Pilot study in two regions of the province of Granada with a new methodology (EPA alternative) that takes account of work of men and women as well as the work carried out in the family environment.

The study is framed inside the project ALE-GRA (Local Action for the Employment in the province of Granada), directed by the Regional Government of Granada and financed by the European Commission, with the objective to mobilize the local and socio-economic partners in order to establish an integral strategy in favour of the employment. The contribution of the QUIT is circumscribed to the development of a methodology capable to show the specificities of the female labour market. With this purpose, the proposal intends to apply the “Survey of Active Population-Not androcentric (EPA-NA)”, according to the methodology developed by Cristina Carrasco (2004).

Start date: 01/11/2004

Finish date: 01/02/2005

Financing: Diputación de Granada. Delegación de Mujer y Juventud

Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno

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