Evaluation of training needs of companies in the town of Polinyà (BCN)

The intention of this research is to identify the training needs of the businesses of the town of Polinyà (Barcelona) and the formation profiles required by employers, departing from the hypothesis that the training required is strongly segmented, and that the local jov market is only able to meet these needs with some difficulty.
This study also holds as an objective that of identifying the factors which favour and/or hinder the meshing of training adn employmnet, as well as being able to carry out proposals which allow the orientation of training policies at local level.

Start date: 01/10/1995

Finish date: 01/09/1996

Financing: Patronat Flor de Maig- Diputació de Barcelona

Responsable researcher: Oscar Rebollo Izquierdo

Team: Faustino Miguélez, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Clara Llorens, Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Joel Martí, Joan Miquel Verd

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