La conceptualización y operacionalización de la calidad de la investigación basada en métodos mixtos: Un estudio de casos múltiples de cuatro disciplinas (2016)

In recent years the issue of quality of mixed methods research has received a considerable attention in the literature. Most of the works published to date have, however, been based on theoretical discussions instead of empirical accounts of how quality of mixed methods is actually defined and assessed by researchers. It is possible therefore that the proposed criteria do not adhere to the decisions made by researchers in practice and that they may be inefficient. Additionally, those works have ignored the influence that certain attributes such as the discipline, the geographic location, the methodological expertise or the understanding of mixed methods, have in the way researchers conceptualise and operationalise this type of quality.


Author: Sergi Fàbregues Feijóo

Director: Joan Miquel Verd Pericàs

Date: 04/02/2016


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