Fernando Osvaldo Esteban

Team / Contributors
Fernando Osvaldo Esteban

Ajudant Doctor

Fernando Osvaldo Esteban is graduate in Sociology, Buenos Aires University (Argentine, 1998), Master (2003) and Ph. D. (2007) at Salamanca University (Spain). In this institution, he was professor and researcher. Postdoctoral fellowholder at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008-2010)..He also was visiting fellow at State University of Campinas (Brazil), York University (Canada), Boston University (USA) and National Autonomy University of Mexico (Mexico).

Universitat de València
Facultat de Ciències Socials
Sociologia i Antropologia Social
Edifici Departamental Oriental
Av. Tarongers s/n
46022 València-Spain

+34 96 382 8461

Curriculum Vitae

Areas of specialization

Fernando Esteban ´s main lines of research are: international migration, specifically foreign immigration in Spain and Argentine international migration, and research methodology.

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