The project is part of a recent partnership agreement between the ILO and the European Commission, which is aimed at the study of the impact of the crisis, and crisis-response policies, on national tripartite social dialogue, collective bargaining, and labour law in the Member States of the ILO and the EU, and the role of social dialogue actors and institutions in this context.
Start date: 01/03/2012
Finish date: 01/07/2012
Financing: International Labour Office (ILO)
Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina
Team: Fausto Miguélez
Documents and publications:
MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2013): “From negotiacion to imposition: social dialogue in austerity times in Spain”. DIALOGUE Working Paper, Num. 51.
MOLINA, Óscar; MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto (2014): “From negotiation to imposition: Social dialogue in times of austerity in Spain”, en Papadakis, Konstantinos; Ghellab, Youcef (eds) The governance of policy reforms in southern Europe and Ireland.Ginebra: ILO Publications .
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