Economic crisis, employment trajectories and sociopolitical attitudes of young people. The case of the youth of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona

The research studies the effects that the current Spanish economic crisis is having on young people’s visions, attitudes and behaviours vis-à-vis to the labour market and the political system. Concretely, the research tries to see the characteristics of these visions, attitudes and behaviours and their possible changes, during the period of the economic crisis, because of the crisis of the youth labour market as well as the modifications of some social benefits. The research analyses the case of the young people who lives in the metropolitan area of Barcelona by means of a mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods: a quantitative and extensive statistical analysis of secondary survey data is carried out, and is complemented with a qualitative and intensive analysis of primary data from biographical interviews.

Start date: 17/03/2014

Finish date: 31/03/2015

Financing: Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País (SEBAP)

Responsable researcher: Oriol Barranco

Team: Mireia Bolíbar

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