New strategies of migration: requalification for a new labour market

The current economic crisis has significnatly increased the number of unemployed persons reaching a four million maximum in the early months of 2010. This increase has triggered a dramatic shift in labour market demand that was satisfied in the expansion years by immigrants, young persons (early school leavers) and women. The important social risks arising from this situation may last for some years and pose very important challenges for some groups of persons. There is first of all a risk of social exclusion for young workers that experience periods of temporary employment with unemployment and low wages. The second risk refers to immigrants which are not returning to their origin countries moving into the informal sector before the difficulties to find a regular job. There is already some evidence suggesting that this is happening in large numbers hence making it even more difficult for these persons to become fully integrated . Moreover, the informal economy implies further deterioration in their working conditions. Finally, the third risk has to do with the rapid incorporation of women in the labour market over the last fifteen years and the possibility that the economic downturn may halt this long running process and trigger a return to home of young women.

The objective of this research is twofold. On the one hand, it is aimed at carrying out an assessment of the employment opportunities of the unemployed immigrants compared to natives. In order to do this, we will pay particular attention to the effect of education levels on their labour market trajectories before they became unemployed. Secondly, based on the results of this assessment, we aim at providing some recommendations and strategic guidelines for improving the effectiveness of re-qualification at the light of the demands posed by the new economic environment.

Start date: 01/01/2011

Finish date: 01/03/2013

Financing: Recercaixa – ACUP (2010)

Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

Team: Óscar Molina, Pedro López Roldán, Carolina Recio, Alejandro Godino, Zyab Ibáñez

Documents and publications:

MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; MOLINA, Óscar; IBÁÑEZ, Zyab; GODINO, Alejandro; RECIO, Carolina (2013): Nuevas Estrategias para la Inmigración: Recualificación para un nuevo mercado de trabajo. QUIT Working paper series, 18.

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