Daniel Barrientos Sánchez

Daniel Barrientos Sánchez

Teacher and researcher

Graduate in Psychology by the University of Salamanca (USAL). He has studied a University Master in Learning Process by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and other one in Teacher Training – specialised in Educational Guidance by the National University of Distance Education (UNED).

He has been a student representative in USAL and national coordinator of the Psychology Students Collective (CEP-PIE) (2010-2014) and he has participated in some voluntary projects, the last one in Greece working with refugees (2016).

In February 2022 he defended his doctoral thesis entitled “The relationship between training and employment in dual vocational training. Implications for the school-work transition” directed by Dr. Antonio Martín Artiles and Dr. Andreu Lope Peña, developed with a FPI grant within the project “Impact of training at workplace level on youth’s pathway career. Proposals for improvement” (ref. CSO2015-68134-R, AEI/FEDER,UE).

He is currently working as teacher and researcher at University Isabel I and he participates at different projects collaborating with QUIT and EFI (research groups at UAB) about education, youth, dual vocational training, educational segregation and Gender Wage Gap.

Areas of specialization

His research is focused on dual VET, school-to-work transition, labour trajectories, labour insertion, Gender Wage Gap, educational segregation and refugees.

Selected bibliography

BARRIENTOS, Daniel (2022). La relación entre formación y empleo en la FP dual. Implicaciones para la transición escuela-trabajo.[Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/674919

BARRIENTOS, Daniel (2021). La FP dual y el fomento del empleo juvenil. Gaceta sindical. Reflexión y debate,36, 153-176

GODINO, Alejandro; BARRIENTOS, Daniel (2021). Permited to work but lacking opportunities to integrate – asylym seekers and refugees on the mezzanine in Spain. In Béla GALCÓCZI (ed.) Betwixt and between: Integrating refugees into the EU labour market (pp. 219-246). Brussels: ETUI aisbl

BARRIENTOS, Daniel; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; LOPE, Andreu; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2020). Propuestas para mejorar y expandir la FP dualDipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB https://ddd.uab.cat/record/219313

BARRIENTOS, Daniel; MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; LOPE, Andreu; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2019). La FP dual y la transición de los jóvenes al mercado de trabajo: la visión de los agentes socialesAnuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales, 6, 75-94.

MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; BARRIENTOS, Daniel; MOLES, Benjamí, LOPE, Andreu (2019). Política de formación dual: discursos con Alemania en el imaginario. Política y Sociedad, 56 (1), 145-167.

MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; LOPE, Andreu; BARRIENTOS, Daniel; MOLES, Benjamí; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MOLINA, Oscar (2018): Transición, trayectorias y discursos. Análisis de grupos de discusión. QUIT Working paper series, 23.

MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; LOPE, Andreu; BARRIENTOS, Daniel; MOLES, Benjamí (2018): Aprendiendo a trabajar: trayectorias y discursos. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, nº 164, 115-134.

MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; LOPE, Andreu; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MOLINA, Oscar; BARRIENTOS, Daniel; MOLES, Benjamí (2017): Adecuación y demanda de formación en la empresa. La inencontrable adecuación entre formación y ocupación. Anuario IET de trabajo y relaciones laborales4.

MARTÍN-ARTILES, Antonio; LOPE, Andreu;CARRASQUER, Pilar; MOLINA, Oscar; MOLES, Benjamí; BARRIENTOS, Daniel (2017): Impacto de la formación en la empresa sobre las trayectorias laborales de los jóvenes. Definición del marco conceptual. Reflexiones en torno al reto de la formación en la empresa. QUIT Working paper series, 21.

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