Changes in the Spanish employment model

This research arises from the spectacular increase of the total economically active population experienced in Spain in the period 1997-2006, rising from 13.2 million to 19.5 million. More than 3 million of this increase is due to immigrant population.
So, it could be told that the presence of this collective is one of the features that characterizes a decade in which Spanish women presence has had a very significant rise, not in quantitative terms but in terms of social importance if comparing with previous decades.
Both collectives have, therefore, a key role in some of the changes happened in the Spanish labour market in the last times. However, in order to understand what is happening, we think that we should tackle the issue from the perspective of the model of employment and not simply from the labour market approach.
So, some questions come up from such data and are in the core of this research: what changes, and in what extend, have been introduced by such increments of women and immigrants participation in the Spanish model of employment, particularly in certain sectors?, can we talk of modernization of such a model of employment in the sense of promoting equal opportunities between men and women and overcoming discrimination derived from the traditional division of the work according to gender condition?

Start date: 01/01/2009

Finish date: 01/12/2011

Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Grant agreement number: CSO2008-01321

Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio Martín Artiles, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Vicent Borràs, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno

Documents and publications:

BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; TORNS, Teresa (2012): “Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, núm. 51-52, pp.131-146.

MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; ALÓS, Ramon; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MARTÍN, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; MORENO, Sara (2012): “Immigrant career paths and social structure: the case of Spain”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Num. 3/Giugno , pp. 63-78.

TORNS, Teresa; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent; CARRASQUER, Pilar (2012): “Mercato del lavoro e immigrazione in Spagna: disuguaglianze di genere e di etnia”. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Nun. 3 Giugno, pp. 79-90.

BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; MORENO COLOM, Sara; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia; GRAU CASAJUST, Anna (2012): “Male Hegemony in Decline? Reflections on the Spanish Case”. Men and Masculinities, 15(4), pp. 406-423. DOI: 10.1177/1097184X12455399.

MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio.; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara; ESTEBAN, Fernando (2011): “Movilidad ascendente de la inmigración en España: ¿asimilación o segmentación ocupacional?”. PAPERS Revista de Sociologia, núm. 96 (4),, pp. 1311-1338.

MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; LÓPEZ ROLDÁN, Pedro; MOLINA, Oscar; MORENO, Sara Moreno; ESTEBAN, Fernando Osvaldo (2011): “Trayectorias laborales y asimilación ocupacional de la inmigración”. Sociología del Trabajo, Nº 72, pp. 41-62.

TORNS, Teresa; CARRASQUER, Pilar; MORENO, Sara; BORRÀS, Vicent (2013): “Career Paths in Spain: Gendered division of Labour and Informal Employment”. Revue Interventions économiques [En ligne], 47 | 2013, URL :

Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Carrasquer, Pilar; Moreno, Sara; Castelló, Laia; Grau, Anna (2011): Trayectorias laborales y de vida. Una aproximación al modelo de empleo español. QUIT Working Paper, nº17.

Las políticas de inmigración, las poíticas de igualdad y de conciliación y las políticas activas de empleo y formación ocupacionas: su influencia sobre el modelo de empleo. Informe de investigación.

Informe sobre el mercado de trabajo. Informe de Investigación.

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