Contribution to the general report of the 2022 youth survey in Catalonia

This report focuses, on the one hand, on showing the current situation of Catalan youth aged 15 to 34 based on a series of indicators on most areas of life. On the other hand, it offers a joint analysis of the educational, work and emancipation path followed by young people aged 28 to 34, and how the type of path followed is related to the current well-being or vulnerability of the young person The report is based on data from the 2022 Catalan Youth Survey.

Start date: 17/10/2022
Finish date: 30/06/2023
Funding: Agència Catalana de la Joventut
Reference: ACJ-2022-20004
Principal investigator: Joan Miquel Verd
Team: Sara Moreno Colom, Oriol Barranco,  Joan Rodríguez Soler, Daniel Barrientos, Alejandro González Heras

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