Team / Teaching and research academic staff
Post doctoral fellow Juan de la Cierva
Guillaume earned a joint Ph.D. (2015) in Sociology from the University of Lyon and in Social Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Prior to joining the QUIT, he worked as a researcher at OBS Business School and as an assistant professor (w/o tenure) in Sociology at the University of Lyon (UCBL1/France), as well as conducted research at the Jönköping International Business School (JIBS/Sweden), the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT/Australia); the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3/Spain) and the Department of Sociology of the Colorado University at Boulder (CU/USA).
He has presented his work and has been invited to talk at prestigious research institutions such as Harvard University/RCC; RMIT; Leeds Business School; McGill University or the University of Oxford.
During the last few years, he has generated individual funding to conduct research and training activities from various institutions including the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO); the British Sociological Association (BSA); the European Sociological Association (ESA); the Center for Advanced Study in Madrid (EHEHI); and the European Commission.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Centre d'Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Campus UAB- C/ de la Fortuna, Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Areas of specialization
My research integrates work and economic sociology with theories of organizations and entrepreneurship. I study ethnographically value creation by looking at how people create things at work and what makes these things valuable. I have a specific focus on work dynamics and evaluation and valuation processes, and empirical settings for these enquiries include professional sports, social impact start-ups, business accelerators, impact investment funds, and independent contractors.
I think that research should demonstrate societal relevance and an effective way to achieve this goal has been turning research results into practical outcomes. As ethnographic fieldwork revolves around developing close relationships with research participants, it represents a valuable way to build bridges between research and real-life problems.
My current research is funded by a Juan de la Cierva Fellowship (Mineco) at the QUIT (UAB), and I am a Visiting Research at IESE Business School. I was a Visiting Researcher at the RMIT Digital Ethnography Research Center (RMIT); the Jonkoping International Business School (Sweden); and the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC, Spain), and a Research Scholar at the Department of Sociology of Colorado University Boulder (USA).
Selected bibliography
“Brand ambassador”: Expertise, creativity and polyvalence in the self-employed economy. Paris: School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences – EHESS (Under contract – Forthcoming 2018).
2017 Dumont, G. The labor of reputation building: An ethnographic perspective on creating individual reputation. Consumption, Market and Culture. (Accepted). (SSCI: Q3 Business, Scimago-scopus: Q1).
2017 Dumont, G. The beautiful and the damned: The work of new media production in professional rock climbing. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 41(2), 99-117. (SSCI: Q2 Sociology, Scimago-scopus: Q1).
2017 Dumont, G. Relational labor, collaboration and professional rock climbing. In Hjorth, L., Horst, H., Bell, G., & Galloway, A (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. (Pp. 121-131). London: Routledge.
2016 Dumont, G. Multi-layered labor: Entrepreneurship and professional versatility in rock climbing. Ethnography, 17(4), 440-459. (SSCI: Q2 Sociology, Scimago-scopus: Q1).
2016 Dumont, G. Understanding ethnographically athletes’ perception and experience of sponsorship: the case of professional rock climbing. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(4), 525-542. (SSCI: Q2 Leisure and tourism; Scimago-scopus: Q1).
2016 Dumont, G. Reputational labor. Ethnographic insights on reputation building [In French]. Réseaux. Communication – Technologies – Société, 199, 165-190. (Scimago-scopus: Q2 Sociology).
2015 Dumont, G. Co-creation, participatory culture and new media: The entrepreneurial work of climbing photographers in digital times. Anthropology of Work Review, 36(1): 26-36. (Scimago-scopus: Q1 Anthropology).