Homophily as a way of structuring social relations in Catalonia (2013)

How do we establish the relationships with the people who surround us? Who are those who are part of our network and how have they come to be? What characteristics do we share with them? These simple questions contain a basic sociological problem: the way we build our relationship is not random. Social interaction is the channel through which countless phenomena are transmitted, such as favors, reputation, or job offers. Therefore, the study of the social structuring of relations is crucial in the understanding of how these phenomena occur. This PhD dissertation explores one of the most consistent and robust patterns in the social structuring of interpersonal relationships: homophily.

Author: Cruz Gómez, Irene

Director: Lozares Colina, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel

Date: 14/11/2013

Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10803/129158

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