Laia Nualart Moratalla

Team / PHD students

Laia Nualart Moratalla

Predoctoral researcher

Laia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Administration from Pompeu Fabra University (2019) and a Master’s Degree in Social Policy, Employment and Welfare from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2021). With a great interest in the analysis of social inequalities and research, she continues her training by attending courses on gender equality and gender-based violence and the Postgraduate in Data Analysis at the University of Barcelona (2022).

She has professional experience working as a technician for employment programs, as well as a gender equality and diversity consultant for public administration.

Currently, she is pursuing her PhD with a FI fellowship in the framework of the project “Social capital and residential setting among youth at risk of labour market exclusion. A case study” at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT
Departament de Sociologia
Campus UAB- Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)

+34 93 581 3303

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