The project IGUALEM is born of the initiative of a group of cities with common features – making thus possible the design of local development strategies- with the aim of avoiding segregation situations by inequalities of gender. IGUALEM involves also to business associations, unions and universities.

The contribution of the UAB focuses on the following points:
– detection of the sectors with situations of segregation by inequalities of gender and identification of the causes,
– general design of policies against segregation,
– general supervision of the projects activities in order to guarantee the equality principle.

Start date: 01/03/2005

Finish date: 01/12/2007

Financing: European Commission. Ajuntament de Manresa- Programa Iniciativa Comunitaria EQUAL

Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

Team: Vicent Borràs, Carolina Recio, Carmen Mañas, Dafne Muntanyola Pau Díaz, Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló

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