Local level concertation: The possible role of social partners and local level institutions in regulating the new forms of employment & work.

The project’s general objectives are to i) survey, ii) analyse and iii) organise a systematic and permanent monitoring of the role which can be played by the social partners and public institutions at the local level in the regulation of work and employment relations, especially those of non-traditional type.
The general aim is thus to provide policy-makers and the actors of social dialogue with rigorous, up-to-date and comparison-based data and knowledge, in support of measures for the prevention/reduction of the social exclusion linked to the growth of new forms of employment and work.

Start date: 01/01/1999

Finish date: 01/12/2000

Financing: Commission of the European Communities- Directorate General for DG XII Science, Research and Development (Contract SOE2 CT98-3066)

Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Ida Regalia; responsable equip QUIT: Andreu Lope Peña

Team: Francesc Gibert, Daniel Ortiz

Documents and publications:

Regalia, I. (ed.) (2006): Regulating New Forms of Employment. Local experiments and social innovation in Europe. London and New York:Routledge.

 Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Tendencias y situación de las formas de empleo y del mercado de trabajo en Cataluña WP/00/1/ES

 Andreu Lope ;Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):  Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo y sus formas de regulación: revisión de la literatura española. WP/00/2/ES

 Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert ;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo: los resultados de una encuesta en Cataluña WP/00/3/ES

 Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert; Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): La regulación local de las nuevas formas de empleo y de trabajo. El caso de Cataluña (The Local Regulation of the New Forms of Employment and Work. The Case of Catalonia) WP/01/17/EN

 Andreu Lope, Francesc Gibert;Daniel Ortiz de Villacian (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: The Results of a Survey in Catalonia WP/00/8/EN

 Andreu Lope; Francesc Gibert (QUIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): New Forms of Employment and Work: A Review of the Spanish Literature WP/00/5/EN

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