Employee’s resources and social rights in Europe

The RESORE project aims to develop an analysis of the employees resources changes over the last two decades in relation to the social rights linked to them. The hypothesis is that at present we witness an erosion of the rights linked to universal direct taxation/insurance in Anglo-Nordic regimes and of rights linked to socialised salaries in some continental Europe countries. As a counterpart to this erosion, new models of rights linked to national solidarity (social inclusion) and mutualised collective private property are appearing, which suppose a shift in the nature of rights. This project will be carried out on the one hand by the analysis of comparative statistical measurement of resource flows and on the other hand by means of the analysis of national ‘qualitative’ data produced by national partners.

Start date: 01/12/2002

Finish date: 01/11/2005

Financing: UE- European Commission (HPSE-CT-2002-00104)

Responsable researcher: project coordinator: Bernadette CLASQUIN (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-CNRS; Andreu Lope Peña (QUIT-UAB)

Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Martí López

Documents and publications:

Employees’ Resources and Social Rights in Europe (RESORE) – Final Research Report

LÓPEZ ANDREU, Martí; LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “New employment forms reducing the scope of the wage”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 183-206 .

VERD, Joan Miquel (2013): “The hybridisation of worker’s resources: wage supplements and wage subsidies”, en B.Clasquin & B.Friot (eds.) The Wage under attack. Employment policies in Europe. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang, pp. 225-244 .

VERD, J.M.; PÉREZ, C. (2004): “Skills and credentials at the core of the relation between resources and employment”, en VV.AA. Wage and welfare. New perspectives on employment and social rights in Europe. Bruselas: Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes-Peter Lang, pp. 101-126.

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