study on tendencies and productive strategies of the metallurgical sector in Osona.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Local development policies

      Start date: 01/01/2006

      Finish date: 01/07/2006

      Project status: Finished


      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Albert Recio

    • Construction of the sample of a survey on living conditions and habits of the population of Catalonia 2005.

      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Time, work and everyday life

      Start date: 08/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/10/2006

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona (IERMB)

      Responsable researcher: Pedro López Roldán, Carlos Lozares

      Related webpage:

    • New organizacion of the time: the working time

      This research aims to know the evolution of the time of work in the last decades.
      These changes on working time have among others triggering factors: the crisis of occupation that put an end to “a golden period” of the industrial work; the loss of weight of the occupation in the industrial sector and the corresponding increase of the service sector as well as an increase of the female presence in the labor market.
      This description of situation should allow us to draw the lines of a pilot experience to carry out at the city of Barcelona.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2006


      Responsable researchers: Miguélez, Fausto; Torns, Teresa

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:

      TORNS, T.; MIGUÉLEZ, F. (coords); BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2006): Noves Organitzacions del Temps de Treball.El temps de treball: balanç d’actuacions a la Unió Europea./ Tiempo de trabajo: balance de acciones en la UE. Barcelona: Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona – Ajuntament de Barcelona.

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; TORNS, T.; BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2008): “El tiempo de trabajo: ¿la última frontera?”. Revista Universitaria de Ciencias del Trabajo – Relaciones laborales, Formación y Fiscalidad, 6/2008 , pp. 84-104

      Related webpage:

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partner at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors: Mining, Fishing Industry, Woodworking and Furniture)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Mining
      – Fishing Industry,
      – Woodworking and Furniture
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/12/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2006

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina-Subcontract VC/2005/0753

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner

      Team: Elsa Corominas

    • Study on the work in prisons of Catalonia and its role in the social reintegration

      This study intends to know the incident of work of convicts on its social reintegration.
      For that purpose we are basing on the following hyphotesis:
      1. The time devoted to work as well as the training received will make easier their social integration.
      2. The improvement of the media directed to promote social insertion at prisons will have effects on its social function.

      Start date: 01/10/2005

      Finish date: 01/07/2006

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Centre d’Iniciatives per a la Reinserció (CIRE)-

      Responsable researcher: Miguélez, F.

      Team: Alos, R., Martín Artiles, A., Gibert, F.

      Documents and publications:

      MIGUÉLEZ, F.; DE ALÒS-MONER, R.; MARTÍN, A.; GIBERT, F. (2006): El treball a les presons de Catalunya. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; GIBERT, Francesc (2007): Trabajar en prisión. Barcelona: Icaria.

       Presentació de la recerca: La inserció laboral dels exinterns dels centres penitenciaris de Catalunya. Ramón d’Alós-Moner Vila i Pere Jódar Martínez

      ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MIGUÉLEZ LOBO, Fausto; GIBERT, Francesc (2009): “¿Sirve el trabajo penitenciario para la reinserción? un estudio a partir de las opiniones de los presos de las cárceles de Cataluña”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 127 , pp. 11-32.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; GIBERT, Francesc; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2009): “Política de reinserción y funciones del trabajo en las prisiones. (El caso de Cataluña)”. Política y Sociedad, Vol. 46, Núm. 1 y 2, pp. 221-236 .

    • Study of the Catalonian youth region to region

      The research aims, by the use of qualitative methods, a comprehensive approach to Catalan youth, taking a perspective very focussed on the territorial base.
      The concrete objectives of the research can be summarised in the following ones:
      a) Offering, specially, to technical and political responsibles of district councils (consells comarcals) the necessary knowledge to design realistic and integrated youth policies based on a non-fragmented point of view of the youth reality.
      b) Detecting the peculiarities of youth lives from a territorial (district) perspective, whiles at the same time placing their realities en a more global context.

      Start date: 01/02/2005

      Finish date: 01/11/2005

      Financing: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Presidència. Secretaria General del Conseller en Cap

      Responsable researcher: Joan Miquel Verd, Pedro López Roldán

      Team: Jonatan Castaño, Clèlia Colombo, Sergio Porcel, Núria Quintana, Gerard Quiñones, Daniel Tarragó

      Documents and publications:

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel (2010): “La Variabilitat geogràfica en l’emancipació del jovent català : alguns elements d’anàlisi”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, Núm. 25, pp. 43-54.

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro (2008): “La eficiencia teórica y metodológica de los diseños mulimétodo“. EMPIRIA: Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, Nº 16 , pp. 13-42.

      VERD PERICÀS, Joan Miquel (2008): “La fuerza explicativa de los métodos mixtos. Una ejemplificación a partir de las diferencias territoriales en la emancipación familiar en Catalunya”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, Nº 90, pp. 11-31.

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partner at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors: Chemicals industry, Football, Shipbuilding industry)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Chemicals industry
      – Football
      – Shipbuilding
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/01/2005

      Finish date: 01/12/2005

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina- EEC Subcontract (VC/2004/0547)

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

      Team: Elsa Corominas

      Documents and publications:

      Chaidron, Alexandre; Arnould, Cécile; Spineux, Armand, dir.; [et al.]. Study on the representativeness o the social partner organisations in the professional football players sector. 2006.

    • Pilot study in two regions of the province of Granada with a new methodology (EPA alternative) that takes account of work of men and women as well as the work carried out in the family environment.

      The study is framed inside the project ALE-GRA (Local Action for the Employment in the province of Granada), directed by the Regional Government of Granada and financed by the European Commission, with the objective to mobilize the local and socio-economic partners in order to establish an integral strategy in favour of the employment. The contribution of the QUIT is circumscribed to the development of a methodology capable to show the specificities of the female labour market. With this purpose, the proposal intends to apply the “Survey of Active Population-Not androcentric (EPA-NA)”, according to the methodology developed by Cristina Carrasco (2004).

      Start date: 01/11/2004

      Finish date: 01/02/2005

      Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno

    • Execution of a document on a quality evaluation procedure of the aid services sector.

      The City Hall of Manlleu (Barcelona) set in motion the program “SAD Manlleu” (social services) with the scope of improving the quality of life of elder and disabled people by means of aid services. This study arisen from the worry of the City Hall by knowing the implications that the models of organization of the labour activity have on the efficiency of the social services.

      Start date: 01/09/2004

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partners at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries (Sectors:Cleaning, ETT’s, media)

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Cleaning sector
      – Temporary agency work sector,
      – Culture and Media sector
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/02/2004

      Finish date: 01/12/2004

      Financing: Universitat Catòlica de Lovaina (ECC Subcontract VC/2003/0451)

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

      Team: Elsa Corominas

      Documents and publications:

      Mormont, Marinette; Spineux, Armand, coord.; Alós, Ramon; [et al.]. Institutional representativeness of trade unions and employers’ organisations in the industrial cleaning sector. 2004. 146 p.

    • Study on the labour market and on analysis of the organization models in the efficiency of the social services of SAD program

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Ajuntament de Manlleu

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Peña / Albert Recio

      Team: Francesc Gibert

    • Study of the conditions of occupation and negotiation in the workplaces

      Start date: 01/03/2003

      Finish date: 01/03/2005

      Financing: Comissió Obrera Nacional de Catalunya. CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Ramon de Alòs, Pere Jodar

      Documents and publications:

      Alós, R.; Jódar, P.; Martí, J.; Martín Artiles, A.; Bonet, X.; Ortiz, L. (2005): Relacions laborals i condicions d’ocupació en els centres de treball. Un estudi des de la perspectiva dels afiliats a CCOO de Catalunya. Ceres: Barcelona

    • Studies on the representativeness of the social partners at sectoral level in the EU and monographs on the situation of the social partners in the candidate countries

      The aim of this studies is to provide precise data and information concerning representativeness of workers’s and employer’s organisations in the following sectors:
      – Private security sector
      – Central public services
      This means provide factual and quantitative data. Qualitative data will help to understand the role of organisations in the system of professional relations.

      Start date: 01/02/2003

      Finish date: 01/12/2003

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Université Catholique de Louvain – ECC Subcontract VC/2002/0215

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos-Moner

      Team: Xavier Urbano

    • Study on the factors of the school failure and of the labor path of the youths in the Òdena region.

      Start date: 01/12/2002

      Finish date: 01/02/2003

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona. Xarxa de municipis- Àrea d’Educació

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Peña

      Team: Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert, Isidre Rabadà

    • Diagnosis of the Labor Insertion Mesures(DILS) of the youths in the municipalities of Igualada, Vilanova del Cami, Sta. Margarida de Montbui

      Start date: 01/05/2002

      Finish date: 01/09/2002

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Andre Lope Peña

    • A new organization of time throughout working life

      Changes to traditional gender roles and the labour market are forcing a rethink of conventional work-life patterns. Individuals are calling for a better quality of life, while employers require greater flexibility in the workplace.
      The idea of reorganising time over the whole course of working is one possible response. This report offers a conceptual framework to consider time arrangements and working life, linking this to measures to improve quality of life. It reviews changing patterns and preferences for time use as well as a range of measures, such as the accessibility of more paid leave during the ‘stress’ phases of life in order to compensate for raising the retirement age, and the introduction of social security structures to fit new time arrangements.

      Start date: 01/05/2002

      Finish date: 01/06/2002

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions-Institut für Gerontologie an der Universität Dortmund

      Responsable researcher: Vicent Borràs

      Team: Teresa Torns, Pilar Carrasquer

      Documents and publications:

      Naegele, Gerhard (2006): A new organization of time over working life (report)

    • Diagnosis on the situation of the municipalities of Igualada, Vilanova del Camí, Santa Margarida de Montbui i Òdena with respect to the transition school-work

      The study analyses the local actions aimed at the transition from secondary school to labor market, developed in the municipalities of the Conca d’Òdena during the period 2001-2002.

      Start date: 01/11/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2002

      Financing: Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea d’Educació

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert, Isidre Rabadà

    • Social dialogue in the reform and liberalisation processes in the railway sector in Europe.

      Our contribution consists in:
      – drawing a general paper on the transformations in the railway sector in Spain pointing to the main features of change and to crucial aspects of railway liberalisation,
      – contribute to identify the national representatives of the social partners to be invited to the foreseen initiatives (seminars in Milano and Rome),
      – disseminating in Spain the materials produced during the project, particularly among social actors.

      Start date: 01/10/2001

      Finish date: 01/11/2002

      Financing: Fondazione Regionale Pietro Seveso – EC Subcontract (VS/2001/0736)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

    • Study of the industrial Spanish businesses installed in Morocco

      Start date: 01/06/2001

      Finish date: 01/07/2001

      Financing: Fundació Pau i Solidaritat de CCOO

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Documents and publications:

      de Alós-Moner, R., Kaioua, A., Benbada, A. (2001): La inversión industrial española en Marruecos. Una aproximación desde las dos orillas del Mediterráneo. Fons Català de Cooperació al Desenvolupament, Marruecos.

      de Alós-Moner, R. (2003): “Empleo y relacionales laborales en las empresas españolas en Marruecos”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº 47, pp. 139-163.

    • Social Partnership in Europe – the role of social partners

      Start date: 01/03/2001

      Finish date: 01/12/2001

      Financing: Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS)-Department of Sociology (Univ,Copenhage)

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Francesc Gibert, Daniel de Villacian

    • Annual Report on Social Concertation and Collective Bargaining (4)

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU

      Start date: 01/12/2000

      Finish date: 01/12/2001

      Financing: Catholic University of Louvain-EEC Sub-contract V/2001/97

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Esperanza ROQUERO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • Study of the knowledge degree and the perception of the environmental problems in the town of Rubí

      Start date: 01/10/2000

      Finish date: 01/02/2001

      Financing: Ajuntament de Rubí

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García González

    • Pla Especial de reforma interior i millora ambiental del barri del Camí del Molins de Santa Oliva

      Start date: 01/09/2000

      Finish date: 01/10/2000

      Financing: Ajuntament de Santa Oliva

      Responsable researcher: Tomás García

    • Employment pacts in Railways in Spain

      Start date: 01/04/2000

      Finish date: 01/07/2000

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Xavier Bonet

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel ayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la négociation collective (3)

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU

      Start date: 01/12/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/2000

      Financing: UE

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alòs

      Team: Esperanza ROQUERO – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • The effects of the euro arrival on the management of family economies

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • The complaint culture

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs

    • Consolidated report on case studies on employment pacts

      Start date: 01/10/1999

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Andreu Lope

    • Study on the professional exercise of the women lawyers

      Start date: 01/09/1999

      Finish date: 01/02/2000

      Financing: Il.lustre Col.legi d’Advocats de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns / Andre Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Carmen Gutiérrez

    • White book of new employment sources

      Start date: 01/06/1999

      Finish date: 01/07/1999

      Financing: Fundació CIREM

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín, Ramon de Alòs, Clara llorens, Joel Martí, Lluís Sáez, Josep Mª Antentas, Mònica Nadal, Begoña Oltra

    • Overindebtedness

      Start date: 01/05/1999

      Finish date: 01/06/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Electronic trade

      Start date: 01/03/1999

      Finish date: 01/04/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs

    • Study of five pacts of collective bargaining on employment policy

      Start date: 01/02/1999

      Finish date: 01/03/1999

      Financing: Unió Comarcal de CC.OO del Vallès Occidental

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Pere Jodar, Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Report on employment policies and working conditions in Spain

      This research project based on case studies aims at analysing the impacts of employment policies and human resources management on working conditions at corporate level.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/06/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

    • Research on time, beyond its hourly dimension, and of its impact on the city

      Start date: 01/02/1999

      Finish date: 01/07/1999

      Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona i Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez / Teresa Torns

      Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Ramon de Alos, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Joel Martí, Lluís Sáez, Josep Maria Anrtentas, Mònica Nadal

    • Collective bargaining on employment and competitiveness: Spanish report

      The main objectives of the project are:
      • to increase awareness and understanding of the contribution of collective bargaining to the improvement of employment and competitiveness,
      • to focus in particular on explicit agreements, which link activities to protect and create employment with different measures to improve competitiveness,
      • to enable policy makers and negotiators of all three parties to acquire new ideas based on the analysis of innovative agreements.

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/05/1999

      Financing: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working conditions

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Ramon de Alos-Moner

    • Seguretat en l’alimentació. Imaginaris socials sobre pràctiques i hàbits alimentaris

      Start date: 01/01/1999

      Finish date: 01/02/1999

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel rayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la negotiation collective

      This report seeks to provide the Commission with empirical data that will facilitate an assessment of the institutional representative status of European employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector in the 15 Member States of the EU.

      Start date: 01/12/1998

      Finish date: 01/12/1999

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities (DG V)- EEC SUB-CONTRACT

      Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alos

      Team: Esperanza Roquero – Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    • The effects of the euro arrival on the management of family economies

      Start date: 01/10/1998

      Finish date: 01/12/1998

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Institut Català de Consum

      Responsable researcher: Vicenç Borràs Català

    • Etablissement d’un rapport annuel ayant pour objet la concertation sociale et la negotiation collective

      Start date: 01/06/1998

      Finish date: 01/11/1998

      Financing: Comission of the European Communities (DG V)- EEC SUB-CONTRACT

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

    • Training of Youth with formatives deficiencies

      Start date: 01/06/1996

      Finish date: 01/12/1996

      Financing: Consell Comarcal del Vallès Occidental- programa comunitari YOUTHSTART (Fons Social Europeu)

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Óscar Rebollo, Clara Llorens, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd

    • Evaluation of training needs of companies in the town of Polinyà (BCN)

      The intention of this research is to identify the training needs of the businesses of the town of Polinyà (Barcelona) and the formation profiles required by employers, departing from the hypothesis that the training required is strongly segmented, and that the local jov market is only able to meet these needs with some difficulty.
      This study also holds as an objective that of identifying the factors which favour and/or hinder the meshing of training adn employmnet, as well as being able to carry out proposals which allow the orientation of training policies at local level.

      Start date: 01/10/1995

      Finish date: 01/09/1996

      Financing: Patronat Flor de Maig- Diputació de Barcelona

      Responsable researcher: Oscar Rebollo Izquierdo

      Team: Faustino Miguélez, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Clara Llorens, Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd

    • The incidence of sexual harassment at workplace in Catalonia

      The study poses an approximation to the phenomenon of sexual harassment in Catalonia, initially keeping in mind the great difficulties of conceptualization and mesurement involved. For this reason the study has been conducted from the perspective of a qualitative vision, departing from the social imaginaire at the root of this question.
      First the general frame of reference of the phenomenon is approached, which includes the compilation of documentary and informative data on the legal and institutional approaches which define it.
      The goal of the second part of the study is to try to delimit the real possibilities of the existence of sexual harassment, separating what has already surfaced from what is only potencial, approaching the data corresponding to the highest risk groups (young, single and separated women, widows with family responsabilies…)
      The third part tries to offer an alternative to the impossibility of gathering data on its real incidence in the workplace, by means of a study of the imaginaire which propitiates its emerged and/or hidden existence; that is to say, the social, cultural and economic background which makes sexual harassment possible.


      Project type: Agreements

      Research line: Work and gender

      Start date: 01/12/1994

      Finish date: 01/11/1995

      Project status: Finished

      Financing: Dept. Treball- Institut Català de la Dona

      Financing amount: 18541

      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

      Team: Vicent Borràs, Alfons Romero, Albert Recio
      i la col·laboració de Laia Pellejà

    • Human resources regulation, Catalonia

      Start date: 01/09/1994

      Finish date: 01/05/1995

      Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració Insituto di Recerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)-Camara di Commercio de Milano IRES LOMBARDIA

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín , Xavier Coller

      Documents and publications:

      Martín A., Miguélez F., Pastor I., “La Risorse Umane in un mercato dualistico. Catalogna”, a Regini M, “La risorze umane nelle regioni forti d’Europa”, Milano, Il Mulino, 1996

    • Regional regulation of industrial relations in Catalonia

      Start date: 01/09/1994

      Finish date: 01/05/1995

      Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració IRES

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín

      Team: Faustino Miguélez, Immaculada Pastor, Xavier Coller, Andreu Lope, Reyes Varella

    • Employment and Human Resources in the Banking Industry in Spain

      The research is focussed on the processes of change in the management of human resources and its repercussions on industrial relations in the banking industry, exploring more throughly the new models of management known as “Human Resources Management”, without forgetting the strategies used to a lower production costs (low salaries, job instability).
      The analysis is conducted in various countries and businesses with the purpose of demonstrating that industrial relations and the policies of human resources do not work in an autonomous way, but rather that the study of them should include wider social, economic and cultural structures. From this we can conclude that the practices and institutions of one country cannot be applied elsewhere without undergoing a process of adaptation.
      In the Spanish case is possible to speak about accelerated changes, given that the search for improved competitivity has accentuated the role of human resources. These strategies are dualizing employment in the idustry in a sich a way that innovation in human resources is concentrated in the first sector (middle managers, technical specialists) provoking industrial disputes among some personnel.

      Start date: 01/04/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1996

      Financing: Sloan School of Management – Massachussets Institute of Technology

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Cecilia Castaño (coord.), Carlos Prieto, Patricia Ferrer, Clara Llorens, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd, Enrico Mora

      Documents and publications:

      Miguélez, F. (1999): “Employment Relations in the Spanish Banking Industry: Big changes” a: VV.AA. From Tellers to Sellers: Changing Employment Relations in Banks, Cambridge Massachussets: MIT Press. (ISBN 0-262-18193-2)

    • IREC International Companies Network

      Start date: 01/04/1994

      Finish date: 01/06/1995

      Financing: UE-Warwick University

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

    • The situation of female workers in Spain’s financial industry

      Start date: 01/03/1994

      Finish date: 01/09/1995

      Financing: Federación estatal de Banca y Ahorro de CC.OO.

      Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer

      Team: José Antonio Noguera, Reyes Varella

    • Literature Study: Direct Participation in Organizational Change. The case of Spain

      Start date: 01/11/1993

      Finish date: 01/04/1994

      Financing: Institut Arbeit und Tecknik

      Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

      Team: Antonio Martín, Reyes Varella

      Documents and publications:

      “Case of Spain” a: Direct Participation: Literature Study, 1996

    • Direct Participation. The position of the social partners on direct participation in Europe

      Start date: 01/05/1993

      Finish date: 01/09/1993

      Financing: European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Clara Llorens, Núria García, Immaculada Pastor

      Documents and publications:

      “La posición de los actores sociales ante la participación directa. El caso español” a Humanize work and Increase profitability.Direct participation in organisational change viewed by the social partners in Europe, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, 1995

    • New professions for the social organization of everyday care

      The need to cope with new social needs that have emerged as a result of changes in contemporary welfare societies in the past two decades, it seems beyond doubt. Needs that you may question their novelty, but that most experts do not hesitate to relate to demographic changes, changes in the family and the denominated incorporation of women into the labor market. Transformations that have led to the so-called “care crisis” and to the emergence of social needs, new or not, that need to be addressed differently. In this respect, the diagnoses performed until today on the volume and characteristics of those needs, both in Spain and Europe, often come up with solutions that come mostly in the ambit of social policy and this leads these solutions to hardly be seen from the approach of policies to promote employment and economic activity. Therefore is forgotten that the employment that can and should be generated around the so- called social organization of care, can create jobs and promote greater social equity, because it affects completly to the daily welfare of the citizenry. A welfare that, today, is a responsibility of women in the family, but in the immediate future, because of the urgency of the situation, should be covered by public or community services, as has been done with education or health.
      The main objective of this project is to explore the real possibilities of creation of new professional profiles able to meet all social needs related mainly to the attention and care of people in their everyday lives.

      Start date: 01/12/2011
      Finish date: 28/02/2014
      Funding: Instituto de la Mujer
      Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns
      Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

      Documents and publications:
      Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Moreno, Sara; Recio, Carolina (2014): Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad – Instituto de la Mujer

      MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa (2016): “Significados e imaginarios de los cuidados de larga duración en España. Una aproximación cualitativa desde los discursos de cuidadoras”. Papeles del CEIC, vol. 2016/1, nº 145 . []

      RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; MORENO-COLOM, Sara; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS, Teresa (2015): “La profesionalización del sector de los cuidados”. Zerbitzuan: revista de servicios sociales, Núm. 60 (Diciembre 2015), 179-193. [] .

      MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent (2016): “Long-term care in Spain: Difficulties in professionalizing services”. Women & Aging, DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2015.1125699 .

    • Flexicurity in Italy and Spain; Work, Welfare and Living Conditions

      The aim of this project is to measure the capacity and the effects of institutions and local actors to interpret and implement the rules’ system in the field of labour market and social policies, in an innovative way.
      The analysis takes into account also whether and how the characteristics of the local socioeconomic systems can best used to increase the social sustainability of flexibility. How do employment condition and quality of life can be combined in a socioeconomic context characterized by flexibility schemas?

      Start date: 01/01/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2009

      Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

      Grant agreement number: HI2007-0104

      Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles

      Team: Pilar Carrasquer, Fausto Miguélez, Óscar Molina

      Documents and publications:

      LEONARDI, Laura ; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Oscar; CALENDA, Davide; CARRASQUER OTO, Pilar (2011): “¿Es exportable la flexiseguridad?. Un estudio comparado entre Italia y España“. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales. Núm. 29-2, pp. 417-443

    • Compared case study on the mutual influence between social capital, social integration and the insertion, stability, promotion and qualification in the employment

      The general objective of the project is to analyse the correspondence or mutual influence between, on the one hand, belonging to particular social groups, characterized and identified according to the distribution and/or appropriation of different kinds of Social Capital, and, on the other hand, the degree of Insertion, Stability, Promotion and Qualification in the employment. These influences will be considered by looking at the mechanisms of Social Integration (IS) and under the conceptual and operative frame of the Theory and Analysis of Social Networks (TARS).
      The compared groups will be characterised by the time of residence or stay in Catalonia of the people directly observed and their immediate ancestors, the level of urban development and sex. The general assumption is that the mutual influence is reciprocal because the Insertion, Stability, Promotion and Qualification in the employment are also forms of Social Capital grounded in the productive and the economic capital, which, in turn, feed back the Social Capital, Social Integration and the other kinds of capital.


      Start date: 01/12/2008

      Finish date: 01/12/2011

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

      Responsable researcher: Carlos Lozares

      Team: Joel Martí, José Luis Molina, Joan Miquel Verd, Pedro López Roldán, Ramon de Alós-Moner, Oriol Barranco, Mireia Bolíbar, Irene Cruz


      Documents and publications:

      Bolívar, Mireia; Martí, Joel; Lozares, Carlos (2013): “Aplicaciones de los métodos mixtos al análisis de las redes personales de la población inmigrada”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología, núm. 26, pp. 89-116 .

      Bolívar, Mireia (2011): “Las asociaciones en las redes personales. ¿Mecanismo de integración de la población inmigrante?”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Cruz, Irene; Verd, Joan Miquel (2011): “Densidad, clase social y apoyo expresivo”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Cruz, Irene; Verd, Joan Miquel (2013): “La fuerza de los lazos: una exploración teórica y empírica de sus múltiples significados”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, núm. 26, pp. 149-174.

      López-Roldán, Pedro: Alcaide, Vanessa (2011): “El capital social y las redes personales en el estudio de las trayectorias laborales”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Bolívar, Mireia; Muntanyola, Dafne (2013): “La centralidad en las redes sociales: medición, correlación y aplicación”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 15, pp. 77-97.

      Lozares, Carlos; Martí, Joel; Molina, José Luis; García-Macías, Alejandro (2013): “La cohesión-integración versus la fragmentación social desde un perspectiva relacional”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 15, pp. 57-75.

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel; Barranco, Oriol (2013): “El potencial analítico de las redes socio-métricas y ego-centradas: una aplicación al estudio de la cohesión-integración de colectivos sociales”. EMPIRIA Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, Núm. 26, pp. 35-62 .

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel; Cruz, Irene; Barranco, Oriol (2013): “Homophily and heterophily in personal networks. From mutual acquaintance to relationship intensity”. Quality & Quantity International Journal of Methodology .

      Lozares, Carlos (2012): “La cohesión, vinculación e integración social desde el prisma del capital social y las redes sociales”, en Inmigración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad . Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, pp. 123-152.

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro (2012): “El atributismo estructural y el interaccionismo estructural en ciencias sociales: ¿concepciones alternativas, antagónicas o complementarias?”. Metodología de Encuestas, Vol. 14, pp. 25-44 .

      Lozares, Carlos (2012): “La cohesión, vinculación e integración social desde el prisma del capital social y las redes sociales”, en Inmigración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad . Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, pp. 123-152

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Verd, Joan Miquel; Martí, Joel; Molina, José Luis (2011): “Cohesión, Vinculación e Integración sociales en el marco del Capital Social”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Verd, Joan Miquel; Martí, Joel, Bolívar, Mireia; Cruz, Irene; Molina, José Luis (2011): “El análisis de la Cohesión, Vinculación e Integración sociales en las encuestas EgoNet”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; Sala, Mireia (2011): “Capital Social, cohesión social y uso de la lengua “. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel (2011): “De la homofilia a la cohesión social y viceversa”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1 (

      Martí, J., Bolíbar, M., & Lozares, C. (2017). “Network cohesion and social support. Social Networks”, 48, 192–201.

      Molina, José Luis; Bolívar, Mireia; Cruz, Irene (2011): “La dispersión geográfica de las redes personales: cálculo y significado”. REDES- Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales, Vol.20,#1

    • Changes in the Spanish employment model

      This research arises from the spectacular increase of the total economically active population experienced in Spain in the period 1997-2006, rising from 13.2 million to 19.5 million. More than 3 million of this increase is due to immigrant population.
      So, it could be told that the presence of this collective is one of the features that characterizes a decade in which Spanish women presence has had a very significant rise, not in quantitative terms but in terms of social importance if comparing with previous decades.
      Both collectives have, therefore, a key role in some of the changes happened in the Spanish labour market in the last times. However, in order to understand what is happening, we think that we should tackle the issue from the perspective of the model of employment and not simply from the labour market approach.
      So, some questions come up from such data and are in the core of this research: what changes, and in what extend, have been introduced by such increments of women and immigrants participation in the Spanish model of employment, particularly in certain sectors?, can we talk of modernization of such a model of employment in the sense of promoting equal opportunities between men and women and overcoming discrimination derived from the traditional division of the work according to gender condition?

      Start date: 01/01/2009

      Finish date: 01/12/2011

      Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

      Grant agreement number: CSO2008-01321

      Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

      Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín Artiles, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Vicent Borràs, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno

      Documents and publications:

      BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; TORNS, Teresa (2012): “Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, núm. 51-52, pp.131-146.

      MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS, Ramon; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

      TORNS, Teresa; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2012): “Mercato del lavoro e immigrazione in Spagna: disuguaglianze di genere e di etnia”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Nun. 3 Giugno, pp. 79-90.

      BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; MORENO COLOM, Sara; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia; GRAU CASAJUST, Anna (2012): “Male Hegemony in Decline? Reflections on the Spanish Case”. Men and Masculinities, 15(4), pp. 406-423. DOI: 10.1177/1097184X12455399.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio.; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara; ESTEBAN, Fernando (2011): “Movilidad ascendente de la inmigración en España: ¿asimilación o segmentación ocupacional?”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 96 (4),, pp. 1311-1338.

      MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara Moreno; ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo (2011): “Trayectorias laborales y asimilación ocupacional de la inmigración”. Sociología del Trabajo, Nº 72, pp. 41-62.

      TORNS, Teresa; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent (2013): “Career Paths in Spain: Gendered division of Labour and Informal Employment”. Revue Interventions économiques [En ligne], 47 | 2013, URL :

      Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Carrasquer, Pilar; Moreno, Sara; Castelló, Laia; Grau, Anna (2011): Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español. QUIT Working Paper, nº17.

      Las políticas de inmigración, las poíticas de igualdad y de conciliación y las políticas activas de empleo y formación ocupacionas: su influencia sobre el modelo de empleo. Informe de investigación.

      Informe sobre el mercado de trabajo. Informe de Investigación.

    • New strategies of migration: requalification for a new labour market

      The current economic crisis has significnatly increased the number of unemployed persons reaching a four million maximum in the early months of 2010. This increase has triggered a dramatic shift in labour market demand that was satisfied in the expansion years by immigrants, young persons (early school leavers) and women. The important social risks arising from this situation may last for some years and pose very important challenges for some groups of persons. There is first of all a risk of social exclusion for young workers that experience periods of temporary employment with unemployment and low wages. The second risk refers to immigrants which are not returning to their origin countries moving into the informal sector before the difficulties to find a regular job. There is already s