The impact of domestic and care work on women’s working lives, and hence their wages, has received increasing attention by social research. Different acts and regulations regarding the issue of work-life reconciliation have been passed in all European countries, but neither research with its recommendations nor regulations have succeeded in eliminating the gender pay gap.
On the one hand, the wage gap remains a factor of inequality and gender discrimination in our societies and, on the other hand, there is the so-called gender care cap, resulting from the uneven dedication of women and men to domestic work and to the care of others. The persistence of both gender gaps in societies that are, in many other respects, egalitarian, points to the structural and normative nature of the inequalities from which they stem.
The main goal of the project is to analyse, both statistical and discursively, the gender pay gap and its relationship with the gender care gap.
Start date: 03/12/2014
Finish date: 15/10/2015
Financing: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Instituto de la Mujer – EEA Grants (Exp. 128-CNBR025)
Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns
Team: Carolina Recio, Núria Sánchez Mira, Albert Trinidad