Mireia Bolíbar Planas

Team / Teaching and research academic staff

Mireia Bolíbar Planas

Associate Professor

Mireia Bolíbar holds a PhD in sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2014). He has been a visiting researcher at the Mitchell Center for Social Network Analysis of the University of Manchester, at the Employment Research Center of the Trinity College Dublin, and at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.

Upon the completion of her PHd, she was employed at the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM) and the Institute of Sociology at the University of Bremen, and later a Juan de la Cierva research fellow (with the JdC-Formación and JdC-Incorporación grants) at Research Group on Health Inequalities – Employment Conditions Network of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

In 2020, she joined the Department of Sociology of the University of Barcelona (UB) as Serra Hunter Lecturer, and later on in 2022 she joined the Department of Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) as associate professor.

She is a member of the Sociological Research Center on Everyday Life and Work  (QUIT) and the Institute for Labour Studies (IET). Her teaching is on the areas of research methods and sociology of work.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Sociologia
Campus UAB- Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)

Despatx B3b/071

+34 935812547

Web page

Areas of specialization

Her research interests focus on social sciences methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative, and especially social networks analysis. Also her interests are related to the migration process, participation, associativism and organizational networks.

Selected bibliography

Bolíbar, Mireia & Padrosa, Eva (2024). Salut mental, joventut i desigualtats. Una mirada integral al benestar emocional de la població jove de Catalunya. Col·lecció Aportacions, núm. 67. Generalitat de Catalunya https://dretssocials.gencat.cat/web/.content/JOVENTUT_documents/arxiu/publicacions/col_aportacions/SALUT_MENTAL_JOVENTUT_DESIGUALTATS.pdf

Bolíbar, M., Belvis, F. X., Gutiérrez-Zamora, M. (2022). “The Embodiment of Insecurity: How Precarious Labour Market Trajectories Affect Young Workers’ Health and Wellbeing in Catalonia (Spain)”. In Choonara, J., Murgia, A & Carmo, RM (eds.) Faces of Precarity. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Padrosa, E., Bolíbar, M. (2022): “Disentangling youth non-compliance with COVID-19 restrictions from gender, socioeconomic vulnerability and poor mental health: lessons from the first wave in Catalonia”, Journal of Youth Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2022.2046260

Padrosa, E., Bolíbar, M., Julià, M., & Benach, J. (2021). “Comparing Precarious Employment Across Countries: Measurement Invariance of the Employment Precariousness Scale for Europe (EPRES-E)”. Social Indicators Research, 154_ 893-915.

Bolíbar, M. (2020). “Social capital, human capital and ethnic occupational niches: an analysis of ethnic and gender inequalities in the Spanish labour market”. Palgrave Communications, 6 (1): 1-9.

Bolíbar, M., Verd, JM., Barranco, O. (2019) “The downward spiral of youth unemployment: An approach considering social networks and family background” Work, Employment and Society, 33 (3): 401-421.

Verd, JM., Barranco, O., Bolíbar, M. (2019) “Youth unemployment and employment trajectories in Spain during the great recession: What are the determinants?” Journal for Labour Market Research. 53 (4). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12651-019-0254-3.

Benach J, Julià M, Bolíbar B, Amable M, Vives A. (2018) “Precarious employment, health, and quality of life. Context, analysis, and impacts.” A: Burke R. i Cooper C. (Eds.) Violence and abuse in and around organisations. New York: Routledge .

Martí, J., Bolíbar, M., Lozares, C (2017) “Network Cohesion and Social Support”. Social Networks, 48: 192-201.

Bolíbar, M (2016) “Macro, meso, micro: broadening the “social” of social network analysis with a mixed methods approach”. Quality & Quantity. 50 (5): 2217-2236

Bolíbar, M., Martí, J., Verd, JM. (2015) “Just a question of time? The composition and evolution of immigrants’ personal networks in Catalonia”. International Sociology. 30 (6): 579-598.

Bolíbar, M., Martí J., Lozares, C. (2013): “Aplicaciones de los métodos mixtos al análisis de las redes personales de la población inmigrada”. EMPIRIA: Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, 26: 89-116.

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