The effect of occupational training on employment

Speaker: Álvaro Fernández Junquera

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball

This study, financed by the Employment Service of Catalonia, deals with one of the active labor market policies implemented by the public employment services in Spain, namely occupational training. These actions, aimed primarily at the group of unemployed people, consist of the offer of training courses framed in the labor system. This paper evaluates the causal effect of participation in occupational training courses on the probability of finding employment, based on data from the “Survey of Educational-Training Transition and Labor Market Insertion” and the “Survey of Labor Market Insertion of University Graduates”, both published by the INE in 2019.

Date: 26/04/2022

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