Dual vet and school-to work transition of young people: the social actors perspective

Speakers: Daniel Barrientos

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball

Dual Vocational Education and Training arises in Spain within the European policies about employment and training for young people. However, the lack of an indepth legislation, the high level of unemployment and the poor resources, caused by the economic crisis, or the low role played by the Administration, has led to a limited model. Every Autonomous Community, productive sector, high school or company, has implemented their owns solutions for each limitation, developing different models in Spain. This situation does not allow us to conclude that Dual VET improves the school-to-work transition only by itself, but rather there are some conditions that must be fulfilled in its implementation to achieve the positive effects aimed. This article studies the perspectives of social actors who design and implement the model to analyse the development and possibilities of the Dual VET

Date: 20/10/2021

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