Marta Sigüenza Julià

Team / Technical and administrative staff

Marta Sigüenza Julià

Research Support Technician

Graduated with a dual degree in Sociology and Political Science and Public Administration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2023. Currently enrolled in the Master’s program in Social Policy, Employment and Welfare also at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

During the academic year 2022/2023, she undertook her curricular internship at the Sociological Research entre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) as part of the DINAMOS project (Dynamics of Analysis of Social Mobility in Spain), focused on investigating the dynamics of social change and transmission of inequalities both in terms of intragenerational social mobility and intergenerational social mobility.

Currently giving support to the research project CAPENRISG – Social capital and residential setting among youth at risk of labour market exclusion. A case study.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Sociologia
Campus UAB- Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)

Despatx B3b/059

+34 93 581 3303

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