Paula Gonzàlez Vila

Team / Technical and administrative staff

Paula Gonzàlez Vila

Research Support Technician

After graduating with a BSc in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2023), she moved to London to pursue a Master’s degree in Social Policy Research at the London School of Economics (2024), with a full scholarship from the Ramón Areces Foundation. For her final dissertation, she studied the relationship between the marketization of care provision and its migrantization, obtaining a Distinction.

She has also worked as a research assistant in Community Wellbeing for the Centre for Economic Performance and for the Department of Social Policy at the LSE. She is now part of the research team at the GENERA project, on gender equality in the uses of time, changes, resistances and continuities.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball – QUIT
Campus UAB, Edif. B – Avda. de l’Eix Central
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)

Research interests

She is particularly interested in researching gender roles around time allocation, as well as the ethics of care, social policy evaluation and community wellbeing, mostly using a mixed-methods approach.

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