Improving the employability of youth in the territory

This study aims to redefine intervention proposals for the promotion of youth employment from different levels; firstly, by adapting training offers to the most emerging sectors that generate employment in each territory, as well as exploring training experiences beyond formal ones. Secondly, with the aim of making the offer of occupational training more attractive by incorporating competences linked to young people’s everyday concerns and practices, as well as encouraging the business sector at a territorial level to incorporate the training competences that these young people have. Finally,  by introducing the gender perspective in the male key, as the changes in the employment model in the context of crisis have affected mainly young men.

Start date: 01/09/2017
End date: 31/08/2018
Funding: AGAUR- Agència Catalana de Joventud
Grant agreement number: 2016AJOVE00018
Principal Investigador: Vicent Borràs Català
Research team: Sara Moreno Colom, Albert Trinidad, Núria Alcaraz

Documents & Publications:

Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Moreno, Sara; [et al.] (octubre 2018). La empleabilidad de l@s jóvenes : entre el perpetuo tránsito a ninguna parte y el oasis del tiempo libre [Presentación de paper]. VII Congreso Red Española de Políticas Sociales: “Políticas sociales ante horizontes de incertidumbre y desigualdad”, Zaragoza , España. < >

Borràs, V., Moreno-Colom, S., Trinidad, A., & Alcaraz, N. (2018, septiembre). Millorant l’ocupabilitat de la joventut al territori – Informe de recerca. <>

Borràs, Vicent; Trinidad, Albert; Alcaraz, Núria; Moreno-Colom, Sara (2021) The role of territory in the employability of young people. Journal of Education and Work, doi: 10.1080/13639080.2021.2018411

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