Pedro López Roldán

Team / Management staff
Pedro López Roldán

Senior lecturer

B.A. in Economics and Business and PhD in Sociology by the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. Diplôme d’ Études Approfondies, special branch of Mathematics, Computing and Applications on Human’s Sciences by l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Social of Paris.

Tenured professor of the Department of Sociology of the UAB, he gives subjects of methodology, techniques on social investigation and statistics, in addition to coordinating the TISA Master (Master of Techniques on Applied Social Research).

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Sociologia
Campus UAB- Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)

+34 93 581 1676
Curriculum Vitae
Web page

Areas of specialization

Member of the QUIT since its constitution as a research group, he develops its research activity in two general areas: that of the methods and techniques of social research (construction of typologies, multivariate data analysis, mixed methods), and that of the sociology of the work and social inequalities (labour market segmentation and immigration, social structure and social inequalities, social mobility, gender and everyday life).

Selected bibliography

Lozano, V. A., Fachelli, S., & López-Roldán, P. (2019). The Typological Paragon: A Methodological Proposal of Mixed Designs. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 141(1), 64–84.

Moreno-Colom, S., & López-Roldán, P. (2018). The impact of the crisis on career paths of immigrant women in Spain | El impacto de la crisis en las trayectorias laborales de las mujeres inmigrantes en España. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 36(1), 65–87.

Fachelli, S., & López-Roldán, P. (2017). The effect of immigration on intergenerational social mobility in Spain | El efecto de la inmigración en la movilidad social intergeneracional en España. Revista Española de Sociologia, 26(3), 309–328.

Fachelli, Sandra; López-Roldán, Pedro (2015): ¿Somos más móviles incluyendo a la mitad invisible? Análisis de la movilidad social intergeneracional en España en 2011. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Nº 150, 41-70.

Lozares, Carlos; López-Roldán, Pedro; Bolíbar, Mireia; Muntanyola, Dafne (2015): The structure of global centrality measures. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Volume 18, Issue 2,209-226.

Molina, O.; López-Roldán, P. (2014). Occupational Growth and Non-Standard Employment in the Spanish Service Sector: From Upgrading to Polarization, in Werner Eichhorst and Paul Marx (eds.), Non-standard employment in a comparative perspective, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Miguélez, F; López-Roldán, P. (Coord.) (2014). Crisis, empleo e inmigración en España. Un análisis de las trayectorias laborales. Bellaterra (Barcelona): Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Lozares, C.; López-Roldán, P. (2012). El Atributismo estructural y el Interaccionismo estructural en ciencias sociales: ¿concepciones alternativas, antagónicas o complementarias? Metodología de encuestas, 14, 25-44.

Miguélez, F., Alós, R., López, P., Martin, A., Molina, O., & Moreno, S. (2016). Immigrant Career Paths and Social Structure: The Case of Spain. Cambio. Rivista Sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 2(3), 63-77.

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