Francesc Gibert is a Senior Technician at the Labour Relations Council of Catalonia.
He was previously a research professor at QUIT. He holds a degree in Sociology and is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology. The subject of his thesis is collective bargaining and productive outsourcing processes. His areas of interest include labour relations, labour market policies, human resource management and work organisation.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Sociologia
Campus UAB - Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Areas of specialization
Industrial Relations
Labour market policies
Human resource management
Organization of work
Selected bibliography
LOPE, A.; GIBERT, F. (2005): “Catalonia: the difficulty in transferring locally concerted solutions into firms”, a Regalia, I. (Ed.): Regulating new forms of employment. Local experiments and social innovation in Europe, London, Routledge.
MARTÍN ARTILES, A. ; GIBERT, F. (2005): “Primary and secondary labour markets in Spain”, in Köhler, C., Junge, K., Schröder, T. and Struck, O. (Ed.): Trends in employment stability and labour market segmentation. Current debates and findings in Eastern and Western Europe, Jena, The Jena-Halle Research Centre.
LOPE, A., RECIO, A. I GIBERT, F. (2004): La qualitat del servei i de l’ocupació del Servei d’Atenció al Domicili de Manlleu. Anàlisi i propostes d’actuació, Manlleu, Ajuntament de Manlleu.
LOPE, A.; GIBERT, F.; ORTÍZ, D. (2002): Atajar la precariedad laboral. La concertación local, ¿un marco para abordar nuevas formas de empleo?. Barcelona: Icaria.
GIBERT, F.; LOPE, A.; ROSETTI, N. (2002): “Los pactos locales por el empleo: el caso de Mataró y el Vallès occidental”. En: BLANCO, I.; GOMÀ, R., Gobiernos locales y redes participativas. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel.