Professionalisation around knowledge on Gender and Equality – PASSAGE

The PASSAGE program, funded by the EU, aims to support the growth of new businesses in the field of gender and equality.
This development occurs in two forms: the emergence of new professions and specialization of existing business.

Start date: 01/09/2014

Finish date: 31/08/2017

Financing: European Commission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Erasmus + Strategic Partnership KA 2 ( 2014-1-FR01-KA200-008482)

Responsable researcher: Pilar Carrasquer (coord.)

Team: Sònia Parella, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

Associated partners:
Raquel Saco (Qualitat i Temps de Treball- Dep. Empresa i Ocupació-GC)
Fina Rubio (Fundació Surt)
Alba Garcia (Secretaria Dona –CONC)

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