Fausto Miguélez Lobo

Team / Contributors
Fausto Miguélez Lobo

Professor Emeritus

Fausto Miguélez was Professor of Sociology at the UAB and one of the founding members of the Department of Sociology.
He was one of the driving forces behind the Centre for Sociological Studies on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT) and the Institute of Labour Studies, which he directed until his retirement.
He has been a reference in the Sociology of Work and a legacy of books and articles in academic journals will live on.

Find out more: https://mirades.uab.cat/exposicions/biblioteques/faustomiguelez

Selected bibliography

Molina, Óscar; Miguélez, Fausto (2013): From negotiacion to imposition: social dialogue in austerity times in Spain. DIALOGUE Working Paper, Num. 51. http://www.ilo.org/ifpdial/information-resources/publications/WCMS_223700/lang–en/index.htm

Miguélez, Fausto (2013): La democracia en los sindicatos. La importancia de la democracia participativa en la acción sindical. Gaceta Sindical: reflexión y debate, Núm. 21, pp.171-181

Miguélez, Fausto; Alós, Ramon; López-Roldán, Pedro; Martín, Antonio; Molina, Óscar; Moreno, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

Miguélez, Fausto (coord.); Martín, Antonio; Esteban, Fernando; López-Roldán, Pedro; Molina, Oscar; Moreno, Sara (2012): Trayectorias laborales de los inmigrantes en España. Barcelona: Obra Social “La Caixa”.

Miguélez, Fausto; Alós-Moner, Ramon; Martín Artiles, Antonio; Gibert, Francesc (2007): Trabajar en prisión. Barcelona: Icaria.

Miguélez, Fausto; Recio, Albert (2010): The Uncertain Path from the Mediterranean Welfare Model in Spain, en D.Anxo, G. Bosch, J. Rubery (eds.) The Welfare State And Life Transitions.A European Perspective . Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing

Banyuls, Josep; Miguélez, Fausto; Recio, Albert; Cano, Ernest; Lorente, Raul (2009): The transformation of the Employment System in Spain: Towards a Mediterranean Neoliberalism?, en G. Bosch, S. Lehndorff, J. Rubery (eds.) European Employment Models in Flux. A comparison of Institutional Change in Nine European Countries . New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 247-269.

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