All the documentation generated by the researches is available for consultation in the Library of Social Sciences and or/ the General Library of the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, as well as in the QUIT office.
For our research centre dissemination of research findings goes beyond formal publication in journals or books, thus research dissemination is not fully complete until the findings have been made widely available by using other formats such as non-refereed publications, web pages, digital repositories and other social media.
Media presence
Media presence
- Alejandro Godino’s collaboration as an expert in a report by El Confidencial
Rocha, C. (2023, Març, 11). Baja afiliación y mucha confianza: la paradoja de la juventud precaria con los sindicatos. El Confidencial. https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2023-03-11/paradoja-juventud-precaria-sindicatos-afiliacion_3590903/
- Collaboration of Óscar Molina as a expert in a report by ON Economía
Ferrari, J. (2023, February, 2). El SMI sube más porcentualmente en 13 países de la UE que en España. ON Economía. https://www.elnacional.cat/oneconomia/es/economia/smi-sube-porcentaje-13-paises-ue-espana_962661_102.html
- Interview with Joan Miquel Verd at Tot anirà bé program
Name: Joan Miquel Verd
Support/Media: Ràdio Estel
Year: 2022
Participation of Joan Miquel Verd in the program Tot anirà bé to talk about the four-day working day: “Studies show that it improves productivity“.
- Interview to Vicent Borràs in Ràdio Sabadell
Sans, M. (Host) (2022, March, 8). Vicent Borràs, UAB: “Les dones redueixen la presència a la feina quan tenen fills i els homes l’incrementen”. [Radio broadcast]. In: M. Sans (Director) El cafè de la ràdio. Ràdio Sabadell. https://radiosabadell.fm/alacarta/audio/vicent-borras-uab-les-dones-redueixen-la-presencia-la-feina-quan-tenen-fills-i-els
- Collaboration of Joan Miquel Verd as an expert in an article of the Ara newspaper
Fageda, G. (2022, February, 16). L’educació i l’entorn, la clau per a la inserció laboral dels joves. Diari Ara. https://www.ara.cat/economia/l-educacio-l-entorn-clau-insercio-laboral-dels-joves_1_4273530.html
- Interview with Sara Moreno in Catalunya Plural
Pujol, G. (2022, February, 14). Sara Moreno, sociòloga: “el teletreball té un rostre clarament de gènere”. Catalunya Plural. https://catalunyaplural.cat/ca/sara-moreno-sociologa-el-teletreball-te-un-rostre-clarament-de-genere/
- Article by Óscar Molina in Agenda Pública
Molina, Ó. (2022, February, 3). Gobernar ¿y regionalizar? la negociación colectiva. Agenda Pública. https://agendapublica.es/noticia/17703/gobernar-regionalizar-negociacion-colectiva
- Collaboration of Sara Moreno as an expert in an article of Nació Digital
González, S. (2021, November, 24). Les violacions, la punta de l’iceberg de les violències sexuals invisibilitzades. Nació Digital. https://naciodigital.cat/societat/les-violacions-la-punta-de-liceberg-de-les-violencies-sexuals-invisibilitzades_144468_102.html
- Sara Moreno’s participation in the programme ‘Catalunya migdia’ on Catalunya Ràdio
Catalunya Migdia (cap de setmana) (Host) (2021, November, 21). Les dones i el teletreball: un parany per a la conciliació. [Radio broadcast]. 3Cat. https://www.ccma.cat/3cat/les-dones-i-el-teletreball-un-parany-per-a-la-conciliacio/audio/1116554/
- Participation of Sara Moreno and Vicent Borràs in the TV3 programme ‘Els Matins’
Viana, M. (Host) (2021, November, 5). Les dones, les grans perdedores del teletreball. [Episode of a television programme]. In: A. Oltra i A. Mercadé (Directors), Els Matins; 3Cat: https://www.ccma.cat/3cat/les-dones-les-grans-perdedores-del-teletreball/noticia/3128052/
- Interview with Sara Moreno in El Punt Avui
García, R. (2021, August, 18). “Qualsevol crisi és una excusa per retrocedir en la igualtat”. El Punt Avui. https://www.elpuntavui.cat/societat/article/5-societat/2016214-qualsevol-crisi-es-una-excusa-per-retrocedir-en-la-igualtat.html
- Collaboration of Vicent Borràs as an expert in a Newtral article
García, L.. (2021, June, 24). El Congreso gasta 276.275 euros al año en una guardería para los hijos de parlamentarios y empleados. Newtral. https://www.newtral.es/guarderia-congreso-conciliacion-parlamentos-politicos/20210624/
- Sara Moreno’s contribution as an expert in an article in El País
Rocabert, M. (2021, March, 8). La covid agrava la brecha de género en Cataluña. El País. https://elpais.com/espana/catalunya/2021-03-07/la-covid-agrava-la-brecha-de-genero-en-cataluna.html
- Interview in Público
Name: Sara Moreno
Support/Media: Público
Year: 2020
Interview with Sara Moreno in the section of feminisms of Digital Media “Públic” “Gender inequalities have greatly conditioned this first year of pandemic” where she analyzes how the pandemic has impacted on social inequalities, especially in gender inequalities, in the labor market and in everyday life.
- Back with the four-day workweek: Work one day less or work less each day?
Name: Vicent Borràs & Sara Moreno
Support/Media: Newtral
Year: 2020
Collaboration of Vicent Borràs and Sara Moreno with press in the article to analyze the implications of the proposal to work 4 days a week after the Spanish government has proposed it.
- Interview with Sara Moreno on the radio programme ‘La ciutat’ on Ondacero Radio.
Günther, M. (Host) (2021, July, 23). El teletreball ha agreujat les desigualtats de gènere [Radio broadcast]. Onda Cero. https://www.ondacero.es/emisoras/catalunya/audios-podcast/ciutat/teletreball-agreujat-les-desigualtats-genere_2021072360fac29639fa6f00018ef947.html
- Participation of Joan Miquel Verd in the El Diari de Barcelona podcast
Puvill, S.; Muñoz, N & Coderch, N.. (Hosts) (2021, June, 17). ‘Els joves són el futur’. Utopia or reality? [Podcast episode]. In: Universitat Pompeu Fabra (creator) El so del Diari de Barcelona. Diari de Barcelona. https://www.diaridebarcelona.cat/w/joves-son-futur-utopia-realitat-podcast
- Participation of Sara Moreno in the programme L’Ofici d’Educar de Catalunya Ràdio
Pedrosa, E. (Host) (2021, June, 10). El teletreball afavoreix la conciliació o la discriminació de gènere? [Radio broadcast]. In: E. Pedrosa (director) L’ofici d’Educar (El Suplement). 3Cat. https://www.ccma.cat/3cat/el-teletreball-afavoreix-la-conciliacio-o-la-discriminacio-de-genere/noticia/3103607/
- Interview with Sara Moreno in Públic
Ericsson, P. (2021, May, 7). “Les desigualtats de gènere han condicionat moltíssim aquest primer any de pandèmia”. Públic. https://www.publico.es/public/feminismes-les-desigualtats-genere-han-condicionat-moltissim-aquest-primer-any-pandemia.html
- Interview with Sara Moreno in Digital Future Society
Jiménez, P. (Director) (2021, May, 4). Limpieza y Cuidados (Episode 3) [Podcast episode]. In: L. Moreno (Creator), La Plataforma y Yo: un podcast sobre el futuro del trabajo; Digital Future Society: https://digitalfuturesociety.com/es/la-plataforma-y-yo-cuidados/
- Interview with Sara Moreno in El Crític
Aznar, L. (2021, April, 13). Sara Moreno “El teletreball és una falsa solució per a la conciliació”. El Crític. https://www.elcritic.cat/entrevistes/sara-moreno-el-teletreball-es-una-falsa-solucio-per-la-conciliacio-88410
- Collaboration of Sara Moreno as an expert on Les Notícies de TV3
(2021, March, 7). Dones i Covid: més desigualtat de gènere, tot i el seu paper essencial en la pandèmia. [Television broadcast]. 3Cat. https://www.ccma.cat/324/dones-i-covid-mes-desigualtat-de-genere-tot-i-el-seu-paper-essencial-en-la-pandemia/noticia/3081713/
- Participation of Vicent Borràs in the Catalunya Ràdio programme ‘Catalunya migdia’.
Catalunya Migdia (cap de setmana) (Host) (2021, February, 2). Com serà el món postpandèmia: més prudent o entregat a la disbauxa [Radio broadcast]. 3Cat. https://www.ccma.cat/3cat/com-sera-el-mon-postpandemia-mes-prudent-o-entregat-a-la-disbauxa/audio/1093265/
- Collaboration of Vicent Borràs and Sara Moreno as experts in a Newtral article
López, N. (2020, December, 17). A vueltas con la semana laboral de cuatro días: ¿Trabajar un día menos o trabajar menos cada día? Newtral. https://www.newtral.es/jornada-laboral-cuatro-dias-feminismo-trabajo-cuidados/20201217/
- Interview with Sara Moreno in the CARRER magazine of the FAVB
Aznar, L. (2020, November, 10). “Una modalitat de teletreball al cent per cent no és viable”. FAVB. https://favb.cat/noticies/una-modalitat-de-teletreball-al-cent-cent-no-es-viable/
- Collaboration of Sara Moreno as an expert in an article of Diari Públic
Font, M. (2020, November, 10). Les dones, principals víctimes de la destrucció d’ocupació per la Covid. Públic. https://www.publico.es/public/les-dones-principals-victimes-destruccio-d-ocupacio-per-covid.html
- Article by Antonio Martín in Pasos a la Izquierda
Martín, A. (2020, October, 9). Digitalización: presente y futuro de la representación colectiva con retos para la izquierda. Pasos a la izquierda. https://pasosalaizquierda.com/digitalizacion-presente-y-futuro-de-la-representacion-colectiva-con-retos-para-la-izquierda/
- Collaboration of Vicent Borràs as an expert in an article in Ara
Vallejo, O. (2020, September, 28). ‘Batch cooking’, l’aliat perfecte de la tornada a la rutina. Diari Ara. https://www.ara.cat/estils/batch-cooking-organitzacio-cuina-setmana_1_1048367.html
- Interview with Sara Moreno in Nació Digital
Martí, P. (2020, August. 15). Sara Moreno: «No hem fet teletreball, sinó treball a distància imposat». Nació Digital. https://naciodigital.cat/societat/sara-moreno-no-hem-fet-teletreball-sino-treball-a-distancia-imposat_47487_102.html
- Article by Fausto Miguélez in Público
Miguélez, F. (2020, July, 23). ¿Doble casco o alternativa al petróleo?¿Qué pasa si se queda el teletrabajo?. Público. https://blogs.publico.es/otrasmiradas/35238/que-pasa-si-se-queda-el-teletrabajo/
- Article by Óscar Molina and Alejandro Godino in Agenda Pública
Molina, Ó. & Godino, A. (2020, May, 21). ¿Sin derecho a desconectar? El control del teletrabajo en tiempos de Covid-19. Agenda Pública. https://agendapublica.es/noticia/17030/sin-derecho-desconectar-control-teletrabajo-tiempos-covid-19
- Interview with Sara Moreno in the radio programme ‘Les dones i els dies’.
Virgili, M. (Host) (2020, April, 25). Sara Moreno, sociòloga: “La Covid-19 accentuarà, encara més, la desigualtat de gènere” [Radio Broadcasting]. 3Cat. https://www.ccma.cat/3cat/sara-moreno-sociologa-la-covid-19-accentuara-encara-mes-la-desigualtat-de-genere/audio/1069356/
- Collaboration of Vicent Borràs as an expert in a article of Crónica Global
Escalante, J.L. (2020, March, 8). La conciliación, asignatura pendiente: “La desigualdad empieza con la maternidad”. Crónica Global. https://cronicaglobal.elespanol.com/business/20200308/la-conciliacion-asignatura-pendiente-desigualdad-empieza-maternidad/473202723_0.html
- Collaboration of Sara Moreno as an expert in an article in El Punt Avui
El Punt Avui. (2020, March, 8). Contra la precarietat. El Punt Avui. https://www.elpuntavui.cat/societat/article/5-societat/1754138-contra-la-precarietat.html
- Sara Moreno’s participation in the TV3 programme ‘Quan arribin els marcians’.
Rodríguez, E. (Director) (2019, March, 6). Cuidadores, tècniques, cossos diferents i Ramon Mirabet (Season 2, Episode 24) [Episode of television programme]. In: C. Trepat i M. Daza (Executive Producers), Quan arribin els marcians; 3Cat: https://www.ccma.cat/3cat/cuidadores-tecniques-cossos-diferents-i-ramon-mirabet/video/5828715/
- Participation of Alejandro Godino in the programme ‘Nits de ràdio’ on ONDACERO Radio.
Cervelló, D. (Host). (2018, September, 14). Nits de Ràdio 14/09/2018 [Radio Broadcasting]. Onda Cero. https://www.ondacero.es/emisoras/catalunya/audios-podcast/nits-radio/nits-de-radio-14092018_201809145b9b348e0cf2978203d0e21b.html
- Interview with Pilar Carrasquer and Alba García at L’Econòmic of El Punt Avui
Gran Angular (2018, February, 11). La bretxa salarial, llast per a tothom. L’Econòmic d’El Punt Avui. https://www.leconomic.cat/article/1335804-la-bretxa-salarial-llast-per-a-tothom.html
- Participation of Pilar Carrasquer in the radio magazine ‘Sant Cugat a Fons’.
Sant Cugat a Fons. (Host) (2018, January, 26). Pilar Carrasquer (UAB): ‘La bretxa salarial a Catalunya se situa per sobre de la mitjana de l’Estat espanyol’ [Podcast]. Cugat Mèdia https://www.cugat.cat/diari/sons/133926/pilar-carrasquer-%28uab%29_-_la-bretxa-salarial-a-catalunya-se-situa-per-sobre-de-la-mitjana-de-l_estat-espanyol_
- Interview to Núria Sánchez in El Punt Avui
L.B. (2018, Gener, 15). “Com més transparència, menys bretxa”. El Punt Avui. https://www.elpuntavui.cat/economia/article/18-economia/1321136-com-mes-transparencia-menys-bretxa.html
- Contribution by Núria Sánchez as an expert in an article in El Independiente
García, M. (2017, March, 5). Madres trabajadoras, hijas líderes. El Independiente. https://www.elindependiente.com/economia/2017/03/05/madres-trabajadoras-hijas-lideres/
- Contribution by Núria Sánchez as an expert in an article in El Independiente
Castro, G. (2017, March, 5). Lo que (realmente) hacen las empresas por la igualdad. El Independiente. https://www.elindependiente.com/economia/2017/03/05/lo-que-realmente-hacen-las-empresas-por-la-igualdad/
- Interview with Núria Sánchez at Empordà.info
Sánchez, N.. (2017, March, 1). Núria Sánchez Mira: «Les dones tenim un major risc de pobresa en la vellesa». Empordà.info. https://www.emporda.info/comarca/2017/03/01/nuria-sanchez-mira-les-dones-50928927.html
- Collaboration of Vicent Borràs as an expert in an article of La Vanguardia
Kylish, I. (2015, Diciembre, 24). Personatges que toquen la fibra per Nadal. La Vanguardia. https://www.lavanguardia.com/edicion-impresa/20151224/301023601906/personatges-que-toquen-la-fibra-per-nadal.html
- News in La Vanguardia about QUIT study
Redacció. (2015, December, 21). Estudio UAB alerta que políticas industriales no contribuirán a más empleo. La Vanguardia. https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20151221/30954436228/estudio-uab-alerta-que-politicas-industriales-no-contribuiran-a-mas-empleo.html
- Collaboration of Vicent Borràs as an expert in an article of La Vanguardia
Vivanco, F. (2013, January, 4). El momento de las mujeres. La Vanguardia. https://www.lavanguardia.com/estilos-de-vida/20130104/54358792050/el-momento-de-las-mujeres.html
- Sara Moreno’s collaboration as an expert in an article in El Mundo
Fresneda, C. (2012, Novembre, 12). ¿Cómo queremos envejecer?. El Mundo. https://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2012/11/22/economia/1353572142.html
- Article by Fausto Miguélez and Tomàs García in El País
Miguélez, F. & García, T. (2003, January, 8).¿Doble casco o alternativa al petróleo?. El País. https://elpais.com/diario/2003/01/08/catalunya/1041991641_850215.html
- Article by Fausto Miguélez in El País
Miguélez, F. (2003, Septiembre, 2). ¿Qué hacer con la basura doméstica?. El País. https://elpais.com/diario/2003/09/02/catalunya/1062464842_850215.html
- Article by Fausto Miguélez in El País
Miguélez, F. (2002, Junio, 26). ¿Es necesaria la huelga general? El País. https://elpais.com/diario/2002/06/25/catalunya/1024967242_850215.html
- Alejandro Godino’s collaboration as an expert in a report by El Confidencial
UAB divulga
UAB divulga
- Contacts and the environment: essential tools to access the world of work
Authors: Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd. Research Team: Joel Martí, Dafne Muntanyola, Oriol Barranco, Joan Rodríguez Soler & Alejandro González Heras
Title: Contacts and the environment: essential tools to access the world of work
Year: 2020
Notes: The CAPSINES project addresses the process by which young people, affected by precariousness and instability in the job market, access to employment through the accumulation and use of social capital during their labour trajectories. Analyzing the sequential transitions of occupational changes, the project will evaluate the effect on job outcomes of different types of mobilized social capital.
Project outputs - The role of personal networks in the collective bargaining
Authors: Alejandro Godino & Óscar Molina
Title: La importancia de las redes personales en la negociación colectiva
Year: 2020
Notes: Project web
Project outputs - Working conditions for outsourced workers in Europe
Authors: Alejandro Godino & Óscar Molina
Title: La desprotección de los trabajadores externalizados en Europea
Year: 2019
Notes: Project web
Project outputs - The downward spiral of youth unemployment
Authors: Bolíbar, Mireia; Verd, Joan Miquel & Barranco, Oriol
Title: La espiral negativa del paro juvenil
Year: 2019
Notas: Bolíbar, Mireia; Verd, Joan Miquel; Barranco, Oriol (2019). The downward spiral of youth unemployment: An approach considering social networks and family background. Work, Employment and Society, 33 (3): 401-421. June 2019 https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017018822918
- The quality of outsourced jobs
Author: Godino, Alejandro
Title: La calidad del empleo externalizado
Year: 2019
Notes: Doctoral dissertation. La calidad del empleo externalizado: análisis de la fragmentación de las relaciones de empleo, by Alejandro Godino Pons. Developed within the Centro de Estudios Sociológicos sobre la Vida Cotidiana y el Trabajo (QUIT) and supervised by Óscar Molina and Fausto Miguélez. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/457907.
- The importance of your personal contacts when job searching
Authorship: Vacchiano, Mattia
Title: La importancia de los contactos personales para encontrar empleo
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/192773
Year: 2018
Notes: Doctoral dissertationLas redes personales en el mercado de trabajo. Recursos, mecanismos y desigualdades en el medio juvenil,
- La divisió social i sexual del treball en transformació
Authorship: Sánchez Mira, Núria
Title: La divisió social i sexual del treball en transformació
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/171530
Year: 2017
Notes: Sánchez Mira, Núria. “La división social y sexual del trabajo en transformación”. UAB Divulga. 08-02-2017. http://www.uab.cat/web/detalle-noticia-1345680342040.html?noticiaid=1345718721100
- Més recursos i millors polítiques per reduir la desocupació
Authorship: Miguélez, Fausto; Molina, Óscar
Title: Més recursos i millors polítiques per reduir la desocupació
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/166546
Year: 2016
- Ruptura del compromís igualitari per sostenir l’Estat de benestar a Europa?
Authorship: Martín Artiles, Antonio; Molina, Óscar; Carrasquer, Pilar
Title: Ruptura del compromís igualitari per sostenir l’Estat de benestar a Europa?
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/158698
Year: 2016
- L’escletxa salarial entre homes i dones al mercat de treball
Authorship: Torns, Teresa; Recio, Carolina; Sánchez Mira, Núria; Trinidad, Albert
Title: L’escletxa salarial entre homes i dones al mercat de treball
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/150762
Year: 2016
- Anàlisi de la mobilitat social intergeneracional a Espanya el 2011
Authorship: Fachelli, Sandra; López Roldán, Pedro
Title: Anàlisi de la mobilitat social intergeneracional a Espanya el 2011
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/143932
Year: 2015
- Efectes dels programes de treball a la presó a la reinserció laboral d’ex-presos
Authorship: Alós, Ramon
Title: Efectes dels programes de treball a la presó a la reinserció laboral d’ex-presos
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/131284
Year: 2015
- Factors que influeixen en la durada de les afiliacions sindicals
Authorship: Alós, Ramon
Title: Factors que influeixen en la durada de les afiliacions sindicals
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/127924
Year: 2014
- La inserció laboral dels exreclusos
Authorship: Alós, Ramon
Title: La inserció laboral dels exreclusos
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/119548
Year: 2014
- Està disminuint l’hegemonia masculina?
Authorship: Borràs, Vicent ; Moreno, Sara ; Castelló, Laia ; Grau, Anna
Title: Està disminuint l’hegemonia masculina?
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/106962
Year: 2013
- Immigrants en el mercat de treball espanyol
Authorship: Lozano, Mariona
Title: Immigrants en el mercat de treball espanyol
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/108139
Year: 2013
- Creix la inestabilitat en les trajectòries laborals
Authorship: Verd, Joan Miquel
Title: Creix la inestabilitat en les trajectòries laborals
Link: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/92637
Year: 2012
- Contacts and the environment: essential tools to access the world of work
Seminars and conferences
- Tribute to Fausto MiguélezTribute to Fausto Miguélez Lobo, professor of sociology and founder and director of QUIT until his retirement, which took place on 26 May 2023 in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UAB. The following speakers took part in the event: – Olga Serradell, Dean of the Faculty of CCPP and Sociology of the UAB – Antonio Martín, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Sociology of the UAB – Joan Botella, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Sociology of the UAB – Clara Llorens, Professor of the Department of Sociology of the UAB – Carlos Prieto, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Sociology of the UCM – Albert Recio, Honorary Professor of the Department of Economics of the UAB – Sònia Parella, Director of the Department of Sociology of the UAB.Date: 26 May 2023Organised by QUIT.ProgramThe Social Sciences Library has also joined in this tribute with an on-site exhibition in the display cases on floor 0 and with a virtual exhibition that you can consult on the following website https://mirades.uab.cat/exposicions/biblioteques/faustomiguelez
- Tribute to Fausto Miguélez
- 2022
- 2021
- Webinar «Teleworking, labour rights and the right to disconnect»
The seminar aims to explore the normalization of telework in our society as a result of the pandemic, from a multidisciplinary perspective. The regulatory changes agreed between the administrations, unions and employers and their implications for practical purposes will also be addressed.
Date: 11 de November 2020
Organized by the Col·legi de Professionals de la Ciència Política i de la Sociologia de Catalunya, the Observatori per la Democràcia (ODEM) and the Associació Catalana de Professionals.
- Webinar «Teleworking, labour rights and the right to disconnect»
- Seminar “Collecting waste and informal work”
This seminar aims to valuing the work of informal waste pickers in the Catalan recycling sector, to know how it is being studied from the University, to discuss how these situations have been managed in the Southern countries and what lessons can be learnt.
Fecha: 4 de junio de 2019
Organized by the Minor en Desenvolupament Sostenible i Ciutadania Global, the Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball – QUIT, the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental – ICTA and the Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques – IGOP
- Seminar “Collecting waste and informal work”
Past events
- 2018
- Jornada “Jóvenes en perpetuo tránsito hacia ninguna parte” que se celebrarà el proper 27 de gener, a la Sala de Plens del Consell de Treball, Econòmic i Social de Catalunya
Semminar or conference title: Jornada “Jóvenes en perpetuo tránsito hacia ninguna parte” que se celebrarà el proper 27 de gener, a la Sala de Plens del Consell de Treball, Econòmic i Social de Catalunya
Action title:
Year: 2017
Notes: Organitzada pel Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball – QUIT, neix lligada a un projecte de recerca que planteja la necessitat d’analitzar les possibilitats d’ocupabilitat dels joves incorporant la formació, el gènere i el territori com a factors explicatius centrals que permetin superar la disjuntiva entre l’oferta i la demanda del mercat de treball.
- Jornada “Jóvenes en perpetuo tránsito hacia ninguna parte” que se celebrarà el proper 27 de gener, a la Sala de Plens del Consell de Treball, Econòmic i Social de Catalunya
- XII Jornadas para la Igualdad “Galdakao por la conciliación y la corresponsabilidad: nuevos retos para la igualdad”, organitzades per l’Àrea d’Igualtat de l’Ajuntament de Galdakao
Participant: Vicent Borràs
Semminar or conference title: XII Jornadas para la Igualdad “Galdakao por la conciliación y la corresponsabilidad: nuevos retos para la igualdad”, organitzades per l’Àrea d’Igualtat de l’Ajuntament de Galdakao
Action title: Nuevos enfoques de los tiempos de vida y los trabajos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOXPB_M7h9s
Year: 2016
Notes: Ponencia de Vicent Borràs en las XII jornadas de Igualdad celebradas en Galdakao el 15 de noviembre 2016 en Torrezabal KE. Este año, centradas en la conciliación y la desigualdad existente en el ámbito laboral y en el de los cuidados.
- Primeres Jornades de Perspectiva “El treball, protagonista del canvi social”, Organitzades del 27 al 29 de setembre a Barcelona per la Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía (FSC) estatal de CCOO
Participant: Teresa Torns
Semminar or conference title: Primeres Jornades de Perspectiva “El treball, protagonista del canvi social”, Organitzades del 27 al 29 de setembre a Barcelona per la Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía (FSC) estatal de CCOO
Action title: Presente y futuro del trabajo. http://www.ccoo.cat/pdf_documents/programa_perspectiva.pdf
Year: 2016
Notes: Durant tres dies es debatrà sobre l’evolució del treball i de l’economia, sobre el paper del sindicat en el canvi social i sobre drets i democratització relacionats amb la participació i el control sindical.
- Conference day “25 years of research on work and everyday life”.
Participant: QUIT
Semminar or conference title: Conference day “25 years of research on work and everyday life”
Action title:
Year: 2016
Conference day to debate and thoughs in the context of sociology and work environments, with the attendance of experts and professionals in the field to commemorate the 25th anniversary of QUIT. The task carried out by the organization was discussed during the conference, recalling the origins: The QUIT was born by the inititative of teachers and doctoral students of the Department of Sociology of the UAB with the aim of investigating the world of work understood in a broad sense that encompasses all areas, spaces and social times of its development.
An exhibition was also held in the Social Sciences library in order to show the scientific production of the QUIT, making available to users a small selection of documents published on paper and an exhaustive sample of electronic documents accessible via QR codes.
A web page was also published with the lines of research, scientific production, seminars and conferences, events and a photographic gallery of the 25 years of the institution to commemorate the anniversary.
- “La díficil representación de los trabajadores temporales y el desafío del contrato único”
Semminar or conference title: “La díficil representación de los trabajadores temporales y el desafío del contrato único”
Action title:
Year: 2016
Notes: Local Dissemination of the project “The Collective Bargaining and Representative ness of temporary workers in Europe”
- “Profesionalización oficios de género Promoviendo la igualdad de género en el empleo”
Semminar or conference title: “Profesionalización oficios de género
Promoviendo la igualdad de género en el empleo”Action title:
Year: 2016
Notes: La Jornada se enmarca en el proyecto europeo PASSAGE (Professionnalisation Aux SavoirS Autour du Genre et de l’Égalité), coordinado por la Universidad de Lyon 2, y con la participación de la Universidad de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, de la ABO Academie, de la Universidad de Bucarest, la Universidad libre de Bruxelles, la Universidad de Padova y la propia Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, junto a las universidades de Génève y Lausanne, como partners asociados.
- Jornada: De brechas y quebrantos. Salario, cuidado y conciliación, organitzades pel Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social, y Grupo de Investigación CIVERSITY de UPV/EHU
Participant: Sara Moreno
Semminar or conference title: Jornada: De brechas y quebrantos. Salario, cuidado y conciliación, organitzades pel Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social, y Grupo de Investigación CIVERSITY de UPV/EHU
Action title: La conciliación: entre la realidad y el deseo. http://www.ehu.eus/documents/1760370/5352995/BIZKAIA+ARETOA_definitivo1_.pdf
Year: 2016
- XXVII JORNADES UNIVERSITAT-EMPRESA: Joventut i Treball. Situació actual i perspectives de futur, orfganitzades pel Dep. D’Economia Aplicada de la Universitat de Lleida
Participant: Sara Moreno
Semminar or conference title: XXVII JORNADES UNIVERSITAT-EMPRESA: Joventut i Treball. Situació actual i perspectives de futur, orfganitzades pel Dep. D’Economia Aplicada de la Universitat de Lleida
Action title: ponència: Joventut i treball
Year: 2016
- Congrés | Nous usos del temps per a la inclusió i la cohesió social
Participant: Vicent Borràs
Semminar or conference title: Congrés | Nous usos del temps per a la inclusió i la cohesió social
Action title: El benestar quotidià. L’impacte dels usos del temps en la salut i el benestar de les persones.
Year: 2016
- Jornada “Los salarios durante la crisis económica y su incidencia en el ASAC y los sistemas de solución de conflictos”
Participant: Núria Sánchez Mira
Semminar or conference title: Jornada “Los salarios durante la crisis económica y su incidencia en el ASAC y los sistemas de solución de conflictos”
Action title: Los efectos de la crisis exonómica en la brecha salarial. http://www.ccoo.es/cms/g/public/o/2/o204912.pdf
Year: 2016
Notes: DDD
- XII Jornadas para la Igualdad “Galdakao por la conciliación y la corresponsabilidad: nuevos retos para la igualdad”, organitzades per l’Àrea d’Igualtat de l’Ajuntament de Galdakao
- 2015
- Jornada “Joves, Xarxes i Mercat de Treball.,Aportacions des de la Sociologia
Participant: QUIT
Semminar or conference title: Jornada “Joves, Xarxes i Mercat de Treball.,Aportacions des de la Sociologia
Action title: Ponències: “Trajectòries i xarxes socials. Enquestes o entrevistes?” a càrrec de Joan Miquel Verd
Year: 2014
Notes: DDD?
- Jornada “Com viure la vellesa i la dependència”, organitzada per l/Associació d’Amics de la UAB
Participant: Teresa Torns
Semminar or conference title: Jornada “Com viure la vellesa i la dependència”, organitzada per l/Associació d’Amics de la UAB
Action title:
Year: 2014
Notes: http://www.amicsuab.cat/portal1/content.asp?contentid=980
- Jornada “Joves, Xarxes i Mercat de Treball.,Aportacions des de la Sociologia
- Jornada final estudio “Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano”
Semminar or conference title: Jornada final estudio “Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano”
Action title:
Year: 2013
Notes: Esta Jornada nace ligada al proyecto “Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano” (PROFESOC), financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer, que pretende explorar la profesionalización del cuidado de larga duración.
- Cicle de conferències “A contracorrent. L’impacte de la crisi en les trajectòries juvenils”
Semminar or conference title: Cicle de conferències “A contracorrent. L’impacte de la crisi en les trajectòries juvenils”
Action title: Ponència ” Deixar els estudis i començar a treballar: una transició sota pressió” a càrrec de Mireia Bolíbar. http://joventut.info/?p=3712&lang=es
Year: 2013
Notes: difondre alguns dels resultats de l’informe de l’EJC12.
- jornada El principi d’igualtat en la negociació col·lectiva, organitzada per la Direcció General de Relacions Laborals i Qualitat en el Treball
Participant: Pilar Carrasquer
Semminar or conference title: jornada El principi d’igualtat en la negociació col·lectiva, organitzada per la Direcció General de Relacions Laborals i Qualitat en el Treball
Action title:
Year: 2013
- Conferència de difusió “Immigració en un nou mercat de treball: Polítiques i estratègies”
Participant: QUIT
Semminar or conference title: Conferència de difusió “Immigració en un nou mercat de treball: Polítiques i estratègies”
Action title:
Year: 2013
Notes: donar a conèixer els resultats d’un estudi dut a terme durant el últims dos anys, l’objectiu general del qual ha estat, d’una banda, realitzar un diagnòstic que ens permeti veure – comparativament amb el col·lectiu autòcton- les potencialitats de la mà d’obra immigrant i per un altre, proporcionar elements per a elaborar línies estratègiques de requalificació i adaptació a les necessitats del mercat de treball.
Alhora vol servir de fòrum de debat sobre aquelles polítiques que poden afavorir la consolidació d’ocupació de qualitat entre un col·lectiu especialment vulnerable a la crisi econòmica. - Jornada: L’organització social de la cura de llarga durada: el debat entorn la seva professionalització”
Semminar or conference title: Jornada: L’organització social de la cura de llarga durada: el debat entorn la seva professionalització”
Action title:
Year: 2013
Notes: La Jornada té com a finalitat contribuir al debat sobre la necessitat de trobar respostes per fer front a la cura de llarga durada.
- Jornada final estudio “Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano”
- Xerrada: La gestió del temps i del treball de les dones en temps de crisis”, organitzada per l’ajuntament de Sabadell
Participant: Teresa Torns
Semminar or conference title: Xerrada: La gestió del temps i del treball de les dones en temps de crisis”, organitzada per l’ajuntament de Sabadell
Action title: Ponències: “L’estat de la qüestió sobre la cura de llarga durada a Espanya” a càrrec de Carolina Recio i “L’organització de la cura de llarga durada: reptes de futur” amb Sara Moreno.
Year: 2009
Notes: Organització: Programa d’Igualtat Dona – Home
- Xerrada: La gestió del temps i del treball de les dones en temps de crisis”, organitzada per l’ajuntament de Sabadell
Past events
- Jornada Ciència – Cognitiva i Investigació Social
14 d’Octubre 2004
Organitzada pel Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT, juntament amb el Grup de Recerca i d’Estudis Sociojurídics (GRES)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Jornada “L’organització social del temps”
30 de gener de 2004
Organitzada pel Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT dintre del marc de la recerca sobre el temps de treball a la negociació col·lectiva
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Dona i ciència: les pioneres en ciències socials
20 i 21 de novembre de 2003
Seminari organitzat pel Centre d’Estudis QUIT i el Seminari d’Estudis de la Dona amb el suport de l’Instituto de la Mujer
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia, UAB
- Seminari sobre “Conciliació″
7 de febrer de 2003
Organitzat amb motiu de la presentació de l’estudi finançat per l’nstituto de la Mujer.
Ponència: “Tiempos, trabajo y família: una cuestión de género”, a càrrec de la Cristina Carrasco i l’Albert RecioPonència: “Propostes d’intervenció per a la conciliació d’horaris familiars, escolars i laborals”, a càrrec de Salvador Cardús
Ponència: “El estudio de la doble presencia: una apuesta por la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar” a càrrec de Teresa Torns i Pilar CarrasquerFacultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia, UAB
- Treball, valors i canvi. Les ruptures de la precarietat
12 d’abril 2000
Ivan Miró i Daniel Ortiz
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia UAB
- Simposium Internacional: La Redistribución del Trabajo: Tiempo y vida cotidiana
4-5 de maig 2000
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia UAB
- La “maquiladora” mexicana en la división internacional del trabajo
17 de novembre 1999
Alfredo Hualde (Colegio de la Frontera Norte)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia UAB
- Les relacions laborals a Cuba 1959-1998
13 d’abril de 1999
Euclides Catá (Universidad de La Habana, Cuba)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia, UAB
- Relacions Laborals a Llatinoamèrica
23 de març de 1999
Héctor Lucena (Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia, UAB
- Educación y cambio social en Cuba
24 de Febrer de 1999
Ernel González (Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de La Habana), Gastón Gorrita, representant del Poder Popular de Ciudad de La Habana en Catalunya i Andreu Lope (UAB, Departament de Sociologia QUIT), amb la coordinació de Faustino Miguélez
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia, UAB
- Treball, ocupació i gestió dels recursos humans en el sector financer a Espanya
30 d’Abril de 1998
Pilar Carrasquer i Clara Llorens, amb la coordinació de Teresa Torns
UAB, Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUITFacultat de Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia, UAB
- La Reforma Laboral
29 de maig de 1997
Ramon de Alós (CERES-CONC), i l’Albert Recio (Departament Economia Aplicada, UAB), amb la coordinació d’Antonio Martín Artiles
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Anàlisi reticular d’entrevistes
13 de març de 1997
Carlos Lozares, Joel Martí i Joan Miquel Verd, UAB, Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT. Amb la col·laboració d’Aaron Cicourel (Universitat de California, San Diego)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- La crisis del empleo. Transformaciones en el trabajo
20 de novembre de 1997
Fausto Miguélez i Teresa Torns, UAB, Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- La perspectiva sociològica dins de l’estudi de comunitats a Cuba
29 de maig de 1996
Maritza Morales i Ofelia Pérez (doctorandes de la Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- L’assetjament sexual en el món del treball a Catalunya. Els grups de discussió
9 de maig de 1996
Teresa Torns (Dpt. Sociologia UAB), Vicent Borràs (Dpt. Sociologia UAB) i Alfons Romero (Dpt. Sociologia Universitat de Girona)
Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT, Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Avaluació del Programa Interdepartamental Renda Mínima d’Inserció (PIRMI)
14 de desembre de 1995
Tomás García, UAB, Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Sur la formation pour les emplois de proximité
21 i 22 setembre 1995
Pina Madami (Pari e Dispari, Milano), Chantal Rogérat (GEDDIST-CNRS, Paris), Teresa Torns (QUIT-UAB) i Colette de Troy (IRIS-CREW, Bruxelles)
Departament de Sociologia, Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- L’afiliació sindical avui
27 d’abril de 1995
Òscar Rebollo (Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Estat i etnicitat: la celebració d’Andalusia a Catalunya
6 d’abril de 1995
Adela Ros, doctoranda Universitat de Califòrnia, San Diego
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- El perfil sòcio-laboral de l’atur femení a Espanya
23 de febrer de 1995
Teresa Torns (Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Los “Social Networks”
juny de 1994
Carlos Lozares (Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Xarxes i rols socials en un grup aïllat: el cas d’un grup de científics a l’estació del Pol Sud
5 d’octubre de 1994
James Boster, Universitat d’Irving, Califòrnia
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Relacions Laborals en transició: els casos d’Argentina i Espanya
19 setembre 1994
Faustino Miguélez, Antonio Martín, Andreu Lope UAB, Departament de Sociologia, Grup QUIT
Juan Carlos Torre, Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires
Carlos Waisman, Universitat de Califòrnia, San DiegoFundació Jaume Bofill, Barcelona
- Xarxes socials: una anàlisi d’estructura social
16 de juny de 1994
Carlos Lozares, Departament de Sociologia, UAB
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Tractament multiestratègic de la investigació
7 de març de 1994
Carlos Lozares, Departament de Sociologia, UAB i Aaron Cicourel, Universitat de Califòrnia, San Diego
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- La reforma del mercat de treball
13 de gener de 1994
Albert Recio, Departament d’Economia Aplicada, UAB i Faustino Miguélez, Departament de Sociologia, UAB
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- La gestió dels recursos humans a les empreses multinacionals
novembre 1993
Euroconferència Organitzada per: Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT i Industrial Relations Research Unit, IRRU
Hotel Almirante, Barcelona
- La relació salarial: lògica mercantil i altres lògiques
18 de novembre de 1993
Carlos Prieto, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Gènere i noves tecnologies
4 de maig 1993
Carme Alemany, Centre d’Estudis Dona i Societat (CEDIS)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- La segmentació del mercat de treball: aspectes metodològics de la construcció de tipologies
20 d’abril 1993
Pedro López Roldán, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- L’absentisme laboral de les dones a una institució sanitària
23 de febrer 1993
Teresa Torns i Pilar Carrasquer, Departament de Sociologia, Grup d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Gènere i pobresa
1 de desembre 1992
Rosa Birulés, Doctoranda Universitat de Brighton
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Perspectives de les relacions industrials a Europa
17 de novembre 1992
Ida Regalia, IRES-Lombardia. Istituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Relacions entre generacions: transmissió i ruptura
14 de octubre 1992
Daniel Bertaux, Centre d’Études des Mouvements Sociaux (PARIS)
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Metodologia de la investigació qualitativa
març-maig 1992
Universitat de Califòrnia, San Diego
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Interpretació hermenèutica de l’entrevista
9-20 de febrer 1992
Rainer Zoll, Universitat de Bremen
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Dona i treball a Itàlia
6-20 de gener 1992
Adele Pesce i Vittorio Capecchi, Universitat de Bologna
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Diversos seminaris entorn de “L’Economia italiana”
3-10 de desembre 1991
A. Trigilia, Universitat de Firenze
Facultat de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia, UAB
- Jornades de Sociologia Aplicada
Bellaterra, gener 1991.
Pedro López: Organització d’una gran enquesta: l’Enquesta Metropolitana.
Equip de Mètodes i Tècniques del Departament de Sociologia de la UAB
- Jornada Ciència – Cognitiva i Investigació Social
QUIT Seminars
- Precarious youth transitions: an analysis of the forms and effects of precarity on young people’s emotional well-being
Speaker: Mireia Bolíbar
Institution: Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The seminar will present the report “Salut mental, joventut i desigualtats: Una mirada integral al benestar emocional de la població jove de Catalunya”’, prepared for the Catalan Youth Agency. In this report, the authors have studied the inequalities in emotional well-being among young people and the related social and economic factors. Adopting the perspective of the social determinants of health, they analyse the relationship between young people’s emotional discomfort and the lengthening and precariousness of youth transitions at the labour, economic and family levels.
Date: 19/11/2024
- Industrial democracy and algorithmic management: the Spanish case in comparative perspective
Speaker: Óscar Molina, Alejandro Godino & Sander Junte
Institution: Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The seminar presented the results of the INCODING (Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management) project, which analyses the role of collective bargaining in regulating greater transparency in the design and implementation of AI-based systems that influence the organisation of work.
Date: 19/06/2024
- Characteristics of working in all-inclusive resorts in the Dominican Republic
Speaker: Ernest Cañada
Institution: Researcher at the University of the Balearic Islands and member of Alba Sud
Tourism growth in the Dominican Republic has been steady since the 1990s. After the interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, its reactivation has been even more intense and the country leads tourism growth in the Caribbean. The main area in which this development has taken place is the Macao area in Punta Cana, in the province of La Altagracia. This development has been managed mainly by hotel chains, mostly Spanish, under the all-inclusive formula. This model has been critically analysed for the lack of integration it generates in its surroundings, reproducing exclusionary dynamics. There has also been strong attention to phenomena associated with sex tourism. However, less attention has been paid to the characteristics and quality of the employment it generates, as well as to its labour relations. This presentation aims to share an ongoing research that aims to broaden the understanding of the type of employment generated by all-inclusive resorts in relation to working conditions and labour relations. The research, basically ethnographic in nature, has been developed through five stays between 2017 and 2023, with direct observation in three areas (inside hotels, at Hoyo Friusa, a suburb of Bávaro, and in the dormitory town of Higüey, in the same province of La Altagracia) and in-depth interviews with 140 people (workers and managers of hotels and professionals linked to the sector). The results of the research show how low salaries turn these hotels into places where workers are constantly trying to find other sources of income in multiple ways. In addition, the flexibility and cost-saving policies imposed by the companies generate terrible employment and working conditions. Finally, the absence of a class-based trade union organisation means that workers are unable to defend their demands through organisations that respond to their interests. Consequently, they try to resolve their concerns through informal forms of protest. The growth of all-inclusive hotel tourism has not been accompanied by decent employment, but has exacerbated working poverty and precariousness.
Date: 21/05/2024
- The gender gap in time use – is it narrowing or has it stagnated?
Speaker: Joan García Román
Institution: Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
The gender gap in time use has narrowed significantly in all Western societies in recent decades. However, recent studies show a slowdown or stagnation of the reduction. The seminar will present different papers on the recent evolution of the gender gap in time use, especially in domestic work. Based on time use surveys in Spain, the Basque Country and other countries, the most recent estimates and how the gap varies according to the time of the life cycle and the composition of couples, especially in terms of the relationship with the activity and education of the partners, will be shown.
Date: 16/04/2024
- A typological proposal for self-employment in Chile and Spain
Speaker: Claudia Baeza
Institution: predoctoral researcher, ANID scholarship holder (Doctorate Scholarships Chile)
The seminar will focus on presenting the results of a comparative typological analysis of self-employed workers between Chile and Spain, the aim of which is to establish similarities and differences in the patterns of configuration of the various profiles of self-employed workers, conceptually delimiting self-employment and establishing as a hypothesis its stratification and differentiated distribution in the territory. Therefore, the aim is to provide theoretical and empirical elements for a sociological analysis that sheds light on the social reality of the group studied. The methodology is structural and articulated by combining two multivariate analysis techniques. First, a multiple correspondence analysis was carried out to determine the main differentiating factors of self-employment, and then a classification analysis was applied to obtain the typology of self-employment. We worked with data from the National Employment Survey 2019, 2020 and 2021 for Chile and the Labour Force Survey 2019, 2020 and 2021 for Spain.Finally, two main factors are obtained from the data, labelled as: “socio-occupational level” and a second factor as “degree of autonomy”. These two factors allowed us to generate three types of profiles for self-employment in Chile and Spain: high stratum; middle stratum; and agricultural stratum.Date: 19/03/2024
- Generous paternity leave entitlements in a segmented labor market: A cautionary tale of paternity leave take-up in Spain
Speaker: Dani M. Marinova
Institution: professor Serra Hunter in the Department of Political Science at the UAB
To evaluate the success of paternity leave as a progressive, equal access policy instrument, it is essential to assess it against the backdrop of preexisting labor market inequalities that condition its use. We investigate a case of an extension of unprecedented length in paternity leave provisions in Spain. Analyses of an original mixed-sample survey administered to cohorts of fathers with varying leave entitlements show that take-up increases under the longer provision but does so unevenly. While already high levels of take-up surge further among fathers in stable employment, fathers in temporary jobs, the self-employed and those at the bottom and top of the income distribution maintain lower levels of usage. The former group take on average two to nine weeks more leave with their newborns than do the latter groups. The unprecedented length of Spain’s paternity leave provision thus compounds preexisting inequalities in take-up rates. Results tell a cautionary tale of generous paternity leave provisions in the context of a segmented labor market, with bleak implications for the policy instrument’s capacity to generate social change across social strata. With the entering into force of the EU Work-life Balance Directive in 2019, other European states are considering the implementation of generous benefits for fathers, thus increasing the policy relevance of understanding how preexisting labor market segmentation shapes inequalities in the use of paternity leave in Spain.
Date: 20/02/2024
- What is precariousness? Disentangling a phenomenon that characterizes the youth generation
Speaker: Lara Maestripieri
Institution: Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Department of Political Science of the UAB and IGOP researcher
Precariousness and the growth of non-standard work have emerged as crucial factors contributing to the diversification and delay of young people’s transition to adulthood. Despite their popularity, there is a lack of clarity in the operationalisation of these concepts, especially regarding their subjective and objective components and their work and non-work dimensions. Notably, there is a critical misalignment between work-related objective indicators of precarious work (e.g. having a fixed-term contract), usually applied in surveys, and subjective-oriented approaches towards precariousness (e.g. feeling insecure), often used in qualitative studies to capture people’s perceptions and experiences that tend to go beyond a strictly work-oriented definition. This paper aims to merge these two traditions and to investigate holistically precariousness, using an original database comprising 3.012 young respondents in Spain.The findings illustrate the multidimensional nature of precariousness, with economic insecurity and work conditions as its core elements. The involuntary nature of non-standard work emerges as a key dimension of precarityDate: 05/01/2024
- Precarious youth transitions: an analysis of the forms and effects of precarity on young people’s emotional well-being
- Educational attainment and unstable employment trajectories: an exploration of discordant cases
Speaker: Alejandro González
Institution: Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
One of the variables that most influences the labour market trajectory of young people is their educational level. Thus, the labour market trajectories of individuals with low educational level are more unstable and have jobs with a lower income than those of other individuals with a different educational level. In this paper we first analyse the relationship between educational level and unstable labour market trajectories. Second, based on a sequence analysis, we classify the cases according to whether or not they are trajectories that illustrate each educational level. Third, we analyse the characteristics of the mobilized social contacts according to such classification. Lastly, we explore qualitatively the cases that do not follow the norm, i.e., the discordant cases, in order to explain qualitatively what makes them discordant. The data used for these analyses comes from a hybrid survey that gathers information on the longitudinal use of social contacts among young people with unstable labour market trajectories in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. For those with the lowest educational level, discordant cases have a better employment trajectory than such individuals tend to have. The mobilisation of personal contacts is one of the drivers used to achieve this. For those with an intermediate educational level, discordant cases are characterized by a high proportion of unemployment or inactivity. Lastly, for those with a higher educational level, who have the lowest proportion of discordant cases, these are slightly more precarious than the illustrative ones.
Date: 21/11/2023
- Adapting to the new times? The emergence of innovative practices in collective bargaining
Speaker: Óscar Molina
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Presentation of a research report for Eurofound analyzing recent developments and emerging practices in relation to collective bargaining processes and outcomes, mainly in the private sector.
The report covers collective bargaining systems in ten EU Member States and analyzes the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic and social crisis on the dynamics of collective bargaining and collective agreements. It also examines the practices and innovations that have emerged in response to structural factors such as technological change, decarbonization and climate-neutral policies, and the aging workforce. It also assesses the ability of collective bargaining systems to adapt to structural changes in work, production and the labor market, as well as medium-term trends.
See the research report here.
Date: 21/03/2023
- Beyond misclassification: algorithmic management as challenge to the Standard Employment Relationship
Speaker: Tiago Vieira
Institution: European University Institute
The by and large unregulated presence of algorithmic governance techniques in couriers’ labor process short-circuits what would otherwise be a standard employment relationship, thus undermining the regulatory efforts of the Spanish Government. To a large extent, this stems from the surveillance possibilities offered by algorithmic management, leveraged by human managers in ways that compromise the normative underpinnings of the employment relationship through systematic breach of workers’ privacy, inducement of hazardous behaviors, diminishment of workers’ autonomy and constraints to right to information.
Date: 28/02/2023
- Between control and consent: insights from dark stores into middle managers’ roles and organizational dynamics in the age of algorithmic management
Speaker: Tiago Vieira
Institution: European University Institute (Florencia)
Last decade’s technological advancements have introduced a major transformation in the world of work: the inception of algorithmic management. While workplace monitoring and assessment through performance metrics are not new, algorithmic management takes a giant leap forward by leveraging the computational and deep learning abilities of algorithms to assemble and process vast amounts of data, enabling automated or semi-automated decision-making. In light of this, some scholars have explicitly or implicitly predicted a future where the role of human managers, particularly low- and middle-level managers, will become insignificant compared to that of algorithms.However, against this potentially overly deterministic prediction, other studies have argued that the deployment of algorithmic management tools does not, and will not in the foreseeable future, eliminate the need for human managers. Indeed, middle managers remain a salient and everyday presence in the labor process of organizations despite the deployment of algorithmic tools. This is because, despite the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and computational algorithms to improve firms’ efficiency, some critical managerial traits cannot be automated.This article aims to understand how algorithmic tools reshape the role of middle managers and how this, in turn, transforms the dynamics of managerial control in workplaces. Drawing on 51 semi-structured interviews with managers and shop-floor workers from last-mile grocery delivery warehouses – a sector we consider both revelatory and critical for our purposes – our findings show that, notwithstanding the automation of several coordination-related tasks, middle and low management retains a crucial role in organizations. This role has two facets that appear contradictory but are, indeed, complementary.Date: 21/11/2023
- Men’s Entry into Paid Care Work: Opportunities and Risks
Speaker: Vicent Borràs & Joan Rodríguez Soler
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The study, commissioned by the Direcció General de Cures, Organització del Temps i Equitat en els Treballs, of the Departament d’Igualtat i Feminismes de la Generalitat de Catalunya, seeks to improve knowledge about the potential and risks of men joining care-related occupations, where women traditionally make up the majority; the ultimate aim is to point out possible lines of action in the design of public policies for the incorporation of men in care work.
Date: 31/10/2023
- Employment and wage effects ofminimum wage policy
Speaker: Ferran Elías
Institution: Universitat de València
Presentation of his research in which he estimates the effect of the minimum wage for the entire wage distribution of workers, using a new empirical approach that is particularly appropriate for national-level changes in the minimum wage. In particular, it uses the old wage distributions to develop a counterfactual using the difference-in-differences technique.The results include negative employment effects, large wage growth for the affected workers and a significant increase in wages across the distribution. The employment adjustment occurs through an increase in layoffs and a decrease in inflows.Date: 09/06/2023
- Caregiving in inequality, a comparative analysis of the distribution of unpaid care work in Mexico and Argentina from a gender and legal perspective.
Speaker: Camila Buffarini
Institution: Universidad Autònoma de México
Her research aims to analyse the convergences and divergences in the current distribution of unpaid care work in Mexico and Argentina, in order to bring together the conceptualisation of the human right to care and comprehensive care systems. The analysis is based on a critical theoretical framework, called the gender critique of law, incorporates the tools provided by the human rights approach, the gender perspective and intersectionality, and seeks to demonstrate that the lack of recognition, redistribution and reduction of women’s unpaid care work violates the human rights to care, equality and autonomy of girls and women.
Date: 09/05/2023
- Illustration of the construction of a multidimensional index with the Urban Vulnerability index
Speaker: Irene Cruz
Institution: IERMB
The analysis techniques used in the construction of urban vulnerability indices are dominated by dimension reduction strategies, among which principal component analysis (PCA) stands out. Apart from its virtues, such as simplicity and interpretability, PCA has certain limitations that must be borne in mind. On the one hand, PCA, like factor analysis (FA), treats all variables together, under the assumption that they are all related to the underlying dimensions, so that they do not allow for an organised analysis along dimensions. This makes comparability between annuities very difficult, due to the fact that there is no certainty that the information contained in the first factor of the analysis of one annuity corresponds to that of the following annuity. To overcome these limitations, structural equation models are proposed in the literature, which make it possible to configure a much more stable factor structure by controlling the various dimensions that group together the indicators involved in the analysis, making them comparable over time. The session will illustrate the methodology followed to construct the Urban Vulnerability Index following this procedure, and the main results obtained will be presented.
Date: 25/04/2023
- Stagnant evolution? Theoretical reflections and empirical analysis through the distribution of reproductive work among cohabiting couples in Andalusia
Speaker: María Cascales
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla
Date: 23/05/2023
- The processes of social mobility in comparative perspective between Chile and Spain
Speaker: Cristian Segura-Carrillo
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The objective of the seminar is to present the analysis of social inequality from the perspective of social mobility, comparing Spain and Chile, countries that share a late industrialization process, even though they represent different contexts in terms of level of development and social model.
In this sense, following the research tradition on social stratification and mobility of the ISA Research Committee 28, a quantitative design is proposed using secondary information sources, with national bases for Chile and Spain. An analysis by cohorts and by sex is carried out. Social class is considered as the analytical axis from the perspective of EGP (Erikson, Golthorpe and Portocarrero, 1979, 1993) and the adjustments proposed by Ganzeboom and Treiman (1996) that support international comparison, using a categorization of 6 classes. Absolute mobility is analyzed by observing the social structure in both countries, as well as relative mobility to study equality of opportunity using log-linear models. As a result, differences by gender and cohort are observed. However, even though the weight of social origin has diminished, it continues to be present in intergenerational class movements. In particular, in the Chilean case, this association is much stronger for both sexes; in the Spanish case, men tend to have a stronger social origin-destination association, but women considerably diminish this association. In both countries, the effect of educational expansion is key to social mobility.Date: 24/01/2023
- Precariousness and public employment in terms of gender. A look at municipal services in Chile
Speaker: Betzabeth Marín
Institution: PhD student of the Sociology Programme of the UAB and CONICYT scholarship holder
A doctoral thesis that seeks to explain the factors that influence the feminisation of labour precariousness in Chilean municipal employment, from a gender perspective. Research in the sector is scarce and non-existent from this perspective, hence the importance of its inclusion as an approach. Transversally, two theoretical objects are addressed: 1) the objective dimensions of job insecurity and its link with 2) gender segregation in municipal services: administration, health and education.Through a design that articulates quantitative and qualitative data, it is proposed to demonstrate that, on the one hand, Chilean municipal services have a highly heterogeneous and sexually segregated employment structure, reproducing territorial and labour market inequalities, and that 2) the particularities of job insecurity in municipal employment go beyond the dichotomous view of precarious/non-precarious, usually associated with one of its dimensions: job stability, i.e. the temporary/permanent binomial. The construction of a typology of precarious profiles makes it possible to show the various forms and degrees to which multidimensional precariousness affects the public workforce.Date: 05/12/2023
- Educational attainment and unstable employment trajectories: an exploration of discordant cases
- When Woman is no longer spelled with M for Mother. A study of professional women who choose not to become mothers
Speaker: Tania Corsetti
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR)
The existence of women who decide not to be mothers in a labor context where the conflict between reproductive work – as a result of the exercise of maternity – and productive work acquire an intensity as never before in the history of capitalism, led to the construction of a research, whose problematic refers to the incidence of professional development and work in the decision not to exercise maternity, and its relationship with the identity processes that working women construct.
Date: 21/11/2022
- Spanish workers in the Netherlands: an x-ray of the exploitation system in the distribution and logistics sector
Speaker: Sander Junte
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The precariousness and lack of opportunities that characterize the Spanish labor market have led many Spaniards in recent years to choose to move to other countries, including the Netherlands. Contrary to expectations, they land in a system of harsh working and living conditions.The seminar will present the main results of a research project that aimed to learn about this system and the experiences of a colony of Spanish workers in it.Date: 25/10/2022
- Racism, Place, and Space: White Sanctuaries, U.S. Museums, and Maintaining the Status Quo
Speaker: David G. Embrick
Institution: University of Connecticut
The Art Institute of Chicago – a nationally recognized museum – as a white sanctuary, i.e., a white institutional space within a racialized social system that serves to reassure whites of their dominant position in society. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how museums create and mantain white spaces within the greater context of being an institution for the general public.Date: 14/06/2022
- Sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace: a qualitative approach
Speakers: Sara Moreno & Vicent Borràs
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The main objective of the study is to carry out a qualitative approach to sexual and gender-based harassment in order to understand the perceptions, experiences and socially shared imaginaries that are part of the phenomenon in the workplace. Specifically, the aim is to analyze the sociocultural background that acts as a context and support for the existence and persistence of sexual and gender-based harassment beyond its quantification. In this sense, the specific objectives are to identify, describe and explain the social factors that make the phenomenon possible, as well as the elements of change and continuity that have occurred in recent years. Finally, the results obtained allow us to point out some recommendations on lines of action, as well as a set of suggestions for the design of a possible survey on male violence in the workplace.Date: 24/05/2022
- The effect of occupational training on employment
Speaker: Álvaro Fernández Junquera
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
This study, financed by the Employment Service of Catalonia, deals with one of the active labor market policies implemented by the public employment services in Spain, namely occupational training. These actions, aimed primarily at the group of unemployed people, consist of the offer of training courses framed in the labor system. This paper evaluates the causal effect of participation in occupational training courses on the probability of finding employment, based on data from the “Survey of Educational-Training Transition and Labor Market Insertion” and the “Survey of Labor Market Insertion of University Graduates”, both published by the INE in 2019.Date: 26/04/2022
- Active employment policies as an indirect source of social capital among young people with precarious insertion trajectories.
Speakers: Joan Miquel Verd & Joan Rodríguez Soler
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The insertion of young people in the labour market is a constant in the European policy and research agendas. The recent economic and health crises have only increased the concern about the labour insertion of this group. Active employment policies have been one of the instruments used to improve the employment situation of young people. However, the orientation of these policies has been called into question due to the limited effectiveness that they have often shown. The longitudinal perspective adopted in the article makes it possible to deepen the understanding of the role that active employment policies may have in the unstable employment trajectories of young people. The results highlight a limited capacity of these policies in order to modify youth labour market trajectories and the low perception that this young people have of them as corrective or improvement instruments of their trajectories.Date: 22/02/2022
- When Woman is no longer spelled with M for Mother. A study of professional women who choose not to become mothers
- The more you search the less you find: low qualified job seekers and online job search
Speakers: Guillaume Dumont
Institution: Centre de Recherche OCE de Emlyon Business School
Drawing on in-depth interviews with unemployed workers, this article explores how low qualified job seekers experience the online job search process. By taking the digitalization of the access to labor markets as a starting point, we uncover three main activities – crafting, applying, reviewing – central to the online job search process and analyze their performance by job seekers. We show that their use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for employment purpose sparks strong tensions and dilemmas shaping how they experience job search, ultimately preventing them from using ICTs to secure work but also increasing their vulnerability on the labor market.
Date: 24/11/2021
- Dual vet and school-to work transition of young people: the social actors perspective
Speakers: Daniel Barrientos
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Dual Vocational Education and Training arises in Spain within the European policies about employment and training for young people. However, the lack of an indepth legislation, the high level of unemployment and the poor resources, caused by the economic crisis, or the low role played by the Administration, has led to a limited model. Every Autonomous Community, productive sector, high school or company, has implemented their owns solutions for each limitation, developing different models in Spain. This situation does not allow us to conclude that Dual VET improves the school-to-work transition only by itself, but rather there are some conditions that must be fulfilled in its implementation to achieve the positive effects aimed. This article studies the perspectives of social actors who design and implement the model to analyse the development and possibilities of the Dual VET
Date: 20/10/2021
- Drivers of Youth Labour Market Integration Across European Regions
Speakers: Rosario Scandurra
Institution: researcher Juan de la Cierva of the Department of Sociology of UAB
Territorial disparities and youth labour markets have been often considered as separated themes, due to challenges in data availability. Comparative regional or sub-regional research on youth labour market integration (YLMI) have been therefore scarce. In this article, we address this gap by presenting a composite measure of YLMI that covers a wide range of indicators and sheds light on the EU territorial divide of young peoples’ opportunities at regional level. In order to build the YLMI index, we use benefit-of-the doubtweighting, a seminal methodology on composite indicators (CI) that combines sequence with conditional weights based on the range of each sub-indicator. To proof the usefulness of YLMI, we analyze the evolution of regional YLMI in the EU before and after the economic crisis; and the trends of homogenization or differentiation across EU territories. Furthermore, we investigate to what extent employment conditions, skills supply and technological resources explain cross-regional variations in YLMI.
Date: 29/06/2021
- Changes in the times, changes in jobs: The masculinization of domestic work and the feminization of care work
Speakers: Vicent Borràs & Sara Moreno
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Presentation of the results of an investigation that aimed to analyze the changes in the uses of time, based on the comparative analysis of the two editions of the Time Employment Survey 2020/03 – 2009/10. The main results show that there has been a generational change in dedications to domestic work and care work, both on the part of women and men; There has not been a division of work, but changes in dedications to certain tasks.
Date: 26/05/2021
- Analysis of the gender regimes of political organizations: a comparison according to the degree of institutionalization
Speaker: Núria Alcaraz
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The objective of this research is to know the effects of the degree of institutionalization of political organizations on the gender relations established in them. The analysis of gender relations in political participation has focused mainly on the lack of interest of women in politics and on how their social position hinders their participation in the public space. However, focusing on the analysis of political organizations, and on how they produce and reproduce gender norms and practices, allows us to go further and understand how gender relations take place in the everyday life of organizations by shaping their gender regimes. Most of the studies have dealt separately with political parties and social movements. The main question of this research lies in questioning whether the degree of institutionalization of political organizations has an effect on the configuration of their gender regimes and their capacity to transform themselves into more equitable organizations. For this, a qualitative strategy is characterized by the time structure generated, the horizontal and vertical segregation of tasks and agencies, and the resistance to change of three representative case studies of the different degrees of institutionalization. At the same time, the intersectional perspective is incorporated to explain how gender regimes have differentiated effects based on the social position of women.
Date: 24/03/2021
- Bargaining in Networks. A Comparative Analysis of Coordination in Collective Bargaining
Speaker: Òscar Molina
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
The analysis of collective bargaining coordination has attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers since the early 1990s, but has witnessed a renaissance more recently in the context of generalised de-centralization and the new constraints imposed by the EMU. Originally, ‘coordination’ was presented as a dimension of collective bargaining that was considered an alternative to ‘centralization’, as it focused on processes rather than structures. However, the reality was that all coordination indexes and scores (CITE data sources) have tended to reflect structural characteristics of collective bargaining, and have provided very little insights on the processes and relational aspects underpinning coordination. The objective of the NETWIR project is to provide an alternative assessment of how coordination takes places in different collective bargaining systems and sectors. To do this, the project will adopt a behavioural and relational view, based on the methodological and analytical tools of Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Date: 24/02/2021
- The more you search the less you find: low qualified job seekers and online job search
- Representación sindical y activismos feministas. La experiencia de la Intersindical de mujeres en Argentina
Speaker: Tania Rodríguez
Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires
Date: 10/03/2020
- Digitalization in the Retail Sector: a comparative case study between Italy and Spain Industrial Relations’
Speaker: Arianna Marcolin
Institution: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa)
In this moment of profound changes of all the aspects of society, also the retail sector has been altered by technological innovations, which have been identified as the spread of omni-channel strategies, the introduction of touch-screen totem and implementation of tablets and bracelets for workers. These changes should improve shopping experience for consumers but, at the same time, have consequences on employment conditions, influencing employers’ association and trade unions actions and finally shaping collective agreements content. In particular, regarding trade unions strategies, this research aims to identify three different categories of reactions: neglect, reject and accommodate, in order to provide a categorization useful for analysing trade unions actions also in other sectors.
Therefore, based on the actor-centred neo institutionalism theoretical framework, within the analytical perspective of Varieties of Capitalism and sector-based approach, this research aims to address a hole in the literature, comparing the Italian and Spanish retail sector technological innovations in relation to alterations of employment conditions, social actors strategies and collective agreements content.
Date: 11/02/2020
- Representación sindical y activismos feministas. La experiencia de la Intersindical de mujeres en Argentina
- Evaluating social impact: the role of entrepreneurial moral intentions in impact investing
Speaker: Guillaume Dumont
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
How can financial investors evaluate the promise to create social value made by the start-ups in which they want to invest? Multiple market tools help actors to evaluate and forecast economic action but evaluating social value raises numerous challenges outlining the intimate intertwining of morals and markets. This is particularly at stake when early stage start-ups and entrepreneurs lack track record, when social value holds different understanding, and when economic goals jeopardize moral action.
Date: 30/05/2019
- Working Poverty among Labor Market Outsiders. A Risk-based Approach to Cross-national Variation
Speaker: Dani Marinova
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Ciència Política i Dret Públic
Date: 30/04/2019
- Los poderes sindicales en contexto de (post)austeridad: retos sectoriales en Portugal
Speaker: Hermes Costa
Institution: Universidad de Coimbra
Date: 26/04/2019
- La reinserción laboral de los deportados y retornados en Guadalajara y Tijuana: ¿empleos sostenibles o empleos precarios?
Speaker: Alfredo Hualde
Institution: Colegio de la Frontera Norte (México)
Date: 14/03/2019
- Visiones del “descontrol”: problematizaciones y perspectiva sobre la cuestión de la inseguridad, la política social y el trabajo en la Argentina actual
Speaker: Tatiana Jack
Institution: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
Date: 19/02/2019
- Evaluating social impact: the role of entrepreneurial moral intentions in impact investing
- Smart’ industrial relations in the making? Insights from the analysis of union responses to digitalisation in Italy and Spain
Speaker: Stefano Gasparri
Institution: Warwick Business School
Date: 16/05/2018
- El cuidado como componente del bienestar social: desafios teóricos y de investigación
Speaker: Karina Batthyány
Institution: Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Date: 10/05/2018
- Abordar l’organització del Treball i la salut a partir de les enquestes de riscos psicosocials
Speakers: Salvador Montcada & Clara Llorens
Institution: Instituto Sindical de Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud (ISTAS)
Date: 02/05/2018
- Formación profesional dual en Alemania y España: orígenes y retos actuales
Speaker: Anika Jansen
Institution: German Economic Institute
Date: 21/02/2018
- Els indicadors de qualitat de vida com a mesura de la responsabilitat social de les empreses
Speaker: Montserrat Llobet
Institution: IGOP (UAB)
Consultora de Responsabilitat Social i Qualitat de Vida en Oqualitat – ORGANITZACIONS I QUALITAT DE VIDA
Date: 07/02/2018
- Smart’ industrial relations in the making? Insights from the analysis of union responses to digitalisation in Italy and Spain
- Desigualdad persistente en jóvenes del Uruguay (1990-2013). Análisis de la intensidad, calendario y secuencia de eventos de transición
Speaker: Verónica Filardo
Institution: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales- Universidad de la República
Date: 11/12/2017
- Movilidad social intergeneracional en Montevideo 1996-2010
Speaker: Marcelo Boado
Institution: Universidad de la República (Udelar), Uruguay
Date: 15/02/2017
- El capital social y las estrategias metodológicas para su operacionalización
Speaker: Rafael Rey
Institution: Universidad de la República (Udelar), Uruguay
Date: 15/02/2017
- Desigualdad persistente en jóvenes del Uruguay (1990-2013). Análisis de la intensidad, calendario y secuencia de eventos de transición
- “Sponsored freelancers”: How labor outsourcing challenges the entrepreneurial behavior of freelancers and supports the rise of multi-layered labor?
Speaker: Guillaume Dumont
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 14/12/2016
- Trabajo, Cuidados, Tiempo Libre, Relaciones de Género y Ordenamiento Social: del Ámbito Institucional al del Mundo de la Vida. Planteamiento Teórico – Metodológico y Plan Expositivo
Speaker: Carlos Prieto
Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Date: 13/10/2016
- Welfare Capitalist Regimes and Actor Based Research – Agency Spaces for Young Unemployed in Spain and Germany
Speaker: Christoph Gille
Institution: Universität Duisburg-Essen
Date: 05/10/2016
- ¿Una calle sin salida? Perspectivas de la democracia brasileña
Speaker: Francisco Amorim
Institution: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), de Porto Alegre (Brasil)
Date: 13/06/2016
- La construcción analítica de las trayectorias laborales desde los métodos cualitativos: desafíos para la pensar una agenda de investigación comparativa entre Europa y América Latina
Speaker: Leticia Muñiz
Institution: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FaHCE) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)
Date: 20/04/2016
- Negociación Colectiva en el sector de las Agencias de Empleo Temporal
Speaker: Marcello Pedaci
Institution: Università degli Studi di Teramo
Date: 20/04/2016
- Desigualdades en la articulación de empleo y vida familiar en España
Speaker: Núria Sánchez Mira
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 10/02/2016
- “Sponsored freelancers”: How labor outsourcing challenges the entrepreneurial behavior of freelancers and supports the rise of multi-layered labor?
- The Social Economy and worker co-operatives in the cultural industries, Catalonia
Speaker: Emma Lees
Institution: University of Sydney
Date: 16/12/2015
- Els processos de recerca laboral juvenil: l’ús del Process Tracing com a mètode d’anàlisi qualitativa
Speaker: Mattia Vacchiano
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 30/09/2015
- El trabajo doméstico no tiene quién le quiera y el de cuidados solo a veces
Speaker: Pilar Carrasquer & Teresa Torns
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 06/05/2015
- La emergencia de una ruta migratoria alterna. Inmigración e inserción laboral de hondureños en Barcelona, España
Speaker: Carolina Rivera
Institution: CIESAS (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social) México
Date: 13/04/2015
- Els treballadors autònoms. Anàlisi a partir de l’explotació de la II Enquesta Catalana de Condicions de Treball
Speaker: Joan Rodríguez Soler
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 09/02/2015
- The Social Economy and worker co-operatives in the cultural industries, Catalonia
- Statistical matching: introducción a la fusión de bases de datos
Speaker: Diego Fleitas
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 01/12/2014
- La afiliación sindical de la población inmigrante El caso de CCOO de Cataluña
Speaker: Pere Jódar & Antonio Martín
Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Date: 30/06/2014
- Malalts crònics i mercat laboral: la feina, la baixa i les seves problemàtiques
Speaker: Lina Masana
Institution: Universidad Rovira i Virgili
Date: 16/06/2014
- ¿Aporta algo al conocimiento de la dinámica laboral el análisis de las ofertas de empleo en internet? El caso de Infojobs
Speaker: Rosa Marrero
Institution: Universidad de La Laguna
Date: 12/05/2014
- Transicions i trajectòries laborals en temps de crisis i austeritat (2007-2011). Una primera identificació de la població espanyola de 20 a 60 anys afectada per canvis en el mercat de treball
Speaker: Martí López
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 28/04/2014
- Labor organization and employment relations in Italian call centers during the crisis
Speaker: Vincenzo Fortunato
Institution: Universidad de Calabria
Date: 31/03/2014
- Diferències i desigualtats (Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya (2012)
Speaker: Sara Moreno
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 03/03/2014
- Salut i joves (Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya (2012)
Speaker: Josep Espluga
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Date: 03/02/2014
- El impacto de la crisis en las trayectorias laborales de las personas jóvenes residentes en Cataluña. (Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya (2012))
Speaker: Mireia Bolibar, Joan Miquel Verd & Oriol Barranco
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 13/01/2014
- Statistical matching: introducción a la fusión de bases de datos
- ¿Cómo investigar los procesos de trabajo artístico?
Speaker: Dafne Muntanyola
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 02/12/2013
- The Quebec’s socio-politic context
Speaker: Axel Vandenberg
Institution: McGill University, Montreal
Date: 06/05/2013
- Estudi d’anàlisi sobre el treball no remunerat a Catalunya
Speaker: Sara Moreno & Vicent Borràs
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball
Date: 15/04/2013
- Agency” as a Red Herring in Social Theory
Speaker: Axel Vandenberg
Institution: McGill University, Montreal
Date: 04/03/2013
- ¿Cómo investigar los procesos de trabajo artístico?