Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

Team / Contributors
Ramon de Alos-Moner Vila

University professor, retired

Bachelor’s degree obtained at the Universitat de Barcelona in 1974. Tenured Professor of College appointed to the Department of Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona since 1993.
He obtained his PhD with the dissertation “Mercat, classe i persona en les relacions laborals. Entre la individualitat i l’acció col·lectiva”.

In recent years he has been involved in researches on employment model , inequalities and social policies; immigration and labor market policies; immigration and trade unionism , labor and social reintegration.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Department de Sociologia
Campus UAB- Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)


Curriculum Vitae

Areas of specialization

With reference to his research activity his main areas of interest are industrial relations and work organisation. He has been involved in researches on union membership, collective bargaining and employment policies.

Selected bibliography

ESTEBAN, Fernando; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “La inserción laboral de ex reclusos. Una aproximación cualitativa”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 145, pp. 181-204.(http://dx.doi.org/10.5477)/cis/reis.145.181) .
ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi (2013): “La dinámica afiliativa sindical y las trayectorias de sus miembros”. Politica y Sociedad, 50 (3), pp. 1065-1096 .
VIDAL, Sergi; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; BENEYTO, Pere (2013): “Membership duration in a Spanish union: A survival analysis”. Economic and Industrial Democracy (doi 10.1177/0143831X13489358) .
BENEYTO, Pere J.; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Óscar (2012): “Crisis y legitimidad del sindicalismo”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, Núm. 51-52, pp. 61-80 .
JÓDAR, Pere; ALÓS, Ramon (2011): “Sobre la percepción social de los sindicatos”. Gaceta sindical. Reflexión y debate, Nº 16 , pp. 271-288 .
JÓDAR, Pere; VIDAL, Sergi; ALÓS, Ramon (2011): “Union Activism in an Inclusive System of Industrial Relations: Evidence from a Spanish Case Study”. British Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume 49 Issue supplement S1 , pp. 158-180 .
ALÓS, Ramon (2010): “La segmentation du marché du travail et les relations d’emploi en Espagne: les noveaux enjeux de l’action collective”. Économies et Sociétés, Série Socio-Économie du Travail, nº 32, 7/2010 , pp. 1241-1269 .
LLORENS, Clara; ALÓS, Ramon; CANO, Ernest; FONT, Ariadna; JÓDAR, Pere; LÓPEZ, Vicente; NAVARRO, Albert; SÁNCHEZ, Amat; UTZET, Mireia & MONCADA, Salvador (2010): “Psychosocial risk esposures and labour management practices. An exploratory approach”. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 38 (Suppl 3), pp. 126-136 .

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