Changes in the uses of time and the transformation of everyday habits

The objective is to identify, describe and explain the main trends of change in the use and distribution of time in order to analyse the possible implications on everyday habits from a gender perspective. From a mixed methodological strategy, the aim is to detect the trends of change in the time dedicated to domestic and care work, as well as their impact on health, food and consumption. The results obtained should allow to point out lines for future action against an increase of discomfort daily life and social inequalities.

Start date: 10/07/2019
Finish date: 31/10/2020
Fundin: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa
Reference: 17583
Principal investigator: Vicent Borràs
Team: Sara Moreno


Moreno, Sara; Borràs, Vicent (2020): Els canvis en els usos del temps i la transformació dels hàbits quotidians. Resum executiu. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Moreno-Colom, Sara & Borràs Català, Vicent (2021). Menos tiempo de cocina, más tiempo de consumo: ¿más igualdad de género?. Revista de economía crítica, 31, 121-138.

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