Linguistic diversity poses many challenges to the European citizen at work. The human right to be able to use minority languages in public life is supported by the European Commission, but the preferences being exercised by many of Europe’s elites to communicate between themselves using English as a ‘universal language’ can lead to the down-grading of national, regional or migrant origin languages. This becomes even more important with the growing migration flows into Europe and between EU member states and with the growing importance of multinational companies operating across Europe.
IR-MultiLing will research areas of understanding/misunderstanding and intended/unintended outcomes arising from language choices and whether the costs and benefits of linguistic diversity map differently for employers and managers than for employees.
Start date: 01/12/2014
Finish date: 30/11/2016
Financing: European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number VS/2014/0547)
Financing reference: Agreement number VS/2014/0547
Responsable researcher: Antonio Martín Artiles
Team: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino
GODINO, A; MARTÍN, A & MOLINA, Ò. (2018): “La gestión de la diversidad lingüística en la empresa: un análisis comparativo de estudios de caso en Barcelona”. Anuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales vol 5, PP 27-41
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