GENERA is a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of governmental programs for the Generation of Knowledge.
The project aims at analysing the changes, resistance, and continuities in the use of time devoted to domestic and care work, paying attention to the heterogeneity of trends and the character of transformations.
The two-fold objective of the proposal is articulated through two theoretical debates: the process of gender convergence in the uses of time, and the impact of contextual factors on gender relations.
The study formulates four starting research questions: What structural and contextual factors ease gender convergence in the uses of time? Which is the character, temporal or substantial, of the trends of change? What structural and contextual factors explain the continuities and resistance to change? What is the consequence of resistance: stagnation or setback.
The studies carried out by the applicant team point to a trend of upward convergence with sociocultural limits that suggest a certain stalled revolution and some setbacks. On the one hand, the differences between the time that women and men devote to domestic and care work decrease. On the other hand, inequality persists both for time devoted to these tasks and in their segregation as well. In parallel, the analysis on the social impact of the context crisis, such as COVID-19, points to the intensification of unpaid work by women, thus reinforcing traditional gender roles.
Taking as starting point previous results, the central goal of the proposal is to expand and deepen the knowledge in the heterogeneity of trends of change and continuity, the nature of changes as well as the contradictions or resistance behind the uses of time.
Start date: 01/09/2022
End date: 31/08/2025
Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Official reference: PID2021-122515NB-I00
Principal Investigators: Sara Moreno Colom & Vicent Borrà s
Team: Alvaro Briales (UCM), Irene Cruz Gómez (IERMB)
Lidia Arroyo (UOC), Núria Sánchez Mira (Université de Neuchâtel)
Joan RodrÃguez Soler (UAB), Sandra Sánchez Sinisterra (UAB)
Project website:
Moreno-Colom, Sara, Borrà s Català , Vicent, & Rodriguez-Soler, Joan (2024). Imaginarios en conflicto sobre el trabajo doméstico: responsabilidad, privilegio, supervisión y aprendizaje. Revista Española De SociologÃa, 33(3), a240.
Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borrà s Català , Vicent & RodrÃguez-Soler, Joan (2024). CapÃtulo 1. Cuando lo doméstico se difumina en los cuidados: entre lo material y lo simbólico. In: SofÃa Pérez de Guzman Padrón & Marcela Iglesias Onofrio (coord.). Sociedades del cuidado en transición: una perspectiva iberoamericana. Dykinson. (colección Conocimiento Contemporáneo, núm. 171) (pp.16-35).Â
Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borrà s Català , Vicent & RodrÃguez-Soler, Joan (2023). Igualdad de género en los usos del tiempo: cambios, resistencias y continuidades. Perspectiva teórica y modelo de análisis. QUIT Working paper series, n. 29. /286587
Media presence:
Rius, M. (7/03/2024). El conflicte de les tasques domèstiques: ell s’acomoden en el paper d’aprenent. La Vanguardia. 2.
Sanz, M. (07/03/2024). El conflicto en las tareas del hogar: las mujeres organizan y ordenan; los hombres aprenden y ejecutan. La Sexta Noticias.
Virgili M. (Anfitrión). (11/03/2024). Les dones i els dies. La feina invisible de les cures [Podcast de audio]. 3cat.