New organizacion of the time: the working time

This research aims to know the evolution of the time of work in the last decades.
These changes on working time have among others triggering factors: the crisis of occupation that put an end to “a golden period” of the industrial work; the loss of weight of the occupation in the industrial sector and the corresponding increase of the service sector as well as an increase of the female presence in the labor market.
This description of situation should allow us to draw the lines of a pilot experience to carry out at the city of Barcelona.

Start date: 01/12/2005

Finish date: 01/12/2006


Responsable researchers: Miguélez, Fausto; Torns, Teresa

Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

Documents and publications:

TORNS, T.; MIGUÉLEZ, F. (coords); BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2006): Noves Organitzacions del Temps de Treball.El temps de treball: balanç d’actuacions a la Unió Europea./ Tiempo de trabajo: balance de acciones en la UE. Barcelona: Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona – Ajuntament de Barcelona.

MIGUÉLEZ, F.; TORNS, T.; BORRÀS, V.; MORENO, S.; RECIO, C. (2008): “El tiempo de trabajo: ¿la última frontera?”. Revista Universitaria de Ciencias del Trabajo – Relaciones laborales, Formación y Fiscalidad, 6/2008 , pp. 84-104

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